allProcesses = [ item for item in allProcesses if not "fakes-DD" in item and not "_had" in item ] allEstimators = estimators.constructEstimatorList(allProcesses) mc = list(set(["_")[0] for e in allEstimators])) if not args.noData: allEstimators += [ DataObservation(name="Data", process=setup.processes["Data"], cacheDir=setup.defaultCacheDir()) ] if args.controlRegion: setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=CR_para) def wrapper(arg): r, channel, setup, estimate, cat, est = arg estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) if == "Data" and blind: res = u_float(0, 0) else: res = estimate.cachedEstimate(r, channel, setup, overwrite=False, checkOnly=True) if args.removeNegative and res < 0: res = u_float(0, 0) return est, str(r), cat, channel, res.tuple()
cutInterpreter.cutString("mu")]) mc_mu.setWeightString(weightStringAR) mc_e.setSelectionString( [filterCutMC, "reweightHEM>0", cutInterpreter.cutString("e")]) mc_e.setWeightString(weightStringAR) print "e", mc_e.selectionString print print "mu", mc_mu.selectionString setup = Setup( year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=False, runOnLxPlus=False) #photonselection always false for qcd estimate setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=allRegions[args.selection]["parameters"]) selection = setup.selection("MC", channel="all", **setup.defaultParameters())["prefix"] selection = cutInterpreter.cutString(selection) selection += "&&pTStitching==1&&triggered==1" print selection if args.addCut: selection += "&&" + cutInterpreter.cutString(args.addCut) print("Using selection string: %s" % selection) key = (, "AR", args.variable, "_".join(map(str, args.binning)), mc_e.weightString, mc_e.selectionString, selection) if dirDB.contains(key) and not args.overwrite: mcHist_e = dirDB.get(key.Clone("e")) else:
# return setup.lumi/1000.*u_float(**getattr(self,"".join(["process",signalAddon if signalAddon else ""])).getYieldFromDraw(selectionString = cut, weightString = weight) ) # print cut, weight return u_float(**getattr( self, "".join(["process", signalAddon if signalAddon else ""]) ).getYieldFromDraw(selectionString=cut, weightString=weight)) if __name__ == "__main__": from TTGammaEFT.Analysis.regions import regionsTTG, noPhotonRegionTTG, inclRegionsTTG from TTGammaEFT.Analysis.SetupHelpers import allRegions from TTGammaEFT.Analysis.Setup import Setup print "lowPT" r = regionsTTG[0] setup = Setup(year=2016, photonSelection=True) setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=allRegions["VG3"]["parameters"]) estimate = MCBasedEstimate(name="TTG_gen", process=setup.processes["TTG_gen"]) estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) res = estimate.TuneSystematic(r, "e", setup) # res = estimate._estimate( r, "e", setup, overwrite=False ) print "TTG", res estimate = MCBasedEstimate(name="TTG_gen", process=setup.processes["TTG_gen"]) estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) # res = estimate._estimate( r, "e", setup, overwrite=False ) print "TTG_gen", res
def get_weight_string(parameters): return w.get_weight_string(**parameters) baseDir = os.path.join(cache_directory, "analysis", "eft") cacheFileName = os.path.join(baseDir, cache = MergingDirDB(cacheFileName) parameters = allRegions[args.controlRegion]["parameters"] channels = allRegions[args.controlRegion]["channels"] photonSelection = not allRegions[args.controlRegion]["noPhotonCR"] allPhotonRegions = allRegions[args.controlRegion]["inclRegion"] + allRegions[ args.controlRegion]["regions"] if photonSelection else allRegions[ args.controlRegion]["regions"] setup = Setup(year=2016, checkOnly=args.checkOnly) setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters) def wrapper(arg): r, channel, setup, (ctZ, ctZI, ctW, ctWI) = arg EFTparams = ["ctZ", str(ctZ), "ctZI", str(ctZI)] #, "ctW", str(ctW), "ctWI", str(ctWI) ] params = {"ctZ": ctZ, "ctZI": ctZI} #, "ctW":ctW, "ctWI":ctWI } key = (args.controlRegion, str(r), channel, "_".join(EFTparams)) keymu = (args.controlRegion.replace("All", ""), str(r), "e", "_".join(EFTparams)) keye = (args.controlRegion.replace("All", ""), str(r), "mu", "_".join(EFTparams)) print key print keymu print keye
# Select estimate if args.selectEstimator == "Data": estimate = DataObservation(name="Data", process=setup.processes["Data"]) estimate.isData = True else: estimators = EstimatorList(setup, processes=[args.selectEstimator]) estimate = getattr(estimators, args.selectEstimator) estimate.isData = False if not estimate: logger.warning(args.selectEstimator + " not known") sys.exit(0) estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) setup3p = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters3p) setup3 = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters3) setup4p = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters4p) def wrapper(arg): r, channel, setup3p, addon, setup3, setup4p = arg "Running estimate for region %s, channel %s in setup %s for estimator %s" % (r, channel, args.controlRegion if args.controlRegion else "None", args.selectEstimator if args.selectEstimator else "None")) res3 = estimate.cachedEstimate(r, channel, setup3, signalAddon=addon, save=True,
"cos(JetGood0_phi-JetGood1_phi)": "cos(JetGoodInvLepIso0_phi-JetGoodInvLepIso1_phi)", } invVariable = replaceVariable[ args.variable] if args.variable in replaceVariable.keys( ) else args.variable # get cached transferfactors setup = Setup( year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=False, runOnLxPlus=False) #photonselection always false for qcd estimate reg = "TT" if "1p" in args.selection else "WJets" reg += "4p" if "4p" in args.selection else "3" setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=allRegions[reg]["parameters"]) estimators = EstimatorList(setup, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate = getattr(estimators, "QCD-DD") estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) # Accounting for leptonPtCutVar = "LeptonTightInvIsoNoSieie0_pt" leptonEtaCutVar = "abs(LeptonTightInvIsoNoSieie0_eta+LeptonTightInvIsoNoSieie0_deltaEtaSC)" QCDTF_updates_2J = copy.deepcopy(QCDTF_updates) key = (, "AR", args.variable, "_".join(map(str, args.binning)), data_sample.weightString, data_sample.selectionString, selection) if dirDB.contains(key) and not args.overwrite: dataHist = dirDB.get(key).Clone("data") else: dataHist = data_sample.get1DHistoFromDraw(args.variable,
default_photon_setup.addon = "" default_photon_setup.regions = inclRegionsTTG if args.inclRegion else regionsTTG # Define SR, CR, channels and regions setups = [] for key, val in allRegions.items(): if not key in args.useRegions: continue if key not in limitOrdering: limitOrdering += [key] if args.checkOnly: locals()["setup" + key] = None continue locals()["setup" + key] = default_setup.sysClone( parameters=val["parameters"] ) if val["noPhotonCR"] else default_photon_setup.sysClone( parameters=val["parameters"]) estimators = EstimatorList(locals()["setup" + key]) locals()["setup" + key].name = key locals()["setup" + key].channels = val["channels"] #default_setup.channels locals()["setup" + key].noPhotonCR = val["noPhotonCR"] locals()["setup" + key].signalregion = "SR" in key locals()["setup" + key].regions = val["inclRegion" if args.inclRegion else "regions"] locals()["setup" + key].data = if val[ "noPhotonCR"] else locals()["setup" + key].processes = estimators.constructProcessDict( processDict=val["processes"] ) if "processes" in val else default_setup.processes if val[ "noPhotonCR"] else default_photon_setup.processes
extensions_ = ["pdf", "png", "root"] plot_directory_ = os.path.join(plot_directory, 'QCDMCTFComp', str(args.year), args.plot_directory, args.mode) copyIndexPHP(plot_directory_) if args.year == 2016: lumi_scale = 35.92 elif args.year == 2017: lumi_scale = 41.53 elif args.year == 2018: lumi_scale = 59.74 elif args.year == "RunII": lumi_scale = 35.92 + 41.53 + 59.74 parameters0b0p = allRegions["WJets2"]["parameters"] setup0b0p = Setup(year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=True) estimators0b0p = EstimatorList(setup0b0p, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate0b0p = getattr(estimators0b0p, "QCD-DD") setup0b0p = setup0b0p.sysClone(parameters=parameters0b0p) estimate0b0p.initCache(setup0b0p.defaultCacheDir()) parameters1b0p = allRegions["TT2"]["parameters"] setup1b0p = Setup(year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=True) estimators1b0p = EstimatorList(setup1b0p, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate1b0p = getattr(estimators1b0p, "QCD-DD") setup1b0p = setup1b0p.sysClone(parameters=parameters1b0p) estimate1b0p.initCache(setup1b0p.defaultCacheDir()) cachedTF = {} cachedTF["0b0p"] = {} cachedTF["1b0p"] = {} cachedTF["0b1p"] = {} cachedTF["1b1p"] = {} for nJet in [(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, -1)]:
counter_tot = 0 counter_reco = 0 counter_fid = 0 counter_fid_reco = 0 yield_tot = 0 yield_reco = 0 yield_fid = 0 yield_fid_reco = 0 for i_year, year in enumerate(settings.years): setup = Setup(year=int(year), photonSelection=False, checkOnly=True, runOnLxPlus=False) setup = setup.sysClone( parameters=allRegions[settings.reco_selection]["parameters"]) # reco selection reco_selection = setup.selection("MC", channel="all", **setup.defaultParameters()) MET_filter_cut = "(year==%s&&" % year + getFilterCut( isData=False, year=int(year), skipBadChargedCandidate=True) + ")" reco_selection_str = MET_filter_cut + "&&triggered&&pTStitching==1&&overlapRemoval==1&&" + cutInterpreter.cutString( reco_selection['prefix']) # fiducial seletion fiducial_selection_str = cutInterpreter.cutString( settings.fiducial_selection ) + "&&pTStitching==1&&overlapRemoval==1"
# use this for job splitting from RootTools.core.helpers import partition # inclEstimate = "TTG_NLO" # setup and sample parameters = allRegions["SR3"]["parameters"] channels = allRegions["SR3"]["channels"] photonSelection = not allRegions["SR3"]["noPhotonCR"] allPhotonRegions = allRegions["SR3"]["inclRegion"] + allRegions["SR3"][ "regions"] if photonSelection else allRegions["SR3"]["regions"] setup = Setup(year="RunII", photonSelection=photonSelection, private=True) #photonselection always false for qcd es$ setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters) estimates = EstimatorList(setup, processes=["TTG_NLO_gen", inclEstimate]) estimate = getattr(estimates, "TTG_NLO_gen") estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir() + "/PDF") scale_indices = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8] #4 central? pdf_indices = range(100) aS_variations = ["abs(LHEPdfWeight[101])", "abs(LHEPdfWeight[102])"] scale_variations = ["abs(LHEScaleWeight[%i])" % i for i in scale_indices] PDF_variations = ["abs(LHEPdfWeight[%i])" % i for i in pdf_indices] PDF_unc = [] Scale_unc = [] PS_unc = [] ISR_unc = [] FSR_unc = []
if args.year == 2016: lumi_scale = 35.92 elif args.year == 2017: lumi_scale = 41.53 elif args.year == 2018: lumi_scale = 59.74 elif args.year == "RunII": lumi_scale = 35.92 + 41.53 + 59.74 parameters0b = allRegions["VG2"]["parameters"] parameters1b = allRegions["SR2"]["parameters"] setup = Setup(year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=True, runOnLxPlus=False) estimators = EstimatorList(setup, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate = getattr(estimators, "QCD-DD") setup0b = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters0b) setup1b = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters1b) estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir()) cachedTF = {} cachedTF["0b"] = {} cachedTF["1b"] = {} # get brute force all of them for key, qcdUpdate in customQCDTF_updates.iteritems(): cachedTF["0b"][key] = estimate.cachedTransferFactor(args.mode, setup0b, qcdUpdates=qcdUpdate, checkOnly=True) cachedTF["1b"][key] = estimate.cachedTransferFactor(args.mode, setup1b, qcdUpdates=qcdUpdate,
str(regionsTTG[1]): "medPT", str(regionsTTG[2]): "highPT" } if photonSelection: setup = Setup(year=args.year, photonSelection=photonSelection, checkOnly=True) estimators = EstimatorList(setup, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate = getattr(estimators, "QCD-DD") estimate.isData = False setups = {} setups[args.year] = {} for r in args.regions: setups[args.year][r] = setup.sysClone( parameters=allRegions[r]["parameters"]) setups[args.year][r].verbose = True else: setups = {} for y in [2016, 2017, 2018]: setup = Setup(year=y, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=True) estimators = EstimatorList(setup, processes=["QCD-DD"]) estimate = getattr(estimators, "QCD-DD") estimate.isData = False setups[y] = {} for r in args.regions: setups[y][r] = setup.sysClone( parameters=allRegions[r]["parameters"]) setups[y][r].verbose = True
channels = allRegions[args.controlRegion]["channels"] photonSelection = not allRegions[args.controlRegion]["noPhotonCR"] allPhotonRegions = allRegions[args.controlRegion]["inclRegion"] + allRegions[ args.controlRegion]["regions"] if photonSelection else allRegions[ args.controlRegion]["regions"] regions = allPhotonRegions if not args.selectRegion else [ allPhotonRegions[args.selectRegion] ] setup = Setup( year=args.year, photonSelection=photonSelection, checkOnly=args.checkOnly, runOnLxPlus=args.runOnLxPlus, private=args.runOnTopNanoAOD) #photonselection always false for qcd es$ setup = setup.sysClone(parameters=parameters) estimates = EstimatorList(setup, processes=[args.selectEstimator, inclEstimate]) estimate = getattr(estimates, args.selectEstimator) estimate.initCache(setup.defaultCacheDir() + "/PDF") setupIncl = Setup( year=args.year, photonSelection=False, checkOnly=args.checkOnly, runOnLxPlus=args.runOnLxPlus, private=args.runOnTopNanoAOD) #photonselection always false for qcd es$ setupIncl = setupIncl.sysClone(parameters={ "zWindow": "all", "nJet": (0, -1), "nBTag": (0, -1),