def  regiongrowing(mat,epsilon,meancount,start_point):
	print mat.shape
	#use stack store candidates
	ST = Stack()
	#extracted result  is stored here	
	s = []						
	x = start_point[0]
	y = start_point[1]
	#feed enter stack
	while not ST.isEmpty():
		#get mean
		temp = ST.getLastN(meancount)
		sum = 0
		for i in temp:
			xt = i[0]
			yt = i[1]
			sum += mat[xt][yt]
		mean = float(sum)/len(temp)
		t = ST.desta()
		x = t[0]
		y = t[1]
		if t not in s:
			s.append( t )
		#8-connected neighborhood 
		if x < len(mat)-1 and abs(mat[x+1][y] - mean ) <= epsilon :
			if not ST.isInside( (x + 1 , y) ) and not (x + 1 , y) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x + 1 , y) )
		if x < len(mat)-1 and y < len(mat[0])-1 and abs(mat[x+1][y+1] - mean ) <= epsilon :
			if not ST.isInside( (x + 1 , y+1) ) and not (x + 1 , y+1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x + 1 , y+1) )
		if y < len(mat[0])-1 and abs(  mat[x][y+1]-mean ) <= epsilon:
			if not ST.isInside( (x, y + 1) ) and not (x , y + 1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x , y + 1) )
		if x >0 and y < len(mat[0])-1 and abs(mat[x-1][y+1] - mean ) <= epsilon :
			if not ST.isInside( (x - 1 , y+1) ) and not (x - 1 , y+1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x - 1 , y+1) )
		if x > 0 and abs( mat[x - 1] [y] - mean  ) <= epsilon:
			if not ST.isInside( (x - 1 , y) ) and not (x - 1 , y) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x - 1 , y) )	
		if x > 0 and y >0 and abs(mat[x-1][y-1] - mean ) <= epsilon :
			if not ST.isInside( (x - 1 , y - 1) ) and not (x - 1 , y -1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x - 1 , y-1) )	
		if y > 0 and abs( mat[x][y-1]-mean ) <= epsilon:
			if not ST.isInside( (x ,y - 1) ) and not (x , y - 1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x , y - 1) )
		if x < len(mat)-1 and y >0 and abs(mat[x+1][y-1] - mean ) <= epsilon :
			if not ST.isInside( (x +1 , y - 1) ) and not (x + 1 , y -1) in s:
				ST.ensta( (x + 1 , y - 1 ) )
		print len(s)
	return s
def regiongrowing(mat, epsilon, meancount, start_point):

    print mat.shape
    #use stack store candidates
    ST = Stack()

    #extracted result  is stored here
    s = []
    x = start_point[0]
    y = start_point[1]

    #feed enter stack
    ST.ensta((x, y))

    while not ST.isEmpty():

        #get mean
        temp = ST.getLastN(meancount)
        sum = 0
        for i in temp:
            xt = i[0]
            yt = i[1]
            sum += mat[xt][yt]

        mean = float(sum) / len(temp)

        t = ST.desta()
        x = t[0]
        y = t[1]

        if t not in s:

        #8-connected neighborhood
        if x < len(mat) - 1 and abs(mat[x + 1][y] - mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x + 1, y)) and not (x + 1, y) in s:
                ST.ensta((x + 1, y))

        if x < len(mat) - 1 and y < len(mat[0]) - 1 and abs(mat[x + 1][y + 1] -
                                                            mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x + 1, y + 1)) and not (x + 1, y + 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x + 1, y + 1))

        if y < len(mat[0]) - 1 and abs(mat[x][y + 1] - mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x, y + 1)) and not (x, y + 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x, y + 1))

        if x > 0 and y < len(mat[0]) - 1 and abs(mat[x - 1][y + 1] -
                                                 mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x - 1, y + 1)) and not (x - 1, y + 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x - 1, y + 1))

        if x > 0 and abs(mat[x - 1][y] - mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x - 1, y)) and not (x - 1, y) in s:
                ST.ensta((x - 1, y))

        if x > 0 and y > 0 and abs(mat[x - 1][y - 1] - mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x - 1, y - 1)) and not (x - 1, y - 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x - 1, y - 1))

        if y > 0 and abs(mat[x][y - 1] - mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x, y - 1)) and not (x, y - 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x, y - 1))

        if x < len(mat) - 1 and y > 0 and abs(mat[x + 1][y - 1] -
                                              mean) <= epsilon:
            if not ST.isInside((x + 1, y - 1)) and not (x + 1, y - 1) in s:
                ST.ensta((x + 1, y - 1))

        print len(s)

    return s