Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(
            rho0,  # Density at Radius
            rMax,  # Radius
            M0,  # Mass at Radius
            temp,  # Temperature throughout
            eostup,  # tuple that indicates how materials/eos change

        self.soln = []
        self.rho0 = rho0

        from SolidSpheral2d import makeVoidNodeList
        from SolidSpheral2d import ScalarField

        eoscount = len(eostup) / 2

        nodes = makeVoidNodeList("nodes", numInternal=1)
        ef = ScalarField("eps", nodes)
        Kf = ScalarField("mod", nodes)
        Pf = ScalarField("pressure", nodes)
        rhof = ScalarField("rho", nodes)
        tempf = ScalarField("temp", nodes)

        # get the eos for this radius
        if (eoscount > 1):
            eos = eostup[2 * (eoscount - 1)]
            eos = eostup[0]

        rhof[0] = rho0
        eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
        e = ef[0]
        eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
        K = Kf[0]

        y0 = -M0 * units.G / (rMax) * (rho0**2) / K

        r = rMax
        rho = rho0
        dr = rMax / nbins
        y = y0
        dy = 0

        tempf[0] = temp
        eosold = None
        #eosSwitch = False
        step = 0

        while (r > 0):
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        if eos is not None:
                            eosold = eos
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                if eos is not None:
                    eosold = eos
                eos = eostup[0]

            if step > 0:
                #print "Switching eos at r=%e" % r
                #print eosold,eos
                # compute a new rho based on pressure and the new eos
                # first get old rho -> pressure
                rhof[0] = rho
                eosold.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
                eosold.setPressure(Pf, rhof, ef)
                P = Pf[0]
                #print "P=%e" % P
                # now root-find for new density based on this pressure
                tol = 0.0001
                d = 1.0
                iter = 0
                #print "old rho was %f" % rho
                while ((abs(d) > tol) and (iter < 1000)):
                    rhof[0] = rho
                    eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
                    eos.setPressure(Pf, rhof, ef)
                    eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
                    Pn = Pf[0]
                    #print "Pn=%e" % Pn
                    Kn = Kf[0]
                    d = (Pn - P) / Kn
                    rho *= (1.0 - d)
                    iter += 1
            #print "new rho is %f after %d iterations, d was %f" % (rho,iter,d)

            rhof[0] = rho
            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]
            eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
            K = Kf[0]

            #print "dy, dr, rho, y, r, K = {0:3.3e} {1:3.3e} {2:3.3e} {3:3.3e} {4:3.3e} {5:3.3e}".format(dy,dr,rho,y,r,K)

            dy = dr * (2.0 / rho * y * y - 1.0 / r * y -
                       units.G / K * 2.0 * pi * pow(rho, 2.0))
            y = y + dy
            rho = rho - y * dr
            r = r - dr
            step += 1

        #print "Now Forward..."
        # got central density, now solve outward until Mtot = M0
        self.soln.append([0, rho])
        Mt = 0
        r = dr
        step = 0
        eosold = None

        while (Mt <= M0):
            Mt = Mt + 4.0 * pi * r * r * rho * dr
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        if eos is not None:
                            eosold = eos
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                if eos is not None:
                    eosold = eos
                eos = eostup[0]

            if step > 0:
                #print "Switching eos at r=%e" % r
                #print eosold,eos
                # compute a new rho based on pressure and the new eos
                # first get old rho -> pressure
                rhof[0] = rho
                eosold.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
                eosold.setPressure(Pf, rhof, ef)
                P = Pf[0]
                #print "P=%e" % P
                # now root-find for new density based on this pressure
                tol = 0.0001
                d = 1.0
                iter = 0
                #print "old rho was %f" % rho
                while ((abs(d) > tol) and (iter < 1000)):
                    rhof[0] = rho
                    eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
                    eos.setPressure(Pf, rhof, ef)
                    eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
                    Pn = Pf[0]
                    #print "Pn=%e" % Pn
                    Kn = Kf[0]
                    d = (Pn - P) / Kn
                    rho *= (1.0 - d)
                    iter += 1
            #print "new rho is %f after %d iterations, d was %f" % (rho,iter,d)

            rhof[0] = rho
            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]
            eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
            K = Kf[0]

            #print "dy, dr, rho, y, r, Mt, K = {0:3.3e} {1:3.3e} {2:3.3e} {3:3.3e} {4:3.3e} {5:3.3e} {6:3.3e}".format(dy,dr,rho,y,r,Mt,K)
            dy = dr * (2.0 / rho * y * y - 1.0 / r * y -
                       units.G / K * 2.0 * pi * pow(rho, 2.0))
            y = y + dy
            rho = rho + y * dr
            self.soln.append([r, rho])
            r = r + dr
            step += 1

        self.rMax = r - dr  # to call inside the script to reset rMax

        totM = 0.0
        for i in xrange(len(self.soln) - 1):
            r1 = self.soln[i + 1][0]
            r0 = self.soln[i][0]
            f1 = self.soln[i + 1][1] * r1 * r1
            f0 = self.soln[i][0] * r0 * r0
            totM += 4.0 * pi * 0.5 * (f1 + f0) * (r1 - r0)
        self.totalMass = totM
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(
            rho0,  # Density at Radius
            rMax,  # Radius
            M0,  # Mass at Radius
            temp,  # Temperature throughout
            eostup,  # tuple that indicates how materials/eos change

        self.soln = []
        self.rho0 = rho0

        from SolidSpheral2d import makeVoidNodeList
        from SolidSpheral2d import ScalarField

        eoscount = len(eostup) / 2

        nodes = makeVoidNodeList("nodes", numInternal=1)
        ef = ScalarField("eps", nodes)
        Kf = ScalarField("mod", nodes)
        rhof = ScalarField("rho", nodes)
        tempf = ScalarField("temp", nodes)

        # get the eos for this radius
        if (eoscount > 1):
            eos = eostup[2 * (eoscount - 1)]
            eos = eostup[0]

        rhof[0] = rho0
        eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
        e = ef[0]
        eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
        K = Kf[0]

        y0 = -M0 * units.G / (rMax) * (rho0**2) / K

        r = rMax
        rho = rho0
        dr = rMax / nbins
        y = y0
        dy = 0

        tempf[0] = temp

        while (r > 0):
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                eos = eostup[0]

            rhof[0] = rho
            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]
            eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
            K = Kf[0]
            dy = dr * (2.0 / rho * y * y - 1.0 / r * y -
                       units.G / K * 2.0 * pi * pow(rho, 3.0))
            y = y + dy
            rho = rho - y * dr
            r = r - dr

        print "Now Forward..."
        # got central density, now solve outward until Mtot = M0
        self.soln.append([0, rho])
        Mt = 0
        r = dr

        while (Mt <= M0):
            Mt = Mt + 2.0 * pi * r * rho * dr
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                eos = eostup[0]

            rhof[0] = rho
            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]
            eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
            K = Kf[0]

            print "dy, dr, rho, y, r, Mt, K = {0:3.3e} {1:3.3e} {2:3.3e} {3:3.3e} {4:3.3e} {5:3.3e} {6:3.3e}".format(
                dy, dr, rho, y, r, Mt, K)
            dy = dr * (2.0 / rho * y * y - 2.0 / r * y -
                       units.G / K * 4.0 * pi * pow(rho, 3.0))
            y = y + dy
            rho = rho + y * dr
            self.soln.append([r, rho])
            r = r + dr

        self.rMax = r - dr  # to call inside the script to reset rMax

Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(
            rho0,  # Density at Radius
            rMax,  # Radius
            M0,  # Mass at Radius
            temp,  # Temperature throughout
            eostup,  # tuple that indicates how materials/eos change

        self.soln = []
        self.rho0 = rho0

        from SolidSpheral2d import makeVoidNodeList
        from SolidSpheral2d import ScalarField

        eoscount = len(eostup) / 2

        nodes = makeVoidNodeList("nodes", numInternal=1)
        ef = ScalarField("eps", nodes)
        Kf = ScalarField("mod", nodes)
        rhof = ScalarField("rho", nodes)
        tempf = ScalarField("temp", nodes)

        # get the eos for this radius
        if (eoscount > 1):
            eos = eostup[2 * (eoscount - 1)]
            eos = eostup[0]

        rhof[0] = rho0
        eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
        e = ef[0]
        eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
        K = Kf[0]

        y0 = -M0 * units.G / (rMax) * (rho0**2) / K

        r = rMax
        rho = rho0
        dr = rMax / nbins
        y = y0
        dy = 0

        tempf[0] = temp

        while (r > 0):
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                eos = eostup[0]

            rhof[0] = rho
            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]
            eos.setBulkModulus(Kf, rhof, ef)
            K = Kf[0]
            dy = dr * (2.0 / rho * y * y - 1.0 / r * y -
                       units.G / K * 2.0 * pi * pow(rho, 3.0))
            self.soln.append([r, rho])
            y = y + dy
            rho = rho - y * dr
            r = r - dr

Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self,

        self.rho0 = rhoc
        n = 1.0 / (gamma - 1.0)
        G = units.G
        a = sqrt((n + 1) * kappa * pow(rhoc, 1 / n - 1) / (4.0 * pi * G))

        eoscount = len(eostup) / 2
        sMax = rMax / a

        self.soln = []

        from SolidSpheral3d import makeVoidNodeList
        from SolidSpheral3d import ScalarField

        nodes = makeVoidNodeList("nodes", numInternal=1)
        ef = ScalarField("eps", nodes)
        Kf = ScalarField("mod", nodes)
        rhof = ScalarField("rho", nodes)
        tempf = ScalarField("temp", nodes)

        storedE0 = 0
        self.e0 = 0

        th = 1.0
        y = 0
        s = 0
        ds = sMax / nbins

        while (s < sMax):
            r = a * s
            # get the eos for this radius
            if (eoscount > 1):
                for i in xrange(eoscount):
                    ermin = eostup[2 * i + 1][0]
                    ermax = eostup[2 * i + 1][1]
                    if (r <= ermax and r >= ermin):
                        eos = eostup[2 * i]
                eos = eostup[0]

            Temp = th * Tc
            rho = rhoc * pow(th, 1.0 / (gamma - 1.0))

            tempf[0] = Temp
            rhof[0] = rho

            eos.setSpecificThermalEnergy(ef, rhof, tempf)
            e = ef[0]

            if (storedE0 == 0):
                self.e0 = e
                storedE0 = 1

            self.soln.append([r, rho, e])

            # now advance to next values using current s

            dy = ds * (-2.0 * y / s - th**n)
            y = y + dy
            th = th + ds * y
            s = s + ds
