Esempio n. 1
def regression(points):
    do linear regression of all points
    sum_x = 0.00
    sum_y = 0.00
    sum_xx = 0.00
    sum_xy = 0.00
    sum_yy = 0.00
    number_of_points = len(points)
    for x, y in points:
        pka_print("%6.2lf %6.2lf" % (x, y))
        sum_x += x
        sum_y += y
        sum_xx += x * x
        sum_xy += x * y
        sum_yy += y * y

    slope = (number_of_points * sum_xy -
             sum_x * sum_y) / (number_of_points * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x)
    intercept = (sum_y * sum_xx -
                 sum_x * sum_xy) / (number_of_points * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x)
    correlation = (number_of_points * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / math.sqrt(
        (number_of_points * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x) *
        (number_of_points * sum_yy - sum_y * sum_y))

    pka_print("%6.2lf + %8.4lf*x, r=%6.3lf" % (intercept, slope, correlation))
Esempio n. 2
 def compareWithExperiment(protein,
     Compares the calculated pKa values with experiment if it is found in 'experiment'
     str = "# %s\n" % (
     experimental = data.getExperiment(set=set,
     for chain in protein.chains:
         for residue in chain.residues:
             key = residue.label
             if label == key or label == "ALL":
                 if key in experimental:
                     pka_exp = experimental[key]
                     dpka_exp = pka_exp - residue.pKa_mod
                     dpka_clc = residue.pKa_pro - residue.pKa_mod
                     diff = residue.pKa_pro - pka_exp
                     pka_print("compare:%s%6.2lf%6.2lf %6.2lf" %
                               (key, residue.pKa_pro, pka_exp, diff))
                     # adding to 'compare' list
                     # writing to 'comp.dat' file
                     str = "%8.2lf%6.2lf\n" % (dpka_exp, dpka_clc)
Esempio n. 3
def makeErrorPlot(points, filename=None):
    do patented error graph data
    # open file if needed
    if filename != None:
      file = open(filename, 'w')

    # setup error-list
    error_list = []
    for i in range(0, 301):

    # loop over points and error bins
    for point in points:
      abs_diff = abs(point)
      i = 0
      while abs_diff > float(i)/100.0 and i < 301:
        error_list[i] += 1.0
        i += 1

    number_of_points = float(len(points))

    # print/write out error fraction
    for i in range(len(error_list)):
      error = float(i)/100.0
      fraction = error_list[i]/number_of_points
      str = "%6.2lf%6.3lf" % (error, fraction)
      if filename == None:
        str += "\n"; file.write(str)

    if filename != None:
      file = open(filename, 'w')
Esempio n. 4
def calculateRMSD(points):
    do rmsd of all points
    number_of_points = len(points)
    sqr_sum = 0.00
    for point in points:
        sqr_sum += pow(point, 2)
    rmsd = pow(sqr_sum / number_of_points, 0.5)

    pka_print("rmsd =     %6.4lf (%d)" % (rmsd, number_of_points))
Esempio n. 5
def calculateMUE(points):
    do mean unsigned error of all points
    number_of_points = len(points)
    abs_sum = 0.00
    for point in points:
        abs_sum += abs(point)
    mue = abs_sum / number_of_points

    pka_print("mue  =     %6.4lf" % (mue))
Esempio n. 6
def calculateRMSD(points):
    do rmsd of all points
    number_of_points = len(points)
    sqr_sum = 0.00
    for point in points:
        sqr_sum += pow(point, 2)
    rmsd = pow(sqr_sum/number_of_points, 0.5)

    pka_print("rmsd =     %6.4lf (%d)" % (rmsd, number_of_points))
Esempio n. 7
def calculateMUE(points):
    do mean unsigned error of all points
    number_of_points = len(points)
    abs_sum = 0.00
    for point in points:
        abs_sum += abs(point)
    mue  = abs_sum/number_of_points

    pka_print("mue  =     %6.4lf" % (mue))
Esempio n. 8
def makeErrorPlot(points):
    do patented error graph data
    error_list = []
    for i in range(0, 41):

    for point in points:
      abs_diff = abs(point)
      i = 0
      while abs_diff > float(i)/10.0 and i < 41:
        error_list[i] += 1.0
        i += 1

    number_of_points = float(len(points))

    for i in range(0, 41):
      error = float(i)/10.0
      fraction = error_list[i]/number_of_points
      pka_print("%6.2lf%6.2lf" % (error, fraction))
Esempio n. 9
def printDesolvationDistances(protein):
    printing out wanted distances
    label = "GLU  66 A"
    sum = 0.00
    enumerator = 130.0
    center_residue = protein.getResidue(label=label)
    for chain in protein.chains:
        for residue in chain.residues:
            distance = 999.
            closest = None
            for atom in residue.atoms:
                dX = atom.x - center_residue.x
                dY = atom.y - center_residue.y
                dZ = atom.z - center_residue.z
                test_distance = math.sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY + dZ * dZ)
                if residue.label in [
                        "THR  62 A", "VAL  23 A", "LEU  14 A", "VAL  99 A",
                        "ILE  92 A", "LEU  36 A"
                    if atom.element == "C" and not in ["C", "CA"]:
                        contribution = enumerator / pow(test_distance, 4)
                        sum += contribution
                        pka_print("%s  %-3s %6.2lf %6.2lf" %
                                  (residue.label,, test_distance,
                if test_distance < distance and atom.element == "C":
                    distance = test_distance
                    closest = atom
            if distance < 8.0 and False:
                pka_print("%s %6.2lf  %s" %
                          (residue.label, distance,
    pka_print("sum:%8.4lf" % (sum))
Esempio n. 10
def printDesolvationDistances(protein):
    printing out wanted distances
    label = "GLU  66 A"
    sum = 0.00; enumerator = 130.0
    center_residue = protein.getResidue(label=label)
    for chain in protein.chains:
      for residue in chain.residues:
        distance = 999.; closest = None
        for atom in residue.atoms:
          dX = atom.x - center_residue.x
          dY = atom.y - center_residue.y
          dZ = atom.z - center_residue.z
          test_distance = math.sqrt(dX*dX + dY*dY + dZ*dZ)
          if residue.label in ["THR  62 A", "VAL  23 A", "LEU  14 A", "VAL  99 A", "ILE  92 A", "LEU  36 A"]:
            if atom.element == "C" and not in ["C", "CA"]:
              contribution = enumerator/pow(test_distance, 4)
              sum += contribution
              pka_print("%s  %-3s %6.2lf %6.2lf" % (residue.label,, test_distance, contribution))
          if test_distance < distance and atom.element == "C":
            distance = test_distance
            closest = atom
        if distance <  8.0 and False:
          pka_print("%s %6.2lf  %s" % (residue.label, distance,
    pka_print("sum:%8.4lf" % (sum))
Esempio n. 11
 def compareWithExperiment(protein, file=None, list=None, set=None, label="ALL", **argv):
     Compares the calculated pKa values with experiment if it is found in 'experiment'
     str = "# %s\n" % (
     experimental = data.getExperiment(set=set,
     for chain in protein.chains:
       for residue in chain.residues:
         key = residue.label
         if label == key or label == "ALL":
           if key in experimental:
             pka_exp  = experimental[key]
             dpka_exp = pka_exp - residue.pKa_mod
             dpka_clc = residue.pKa_pro - residue.pKa_mod
             diff     = residue.pKa_pro - pka_exp
             pka_print( "compare:%s%6.2lf%6.2lf %6.2lf" % (key, residue.pKa_pro, pka_exp, diff) )
             # adding to 'compare' list
             # writing to 'comp.dat' file
             str = "%8.2lf%6.2lf\n" % (dpka_exp, dpka_clc)
Esempio n. 12
def regression(points):
    do linear regression of all points
    sum_x  = 0.00
    sum_y  = 0.00
    sum_xx = 0.00
    sum_xy = 0.00
    sum_yy = 0.00
    number_of_points = len(points)
    for x, y in points:
      pka_print("%6.2lf %6.2lf" % (x, y))
      sum_x  += x
      sum_y  += y
      sum_xx += x*x
      sum_xy += x*y
      sum_yy += y*y

    slope       = (number_of_points*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y) / (number_of_points*sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x)
    intercept   = (sum_y*sum_xx - sum_x*sum_xy) / (number_of_points*sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x)
    correlation = (number_of_points*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y) / math.sqrt((number_of_points*sum_xx - sum_x*sum_x)*(number_of_points*sum_yy - sum_y*sum_y))

    pka_print("%6.2lf + %8.4lf*x, r=%6.3lf" % (intercept, slope, correlation))
Esempio n. 13
def makeErrorPlot(points, filename=None):
    do patented error graph data
    # open file if needed
    if filename != None:
        file = open(filename, 'w')

    # setup error-list
    error_list = []
    for i in range(0, 301):

    # loop over points and error bins
    for point in points:
        abs_diff = abs(point)
        i = 0
        while abs_diff > float(i) / 100.0 and i < 301:
            error_list[i] += 1.0
            i += 1

    number_of_points = float(len(points))

    # print/write out error fraction
    for i in range(len(error_list)):
        error = float(i) / 100.0
        fraction = error_list[i] / number_of_points
        str = "%6.2lf%6.3lf" % (error, fraction)
        if filename == None:
            str += "\n"

    if filename != None:
        file = open(filename, 'w')
Esempio n. 14
def getExperiment(fullname):
    return experimental values
    name = fullname[:4]
    if   name == "1pga":
      # B1_ProteinG
      experiment = {
                    "GLU  15 A":  4.40,
                    "GLU  19 A":  3.70,
                    "ASP  22 A":  2.90,
                    "GLU  27 A":  4.50,
                    "ASP  36 A":  3.80,
                    "ASP  40 A":  4.00,
                    "GLU  42 A":  4.40,
                    "ASP  46 A":  3.60,
                    "ASP  47 A":  3.40,
                    "GLU  56 A":  4.00,
    elif name == "1igd":
      # B2_ProteinG
      experiment = {
                    "GLU  20 A":  4.30,
                    "ASP  27 A":  2.90,
                    "GLU  29 A":  4.20,
                    "GLU  32 A":  4.60,
                    "ASP  41 A":  3.90,
                    "ASP  45 A":  4.40,
                    "ASP  51 A":  3.60,
                    "ASP  52 A":  3.40,
                    "GLU  61 A":  4.20,
    elif name == "1a2p":
      # Barnase
      experiment = {
                    "ASP   8 A":  2.90,
                    "ASP  12 A":  3.80,
                    "ASP  22 A":  3.30,
                    "GLU  29 A":  3.80,
                    "ASP  44 A":  3.40,
                  # "ASP  54 A":  2.20, # <= 2.2
                    "GLU  60 A":  3.00,
                  # "GLU  73 A":  2.10, # <= 2.1
                #   "ASP  75 A":  3.10, # difficult barnase pi-stacking
                    "ASP  86 A":  4.20,
                  # "ASP  93 A":  2.00, # <  2.0
                  # "ASP 101 A":  2.00, # <= 2
    elif name == "1rnz":
      # Bovine_RNase
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   2 A":  2.70,
                    "GLU   9 A":  4.00,
                  # "ASP  14 A":  1.80, # < 2.0
                    "ASP  38 A":  2.80,
                    "GLU  49 A":  4.50,
                    "ASP  53 A":  3.80,
                    "ASP  83 A":  3.40,
                    "GLU  86 A":  4.05,
                    "GLU 111 A":  3.50,
                    "ASP 121 A":  3.05,
    elif name == "4icb":
      # Calbindin
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   4 A":  3.80,
                    "GLU   5 A":  3.40,
                    "GLU  11 A":  4.70,
                    "GLU  17 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU  26 A":  4.10,
                    "ASP  47 A":  3.00,
                    "GLU  48 A":  4.60,
                    "GLU  64 A":  3.80,
    elif name == "1kxi":
      # Cardiotoxin
      experiment = {
                    "GLU  17 A":  4.00,
                    "ASP  42 A":  3.20,
                  # "ASP  59 A":  2.30, # < 2.3
                    "GLU  17 B":  4.00,
                    "ASP  42 B":  3.20,
                  # "ASP  59 B":  2.30, # < 2.3
    elif name == "1kxi_A":
      # Cardiotoxin
      experiment = {"GLU  17 A":  4.00,
                    "ASP  42 A":  3.20,
                    "ASP  59 A":  2.30}
    elif name == "1kxi_B":
      # Cardiotoxin
      experiment = {"GLU  17 B":  4.00,
                    "ASP  42 B":  3.20,
                    "ASP  59 B":  2.30}
    elif name == "1cdc":
      # CD2d1
      experiment = {
                    "ASP  25 A":  3.50,
                    "ASP  26 A":  3.60,
                    "ASP  28 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU  29 A":  4.40,
                    "GLU  33 A":  4.20,
                    "GLU  41 A":  6.70,
                    "GLU  56 A":  3.90,
                    "ASP  62 A":  4.20,
                    "ASP  71 A":  3.20,
                    "ASP  72 A":  4.10,
                    "ASP  94 A":  3.90,
                    "GLU  99 A":  4.20,
                    "ASP  25 B":  3.50,
                    "ASP  26 B":  3.60,
                    "ASP  28 B":  3.60,
                    "GLU  29 B":  4.40,
                    "GLU  33 B":  4.20,
                    "GLU  41 B":  6.70,
                    "GLU  56 B":  3.90,
                    "ASP  62 B":  4.20,
                    "ASP  71 B":  3.20,
                    "ASP  72 B":  4.10,
                    "ASP  94 B":  3.90,
                    "GLU  99 B":  4.20,
    elif name == "1beo":
      # Cryptogein
      experiment = {
                    "ASP  21 A":  2.50,
                    "ASP  30 A":  2.50,
                    "ASP  72 A":  2.60,
    elif name == "1hpx":
      # HIV_protease, note, homodimer, B is assumed to be A
      experiment = {
                    #"ASP  25 B":  6.20, # > 6.2
                    "ASP  29 B":  3.20,
                    "ASP  30 B":  3.90,
                    "ASP  60 B":  3.00,
                    #"ASP  25 A":  2.50, # < 2.5
                    "ASP  29 A":  3.70,
                    "ASP  30 A":  3.80,
                    "ASP  60 A":  3.00,
    elif name == "1lys":
      # Hen lysozyme
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   7 A":  2.90,
                    "ASP  18 A":  2.70,
                    "GLU  35 A":  6.20,
                  # "ASP  48 A":  2.50, # < 2.5
                    "ASP  52 A":  3.70,
                  # "ASP  66 A":  2.00, # < 2.5
                    "ASP  87 A":  2.10,
                    "ASP 101 A":  4.10,
                    "ASP 119 A":  3.20,
    elif name == "135l":
      # Turkey lysozyme
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   7 A":  2.70,
                    "ASP  18 A":  2.70,
                    "GLU  35 A":  6.10,
                  # "ASP  48 A":  2.50, # < 2.5
                    "ASP  52 A":  3.80,
                  # "ASP  66 A":  2.00, # < 2.5
                    "ASP  87 A":  2.10,
                    "ASP 119 A":  3.40,
    elif name == "2rn2":
      # Ribonuclease H1
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   6 A":  4.50,
                    "ASP  10 A":  6.10,
                    "GLU  32 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU  48 A":  4.40,
                    "GLU  57 A":  3.20,
                    "GLU  61 A":  3.90,
                    "GLU  64 A":  4.40,
                    "ASP  70 A":  2.60,
                    "ASP  94 A":  3.20,
                  # "ASP 102 A":  2.00, # < 2
                    "ASP 108 A":  3.20,
                    "GLU 119 A":  4.10,
                    "GLU 129 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU 131 A":  4.30,
                    "ASP 134 A":  4.10,
                    "GLU 135 A":  4.30,
                    "GLU 147 A":  4.20,
                  # "ASP 148 A":  2.00, # < 2
                    "GLU 154 A":  4.40,
    elif name == "2ovo":
      # Ovomucoid3Dom
      experiment = {
                    "ASP   7 A":  2.50,
                    "GLU  10 A":  4.10,
                    "GLU  19 A":  3.20,
                    "ASP  27 A":  2.20,
                    "GLU  43 A":  4.80,
    elif name == "1xnb":
      # Xylanase
      experiment = {
                    "ASP   4 A":  3.00,
                    "ASP  11 A":  2.50,
                    "GLU  78 A":  4.60,
                  # "ASP  83 A":  2.00, # < 2
                  # "ASP 101 A":  2.00, # < 2
                    "ASP 106 A":  2.70,
                    "ASP 119 A":  3.20,
                    "ASP 121 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU 172 A":  6.70,
    elif name == "1de3":
      # Sarcin
      experiment = {
                    "ASP   9 A":  3.90,
                    "GLU  19 A":  4.60,
                    "GLU  31 A":  4.60,
                  # "ASP  41 A":  3.00, # < 3
                    "ASP  57 A":  4.30,
                    "ASP  59 A":  4.10,
                    "ASP  75 A":  3.90,
                  # "ASP  77 A":  3.00, # < 3
                    "ASP  85 A":  3.80,
                  # "ASP  91 A":  3.00, # < 3
                    "GLU  96 A":  5.10,
                  # "ASP 102 A":  3.00, # < 3
                  # "ASP 105 A":  3.00, # < 3
                    "ASP 109 A":  3.70,
                    "GLU 115 A":  4.90,
                    "GLU 140 A":  4.30,
                    "GLU 144 A":  4.30,
    elif name == "2bus":
      # BullSeminalInhibitor
      experiment = {
                    "ASP   6 A":  4.00,
                    "GLU   9 A":  4.30,
                    "ASP  12 A":  3.60,
                    "GLU  20 A":  4.10,
    elif name == "1egf":
      # Epidermal Growthfactor
      experiment = {
                    "ASP  11 A":  3.90,
                    "GLU  24 A":  4.10,
                    "ASP  27 A":  4.00,
                    "ASP  40 A":  3.60,
                    "ASP  46 A":  3.80,
                    "GLU  51 A":  4.00,
    elif name == "1mhi":
      # Insulin
      experiment = {
                    "GLU   4 A":  2.60,
                  # "GLU  17 A":  3.70, # > 3.7
                    "ASP   9 B":  2.60,
                    "GLU  13 B":  2.20,
                    "GLU  21 B":  3.70,
      pka_print("could not find experimental data for \"%s\"" % (name))

    return experiment