Esempio n. 1
def extractMutationLabel(generic_mutation):
    extracts a mutation-label string from a mutation, e.g. ["2vuj::A:N25R/A:S27T/A:N181D"] -> "N25R/S27T/N181D"
    if   isinstance(generic_mutation, str):
      mutations = [generic_mutation]
    elif isinstance(generic_mutation, list):
      mutations =  generic_mutation 
    elif isinstance(generic_mutation, dict):
      """ do nothing """

    label = ""
    if isinstance(generic_mutation, dict):
      for key in generic_mutation.keys():
        code1, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=key[:3])
        code2, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=generic_mutation[key]['label'][:3])
        label += "/%s%d%s" % (code1, int(key[3:7]), code2)
      for mutation in mutations:
        pdbcode, mutation_string = splitStringMutationInTwo(mutation)
        single_mutations         = splitIntoSingleMutations(mutation_string)
        for single_mutation in single_mutations:
          chainID1, chainID2, gotcha = splitSingleMutation(single_mutation)
          label += "/%s" % (gotcha)

    return  label[1:]
Esempio n. 2
def splitIntoMutationData(generic_mutation):
    split 'mutation' into multiple mutation data, e.g. 'A:N25R/A:N181D' -> [[A, N, 25, R], [A, N, 181, D]]
    # making sure mutation is used properly
    mutation_data = []
    if isinstance(generic_mutation, str):
      mutation_list = [generic_mutation]
    elif isinstance(generic_mutation, list):
      mutation_list = generic_mutation
    elif isinstance(generic_mutation, dict):
      for key in generic_mutation.keys():
        chainID1 = generic_mutation[key]['target'][-1]
        code1, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=generic_mutation[key]['target'][:3])
        resNumb = int(generic_mutation[key]['target'][3:7])
        code2, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=generic_mutation[key]['label'][:3])
        mutation_data.append([chainID1, code1, resNumb, code2])

    if len(mutation_data) > 0:
      return  mutation_data
      for mutation in mutation_list:
        thermophile, mutation_string =  splitStringMutationInTwo(mutation)
        for single_mutation in splitIntoSingleMutations(mutation_string):
          chainID1, chainID2, mutation_label = splitSingleMutation(single_mutation)
          code1, resNumb, code2 = extractSingleMutationInformation(mutation_label)
          mutation_data.append([chainID1, code1, resNumb, code2])
      return  mutation_data
Esempio n. 3
def makeMutationAddendum(target=None, template=None, options=None):
    converting two residue labels to a mutation tag
    if target == "   gap   " or template == "   gap   ":
        return None
        code1, resName = convertResidueCode(resName=target[:3])
        code2, resName = convertResidueCode(resName=template[:3])
        resNumb = int(target[3:7])

        return "%s%d%s" % (code1, resNumb, code2)
Esempio n. 4
    def makeSequence(self, mutation=None):
        creates a sequence from the chain object to be used in Scwrl-mutations
        sequence = ""
        for residue in self.residues:
          if residue.resName in lib.residueList("standard"):
            if   mutation == None:
              code, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=residue.resName)
              sequence += code.lower()
            elif residue.label in mutation:
              new_label = mutation[residue.label]['label']
              code, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=new_label[:3])
              sequence += code.upper()
              code, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=residue.resName)
              sequence += code.lower()

        return sequence
Esempio n. 5
 def setAlignment(self, alignment=None):
     Sets the alignment information (from self)
     if alignment == None:
       print("setting alignment according to protein")
       self.alignment = ""
       for residue in self.residues:
         if residue.resName != "N+ " and residue.resName != "C- ":
           code, resName = lib.convertResidueCode(resName=residue.resName)
           if code in "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV":
             self.alignment += (code)
       print( len(self.alignment) )
       self.alignment = alignment
Esempio n. 6
def recastIntoDictionary(input_mutation=None, alignment=None, protein=None, chains=None):
    recasting the mutation from string or list format into dictionary format; needed for more complicated mutations

    if protein == None:
      mesophile = None
      mesophile =

    # making sure mutation is used properly
    if isinstance(input_mutation, str):
      mutation_list = [input_mutation]
    elif isinstance(input_mutation, list):
      mutation_list = input_mutation
    elif isinstance(input_mutation, dict):
      return  input_mutation

    dictionary_mutation = {}
    for mutation in mutation_list:
      thermophile, mutation_string =  splitStringMutationInTwo(mutation)
      for single_mutation in splitIntoSingleMutations(mutation_string):
        chainID1, chainID2, mutation_label = splitSingleMutation(single_mutation)
        code1, resNumb, code2     = extractSingleMutationInformation(mutation_label)
        code, resName_mesophile   = lib.convertResidueCode(code=code1)
        code, resName_thermophile = lib.convertResidueCode(code=code2)
        if alignment == None or mesophile == None:
          # No alignment mutation as far as I can judge, just reformatting
          thermophile = None
          template    = None
          # repeat for all chains
          if chainID1 == None:
            chainIDs = chains
            chainIDs = [[chainID1, None]]
          for chainID, chainID2 in chainIDs:
            key                      = "%s%4d%2s" % (resName_mesophile, resNumb, chainID)
            new_label                = "%s%4d%2s" % (resName_thermophile, resNumb, chainID)
            dictionary_mutation[key] = {'pdb': thermophile, 'target': key, 'template': template, 'label': new_label}
          # preparing for alignment or overlap mutation
          # thermophile
          resNumb_mesophile   = alignment[thermophile][mesophile]["resNumb"]
          resNumb_thermophile = alignment[thermophile][thermophile]["resNumb"]
          for i in range(len(alignment[thermophile][mesophile]["sequence"])):
            if alignment[thermophile][mesophile]["sequence"][i] in   "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV":
              resNumb_mesophile += 1
            if alignment[thermophile][thermophile]["sequence"][i] in "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV":
              resNumb_thermophile += 1
            if resNumb_mesophile == resNumb:
              if chainID1 == None and chainID2 == None:
                chainIDs = chains
                chainIDs = [[chainID1, chainID2]]
              for chainID1, chainID2 in chainIDs:
                key       = "%s%4d%2s" % (resName_mesophile, resNumb, chainID1)
                template  = "%s%4d%2s" % (resName_thermophile, resNumb_thermophile, chainID2)
                new_label = "%s%4d%2s" % (resName_thermophile, resNumb_mesophile, chainID1)
                dictionary_mutation[key] = {'pdb': thermophile, 'target': key, 'template': template, 'label': new_label}

    return  dictionary_mutation