Esempio n. 1
    def DecryptOFB(self, iv, msg_bin, chunk_size):
        self.iv = iv
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.msg_bin = msg_bin
        str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
        iv_dec = str.strbin2dec(iv)
        msg_list = [str.strbin2dec(msg_bin[x:x+chunk_size]) for x in xrange(0,len(msg_bin),chunk_size)]
        msg_block = ''
        block_encryption = 0
        count = 0
        while (count < len(msg_list)):
            if (count == 0):
                block_encryption = iv_dec ^ KEY     #change encryption algorithm later
                msg_list[count] ^= block_encryption
                block_encryption ^= KEY
                msg_list[count] ^= block_encryption
            msg_list[count] = bin(msg_list[count])[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
            msg_block += msg_list[count]
            count += 1
        return msg_block

Esempio n. 2
 def DecryptCBC(self, msg_bin, chunk_size):       #reverse of CipherBlockChaining
     #self.iv = iv
     self.msg_list = 0
     self.key = 0
     decrypted_msg = ''
     str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
     #b = [a[x:x+2] for x in xrange(0,len(a),2)]
     msg_list = [str.strbin2dec(msg_bin[x:x+chunk_size]) for x in xrange(0,len(msg_bin),chunk_size)]
     #grab last element of the CBC msg_list
     iv = msg_list[len(msg_list)-1]
     msg_list.pop(len(msg_list)-1)   #pop initialization vector out of the list
     count = len(msg_list) - 1
     while (count > 0):
         msg_list[count] ^= KEY
         msg_list[count] ^= msg_list[count-1]
         count -= 1
     msg_list[count] ^= KEY
     msg_list[count] ^= iv
     for msg_block in msg_list:
         y_bin = bin(int(msg_block))[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
         decrypted_msg += y_bin
     return decrypted_msg
Esempio n. 3
 def DecryptCFB(self, encrypt_bin_msg, chunk_size):
     self.encrypt_bin_msg = encrypt_bin_msg
     self.chunk_size = chunk_size
     str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
     decrypted_msg = ''
     msg_list = [str.strbin2dec(msg_bin[x:x+chunk_size]) for x in xrange(0,len(msg_bin),chunk_size)]
Esempio n. 4
    def EncryptECB(self, bin_msg):
        self.bin_msg = bin_msg
        str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
        encrypt_bin = []
        for x in bin_msg:
            y = bin(str.strbin2dec(x) ^ KEY)[2:]   #change encryption algorithm

        return encrypt_bin
Esempio n. 5
 def Bin2Msg(self, decrypt_bin_msg, chunk_size):
     self.decrypt_bin_msg = decrypt_bin_msg
     self.chunk_size = chunk_size
     str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
     output_msg = ''
     msg_list = [str.strbin2dec(decrypt_bin_msg[x:x+ASCII_BIN_SIZE]) for x in xrange(0,len(decrypt_bin_msg),ASCII_BIN_SIZE)]
     for x in msg_list:
         y = chr(x)
         output_msg += y 
     return output_msg
Esempio n. 6
    def EncryptCFB(self, iv, msg_list, chunk_size):
        self.iv = iv
        self.msg_list = msg_list
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
        iv_dec = str.strbin2dec(iv)
        msg_bin = ''
        count = 0
        while (count < len(msg_list)):
            msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
            if (count == 0):
                block_encryption = iv_dec ^ KEY     #change encryption algorithm
                msg_list[count] ^= block_encryption
                block_encryption = msg_list[count-1] ^ KEY      #change encryption algorithm
                msg_list[count] ^= block_encryption
            msg_bin += bin(int(msg_list[count]))[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
            count += 1

        return msg_bin
Esempio n. 7
 def EncryptCTR(self, iv, msg_list, chunk_size):
     self.iv = iv
     self.chunk_size = chunk_size
     self.msg_list = msg_list
     str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
     iv_dec = str.strbin2dec(iv)
     msg_bin = ''
     block_encryption = 0
     count = 0
     while (count < len(msg_list)):
         msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
         block_encryption = iv_dec ^ KEY     #change encryption algorithm later
         msg_list[count] ^= block_encryption
         msg_list[count] = bin(msg_list[count])[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
         msg_bin += msg_list[count]
         iv_dec +=1
         count += 1
     return msg_bin
Esempio n. 8
    def EncryptCBC(self, iv, msg_list, chunk_size):
        self.iv = iv
        self.msg_list = msg_list
        self.key = 0;
        #start the XOR-ing and encryption of the messages: m1 with iv, m2 with c1, m3 with c2
        str = StringBinaryToDecimal()
        iv_dec = str.strbin2dec(iv)
        msg_bin = ''
        #key = 5
        count = 0
        while (count < len(msg_list)):
            if (count == 0):
                #XOR the very first element in the block with the initialization vector
                msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
                msg_list[count] ^= iv_dec
                msg_list[count] = bin(msg_list[count])[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
                msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
                msg_list[count] ^= KEY  #change this algorithm 
                msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
                msg_list[count] ^= msg_list[count-1]
                msg_list[count] = bin(msg_list[count])[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
                msg_list[count] = str.strbin2dec(msg_list[count])
                msg_list[count] ^= KEY  #change this algorithm
            if (msg_list[count] > ((2**chunk_size)-1)):
                print "assert!!!!! You should not see this message. If you messed up real bad"
            count += 1

        msg_list.append(str.strbin2dec(iv)) #append the iv to the very end of the message (only needed for client/server communication)

        #convert encrypted message back into binary
        for x_bin in msg_list:
            y_bin = bin(int(x_bin))[2:].zfill(chunk_size)
            msg_bin += y_bin        
        return msg_bin