Esempio n. 1
def alerts_info(data,
    Applies the two-sided CUSUM chart on a series.
    This function returns the size and the form ('jumps', 'drifts', 'oscillating 
    shifts') of the shifts after each alert.
    data : 1D-array
        A single series of standardized observations to be monitored. 
    L_plus : float 
        Value for the positive control limit.
    delta : float >= 0
        The target shift size. 
    wdw_length : int > 0
        The length of the input vector.
    clf : support vector classification model
       The trained classifier.
    reg : support vector regression model
        The trained regressor.
    L_minus :  float, optional
        Value for the negative control limit. Default is None. 
        When None, L_minus = - L_plus. 
    k : float, optional
        The allowance parameter. The default is None. 
        When None, k = delta/2 (optimal formula for iid normal data).
    cut : float, optional 
        Upper value for the chart statistics. Values of the positive (resp. 
        negative) chart statistics are constrained to be equal to or 
        lower than 'cut' (resp. equal to or superior than -'cut').
        When None, cut is equal to '2L_plus'. The default is None.
    Verbose : bool, optional
        Flag to print the percentage of alert in the series. Default is True.
    wdw_shift : int, optional 
        Shift that is applied to the predictions of the SVMs, to be better
        aligned with the actual deviations. 
        The default is 0.
    form_plus : 1D-array
        Predicted shift forms after positive alerts. 
        When no alerts is detected, the shift forms are set to NaNs.
    form_minus : 1D-array
        Predicted shift forms after negative alerts.
        When no alerts is detected, the shift forms are set to NaNs.
    size_plus : 1D-array
        Predicted shift sizes after positive alerts.
        When no alerts is detected, the shift sizes are set to NaNs.
    size_minus : 1D-array
        Predicted shift sizes after negative alerts.
        When no alerts is detected, the shift sizes are set to NaNs.
    C_plus :  
        Values of the positive chart statistic.
    C_minus :  
        Values of the negative chart statistic.
    assert np.ndim(data) == 1, "Input data must be a 1D array (one series)"
    n_obs = len(data)
    if L_minus is None:
        L_minus = -L_plus
    if k is None:
        k = abs(delta) / 2
    if cut is None:
        cut = L_plus * 2
    wdw_shift = int(wdw_shift)
    assert wdw_shift < wdw_length, "wdw_shift should be inferior to wdw_length"

    length = len(data[~np.isnan(data)])

    input_minus = np.zeros((n_obs, wdw_length))
    input_plus = np.zeros((n_obs, wdw_length))
    input_minus[:] = np.nan
    input_plus[:] = np.nan
    flag_plus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    flag_minus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    C_plus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    C_minus = np.zeros((n_obs))

    for i in range(wdw_length, n_obs):

        ## CUSUM monitoring
        C_plus[i] = min(cut, max(0, C_plus[i - 1] + data[i] -
                                 k))  #avoid cusum "explosion"
        if C_plus[i] > L_plus:  #alert
            flag_plus[i] = 1
            input_plus[i, :] = data[i + 1 - wdw_length:i + 1]

        C_minus[i] = max(-cut, min(0, C_minus[i - 1] + data[i] + k))
        if C_minus[i] < L_minus:  #alert
            flag_minus[i] = 1
            input_minus[i, :] = data[i + 1 - wdw_length:i + 1]

    ## compute percentage of alerts
    oc_p = np.nonzero(flag_plus)
    oc_m = np.nonzero(flag_minus)
    #if alert both for pos and neg limits, count for only one alert
    oc_both = len(set(np.concatenate((oc_p[0], oc_m[0]))))
    #OC_perc = oc_both*100/n_obs #total period
    OC_perc = oc_both * 100 / length  #observing period

    if verbose:
        print("Percentage of alerts: %0.2f" % OC_perc)

    ## interpolate NaNs in input vectors
    input_minus_valid, ind_minus = svm.fill_nan(input_minus)
    input_plus_valid, ind_plus = svm.fill_nan(input_plus)

    ## shift the indexes of the SVM predictions
    ## otherwise the deviation predicted at time t is based on
    ## the entire wdw_length
    ind_minus = ind_minus - wdw_shift
    ind_plus = ind_plus - wdw_shift

    ##apply classifier and regressor on (filled-up) input vectors
    size_minus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    size_plus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    size_minus[:] = np.nan
    size_plus[:] = np.nan
    form_minus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    form_plus = np.zeros((n_obs))
    form_minus[:] = np.nan
    form_plus[:] = np.nan

    if len(ind_minus) > 0:  #at least one value
        size_minus[ind_minus] = reg.predict(input_minus_valid)
        form_minus[ind_minus] = clf.predict(input_minus_valid)
    if len(ind_plus) > 0:
        size_plus[ind_plus] = reg.predict(input_plus_valid)
        form_plus[ind_plus] = clf.predict(input_plus_valid)

    return (form_plus, form_minus, size_plus, size_minus, C_plus, C_minus)
Esempio n. 2
### Compute the predictions (sizes and shapes) of the networks

### for a particular station
stat = [i for i in range(len(station_names)) if station_names[i] == 'UC'][0]

### separate the data from the selected station into blocks
blocks = np.zeros((n_obs, block_length))
blocks[:] = np.nan
blocks[block_length - 1:, :] = bb.MBB(data[:, stat].reshape(-1, 1),

### interpolate NaNs in input vectors
input_valid, ind = svm.fill_nan(blocks)
### reshape input vectors to match input dimensions
input_valid = np.reshape(input_valid,
                         (input_valid.shape[0], 1, input_valid.shape[1]))

### apply classifier and regressor on (filled-up) input vectors
size_pred = np.zeros((n_obs, 1))
size_pred[:] = np.nan
shape_pred = np.zeros((n_obs))
shape_pred[:] = np.nan
if len(ind) > 0:  #at least one value
    size_pred[ind] = regressor.predict(input_valid)
    shape_pred[ind] = classifier.predict_classes(input_valid)

### Compute the cut-off values of the network