def _delTrack(self, trackId, count=False): """! Deletes a the given trackId from the 'BeeTracker' and checks whether this track corresponds to a bee that entered or left the hive. @param trackId The trackId of the track to delete @param count Whether to count the bee or not """ track = self.tracks[trackId] if count: _dh = getStatistics() # Y-Position of first detection f_y = track.first_position[1] # Y-Position of last detection l_y = lastPosition = track.trace[-1][1] # Half of pane height pH = int(self._frame_height / 2) # Moved in if f_y > pH and l_y <= pH: _dh.addBeeIn() # Moved out if f_y < pH and l_y >= pH: _dh.addBeeOut() del self.tracks[trackId]
def addTag(self, tag): """! Add a tag the to track. Tag could be on of "wasps", "varroa", "cooling", "pollen" @param tag The tag to add """ if tag not in self.__tagCnts: self.__tagCnts[tag] = 0 self.__tagCnts[tag] += 1 # Bees cooling the hive stay at the same position for a long time # and will pass the classification network multiple times. # To harden the detection, wait for at least 5 detection if tag == "cooling" and self.__tagCnts["cooling"] < 5: return # Report to statistics if tag not in self.reported_tags: _dh = getStatistics() _dh.addClassificationResultByTag(self.trackId, tag) # Add the tag self.tags |= set((tag, )) self.reported_tags |= set((tag, ))
def run(self: Thread) -> None: """! The main thread that runs the 'ImageConsumer' """ _process_time = 0 _process_cnt = 0 writer = None # Create a Bee Tracker tracker = BeeTracker(50, 20) # Create statistics object statistics = getStatistics() if type(self._imageQueue) == type(None): raise ("No image queue provided!") while not self.stopped: _start_t = time.time() # When the neural network is enabled, then read results from the classifcation queue # and forward them the the corresponding track and statistics if get_config("NN_ENABLE"): if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(q): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # Populate classification results while not self._classifierResultQueue.empty(): if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(nn): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # Transfer results to the track trackId, result, image = self._classifierResultQueue.get() track = tracker.getTrackById(trackId) if type(track) != type(None): track.imageClassificationComplete(result) else: statistics.addClassificationResult(trackId, result) # Process every incoming image if not self._imageQueue.empty(): _process_cnt += 1 if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(get): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # Get frame set fs = self._imageQueue.get() if get_config("NN_EXTRACT_RESOLUTION") == "EXT_RES_150x300": img_1080, img_540, img_180 = fs elif get_config("NN_EXTRACT_RESOLUTION") == "EXT_RES_75x150": img_540, img_180 = fs if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(detec): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # Detect bees on smallest frame detected_bees, detected_bee_groups = detect_bees(img_180, 3) if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(track): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # # Update tracker with detected bees if get_config("ENABLE_TRACKING"): tracker.update(detected_bees, detected_bee_groups) # Extract detected bee images from the video, to use it our neural network # Scale is 2 because detection was made on img_540 but cutting is on img_1080 if get_config("ENABLE_IMAGE_EXTRACTION"): data = tracker.getLastBeePositions( get_config("EXTRACT_FAME_STEP")) if len(data) and type(self._extractQueue) != type(None): if get_config( "NN_EXTRACT_RESOLUTION") == "EXT_RES_150x300": self._extractQueue.put((data, img_1080, 2)) elif get_config( "NN_EXTRACT_RESOLUTION") == "EXT_RES_75x150": self._extractQueue.put((data, img_540, 1)) else: raise ( "Unknown setting for EXT_RES_75x150, expected EXT_RES_150x300 or EXT_RES_75x150" ) if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time(print): %0.3fms" % ((time.time() - _start_t) * 1000.0)) # Draw preview if wanted if not get_args().noPreview: draw_on = img_540.copy() if get_config("DRAW_DETECTED_ELLIPSES"): for item in detected_bees: cv2.ellipse(draw_on, item, (0, 0, 255), 2) if get_config("DRAW_DETECTED_GROUPS"): for item in detected_bee_groups: cv2.ellipse(draw_on, item, (255, 0, 0), 2) if get_config("DRAW_TRACKING_RESULTS"): tracker.drawTracks(draw_on) skipKey = 1 if get_config("FRAME_AUTO_PROCESS") else 0 cv2.imshow("frame", draw_on) if cv2.waitKey(skipKey) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Save as Video if get_config("SAVE_AS_VIDEO"): if type(writer) == type(None): h, w, c = draw_on.shape writer = cv2.VideoWriter(get_config("SAVE_AS_VIDEO_PATH"), \ cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG'), 18, (w, h)) writer.write(draw_on) # Print log entry about process time each 100 frames _process_time += time.time() - _start_t if _process_cnt % 100 == 0: logger.debug("Process time: %0.3fms" % (_process_time * 10.0)) _process_time = 0 # Limit FPS by delaying manually _end_t = time.time() - _start_t limit_time = 1 / get_config("LIMIT_FPS_TO") if _end_t < limit_time: time.sleep(limit_time - _end_t) # Update statistics _dh = getStatistics() _dh.frameProcessed() else: time.sleep(0.1) self._done = True"Image Consumer stopped")
def run(self: Thread) -> None: """! Start the LoRaWAN thread. Sends the monitoring results every five minutes """ # Ensure the transcevier is initialized try: self.initialize() except Exception as e: logger.error("Initialization failed: " + str(e)) return fail_cnt = 0 # Send every five minutes while not self.stopped: # Get current statistics _dh = getStatistics() (_wespenCount, _varroaCount, _pollenCount, _coolingCount, _beesIn, _beesOut, _frames) = _dh.readStatistics() # Reset statistics _dh.resetStatistics() # Prepare data data = tuple([ _varroaCount, _pollenCount, _coolingCount, _wespenCount, _beesIn, _beesOut ]) data_bin = struct.pack("hhhhhh", *data) # Conver monitoring results in transferrable string data_bin_str = "" for item in data_bin: data_bin_str += "%02X" % (item, ) logger.debug("Binary data: " + str(data_bin)) logger.debug("String data: " + data_bin_str) # Send the LoRaWAN Telegram ret = self._sendCmd("mac tx uncnf 1 %s" % (data_bin_str, )) if ret == "ok": ret = self._read() if ret == "mac_tx_ok":"Sending successful with: %s" % (ret, )) else: logger.error("Sending failed with: %s" % (ret, )) elif ret in [ "not_joined", "silent", "frame_counter_err_rejoin_needed", "mac_paused" ]: fail_cnt += 1 logger.error("Sending failed with: %s" % (ret, )) self.initialize() else: fail_cnt += 1 logger.error("Sending failed with: %s" % (ret, )) # Wait for five minutes, before sending the next results _start_t = time.time() while not self.stopped and (_start_t + (60 * 1) > time.time()): time.sleep(0.01) # Close the serial connection if self._ser != None: self._ser.close() # Thread stopped self._done = True"LoRaWAN stopped")
def drawTracks(self, frame): """! Draw the current tracker status on the given frame. Draw tracks, names, ids, groups, ... depending on configuration @param frame The frame to draw on @return The resulting frame """ # Draw tracks and detections for j in range(len(self.tracks)): # Only Draw tracks that have more than one waypoints if len(self.tracks[j].trace) > 1: # Select a track color t_c = self.track_colors[self.tracks[j].trackId % len(self.track_colors)] # Draw marker that shows tracks underneath groups if get_config("DRAW_GROUP_MARKER") and self.tracks[j].in_group: x = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][0]) y = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][1]) tl = (x - 30, y - 30) br = (x + 30, y + 30) cv2.rectangle(frame, tl, br, (0, 0, 0), 10) # Draw rectangle over last position if get_config("DRAW_RECTANGLE_OVER_LAST_POSTION"): x = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][0]) y = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][1]) tl = (x - 10, y - 10) br = (x + 10, y + 10) cv2.rectangle(frame, tl, br, t_c, 1) # Draw trace if get_config("DRAW_TRACK_TRACE"): for k in range(len(self.tracks[j].trace)): x = int(self.tracks[j].trace[k][0]) y = int(self.tracks[j].trace[k][1]) if k > 0: x2 = int(self.tracks[j].trace[k - 1][0]) y2 = int(self.tracks[j].trace[k - 1][1]) cv2.line(frame, (x, y), (x2, y2), t_c, 4) cv2.line(frame, (x, y), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 0), 1) # Draw prediction if get_config("DRAW_TRACK_PREDICTION"): x = int(self.tracks[j].last_predict[0]) y = int(self.tracks[j].last_predict[3]), (x, y), self.dist_threshold, (0, 0, 255), 1) # Draw velocity, acceleration if get_config("DRAW_ACCELERATION") or get_config( "DRAW_VELOCITY"): l_p = self.tracks[j].last_predict l_px = int(l_p[0]) v_px = int(l_p[1]) * 10 + l_px a_px = int(l_p[2]) * 10 + l_px l_py = int(l_p[3]) v_py = int(l_p[4]) * 10 + l_py a_py = int(l_p[5]) * 10 + l_py if DRAW_VELOCITY: cv2.line(frame, (l_px, l_py), (v_px, v_py), (255, 255, 255), 4) cv2.line(frame, (l_px, l_py), (v_px, v_py), t_c, 2) if DRAW_ACCELERATION: cv2.line(frame, (l_px, l_py), (a_px, a_py), (255, 255, 255), 8) cv2.line(frame, (l_px, l_py), (a_px, a_py), t_c, 6) x = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][0]) y = int(self.tracks[j].trace[-1][1]) if "varroa" in self.tracks[j].tags:, (x - 10, y - 50), 9, (0, 0, 255), -1), (x - 10, y - 50), 10, (0, 0, 0), 2) if "pollen" in self.tracks[j].tags:, (x - 30, y - 50), 9, (255, 0, 0), -1), (x - 30, y - 50), 10, (0, 0, 0), 2) if "cooling" in self.tracks[j].tags:, (x + 10, y - 50), 9, (0, 255, 0), -1), (x + 10, y - 50), 10, (0, 0, 0), 2) if "wasps" in self.tracks[j].tags:, (x + 30, y - 50), 9, (0, 0, 0), -1), (x + 30, y - 50), 10, (0, 0, 0), 2) # Add Track Id if get_config("DRAW_TRACK_ID"): cv2.putText(frame, str(self.tracks[j].trackId) + " " + \ self.tracks[j]._name, (x,y-30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 1, (255,255,255)) # Draw count of bees if get_config("DRAW_IN_OUT_STATS"): _dh = getStatistics() bees_in, bees_out = _dh.getBeeCountOverall() cv2.putText(frame, "In: %i, Out: %i" % (bees_in, bees_out), (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 0), 5) return frame