def check_out(self, undolist=[]):
     index = self.widget.get_active()
     if index != self.old_value:
         model = self.widget.get_model()
         value = model[index][1]
         uwrap.smart_set(self.container, self.key, value, undolist=undolist)
         self.old_value = index
    def check_out(self, undolist=[]):

        # TOOD: make sure we are finished with editing the treeview
        ul = UndoList().describe("Set Line Property")

        model = self.treeview.get_model()
        model_lines = []

        def get_column(column, default=None):
            Returns the value of the specified column from the model, or if
            it is an empty string, returns the default value given.
            rv = model.get_value(treeiter, column)
            if isinstance(rv, basestring) and len(rv) == 0:
                return default
                return rv
        treeiter = model.get_iter_first()
        while treeiter:
            # Is this row an existing line or a new one?
            line = model.get_value(treeiter, self.COL_LINE)
            if line in self.layer.lines:
                # existing line
                source_key = model.get_value(treeiter, self.COL_SOURCE_KEY)
                if not source_key:
                    source = None
                    source =, default=None)
                          'visible', get_column(self.COL_VISIBLE),
                         'label', get_column(self.COL_LABEL),
                         'style', get_column(self.COL_STYLE),
                         'marker', get_column(self.COL_MARKER),
                         'width', get_column(self.COL_WIDTH),
                         'source', source,
                         'cx', get_column(self.COL_CX),
                         'cy', get_column(self.COL_CY),
                         'row_first', get_column(self.COL_ROW_FIRST),
                         'row_last', get_column(self.COL_ROW_LAST),
                         'cxerr', get_column(self.COL_CXERR),
                         'cyerr', get_column(self.COL_CYERR),
                ulist.append( self.layer.lines, line, undolist=ul )

            treeiter = model.iter_next(treeiter)

        # now we need to check if we have removed any lines
        for line in self.layer.lines:
            if line not in model_lines:
                ulist.remove( self.layer.lines, line, undolist=ul)
 def check_out_row(owner, iter, undolist=[]):
     n = 0
     adict = {}
     for key in self.keys:
         adict[key]=model.get_value(iter, n)
         n += 1
     adict['undolist'] = ul
     uwrap.smart_set(owner, **adict)
 def check_out(self, undolist=[]):
     index = self.widget.get_active()
     print "combobox: ", self.key,
     if index != self.old_value:
         if index < 0:
             val = None
             model = self.widget.get_model()
             val = model[index][1]
         uwrap.smart_set(self.container, self.key, val, undolist=undolist)
         self.old_value = index
 def check_out(self, undolist=[]):
     " Set value in container "
     new_value = self.get_data()
     if new_value != self.last_value:
         uwrap.smart_set(self.container, self.key, new_value, undolist=undolist)
         self.last_value = new_value