def complete_check(self, fn_in, fn_out): self.maxDiff = None check_lines_equal(self, fn_in, fn_out, sort=True, filter_f=lambda x: x.startswith("##contig")) os.unlink(fn_out)
def check_statement(self, statement): parts = statement.split(" ") r_samtools = {"out": self.executable} r_pysam = {"out": "pysam"} command = self.get_command(statement) # self.assertTrue(command in pysam.SAMTOOLS_DISPATCH) targets = [x for x in parts if "%(out)s" in x] samtools_targets = [x % r_samtools for x in targets] pysam_targets = [x % r_pysam for x in targets] pysam_method = getattr(self.module, command) # run samtools full_statement = re.sub("%\(out\)s", self.executable, statement) run_command(" ".join((self.executable, full_statement))) # sys.stdout.write("%s %s ok" % (command, self.executable)) # run pysam if ">" in statement: assert parts[-2] == ">" parts = parts[:-2] # avoid interpolation to preserve string quoting, tab chars, etc. pysam_parts = [re.sub("%\(out\)s", "pysam", x) for x in parts[1:]] output = pysam_method(*pysam_parts, raw=True, catch_stdout=True) # sys.stdout.write(" pysam ok\n") if ">" in statement: with open(pysam_targets[-1], "wb") as outfile: if output is not None: outfile.write(force_bytes(output)) for samtools_target, pysam_target in zip(samtools_targets, pysam_targets): if os.path.isdir(samtools_target): samtools_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(samtools_target, "*")) pysam_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(pysam_target, "*")) self.assertEqual(len(samtools_files), len(pysam_files)) # need to be able to exclude files like README, etc. continue else: samtools_files = [samtools_target] pysam_files = [pysam_target] for s, p in zip(samtools_files, pysam_files): binary_equal = checkBinaryEqual(s, p) error_msg = "%s failed: files %s and %s are not the same" % ( command, s, p) if binary_equal: continue elif s.endswith(".bam"): self.assertTrue( check_samtools_view_equal(s, p, without_header=True), error_msg) else: check_lines_equal(self, s, p, filter_f=lambda x: x.startswith("#"), msg=error_msg)
def complete_check(self, fn_in, fn_out): check_lines_equal( self, fn_in, fn_out, sort=True, filter_f=lambda x: x.startswith("##contig")) os.unlink(fn_out)
def check_statement(self, statement): parts = statement.split(" ") r_samtools = {"out": self.executable} r_pysam = {"out": "pysam"} command = parts[0] command = self.map_command.get(command, command) # self.assertTrue(command in pysam.SAMTOOLS_DISPATCH) targets = [x for x in parts if "%(out)s" in x] samtools_targets = [x % r_samtools for x in targets] pysam_targets = [x % r_pysam for x in targets] pysam_method = getattr(self.module, command) # run samtools full_statement = re.sub("%\(out\)s", self.executable, statement) run_command(" ".join((self.executable, full_statement))) # sys.stdout.write("%s %s ok" % (command, self.executable)) # run pysam if ">" in statement: assert parts[-2] == ">" parts = parts[:-2] # avoid interpolation to preserve string quoting, tab chars, etc. pysam_parts = [re.sub("%\(out\)s", "pysam", x) for x in parts[1:]] output = pysam_method(*pysam_parts, raw=True, catch_stdout=True) # sys.stdout.write(" pysam ok\n") if ">" in statement: with open(pysam_targets[-1], "wb") as outfile: if output is not None: outfile.write(force_bytes(output)) for samtools_target, pysam_target in zip(samtools_targets, pysam_targets): if os.path.isdir(samtools_target): samtools_files = glob.glob(os.path.join( samtools_target, "*")) pysam_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(pysam_target, "*")) self.assertEqual(len(samtools_files), len(pysam_files)) # need to be able to exclude files like README, etc. continue else: samtools_files = [samtools_target] pysam_files = [pysam_target] for s, p in zip(samtools_files, pysam_files): binary_equal = checkBinaryEqual(s, p) error_msg = "%s failed: files %s and %s are not the same" % (command, s, p) if binary_equal: continue if s.endswith(".bam"): self.assertTrue( check_samtools_view_equal( s, p, without_header=True), error_msg) check_lines_equal( self, s, p, filter_f=lambda x: x.startswith("#"), msg=error_msg)