Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This program tests whether the switch is working by continuously checking the state,
and printing a message when it detects a switch change

from Switch import Switch

s = Switch()

while True:
    if s.is_changed_state():
        print("switch pressed")
Esempio n. 2
class Stepper2:
  Initialize the class, setup pins and switch
    def __init__(self):
        GPIO.setup(pin_dir, GPIO.OUT)
        GPIO.setup(pin_step, GPIO.OUT)
        print("pins set up")

        self.inches = 0
        self.switch = Switch()

        self.start = time.time() = lcm.LCM()

  Convert inches to degrees using 8 mm per revolution

    def inches_to_degrees(self, inches):
        return inches / 0.3149 * 360  #8 mm per revolution

  Convert degrees to inches using 8 mm per revolution

    def degrees_to_inches(self, degrees):
        return degrees / 360 * 0.3149

  Helper function
  Rotate the motor for a specified amount of degrees, at a specified rpm,
  in a specified direction

    def step(self, degrees, rpm, direction):
        sleep_time = 0.3 / float(rpm) / 2
        steps_forward = int(degrees / 1.8)
        for x in range(0, steps_forward):
            GPIO.output(pin_step, GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(pin_step, GPIO.HIGH)
            self.inches += direction * self.degrees_to_inches(1.8)

  Helper function
  Rotate the motor in an infinite loop at a specified rpm in a specified direction
  Sends data over lcm
  Stops if switch is pressed

    def step_infinite(self, rpm, direction):
        sleep_time = 0.3 / float(rpm) / 2
        self.start = time.time()

        while True:
            # check switch
            if self.switch.is_changed_state():
                print("switch changed")

                #self.inches = 0

                # send data one last time so that new switch state is captured
                msg = battery()
                msg.inches = self.inches
                msg.switch = self.switch.state
                msg.timestamp = datetime.strftime(,

      "battery_data", msg.encode())



            # step
            GPIO.output(pin_step, GPIO.LOW)
            GPIO.output(pin_step, GPIO.HIGH)
            self.inches += direction * self.degrees_to_inches(1.8)

            # every 10 Hz send the data over lcm
            if (time.time() - self.start >= 0.1):  # 10 Hz
                msg = battery()
                msg.inches = self.inches
                msg.switch = self.switch.state
                msg.timestamp = datetime.strftime(,

      "battery_data", msg.encode())

                self.start = time.time()

  Function to rotate clockwise at specified rpm and for specified degrees

    def step_clockwise_degrees(self, degrees, rpm):
        GPIO.output(pin_dir, GPIO.HIGH)
        self.step(degrees, rpm, -1)  # back

  Function to rotate counterclockwise at specified rpm and for specified degrees

    def step_counterclockwise_degrees(self, degrees, rpm):
        GPIO.output(pin_dir, GPIO.LOW)
        self.step(degrees, rpm, 1)  # forward

  Function to rotate clockwise at specified rpm and for specified inches

    def step_clockwise_inches(self, inches, rpm):
        degrees = self.inches_to_degrees(inches)
        self.step_clockwise_degrees(degrees, rpm)

  Function to rotate counterclockwise at specified rpm and for specified inches

    def step_counterclockwise_inches(self, inches, rpm):
        degrees = self.inches_to_degrees(inches)
        self.step_counterclockwise_degrees(degrees, rpm)

  Function to rotate clockwise at specified rpm infinitely

    def step_clockwise_infinite(self, rpm):
        GPIO.output(pin_dir, GPIO.HIGH)
        self.step_infinite(rpm, -1)  # back

  Function to rotate counterclockwise at specified rpm infinitely

    def step_counterclockwise_infinite(self, rpm):
        GPIO.output(pin_dir, GPIO.LOW)
        self.step_infinite(rpm, 1)  # forward

  Function to update stored traveled inches to specified inches

    def update_inches(self, inches):
        self.inches = inches

  Function to return traveled inches stored in the object 

    def get_inches(self):
        return inches

  Function to cleanup pins used by the stepper motor

    def cleanup():