Esempio n. 1
    def asFile( self, dataframe, row_headers, col_headers, title ):
        '''save the table as HTML file.

        Multiple files of the same Renderer/Tracker combination are distinguished 
        by the title.
        self.debug("%s: saving %i x %i table as file'"% (id(self), 
        lines = []
        lines.append("`%i x %i table <#$html %s$#>`__" %\
                         (len(row_headers), len(col_headers),
                          title) )

        r = ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines) + "\n", title = title)

        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        dataframe.to_csv( out )
        lines = out.getvalue().split("\n")            

        # create an html table
        data = ["<table>"]
        data.append( "<tr><th></th><th>%s</th></tr>" % "</th><th>".join( map(str,lines[0].split(","))) )
        data.extend( ["<tr><td>%s</td></tr>" % \
                          ("</td><td>".join(x.split(","))) for x in lines[1:]] )
        data.append( "</table>\n" )

        # substitute links
        data = [ re.sub("`(.*?(?:\".+\"|\'.+\')?.*?)\s<(.*?(?:\".+\"|\'.+\')?.*?)>`_", r'<a href="\2">\1</a>', x) \
                     for x in data ]

        r.html = "\n".join( data )

        return r
Esempio n. 2
    def asFile( self, matrix, row_headers, col_headers, title ):
        '''save the table as HTML file.

        Multiple files of the same Renderer/Tracker combination are distinguished 
        by the title.

        self.debug("%s: saving %i x %i table as file'"% (id(self), 
        lines = []
        lines.append("`%i x %i table <#$html %s$#>`__" %\
                     (len(row_headers), len(col_headers),
                      title) )

        r = ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = title)
        # create an html table
        data = ["<table>"]
        data.append( "<tr><th></th><th>%s</th></tr>" % "</th><th>".join( map(str,col_headers)) )
        for h, row in zip( row_headers, matrix):
            data.append( "<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>" % (h, "</td><td>".join(map(str,row)) ))
        data.append( "</table>\n" )
        r.html = "\n".join( data )

        return ResultBlocks( r )
Esempio n. 3
    def __call__(self, track, slice = None ):
        edir = EXPORTDIR
        method = "utr_extension"

        blocks = ResultBlocks()

        filepath = "%(edir)s/%(method)s/%(track)s.readextension_%(region)s_%(direction)s.%(slice)s.png"

        block = \
.. figure:: %(filename)s
   :height: 300 
        # append spaces for file extension
        block = "\n".join( [ x + " " * 200 for x in block.split("\n") ] )

        for region, direction in itertools.product( ("downstream", "upstream"),
                                                    ("sense", "antisense", "anysense" )):
            filename = filepath % locals()

            if os.path.exists( filename ):
                blocks.append( ResultBlock( text = block % locals(),
                                            title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )
            # else:
            #     blocks.append( ResultBlock( "",
            #                                 title = "%(track)s %(region)s %(direction)s" % locals() ) )

        return odict( (("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks( blocks, layout="columns-3" ))),))
Esempio n. 4
    def __call__(self, track, slice=None):

        # note there are spaces behind the %(image)s directive to accomodate
        # for path substitution
        block = '''
.. figure:: %(image)s                                     
   :height: 300 

        blocks = ResultBlocks()
        tracks = sorted([x.asFile() for x in TRACKS])

        for track in tracks:

            files = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(EXPORTDIR, "fastqc", "%s*_fastqc" % track))
            for x, fn in enumerate(sorted(files)):
                y = x + 1

                image = os.path.abspath(
                    os.path.join(fn, "Images", "%s.png" % slice))
                if not os.path.exists(image):

                    ResultBlock(text=block % locals(),

        return odict(
            (("rst", "\n".join(Utils.layoutBlocks(blocks,
                                                  layout="columns-2"))), ))
Esempio n. 5
    def render(self, dataframe, path ):

        R.library( 'ggplot2' )

        rframe = pandas.rpy.common.convert_to_r_dataframe(dataframe)
        # sometimes the row/column mapping did not work
        # rframe.colnames = dataframe.columns

        unAsIs = R('''function (x) {
                         if(typeof(x) %in% c("integer","double")) {
                             class(x) <- "numeric"
                             return (x)}
                         else if (typeof(x) == "character") {
                             class(x) <- "character"
                             return (x) }
                         else {
                             return(x) } }''')

        rframe = R[""](R.lapply(rframe,unAsIs))

        R.assign( "rframe", rframe )
        # start plot
        R('''gp = ggplot( rframe )''')

        # add aesthetics and geometries
            pp = R('''gp + %s ''' % self.statement )
        except ValueError as msg:
            raise ValueError( "could not interprete R statement: gp + %s; msg=%s" % (self.statement, msg ))
        figname = re.sub( '/', '_', path2str(path) )
        r = ResultBlock( '#$ggplot %s$#' % figname,
                         title = path2str(path) )
        r.rggplot = pp
        r.figname = figname

        return ResultBlocks( r )
Esempio n. 6
    def asSpreadSheet( self, dataframe, row_headers, col_headers, title ):
        '''save the table as an xls file.

        Multiple files of the same Renderer/Tracker combination are distinguished 
        by the title.
        self.debug("%s: saving %i x %i table as spread-sheet'"% (id(self), 
        quick = len(dataframe) > 10000
        if quick:
            # quick writing, only append method works
            wb = openpyxl.Workbook( optimized_write = True)
            def addWorksheet( wb, dataframe, title ):
                ws = wb.create_sheet()

                ws.append( [""] + list(col_headers) )
                for x,row in enumerate( dataframe.iterrows() ):
                    ws.append( [path2str(row_headers[x])] + list(row) )

                # patch: maximum title length seems to be 31
                ws.title = title[:30]
            # do it cell-by-cell, this might be slow
            wb = openpyxl.Workbook( optimized_write = False)
            def addWorksheet( wb, dataframe, title ):
                ws = wb.create_sheet()

                # regex to detect rst hypelinks
                regex_link = re.compile( '`(.*) <(.*)>`_')
                for column, column_name in enumerate( dataframe.columns ):
                    c = ws.cell( row=0, column=column)
                    c.value = column_name
                    dataseries = dataframe[column_name]
                    if dataseries.dtype == object:
                        for row, value in enumerate( dataseries ):
                            c = ws.cell( row=row+1, column=column)
                            value = str(value)
                            if value.startswith('`'):
                                c.value, c.hyperlink = regex_link.match( value ).groups()
                                c.value = value 
                        for row, value in enumerate( dataseries ):
                            c = ws.cell( row=row+1, column=column)
                            c.value = value 
                # patch: maximum title length seems to be 31
                ws.title = title[:30]

        is_hierarchical = isinstance( dataframe.index, pandas.core.index.MultiIndex )

        split = is_hierarchical and len(dataframe.index.levels) > 1

        if split:
            # create separate worksheets for nested indices
            nlevels = len(dataframe.index.levels)
            paths = map( tuple, DataTree.unique( [ x[:nlevels-1] for x in dataframe.index.unique() ] ))

            ws = wb.worksheets[0]
            ws.title = 'Summary' 
            ws.append( [dataframe.index.labels[:nlevels-1]] + ["Worksheet", "Rows" ] )

            for row, path in enumerate(paths):
                # select data frame as cross-section
                work = dataframe.xs(path, axis=0 )
                title = path2str( path )[:30]
                ws.append( list(path) + [title, len(work)] )
                c = ws.cell( row = row+1, column = nlevels )
                c.hyperlink = "#%s" % title
                addWorksheet( wb, work, title = title )
            writeWorksheet( wb, dataframe, title = title )

        # write result block 
        lines = []
        lines.append("`%i x %i table <#$xls %s$#>`__" %\
                     (len(row_headers), len(col_headers),
                      title) )
        lines.append( "" )
        r = ResultBlock( "\n".join(lines), title = title)
        r.xls = wb

        self.debug("%s: saved %i x %i table as spread-sheet'"% (id(self), 
        return r