Esempio n. 1
class StructuredGridPlot(DV3DPlot):  
    def __init__( self,  **args ):
        DV3DPlot.__init__( self,  **args )
        self.iOrientation = 0

        self.variables = {}
        self.metadata = {}

        self.isValid = True
        self.configDialog = None
        self.stereoEnabled = 0
        self.inputSpecs = {}

        self.pipelineBuilt = False
        self.baseMapActor = None
        self.enableBasemap = True
        self.map_opacity = [ 0.4, 0.4 ]
        self.skipIndex = 1
        self.roi = None
        self.shapefilePolylineActors = {}
        self.basemapLineSpecs = {}

    def processToggleClippingCommand( self, args, config_function ):
        if args and args[0] == "InitConfig": 
            self.toggleClipping( args[1] )

    def processBasemapOpacityCommand( self, args, config_function ):
        opacity = config_function.value
        if args and args[0] == "StartConfig":
        elif args and args[0] == "Init":
            oval = config_function.initial_value
            self.mapManager.setMapOpacity( oval )
        elif args and args[0] == "EndConfig":
            self.processConfigParameterChange( opacity )
        elif args and args[0] == "InitConfig":
        elif args and args[0] == "Open":
        elif args and args[0] == "Close":
        elif args and args[0] == "UpdateConfig":
            value = args[2].GetValue()
            oscale = opacity.getValues()
            oscale[ args[1] ] = value
            self.mapManager.setMapOpacity(  oscale )
            opacity.setValues( oscale )
    def processVerticalScalingCommand( self, args, config_function ):
#        print "processVerticalScalingCommand: ", str(args)
        verticalScale = config_function.value
        if args and args[0] == "StartConfig":
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[ 0 ] 
            wbounds = ispec.getDataBounds()
        elif args and args[0] == "Init":
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[ 0 ] 
            zsval = config_function.initial_value
#             plotType = ispec.getMetadata('plotType')
#             if plotType == 'xyt':
#                 tval = ispec.getMetadata('time')
#                 if tval: zsval = 10.0 / len( tval )
#             else: 
#                 lval = ispec.getMetadata('lev')
#                 if tval: zsval = 10.0 / len( lval )
#             verticalScale.setValues( [ zsval ] )
            self.setZScale( zsval  )
            verticalScale.setValue( 'count', 1 )
            self.zscaleBoxWidget = vtk.vtkBoxWidget()
            self.zscaleBoxWidget.SetInteractor( self.renderWindowInteractor )
            oprop = self.zscaleBoxWidget.GetOutlineProperty() 
            oprop.SetColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
            oprop.SetLineWidth( 2.0 )
        elif args and args[0] == "EndConfig":
            vscale = verticalScale.getValues()
            self.setZScale( vscale )
            self.processConfigParameterChange( verticalScale )
        elif args and args[0] == "InitConfig":
            self.updateTextDisplay( config_function.label )
            bbar = self.getInteractionButtons()
            self.skipIndex = 2
            for islider in range(4): bbar.setSliderVisibility(  islider, islider < len(config_function.sliderLabels)  )
        elif args and args[0] == "Open":
        elif args and args[0] == "Close":
        elif args and args[0] == "UpdateConfig":
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[ 0 ] 
            vscale = args[2].GetValue()
            verticalScale.setValues( [ vscale ] )
            wbounds = ispec.getDataBounds( zscale=vscale )
            self.zscaleBoxWidget.PlaceWidget( wbounds )

#     def onKeyEvent(self, eventArgs ):
#         key = eventArgs[0]
#         md = self.getInputSpec().getMetadata()
#         if (  key == 'r'  ):
#             self.resetCamera()              
#         elif ( md and ( md.get('plotType','')=='xyz' ) and ( key == 't' )  ):
#             self.showInteractiveLens = not self.showInteractiveLens 
#             self.render() 
#         else:
#             return DV3DPlot.onKeyEvent( self, eventArgs )
#         return 1

    def getRangeBounds( self, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.getRangeBounds()  

    def setZScale( self, zscale_data, input_index = 0, **args ):
        self.setInputZScale( zscale_data, input_index, **args )

    def setRangeBounds( self, rbounds, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        ispec.rangeBounds[:] = rbounds[:] 

    def setMaxScalarValue(self, iDType ):  
        if iDType   == vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR:   self._max_scalar_value = 255
        elif iDType == vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT:  self._max_scalar_value = 256*256-1
        elif iDType == vtk.VTK_SHORT:           self._max_scalar_value = 256*128-1
        else:                                   self._max_scalar_value = self.getRangeBounds()[1]  

    def decimateImage( self, image, decx, decy ):
        dims = image.GetDimensions()
        image_size = dims[0] * dims[1]
        result = image
        if image_size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE:
            resample = vtk.vtkImageShrink3D()
            resample.SetInput( image )
            resample.SetShrinkFactors( decx, decy, 1 )
            result = resample.GetOutput() 
        return result

    def getScaleBounds(self):
        return [ 0.5, 100.0 ]
    def setInputZScale(self, zscale_data, input_index=0, **args  ):
        input = self.variable_reader.output( input_index )
        spacing = input.GetSpacing()
        ix, iy, iz = spacing
        sz = zscale_data[0]
        if iz <> sz:
#            print " PVM >---------------> Change input zscale: %.4f -> %.4f" % ( iz, sz )
            input.SetSpacing( ix, iy, sz )  
            self.processScaleChange( spacing, ( ix, iy, sz ) )
        return input
    def getDataRangeBounds(self, inputIndex=0 ):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec( inputIndex )
        return ispec.getDataRangeBounds() if ispec else None

    def onSlicerLeftButtonPress( self, caller, event ):
        self.currentButton = self.LEFT_BUTTON   
        return 0

    def processScaleChange( self, old_spacing, new_spacing ):
#        self.updateModule()

    def onSlicerRightButtonPress( self, caller, event ):
        self.currentButton = self.RIGHT_BUTTON
        return 0
    def getAxes(self):

    def input( self, input_index = 0 ):
        plotButtons = self.getInteractionButtons()
        cf = plotButtons.getConfigFunction('VerticalScaling')
        if cf <> None:
            zscale_data = cf.value.getValues()
            input = self.setInputZScale( zscale_data, input_index  )
            input = self.variable_reader.output( input_index )
        return input

    def isBuilt(self):
        return self.pipelineBuilt
    def initializeInputs( self, **args ):
        nOutputs = self.variable_reader.nOutputs()
        for inputIndex in range( nOutputs ):
            ispec = self.variable_reader.outputSpec( inputIndex )
            self.inputSpecs[inputIndex] = ispec 
            if self.roi == None:  
                self.roi = ispec.metadata.get( 'bounds', None )  
            self.intiTime( ispec, **args )
    def initMetadata(self):
        spec = self.inputSpecs[0]
        attributes = spec.metadata.get( 'attributes' , None )
#        print " Init Metadata, attributes = ", str( attributes )
        if attributes:
            self.metadata['var_name'] = attributes.get(  'long_name',  attributes.get(  'name', None ) )
            self.metadata['var_units'] = attributes.get('units', '' )

    def intiTime(self, ispec, **args):
            t = cdtime.reltime( 0, self.variable_reader.referenceTimeUnits )
            if t.cmp( cdtime.reltime( 0, ispec.referenceTimeUnits ) ) == 1:
                self.variable_reader.referenceTimeUnits = ispec.referenceTimeUnits 
            tval = args.get( 'timeValue', None )
            if tval: self.timeValue = cdtime.reltime( float( args[ 'timeValue' ] ), ispec.referenceTimeUnits )
            self.timeValue = 0.0

    def execute(self, **args ):
        if not self.isBuilt(): 
            self.pipelineBuilt = True
        self.updateModule( **args )                
    def getScalarRange( self, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.scalarRange
    def basemapLinesVisibilityOn(self):
        for actor_list in self.shapefilePolylineActors.values():
            for actor in actor_list: 
                if actor: actor.VisibilityOn()  

    def basemapLinesVisibilityOff(self):
        for actor_list in self.shapefilePolylineActors.values():
            for actor in actor_list: 
                if actor: actor.VisibilityOff()  

    def createBasemapPolyline( self, type, **args ):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec(0)  
        md = ispec.getMetadata()
        latLonGrid = md.get( 'latLonGrid', True )
        if latLonGrid:
            line_specs = self.basemapLineSpecs.get( type, None )
            thickness = int( round( line_specs[0] ) ) if line_specs else 0
            density = int( round( line_specs[1] ) ) if line_specs else 1
            resTypes = [ "invisible", "low", "medium", "high" ]
            if (thickness > 0) and ( density > 0 ):
                rgb=self.getLayerColor( type ) 
                textFilePath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", type, "index.txt" )
                s.setWidth( thickness )
                polys=s.getPolyLines( self.roi, textFilePath, resTypes[ density ] )        
                origin = self.planeWidgetZ.GetOrigin()
                pos = polys.GetPosition()
                pos1 = [ pos[0], pos[1], origin[2] ]
                polys.SetPosition( pos1 )
                polys_list = self.shapefilePolylineActors.get( type, [ None, None, None, None, None ] ) 
                polys_list[ density ] = polys
                self.shapefilePolylineActors[ type ] = polys_list   
    def setBasemapLineSpecs( self, shapefile_type, value ):
        self.basemapLineSpecs[shapefile_type] = value
        npixels = int( round( value[0] ) )
        density = int( round( value[1] ) )
        polys_list = self.shapefilePolylineActors.get( shapefile_type, [ None, None, None, None, None ] ) 
            selected_polys = polys_list[ density ]
            if not selected_polys:
                if npixels: 
                    self.createBasemapPolyline( shapefile_type )
                for polys in polys_list:
                    if polys:
                        polys.SetVisibility( npixels and ( id(polys) == id(selected_polys) ) )
                selected_polys.GetProperty().SetLineWidth( npixels )           
        except IndexError:
            print>>sys.stderr, " setBasemapLineSpecs: Density too large: %d " % density

    def setBasemapCoastlineLineSpecs( self, value, **args ):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('coastline', value )

    def setBasemapStatesLineSpecs( self, value, **args ):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('states', value )

    def setBasemapLakesLineSpecs( self, value, **args ):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('lakes', value )
    def setBasemapCountriesLineSpecs( self, value, **args ):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('countries', value )

    def getBasemapLineSpecs( self, shapefile_type ):
        return self.basemapLineSpecs.get( shapefile_type, None )
    def getBasemapCoastlineLineSpecs( self, **args ):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('coastline' )
    def getBasemapStatesLineSpecs( self, **args ):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('states' )

    def getBasemapLakesLineSpecs( self, **args ):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('lakes' )

    def getBasemapCountriesLineSpecs( self, **args ):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('countries' )

    def getInputSpec( self, input_index=0 ):
        return self.inputSpecs.get( input_index, None )

    def getDataValue( self, image_value, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.getDataValue( image_value )

    def getTimeAxis(self):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec()     
        timeAxis = ispec.getMetadata('time') if ispec else None
        return timeAxis
    def getDataValues( self, image_value_list, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.getDataValues( image_value_list )  
    def getImageValue( self, data_value, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.getImageValue( data_value )  
    def getImageValues( self, data_value_list, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.getImageValues( data_value_list )  

    def scaleToImage( self, data_value, input_index = 0 ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ input_index ] 
        return ispec.scaleToImage( data_value )  

#     def finalizeLeveling( self, cmap_index=0 ):
#         ispec = self.inputSpecs[ cmap_index ] 
#         ispec.addMetadata( { 'colormap' : self.getColormapSpec(), 'orientation' : self.iOrientation } ) 
#         return DV3DPlot.finalizeLeveling( self, cmap_index=0 )

    def initializeConfiguration( self, cmap_index=0, **args ):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[ cmap_index ] 
        args['units'] = ispec.units
        self.buttonBarHandler.initializeConfigurations( **args )
        ispec.addMetadata( { 'colormap' : self.getColormapSpec(), 'orientation' : self.iOrientation } ) 
#        self.updateSliceOutput()

    def getMapOpacity(self):
        return self.map_opacity
    def setMapOpacity(self, opacity_vals, **args ):
        self.map_opacity = opacity_vals

    def updateMapOpacity(self, cmap_index=0 ):
        if self.baseMapActor:
            self.baseMapActor.SetOpacity( self.map_opacity[0] )

    def showInteractiveLens(self): 

    def updateLensDisplay(self, screenPos, coord):
    def buildBaseMap(self):        
        self.mapManager = MapManager( roi = self.roi )
        self.renderer.AddActor( self.mapManager.getBaseMapActor() )

#         if self.baseMapActor <> None: self.renderer.RemoveActor( self.baseMapActor )               
#         world_map =  None  
#         map_border_size = 20 
#         self.y0 = -90.0  
#         self.x0 =  0.0  
#         dataPosition = None
#         if world_map == None:
#             self.map_file = defaultMapFile
#             self.map_cut = defaultMapCut
#         else:
#             self.map_file = world_map[0].name
#             self.map_cut = world_map[1]
#         self.world_cut =  -1 
#         if  (self.roi <> None): 
#             roi_size = [ self.roi[1] - self.roi[0], self.roi[3] - self.roi[2] ] 
#             scale = (self.roi[1] - self.roi[0])/300.0
#             border_size = map_border_size * scale
#             map_cut_size = [ roi_size[0] + 2*border_size, roi_size[1] + 2*border_size ]
#             if map_cut_size[0] > 360.0: map_cut_size[0] = 360.0
#             if map_cut_size[1] > 180.0: map_cut_size[1] = 180.0
#         else:
#             map_cut_size = [ 360, 180 ]
#         if self.world_cut == -1: 
#             if  (self.roi <> None): 
#                 if roi_size[0] > 180:             
#                     self.ComputeCornerPosition()
#                     self.world_cut = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 )
#                 else:
#                     dataPosition = [ ( self.roi[1] + self.roi[0] ) / 2.0, ( self.roi[3] + self.roi[2] ) / 2.0 ]
#             else:
#                 dataPosition = [ 180, 0 ] # [ ( self.roi[1] + self.roi[0] ) / 2.0, ( self.roi[3] + self.roi[2] ) / 2.0 ]
#         else:
#             self.world_cut = self.map_cut
#         self.imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()        
#         image_reader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()      
#         image_reader.SetFileName(  self.map_file )
#         image_reader.Update()
#         baseImage = image_reader.GetOutput() 
#         new_dims, scale = None, None
#         if dataPosition == None: 
#             old_dims = baseImage.GetDimensions()   
#             baseImage = self.RollMap( baseImage ) 
#             new_dims = baseImage.GetDimensions()
#             scale = [ 360.0/new_dims[0], 180.0/new_dims[1], 1 ]
#         else:                       
#             baseImage, new_dims = self.getBoundedMap( baseImage, dataPosition, map_cut_size, border_size )             
#             scale = [ map_cut_size[0]/new_dims[0], map_cut_size[1]/new_dims[1], 1 ]
#         self.baseMapActor = vtk.vtkImageActor()
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetScale( scale )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOrientation( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOpacity( self.map_opacity[0] )
#         mapCorner = [ self.x0, self.y0 ]
#         self.baseMapActor.SetPosition( mapCorner[0], mapCorner[1], 0.1 )
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  self.baseMapActor.SetInput(baseImage)
#         else:                           self.baseMapActor.SetInputData(baseImage)        
#         self.mapCenter = [ self.x0 + map_cut_size[0]/2.0, self.y0 + map_cut_size[1]/2.0 ] 
#         self.mapSize = map_cut_size      
#         self.renderer.AddActor( self.baseMapActor )

#     def ComputeCornerPosition( self ):
#         if (self.roi[0] >= -180) and (self.roi[1] <= 180) and (self.roi[1] > self.roi[0]):
#             self.x0 = -180
#             return 180
#         if (self.roi[0] >= 0) and (self.roi[1] <= 360) and (self.roi[1] > self.roi[0]):
#             self.x0 = 0
#             return 0
#         self.x0 = int( round( self.roi[0] / 10.0 ) ) * 10
# #        print "Set Corner pos: %s, roi: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str(self.roi) )
#     def GetScaling( self, image_dims ):
#         return 360.0/image_dims[0], 180.0/image_dims[1],  1
#     def GetFilePath( self, cut ):
#         filename = "%s_%d.jpg" % ( self.world_image, cut )
#         return os.path.join( self.data_dir, filename ) 
#     def RollMap( self, baseImage ):
# #        baseImage.Update()
#         if self.world_cut  == self.map_cut: return baseImage
#         baseExtent = baseImage.GetExtent()
#         baseSpacing = baseImage.GetSpacing()
#         x0 = baseExtent[0]
#         x1 = baseExtent[1]
#         newCut = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.world_cut )
#         delCut = newCut - self.map_cut
# #        print "  %%%%%% Roll Map %%%%%%: world_cut=%.1f, map_cut=%.1f, newCut=%.1f " % ( float(self.world_cut), float(self.map_cut), float(newCut) )
#         imageLen = x1 - x0 + 1
#         sliceSize =  imageLen * ( delCut / 360.0 )
#         sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )        
#         extent = list( baseExtent ) 
#         extent[0:2] = [ x0, x0 + sliceCoord - 1 ]
#         clip0 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip0.SetInput( baseImage )
#         else:                           clip0.SetInputData( baseImage )                
#         clip0.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], extent[4], extent[5] )
#         extent[0:2] = [ x0 + sliceCoord, x1 ]
#         clip1 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip1.SetInput( baseImage )
#         else:                           clip1.SetInputData( baseImage )                
#         clip1.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], extent[4], extent[5] )
#         append = vtk.vtkImageAppend()
#         append.SetAppendAxis( 0 )
#         append.SetInputConnection ( clip1.GetOutputPort() )
#         append.AddInputConnection ( clip0.GetOutputPort() )           
#         imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()
#         imageInfo.SetInputConnection( append.GetOutputPort() ) 
#         imageInfo.SetOutputOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputExtentStart( 0, 0, 0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputSpacing( baseSpacing[0], baseSpacing[1], baseSpacing[2] )
#         imageInfo.Update()
#         result = imageInfo.GetOutput() 
#         return result
#     def NormalizeMapLon( self, lon ): 
#         while ( lon < ( self.map_cut - 0.01 ) ): lon = lon + 360
#         return ( ( lon - self.map_cut ) % 360 ) + self.map_cut
#     def getBoundedMap( self, baseImage, dataLocation, map_cut_size, map_border_size ):
#         baseExtent = baseImage.GetExtent()
#         baseSpacing = baseImage.GetSpacing()
#         x0 = baseExtent[0]
#         x1 = baseExtent[1]
#         y0 = baseExtent[2]
#         y1 = baseExtent[3]
#         imageLen = [ x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1 ]
#         selectionDim = [ map_cut_size[0]/2, map_cut_size[1]/2 ]
#         dataXLoc = dataLocation[0]
#         imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()
#         dataYbounds = [ dataLocation[1]-selectionDim[1], dataLocation[1]+selectionDim[1] ]
#         vertExtent = [ y0, y1 ]
#         bounded_dims = None
#         if dataYbounds[0] > -90.0:
#             yOffset = dataYbounds[0] + 90.0
#             extOffset = int( round( ( yOffset / 180.0 ) * imageLen[1] ) )
#             vertExtent[0] = y0 + extOffset
#             self.y0 = dataYbounds[0]
#         if dataYbounds[1] < 90.0:
#             yOffset = 90.0 - dataYbounds[1]
#             extOffset = int( round( ( yOffset / 180.0 ) * imageLen[1] ) )
#             vertExtent[1] = y1 - extOffset
#         overlapsBorder = ( self.NormalizeMapLon(dataLocation[0]-selectionDim[0]) > self.NormalizeMapLon(dataLocation[0]+selectionDim[0]) )
#         if overlapsBorder:
#             cut0 = self.NormalizeMapLon( dataXLoc + selectionDim[0] )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut0 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )        
#             extent = list( baseExtent )         
#             extent[0:2] = [ x0, x0 + sliceCoord - 1 ]
#             clip0 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip0.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip0.SetInputData( baseImage )                
#             clip0.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             size0 = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1
#             self.x0 = dataLocation[0] - selectionDim[0]
#             cut1 = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 ) 
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut1 - self.map_cut )/ 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )       
#             extent[0:2] = [ x0 + sliceCoord, x1 ]
#             clip1 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip1.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip1.SetInputData( baseImage )                
#             clip1.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             size1 = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1
# #            print "Set Corner pos: %s, cuts: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str( (cut0, cut1) ) )
#             append = vtk.vtkImageAppend()
#             append.SetAppendAxis( 0 )
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  
#                 append.AddInput( clip1.GetOutput() )          
#                 append.AddInput( clip0.GetOutput() )
#             else:
#                 append.AddInputData( clip1.GetOutput() )          
#                 append.AddInputData( clip0.GetOutput() )
#             bounded_dims = ( size0 + size1, vertExtent[1] - vertExtent[0] + 1 )
#             imageInfo.SetInputConnection( append.GetOutputPort() ) 
#         else:
#             self.x0 = dataXLoc - selectionDim[0]
#             cut0 = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut0 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )        
#             extent = list( baseExtent )         
#             extent[0] = x0 + sliceCoord - 1
#             cut1 = self.NormalizeMapLon( dataXLoc + selectionDim[0] )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut1 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )       
#             extent[1] = x0 + sliceCoord
#             clip = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip.SetInputData( baseImage )                
#             clip.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             bounded_dims = ( extent[1] - extent[0] + 1, vertExtent[1] - vertExtent[0] + 1 )
# #            print "Set Corner pos: %s, dataXLoc: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str( (dataXLoc, selectionDim[0]) ) )
#             imageInfo.SetInputConnection( clip.GetOutputPort() ) 
#         imageInfo.SetOutputOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputExtentStart( 0, 0, 0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputSpacing( baseSpacing[0], baseSpacing[1], baseSpacing[2] )
#         imageInfo.Update() 
#         result = imageInfo.GetOutput() 
#         return result, bounded_dims

    def init(self, **args ):
        init_args = args[ 'init' ]      
        n_cores = args.get( 'n_cores', 32 )    
        lut = self.getLUT()
        self.variable_reader = StructuredDataReader( init_specs=init_args, **args )
        self.variable_reader.execute( )       
        self.createRenderer( **args )
        interface = init_args[2]
        self.execute( )
        self.initCamera( 700.0 )

    def gminit( self, var1, var2, **args ): 
        var_list = [ var1 ]
        if id(var2) <> id(None): var_list.append( var2 )
        self.variable_reader = StructuredDataReader( vars=var_list, otype=self.type, **args )
        self.variable_reader.execute( )       
        self.createRenderer( **args )
        self.execute( )
    def stepAnimation(self, **args):
        timestamp = self.variable_reader.stepAnimation()
        self.execute( )
        if timestamp:   self.updateTextDisplay( "Timestep: %s" % str( timestamp ) )
        else:           self.updateTextDisplay( "" )
        DV3DPlot.stepAnimation(self, **args)

    def onResizeEvent(self):
        self.updateTextDisplay( None, True )
    def updateTextDisplay( self, text=None, render=False ):
        if text <> None:
            metadata = self.getMetadata()
            var_name = metadata.get( 'var_name', '')
            var_units = metadata.get( 'var_units', '')
            self.labelBuff = "%s (%s)\n%s" % ( var_name, var_units, str(text) )
        DV3DPlot.updateTextDisplay( self, None, render )
    def toggleClipping(self, clipping_on ):
        if clipping_on:   self.clipOn()
        else:             self.clipOff()
    def clipOn(self):

    def clipOff(self):
Esempio n. 2
class StructuredGridPlot(DV3DPlot):
    def __init__(self, **args):
        DV3DPlot.__init__(self, **args)
        self.iOrientation = 0

        self.variables = {}
        self.metadata = {}

        self.isValid = True
        self.configDialog = None
        self.stereoEnabled = 0
        self.inputSpecs = {}

        self.pipelineBuilt = False
        self.baseMapActor = None
        self.enableBasemap = True
        self.map_opacity = [0.4, 0.4]
        self.skipIndex = 1
        self.roi = None
        self.shapefilePolylineActors = {}
        self.basemapLineSpecs = {}

    def processBasemapOpacityCommand(self, args, config_function):
        opacity = config_function.value
        if args and args[0] == "StartConfig":
        elif args and args[0] == "Init":
            oval = config_function.initial_value
        elif args and args[0] == "EndConfig":
        elif args and args[0] == "InitConfig":
        elif args and args[0] == "Open":
        elif args and args[0] == "Close":
        elif args and args[0] == "UpdateConfig":
            value = args[2].GetValue()
            oscale = opacity.getValues()
            oscale[args[1]] = value

    def processVerticalScalingCommand(self, args, config_function):
        #        print "processVerticalScalingCommand: ", str(args)
        verticalScale = config_function.value
        if args and args[0] == "StartConfig":
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[0]
            wbounds = ispec.getDataBounds()
            self.zscaleBoxWidget = vtk.vtkBoxWidget()
            oprop = self.zscaleBoxWidget.GetOutlineProperty()
            oprop.SetColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
#            print "  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place box widget: ", str( wbounds )
        elif args and args[0] == "Init":
            self.parameter_initializing = True
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[0]
            zsval = config_function.initial_value
            #             plotType = ispec.getMetadata('plotType')
            #             if plotType == 'xyt':
            #                 tval = ispec.getMetadata('time')
            #                 if tval: zsval = 10.0 / len( tval )
            #             else:
            #                 lval = ispec.getMetadata('lev')
            #                 if tval: zsval = 10.0 / len( lval )
            #             verticalScale.setValues( [ zsval ] )
            verticalScale.setValue('count', 1)
            self.parameter_initializing = False
        elif args and args[0] == "EndConfig":
            vscale = verticalScale.getValues()
            self.zscaleBoxWidget = None
        elif args and args[0] == "InitConfig":
            bbar = self.getInteractionButtons()
            self.skipIndex = 2
            for islider in range(4):
                    islider, islider < len(config_function.sliderLabels))
        elif args and args[0] == "Open":
        elif args and args[0] == "Close":
        elif args and args[0] == "UpdateConfig":
            ispec = self.inputSpecs[0]
            vscale = args[2].GetValue()
            wbounds = ispec.getDataBounds(zscale=vscale)

#     def onKeyEvent(self, eventArgs ):
#         key = eventArgs[0]
#         md = self.getInputSpec().getMetadata()
#         if (  key == 'r'  ):
#             self.resetCamera()
#         elif ( md and ( md.get('plotType','')=='xyz' ) and ( key == 't' )  ):
#             self.showInteractiveLens = not self.showInteractiveLens
#             self.render()
#         else:
#             return DV3DPlot.onKeyEvent( self, eventArgs )
#         return 1

    def getRangeBounds(self, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.getRangeBounds()

    def setZScale(self, zscale_data, input_index=0, **args):
        self.setInputZScale(zscale_data, input_index, **args)

    def setRangeBounds(self, rbounds, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        ispec.rangeBounds[:] = rbounds[:]

    def setMaxScalarValue(self, iDType):
        if iDType == vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR: self._max_scalar_value = 255
        elif iDType == vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
            self._max_scalar_value = 256 * 256 - 1
        elif iDType == vtk.VTK_SHORT:
            self._max_scalar_value = 256 * 128 - 1
            self._max_scalar_value = self.getRangeBounds()[1]

    def decimateImage(self, image, decx, decy):
        dims = image.GetDimensions()
        image_size = dims[0] * dims[1]
        result = image
        if image_size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE:
            resample = vtk.vtkImageShrink3D()
            resample.SetShrinkFactors(decx, decy, 1)
            result = resample.GetOutput()
        return result

    def getScaleBounds(self):
        return [0.5, 100.0]

    def setInputZScale(self, zscale_data, input_index=0, **args):
        input = self.variable_reader.output(input_index)
        if input is not None:
            spacing = input.GetSpacing()
            ix, iy, iz = spacing
            sz = zscale_data[0]
            if iz <> sz:
                #            print " PVM >---------------> Change input zscale: %.4f -> %.4f" % ( iz, sz )
                input.SetSpacing(ix, iy, sz)
                self.processScaleChange(spacing, (ix, iy, sz))
        return input

    def getDataRangeBounds(self, inputIndex=0):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec(inputIndex)
        return ispec.getDataRangeBounds() if ispec else None

    def onSlicerLeftButtonPress(self, caller, event):
        self.currentButton = self.LEFT_BUTTON
        return 0

    def processScaleChange(self, old_spacing, new_spacing):
#        self.updateModule()

    def onSlicerRightButtonPress(self, caller, event):
        self.currentButton = self.RIGHT_BUTTON
        return 0

    def getAxes(self):

    def input(self, input_index=0):
        plotButtons = self.getInteractionButtons()
        cf = plotButtons.getConfigFunction('VerticalScaling')
        if cf <> None:
            zscale_data = cf.value.getValues()
            input = self.setInputZScale(zscale_data, input_index)
            input = self.variable_reader.output(input_index)
        return input

    def isBuilt(self):
        return self.pipelineBuilt

    def initializeInputs(self, **args):
        nOutputs = self.variable_reader.nOutputs()
        for inputIndex in range(nOutputs):
            ispec = self.variable_reader.outputSpec(inputIndex)
            self.inputSpecs[inputIndex] = ispec
            if self.roi == None:
                self.roi = ispec.metadata.get('bounds', None)
            self.intiTime(ispec, **args)

    def initMetadata(self):
        spec = self.inputSpecs[0]
        attributes = spec.metadata.get('attributes', None)
        #        print " Init Metadata, attributes = ", str( attributes )
        if attributes:
            self.metadata['var_name'] = attributes.get(
                'long_name', attributes.get('name', None))
            self.metadata['var_units'] = attributes.get('units', '')

    def intiTime(self, ispec, **args):
            t = cdtime.reltime(0, self.variable_reader.referenceTimeUnits)
            if t.cmp(cdtime.reltime(0, ispec.referenceTimeUnits)) == 1:
                self.variable_reader.referenceTimeUnits = ispec.referenceTimeUnits
            tval = args.get('timeValue', None)
            if tval:
                self.timeValue = cdtime.reltime(float(args['timeValue']),
            self.timeValue = 0.0

    def execute(self, **args):
        if not self.isBuilt():
            self.pipelineBuilt = True


    def getScalarRange(self, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.scalarRange

    def basemapLinesVisibilityOn(self):
        for actor_list in self.shapefilePolylineActors.values():
            for actor in actor_list:
                if actor: actor.VisibilityOn()

    def basemapLinesVisibilityOff(self):
        for actor_list in self.shapefilePolylineActors.values():
            for actor in actor_list:
                if actor: actor.VisibilityOff()

    def createBasemapPolyline(self, type, **args):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec(0)
        md = ispec.getMetadata()
        latLonGrid = md.get('latLonGrid', True)
        if latLonGrid:
            line_specs = self.basemapLineSpecs.get(type, None)
            thickness = int(round(line_specs[0])) if line_specs else 0
            density = int(round(line_specs[1])) if line_specs else 1
            resTypes = ["invisible", "low", "medium", "high"]
            if (thickness > 0) and (density > 0):
                rgb = self.getLayerColor(type)
                textFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data",
                                            type, "index.txt")
                s = shapeFileReader()
                polys = s.getPolyLines(self.roi, textFilePath,
                origin = self.planeWidgetZ.GetOrigin()
                pos = polys.GetPosition()
                pos1 = [pos[0], pos[1], origin[2]]
                polys_list = self.shapefilePolylineActors.get(
                    type, [None, None, None, None, None])
                polys_list[density] = polys
                self.shapefilePolylineActors[type] = polys_list

    def setBasemapLineSpecs(self, shapefile_type, value):
        self.basemapLineSpecs[shapefile_type] = value
        npixels = int(round(value[0]))
        density = int(round(value[1]))
        polys_list = self.shapefilePolylineActors.get(
            shapefile_type, [None, None, None, None, None])
            selected_polys = polys_list[density]
            if not selected_polys:
                if npixels:
                for polys in polys_list:
                    if polys:
                        polys.SetVisibility(npixels and
                                            (id(polys) == id(selected_polys)))
        except IndexError:
            print >> sys.stderr, " setBasemapLineSpecs: Density too large: %d " % density

    def setBasemapCoastlineLineSpecs(self, value, **args):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('coastline', value)

    def setBasemapStatesLineSpecs(self, value, **args):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('states', value)

    def setBasemapLakesLineSpecs(self, value, **args):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('lakes', value)

    def setBasemapCountriesLineSpecs(self, value, **args):
        self.setBasemapLineSpecs('countries', value)

    def getBasemapLineSpecs(self, shapefile_type):
        return self.basemapLineSpecs.get(shapefile_type, None)

    def getBasemapCoastlineLineSpecs(self, **args):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('coastline')

    def getBasemapStatesLineSpecs(self, **args):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('states')

    def getBasemapLakesLineSpecs(self, **args):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('lakes')

    def getBasemapCountriesLineSpecs(self, **args):
        return self.getBasemapLineSpecs('countries')

    def getInputSpec(self, input_index=0):
        if input_index == -1: input_index = len(self.inputSpecs) - 1
        return self.inputSpecs.get(input_index, None)

    def getDataValue(self, image_value, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.getDataValue(image_value)

    def getTimeAxis(self):
        ispec = self.getInputSpec()
        timeAxis = ispec.getMetadata('time') if ispec else None
        return timeAxis

    def getDataValues(self, image_value_list, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.getDataValues(image_value_list)

    def getImageValue(self, data_value, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.getImageValue(data_value)

    def getImageValues(self, data_value_list, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.getImageValues(data_value_list)

    def scaleToImage(self, data_value, input_index=0):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[input_index]
        return ispec.scaleToImage(data_value)

#     def finalizeLeveling( self, cmap_index=0 ):
#         ispec = self.inputSpecs[ cmap_index ]
#         ispec.addMetadata( { 'colormap' : self.getColormapSpec(), 'orientation' : self.iOrientation } )
#         return DV3DPlot.finalizeLeveling( self, cmap_index=0 )

    def initializeConfiguration(self, cmap_index=0, **args):
        ispec = self.inputSpecs[cmap_index]
        args['units'] = ispec.units
        for plotItem in self.plotConstituents.items():
            if self.isConstituentConfigEnabled(plotItem[0]):
                    '-'.join(['colormap', plotItem[0]]):
#        self.updateSliceOutput()

    def getMapOpacity(self):
        return self.map_opacity

    def setMapOpacity(self, opacity_vals, **args):
        self.map_opacity = opacity_vals

    def updateMapOpacity(self, cmap_index=0):
        if self.baseMapActor:

    def showInteractiveLens(self):

    def updateLensDisplay(self, screenPos, coord):

    def buildBaseMap(self):
        self.mapManager = MapManager(roi=self.roi)

#         if self.baseMapActor <> None: self.renderer.RemoveActor( self.baseMapActor )
#         world_map =  None
#         map_border_size = 20
#         self.y0 = -90.0
#         self.x0 =  0.0
#         dataPosition = None
#         if world_map == None:
#             self.map_file = defaultMapFile
#             self.map_cut = defaultMapCut
#         else:
#             self.map_file = world_map[0].name
#             self.map_cut = world_map[1]
#         self.world_cut =  -1
#         if  (self.roi <> None):
#             roi_size = [ self.roi[1] - self.roi[0], self.roi[3] - self.roi[2] ]
#             scale = (self.roi[1] - self.roi[0])/300.0
#             border_size = map_border_size * scale
#             map_cut_size = [ roi_size[0] + 2*border_size, roi_size[1] + 2*border_size ]
#             if map_cut_size[0] > 360.0: map_cut_size[0] = 360.0
#             if map_cut_size[1] > 180.0: map_cut_size[1] = 180.0
#         else:
#             map_cut_size = [ 360, 180 ]
#         if self.world_cut == -1:
#             if  (self.roi <> None):
#                 if roi_size[0] > 180:
#                     self.ComputeCornerPosition()
#                     self.world_cut = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 )
#                 else:
#                     dataPosition = [ ( self.roi[1] + self.roi[0] ) / 2.0, ( self.roi[3] + self.roi[2] ) / 2.0 ]
#             else:
#                 dataPosition = [ 180, 0 ] # [ ( self.roi[1] + self.roi[0] ) / 2.0, ( self.roi[3] + self.roi[2] ) / 2.0 ]
#         else:
#             self.world_cut = self.map_cut
#         self.imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()
#         image_reader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader()
#         image_reader.SetFileName(  self.map_file )
#         image_reader.Update()
#         baseImage = image_reader.GetOutput()
#         new_dims, scale = None, None
#         if dataPosition == None:
#             old_dims = baseImage.GetDimensions()
#             baseImage = self.RollMap( baseImage )
#             new_dims = baseImage.GetDimensions()
#             scale = [ 360.0/new_dims[0], 180.0/new_dims[1], 1 ]
#         else:
#             baseImage, new_dims = self.getBoundedMap( baseImage, dataPosition, map_cut_size, border_size )
#             scale = [ map_cut_size[0]/new_dims[0], map_cut_size[1]/new_dims[1], 1 ]
#         self.baseMapActor = vtk.vtkImageActor()
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetScale( scale )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOrientation( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         self.baseMapActor.SetOpacity( self.map_opacity[0] )
#         mapCorner = [ self.x0, self.y0 ]
#         self.baseMapActor.SetPosition( mapCorner[0], mapCorner[1], 0.1 )
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  self.baseMapActor.SetInput(baseImage)
#         else:                           self.baseMapActor.SetInputData(baseImage)
#         self.mapCenter = [ self.x0 + map_cut_size[0]/2.0, self.y0 + map_cut_size[1]/2.0 ]
#         self.mapSize = map_cut_size
#         self.renderer.AddActor( self.baseMapActor )

#     def ComputeCornerPosition( self ):
#         if (self.roi[0] >= -180) and (self.roi[1] <= 180) and (self.roi[1] > self.roi[0]):
#             self.x0 = -180
#             return 180
#         if (self.roi[0] >= 0) and (self.roi[1] <= 360) and (self.roi[1] > self.roi[0]):
#             self.x0 = 0
#             return 0
#         self.x0 = int( round( self.roi[0] / 10.0 ) ) * 10
# #        print "Set Corner pos: %s, roi: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str(self.roi) )

#     def GetScaling( self, image_dims ):
#         return 360.0/image_dims[0], 180.0/image_dims[1],  1
#     def GetFilePath( self, cut ):
#         filename = "%s_%d.jpg" % ( self.world_image, cut )
#         return os.path.join( self.data_dir, filename )
#     def RollMap( self, baseImage ):
# #        baseImage.Update()
#         if self.world_cut  == self.map_cut: return baseImage
#         baseExtent = baseImage.GetExtent()
#         baseSpacing = baseImage.GetSpacing()
#         x0 = baseExtent[0]
#         x1 = baseExtent[1]
#         newCut = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.world_cut )
#         delCut = newCut - self.map_cut
# #        print "  %%%%%% Roll Map %%%%%%: world_cut=%.1f, map_cut=%.1f, newCut=%.1f " % ( float(self.world_cut), float(self.map_cut), float(newCut) )
#         imageLen = x1 - x0 + 1
#         sliceSize =  imageLen * ( delCut / 360.0 )
#         sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )
#         extent = list( baseExtent )
#         extent[0:2] = [ x0, x0 + sliceCoord - 1 ]
#         clip0 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip0.SetInput( baseImage )
#         else:                           clip0.SetInputData( baseImage )
#         clip0.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], extent[4], extent[5] )
#         extent[0:2] = [ x0 + sliceCoord, x1 ]
#         clip1 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#         if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip1.SetInput( baseImage )
#         else:                           clip1.SetInputData( baseImage )
#         clip1.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], extent[2], extent[3], extent[4], extent[5] )
#         append = vtk.vtkImageAppend()
#         append.SetAppendAxis( 0 )
#         append.SetInputConnection ( clip1.GetOutputPort() )
#         append.AddInputConnection ( clip0.GetOutputPort() )
#         imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()
#         imageInfo.SetInputConnection( append.GetOutputPort() )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputExtentStart( 0, 0, 0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputSpacing( baseSpacing[0], baseSpacing[1], baseSpacing[2] )
#         imageInfo.Update()
#         result = imageInfo.GetOutput()
#         return result
#     def NormalizeMapLon( self, lon ):
#         while ( lon < ( self.map_cut - 0.01 ) ): lon = lon + 360
#         return ( ( lon - self.map_cut ) % 360 ) + self.map_cut
#     def getBoundedMap( self, baseImage, dataLocation, map_cut_size, map_border_size ):
#         baseExtent = baseImage.GetExtent()
#         baseSpacing = baseImage.GetSpacing()
#         x0 = baseExtent[0]
#         x1 = baseExtent[1]
#         y0 = baseExtent[2]
#         y1 = baseExtent[3]
#         imageLen = [ x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1 ]
#         selectionDim = [ map_cut_size[0]/2, map_cut_size[1]/2 ]
#         dataXLoc = dataLocation[0]
#         imageInfo = vtk.vtkImageChangeInformation()
#         dataYbounds = [ dataLocation[1]-selectionDim[1], dataLocation[1]+selectionDim[1] ]
#         vertExtent = [ y0, y1 ]
#         bounded_dims = None
#         if dataYbounds[0] > -90.0:
#             yOffset = dataYbounds[0] + 90.0
#             extOffset = int( round( ( yOffset / 180.0 ) * imageLen[1] ) )
#             vertExtent[0] = y0 + extOffset
#             self.y0 = dataYbounds[0]
#         if dataYbounds[1] < 90.0:
#             yOffset = 90.0 - dataYbounds[1]
#             extOffset = int( round( ( yOffset / 180.0 ) * imageLen[1] ) )
#             vertExtent[1] = y1 - extOffset
#         overlapsBorder = ( self.NormalizeMapLon(dataLocation[0]-selectionDim[0]) > self.NormalizeMapLon(dataLocation[0]+selectionDim[0]) )
#         if overlapsBorder:
#             cut0 = self.NormalizeMapLon( dataXLoc + selectionDim[0] )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut0 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )
#             extent = list( baseExtent )
#             extent[0:2] = [ x0, x0 + sliceCoord - 1 ]
#             clip0 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip0.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip0.SetInputData( baseImage )
#             clip0.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             size0 = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1
#             self.x0 = dataLocation[0] - selectionDim[0]
#             cut1 = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut1 - self.map_cut )/ 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )
#             extent[0:2] = [ x0 + sliceCoord, x1 ]
#             clip1 = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip1.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip1.SetInputData( baseImage )
#             clip1.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             size1 = extent[1] - extent[0] + 1
# #            print "Set Corner pos: %s, cuts: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str( (cut0, cut1) ) )
#             append = vtk.vtkImageAppend()
#             append.SetAppendAxis( 0 )
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:
#                 append.AddInput( clip1.GetOutput() )
#                 append.AddInput( clip0.GetOutput() )
#             else:
#                 append.AddInputData( clip1.GetOutput() )
#                 append.AddInputData( clip0.GetOutput() )
#             bounded_dims = ( size0 + size1, vertExtent[1] - vertExtent[0] + 1 )
#             imageInfo.SetInputConnection( append.GetOutputPort() )
#         else:
#             self.x0 = dataXLoc - selectionDim[0]
#             cut0 = self.NormalizeMapLon( self.x0 )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut0 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )
#             extent = list( baseExtent )
#             extent[0] = x0 + sliceCoord - 1
#             cut1 = self.NormalizeMapLon( dataXLoc + selectionDim[0] )
#             sliceSize =  imageLen[0] * ( ( cut1 - self.map_cut ) / 360.0 )
#             sliceCoord = int( round( x0 + sliceSize) )
#             extent[1] = x0 + sliceCoord
#             clip = vtk.vtkImageClip()
#             if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:  clip.SetInput( baseImage )
#             else:                           clip.SetInputData( baseImage )
#             clip.SetOutputWholeExtent( extent[0], extent[1], vertExtent[0], vertExtent[1], extent[4], extent[5] )
#             bounded_dims = ( extent[1] - extent[0] + 1, vertExtent[1] - vertExtent[0] + 1 )
# #            print "Set Corner pos: %s, dataXLoc: %s " % ( str(self.x0), str( (dataXLoc, selectionDim[0]) ) )
#             imageInfo.SetInputConnection( clip.GetOutputPort() )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputOrigin( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputExtentStart( 0, 0, 0 )
#         imageInfo.SetOutputSpacing( baseSpacing[0], baseSpacing[1], baseSpacing[2] )
#         imageInfo.Update()
#         result = imageInfo.GetOutput()
#         return result, bounded_dims

    def init(self, **args):
        init_args = args['init']
        n_cores = args.get('n_cores', 32)
        #        lut = self.getLUT()
        self.variable_reader = StructuredDataReader(init_specs=init_args,
        interface = init_args[2]

    def gminit(self, var1, var2, **args):
        var_list = [var1]
        if id(var2) <> id(None): var_list.append(var2)
        self.variable_reader = StructuredDataReader(vars=var_list,
        if "cm" in args:
            self.cfgManager = args["cm"]

    def stepAnimation(self, **args):
        timestamp = self.variable_reader.stepAnimation()
        if timestamp: self.updateTextDisplay("Timestep: %s" % str(timestamp))
        else: self.updateTextDisplay("")
        DV3DPlot.stepAnimation(self, **args)

    def onResizeEvent(self):
        self.updateTextDisplay(None, True)

    def updateTextDisplay(self, text=None, render=False):
        if text <> None:
            metadata = self.getMetadata()
            var_name = metadata.get('var_name', '')
            var_units = metadata.get('var_units', '')
            self.labelBuff = "%s (%s)\n%s" % (var_name, var_units, str(text))
        DV3DPlot.updateTextDisplay(self, None, render)

    def toggleClipping(self, clipping_on):
        if clipping_on: self.clipOn()
        else: self.clipOff()

    def clipOn(self):

    def clipOff(self):