def database_task_run(): # 获取任务文件目录 task_files_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tasks") # 获取任务文件列表 task_file_names = os.listdir(task_files_dir) # 输出所有文件和文件夹 for task_file_name in task_file_names: if task_file_name.index('.') == 0: continue task_file_path = os.path.join(task_files_dir, task_file_name).replace("\\", "/") tasker = Tasker(task_file_path)
def TaskerDo(argv): try: if len(argv) != 4 and len(argv) != 5: usage() if len(argv) >= 4: taskfile = argv[2] projectname = argv[3] if len(argv) == 5: path = argv[4] + os.sep else: path = os.getcwd() + os.sep tasker = Tasker() tasker.processTask(taskfile, projectname, path) tasker.runAnnotator(taskfile, projectname, path) tasktime = os.path.getmtime(taskfile) modifiedlist = tasker.listModified(taskfile, projectname, path).strip() if modifiedlist == '': modifiedlist = [] else: modifiedlist = modifiedlist.split('\n') if len(modifiedlist) == 0: print "\n - No descriptor pool modified. Exiting without uploading anything.\n" else: print "\n - The following descriptor pools will be uploaded:\n -" + ( '\n - ').join(modifiedlist) answer = raw_input("\n > Do you want to do it? (y/n) ") if answer.strip() == 'y': if tasker.uploadChanges(taskfile, projectname, path) == -1: print "\n - Error uploading descriptors\n" else: print "\n - Descriptors uploaded OK\n" else: print "\n - No descriptor uploaded\n" #tasker.clean() except TaskerError, err: print >> sys.stderr, err sys.exit(-1)
def main(args): global app, form, tasker, window app = QtGui.QApplication(args) window = QtGui.QDialog() form = Ui_GUI() form.setupUi(window) initWidgets() if len(args) > 1: form.taskEdit.setText(args[1]) form.projectEdit.setText(os.path.split(args[1])[1].split('.task')[0]) if len(args) > 2: form.projectEdit.setText(args[2]) createConnections() tasker = Tasker(form.logEdit.append) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def TaskerDo( argv ): try: if len( argv ) != 4 and len( argv ) != 5: usage() if len( argv ) >= 4: taskfile = argv[2] projectname = argv[3] if len (argv ) == 5: path = argv[4] + os.sep else: path = os.getcwd() + os.sep tasker=Tasker() tasker.processTask( taskfile, projectname, path ) tasker.runAnnotator( taskfile, projectname, path ) tasktime = os.path.getmtime( taskfile ) modifiedlist = tasker.listModified( taskfile, projectname, path ).strip() if modifiedlist == '': modifiedlist = [] else: modifiedlist = modifiedlist.split('\n') if len( modifiedlist )==0: print "\n - No descriptor pool modified. Exiting without uploading anything.\n" else: print "\n - The following descriptor pools will be uploaded:\n -" + ( '\n - ' ).join( modifiedlist ) answer = raw_input( "\n > Do you want to do it? (y/n) " ) if answer.strip() == 'y': if tasker.uploadChanges( taskfile, projectname, path ) == -1: print "\n - Error uploading descriptors\n" else: print "\n - Descriptors uploaded OK\n" else: print "\n - No descriptor uploaded\n" #tasker.clean() except TaskerError, err: print >> sys.stderr, err sys.exit(-1)
def TaskerProcesstask( argv ): if len( argv ) != 5: usage() tasker=Tasker() tasker.processTask( argv[2], argv[3], argv[4] )
def TaskerClean( argv ): if len( argv ) != 2: usage() tasker=Tasker() tasker.clean( argv[2], argv[3], argv[4] )
def TaskerUpload( argv ): if len( argv ) != 5: usage() tasker=Tasker() tasker.uploadChanges( argv[2], argv[3], argv[4] )
def TaskerListmodified( argv ): if len( argv ) != 5: usage() tasker=Tasker() sys.stdout.write(tasker.listModified( argv[2], argv[3], argv[4] ))
def TaskerRunannotator( argv ): if len( argv ) != 5: usage() tasker=Tasker() tasker.runAnnotator( argv[2], argv[3], argv[4] )
def TaskerProcesstask(argv): if len(argv) != 5: usage() tasker = Tasker() tasker.processTask(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4])
def TaskerClean(argv): if len(argv) != 2: usage() tasker = Tasker() tasker.clean(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4])
def TaskerUpload(argv): if len(argv) != 5: usage() tasker = Tasker() tasker.uploadChanges(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4])
def TaskerListmodified(argv): if len(argv) != 5: usage() tasker = Tasker() sys.stdout.write(tasker.listModified(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]))
def TaskerRunannotator(argv): if len(argv) != 5: usage() tasker = Tasker() tasker.runAnnotator(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4])
def setUp(self): self.tasker = Tasker(nullPrint)
class TaskerTest ( unittest.TestCase ) : def setUp(self): self.tasker = Tasker(nullPrint) def testRetrieveTask_nonExistingorIncorrectTaskFile(self): try: self.tasker.retrieveTask( "nonexisting.file" ) "A TaskerError should have been thrown given a non-existing task file" ) except TaskerError: pass try: self.tasker.retrieveTask( StringIO("<I am a wrong XML file!!!") ) "A TaskerError should have been thrown given a non-existing task file" ) except TaskerError: pass def testExtractParameters_correctFile(self): self.tasker.setParameters( taskfile, "Project" ) ids, descs, cl, mp, description = self.tasker.extractParameters() self.assertEquals( ids, ['69'] ) self.assertEquals( descs, ['Song::Artist','Song::Title'] ) self.assertEquals( cl,'http://localhost/SimacServices/ContentLocator' ) self.assertEquals( mp,'http://localhost/SimacServices/MetadataProvider' ) self.assertEquals( description,'This is a really nice task' ) def testExtractParameters_wrongFile(self): self.tasker.setParameters( wrongtaskfile, "Project" ) try: ids, descs, cl, mp = self.tasker.extractParameters() except TaskerError: pass else:"A TaskError should have been thrown") def testCreateFile(self): self.tasker.createFile('erase', '.me', 'this is a content') file = open('') self.assertEquals(, 'this is a content') os.remove('') def testDownloadSong_noLocationsSpecified(self): result=self.tasker.downloadSong("") self.assertEquals( result, None) def testDownloadSong_noValidLocations(self): result=self.tasker.downloadSong( "invalidpath\noh://my.god" ) self.assertEquals( result, None)