Esempio n. 1
    def toRecArray(self,returnType='RealImag'):
        Function that returns a numpy.recarray for a SimpegMT impedance data object.

        :param str returnType: Switches between returning a rec array where the impedance is split to real and imaginary ('RealImag') or is a complex ('Complex')


        # Define the record fields
        dtRI = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxxr',float),('zxxi',float),('zxyr',float),('zxyi',float),
        dtCP = [('freq',float),('x',float),('y',float),('z',float),('zxx',complex),('zxy',complex),('zyx',complex),('zyy',complex),('tzx',complex),('tzy',complex)]
        impList = ['zxxr','zxxi','zxyr','zxyi','zyxr','zyxi','zyyr','zyyi']
        for src in self.survey.srcList:
            # Temp array for all the receivers of the source.
            # Note: needs to be written more generally, using diffterent rxTypes and not all the data at the locaitons
            # Assume the same locs for all RX
            locs = src.rxList[0].locs
            if locs.shape[1] == 1:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0,0.0]]),locs))
            elif locs.shape[1] == 2:
                locs = np.hstack((np.array([[0.0]]),locs))
            tArrRec = np.concatenate((src.freq*np.ones((locs.shape[0],1)),locs,np.nan*np.ones((locs.shape[0],12))),axis=1).view(dtRI)
            # np.array([(src.freq,rx.locs[0,0],rx.locs[0,1],rx.locs[0,2],np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ,np.nan ) for rx in src.rxList],dtype=dtRI)
            # Get the type and the value for the DataMT object as a list
            typeList = [[rx.rxType.replace('z1d','zyx'),self[src,rx]] for rx in src.rxList]
            # Insert the values to the temp array
            for nr,(key,val) in enumerate(typeList):
                tArrRec[key] = mkvc(val,2)
            # Masked array
            mArrRec =,mask=np.isnan(rec2ndarr(tArrRec))).view(dtype=tArrRec.dtype)
            # Unique freq and loc of the masked array
            uniFLmarr = np.unique(mArrRec[['freq','x','y','z']]).copy()

                outTemp = recFunc.stack_arrays((outTemp,mArrRec))
                #outTemp = np.concatenate((outTemp,dataBlock),axis=0)
            except NameError as e:
                outTemp = mArrRec

            if 'RealImag' in returnType:
                outArr = outTemp
            elif 'Complex' in returnType:
                # Add the real and imaginary to a complex number
                outArr = np.empty(outTemp.shape,dtype=dtCP)
                for comp in ['freq','x','y','z']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp].copy()
                for comp in ['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy','tzx','tzy']:
                    outArr[comp] = outTemp[comp+'r'].copy() + 1j*outTemp[comp+'i'].copy()
                raise NotImplementedError('{:s} is not implemented, as to be RealImag or Complex.')

        # Return
        return outArr
Esempio n. 2
    def fromRecArray(cls, recArray, srcType='primary'):
        Class method that reads in a numpy record array to MTdata object.

        Only imports the impedance data.

        if srcType == 'primary':
            src = simpegMT.SurveyMT.srcMT_polxy_1Dprimary
        elif srcType == 'total':
            src = sdsimpegMT.SurveyMT.srcMT_polxy_1DhomotD
            raise NotImplementedError(
                '{:s} is not a valid source type for MTdata')

        # Find all the frequencies in recArray
        uniFreq = np.unique(recArray['freq'])
        srcList = []
        dataList = []
        for freq in uniFreq:
            # Initiate rxList
            rxList = []
            # Find that data for freq
            dFreq = recArray[recArray['freq'] == freq].copy()
            # Find the impedance rxTypes in the recArray.
            rxTypes = [
                comp for comp in recArray.dtype.names
                if (len(comp) == 4 or len(comp) == 3) and 'z' in comp
            for rxType in rxTypes:
                # Find index of not nan values in rxType
                notNaNind = ~np.isnan(dFreq[rxType])
                if np.any(
                        notNaNind):  # Make sure that there is any data to add.
                    locs = rec2ndarr(dFreq[['x', 'y', 'z']][notNaNind].copy())
                    if dFreq[rxType] in 'complex128':
                            simpegMT.SurveyMT.RxMT(locs, rxType + 'r'))
                            simpegMT.SurveyMT.RxMT(locs, rxType + 'i'))
                        rxList.append(simpegMT.SurveyMT.RxMT(locs, rxType))
            srcList.append(src(rxList, freq))

        # Make a survey
        survey = simpegMT.SurveyMT.SurveyMT(srcList)
        dataVec = np.hstack(dataList)
        return cls(survey, dataVec)
Esempio n. 3
    def fromRecArray(cls, recArray, srcType='primary'):
        Class method that reads in a numpy record array to MTdata object.

        Only imports the impedance data.

        if srcType=='primary':
            src = SrcMT.polxy_1Dprimary
        elif srcType=='total':
            src = SrcMT.polxy_1DhomotD
            raise NotImplementedError('{:s} is not a valid source type for MTdata')

        # Find all the frequencies in recArray
        uniFreq = np.unique(recArray['freq'])
        srcList = []
        dataList = []
        for freq in uniFreq:
            # Initiate rxList
            rxList = []
            # Find that data for freq
            dFreq = recArray[recArray['freq'] == freq].copy()
            # Find the impedance rxTypes in the recArray.
            rxTypes = [ comp for comp in recArray.dtype.names if (len(comp)==4 or len(comp)==3) and 'z' in comp]
            for rxType in rxTypes:
                # Find index of not nan values in rxType
                notNaNind = ~np.isnan(dFreq[rxType])
                if np.any(notNaNind): # Make sure that there is any data to add.
                    locs = rec2ndarr(dFreq[['x','y','z']][notNaNind].copy())
                    if dFreq[rxType] in 'complex128':

        # Make a survey
        survey = Survey(srcList)
        dataVec = np.hstack(dataList)
        return cls(survey,dataVec)
Esempio n. 4
 def getUniqueTimes(self):
     time_rx = []
     for src in self.srcList:
         for rx in src.rxList:
     self.times = np.unique(np.hstack(time_rx))
Esempio n. 5
 def getUniqueTimes(self):
     time_rx = []
     for src in self.srcList:
         for rx in src.rxList:
     self.times = np.unique(np.hstack(time_rx))
Esempio n. 6
# Assign Z-value from topo
for ii in range(IPsurvey.nSrc):
    IPsurvey.srcList[ii].loc[0][2] = Ftopo(IPsurvey.srcList[ii].loc[0][0:2])
    IPsurvey.srcList[ii].loc[1][2] = Ftopo(IPsurvey.srcList[ii].loc[1][0:2])

    rx_x = IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[0][:, 0]
    rx_y = IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[0][:, 1]
    IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[0][:, 2] = Ftopo(rx_x, rx_y)

    rx_x = IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[1][:, 0]
    rx_y = IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[1][:, 1]
    IPsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs[1][:, 2] = Ftopo(rx_x, rx_y)

# Assign line ID to the survey
lineID = DC.xy_2_lineID(DCsurvey)
uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)

IPlineID = DC.xy_2_lineID(IPsurvey)

# Convert 3D locations to 2D survey
DCdobs2D = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey, lineID, 'Xloc')

IPdobs2D = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(IPsurvey, IPlineID, 'Xloc')

srcMat = DC.getSrc_locs(IPsurvey)
#DCdata[src0, src0.rxList[0]]

# Find 2D data correspondance
dataID = np.zeros(DCdobs2D.nD)
count = 0
for ii in range(DCdobs2D.nSrc):
Esempio n. 7
def convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey,lineID):
        Read DC survey and data and change
        coordinate system to distance along line assuming
        all data is acquired along line.
        First transmitter pole is assumed to be at the origin

        Assumes flat topo for now...

        :param Tx, Rx

        :figure Tx2d, Rx2d

        Edited Feb 17th, 2016

        @author: dominiquef

    from SimPEG import np

    def stn_id(v0,v1,r):
        Compute station ID along line

        dl = int( * r

        return dl

    srcLists = []

    srcMat = getSrc_locs(DCsurvey)

    # Find all unique line id
    uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)

    for jj in range(len(uniqueID)):

        indx = np.where(lineID==uniqueID[jj])[0]

        # Find origin of survey
        r = 1e+8 # Initialize to some large number

        Tx = srcMat[indx]

        x0 = Tx[0][0,0:2] # Define station zero along line

        vecTx, r1 = r_unit(x0,Tx[-1][1,0:2])

        for ii in range(len(indx)):

            # Get all receivers
            Rx = DCsurvey.srcList[indx[ii]].rxList[0].locs
            nrx = Rx[0].shape[0]

            # Find A electrode along line
            vec, r = r_unit(x0,Tx[ii][0,0:2])
            A = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

            # Find B electrode along line
            vec, r = r_unit(x0,Tx[ii][1,0:2])
            B = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

            M = np.zeros(nrx)
            N = np.zeros(nrx)
            for kk in range(nrx):

                # Find all M electrodes along line
                vec, r = r_unit(x0,Rx[0][kk,0:2])
                M[kk] = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

                # Find all N electrodes along line
                vec, r = r_unit(x0,Rx[1][kk,0:2])
                N[kk] = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

            Rx = DC.RxDipole(np.c_[M,np.zeros(nrx),Rx[0][:,2]],np.c_[N,np.zeros(nrx),Rx[1][:,2]])

            srcLists.append( DC.SrcDipole( [Rx], np.asarray([A,0,Tx[ii][0,2]]),np.asarray([B,0,Tx[ii][1,2]]) ) )

    DCsurvey2D = DC.SurveyDC(srcLists)

    DCsurvey2D.dobs = np.asarray(DCsurvey.dobs)
    DCsurvey2D.std = np.asarray(DCsurvey.std)

    return DCsurvey2D
Esempio n. 8
def convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey,lineID, flag = 'local'):
        Read DC survey and projects the coordinate system
        according to the flag = 'Xloc' | 'Yloc' | 'local' (default)
        In the 'local' system, station coordinates are referenced
        to distance from the first srcLoc[0].loc[0]

        The Z value is preserved, but Y coordinates zeroed.

        :param survey3D

        :figure survey2D

        Edited April 6th, 2016

        @author: dominiquef

    from SimPEG import np

    def stn_id(v0,v1,r):
        Compute station ID along line

        dl = int( * r

        return dl

    srcLists = []

    srcMat = getSrc_locs(DCsurvey)

    # Find all unique line id
    uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)

    for jj in range(len(uniqueID)):

        indx = np.where(lineID==uniqueID[jj])[0]

        # Find origin of survey
        r = 1e+8 # Initialize to some large number

        Tx = srcMat[indx]

        x0 = Tx[0][0,0:2] # Define station zero along line

        vecTx, r1 = r_unit(x0,Tx[-1][1,0:2])

        for ii in range(len(indx)):

            # Get all receivers
            Rx = DCsurvey.srcList[indx[ii]].rxList[0].locs
            nrx = Rx[0].shape[0]

            if flag == 'local':
                # Find A electrode along line
                vec, r = r_unit(x0,Tx[ii][0,0:2])
                A = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

                # Find B electrode along line
                vec, r = r_unit(x0,Tx[ii][1,0:2])
                B = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

                M = np.zeros(nrx)
                N = np.zeros(nrx)
                for kk in range(nrx):

                    # Find all M electrodes along line
                    vec, r = r_unit(x0,Rx[0][kk,0:2])
                    M[kk] = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)

                    # Find all N electrodes along line
                    vec, r = r_unit(x0,Rx[1][kk,0:2])
                    N[kk] = stn_id(vecTx,vec,r)
            elif flag == 'Yloc':
                """ Flip the XY axis locs"""
                A = Tx[ii][0,1]
                B = Tx[ii][1,1]
                M = Rx[0][:,1]
                N = Rx[1][:,1]

            elif flag == 'Xloc':
                """ Copy the rx-tx locs"""
                A = Tx[ii][0,0]
                B = Tx[ii][1,0]
                M = Rx[0][:,0]
                N = Rx[1][:,0]

            Rx = DC.RxDipole(np.c_[M,np.zeros(nrx),Rx[0][:,2]],np.c_[N,np.zeros(nrx),Rx[1][:,2]])

            srcLists.append( DC.SrcDipole( [Rx], np.asarray([A,0,Tx[ii][0,2]]),np.asarray([B,0,Tx[ii][1,2]]) ) )

    DCsurvey2D = DC.SurveyDC(srcLists)

    DCsurvey2D.dobs = np.asarray(DCsurvey.dobs)
    DCsurvey2D.std = np.asarray(DCsurvey.std)

    return DCsurvey2D
Esempio n. 9
plt.scatter(X, Y, c=np.reshape(d, X.shape), s=20)

ax.set_title('Forward data')

#%% First test, just brake the intersecting cells

ii = 1
ddata = 9999.

while ddata > 2.:

    ii += 1

    indx = np.unravel_index(bc, (mesh.nCx, mesh.nCy, mesh.nCz), order='F')

    xbreak = np.unique(indx[0])
    ybreak = np.unique(indx[1])
    zbreak = np.unique(indx[2])

    # Compute the new distance
    dl = np.sum(hxind[xbreak])
    dx = float(hxind[xbreak].min() / 2)
    nx = dl / dx

    hxind = np.r_[hxind[0:xbreak.min()],
                  np.ones(nx) * dx, hxind[xbreak.max():]]

    dl = np.sum(hyind[ybreak])
    dy = float(hyind[ybreak].min() / 2)
    ny = dl / dy