Esempio n. 1
def sudoku(fname):

    f_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)

    # create sudokuimage object
    sdku_img = SudokuImage(f_path)     
    # this would be a good point to check if the
    # image was processed correctly.  The number of rows/cols
    # not equal to 10 is a good indication of failure.
    # the object is set so that self.rows/cols = False if the
    # length is not equal to 10.
    if sdku_img.rows and sdku_img.cols:
        sudoku_grid = np.zeros((9,9), dtype = int)
        # note: empty cells will be denoted by 0        

        print 'ENTER THE FOR LOOP'
        # use knn to predict the value of non-empty sdku_img cells
        for cell in sdku_img.predict_cells():
            sudoku_grid[cell[0], cell[1]] = cell[2]
        print 'MAKES IT OUT OF THE FOR LOOP'

        no_failure = True
        solved_grid = sudoku_grid.copy()

        if request.method == 'POST':

            sdku = Sudoku(solved_grid) # create sudoku object

            no_failure, solution = sdku.solve() # solve sudoku
            # if sudoku cant be solved, redirect with error message
            if not no_failure:
                flash("Oops, I am having trouble with your Sudoku!  Let's try this again.")
                return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))

            return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                           filename = 'uploaded_sudokus/'+fname),
                                   initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                                   solved_sudoku = solved_grid)
        # initial rendering to user, before they hit submit
        return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                       filename = 'uploaded_sudokus/'+fname),
                               initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                               solved_sudoku = solved_grid)

        flash("Oops, I am having trouble with your Sudoku!  Take a clearer photo and try again.")
        return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))
Esempio n. 2
def sudoku(fname):

    f_path = os.path.join(application.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)

    # create sudokuimage object
    sdku_img = SudokuImage(f_path)     
    # catch any initial image processing errors
    # if len(rows/cols) != 10, the object sets them to false
    if sdku_img.rows and sdku_img.cols:
        sudoku_grid = np.zeros((9,9), dtype = int)
        # note: empty cells will be denoted by 0        

        # use knn to predict the value of non-empty sdku_img cells
        for cell in sdku_img.predict_cells():
            sudoku_grid[cell[0], cell[1]] = cell[2]

        no_failure = True
        solved_grid = sudoku_grid.copy()

        if request.method == 'POST':

            sdku = Sudoku(solved_grid) # create sudoku object

            no_failure, solution = sdku.solve() # solve sudoku

            # if sudoku cant be solved, redirect with error message
            # typically this is due to bad prediction
            if not no_failure:
                flash("Oops, I am having trouble processing your Sudoku!  Take a clearer photo and try again.")
                return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))

            # render when everything goes according to plan
            return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                           filename = 'uploads/'+fname),
                                   initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                                   solved_sudoku = solved_grid)
        # initial rendering to user, before they hit submit
        return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                       filename = 'uploads/'+fname),
                               initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                               solved_sudoku = solved_grid)


        # this is rendered when the image can't be processed initially
        flash("Oops, I am having trouble processing your Sudoku!  Take a clearer photo and try again.")
        return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))
Esempio n. 3
def sudoku(fname):
    f_path = os.path.join(application.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], fname)

    # create sudokuimage object
    sdku_img = SudokuImage(f_path)     
    # catch any initial image processing errors
    # if len(rows/cols) != 10, the object sets them to false
    if sdku_img.rows and sdku_img.cols:
        sudoku_grid = np.zeros((9,9), dtype = int)
        # note: empty cells will be denoted by 0        

        # use knn to predict the value of non-empty sdku_img cells
        for cell in sdku_img.predict_cells():
            sudoku_grid[cell[0], cell[1]] = cell[2]

        no_failure = True
        solved_grid = sudoku_grid.copy()

        if request.method == 'POST':

            sdku = Sudoku(solved_grid) # create sudoku object

            no_failure, solution = sdku.solve() # solve sudoku

            # if sudoku cant be solved, redirect with error message
            # typically this is due to bad prediction
            if not no_failure:
                flash("Oops, I am having trouble processing your Sudoku!  Take a clearer photo and try again.")
                return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))

            # render when everything goes according to plan
            return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                           filename = 'uploads/'+fname),
                                   initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                                   solved_sudoku = solved_grid)
        # initial rendering to user, before they hit submit
        return render_template('sudoku_image.html',image =
                                       filename = 'uploads/'+fname),
                               initial_sudoku = sudoku_grid, 
                               solved_sudoku = solved_grid)


        # this is rendered when the image can't be processed initially
        flash("Oops, I am having trouble processing your Sudoku!  Take a clearer photo and try again.")
        return redirect(url_for('sudokusolver'))