Esempio n. 1
def error_2d(f, min_point, axis):
    '''Returns the error of a function f(x,y) at a given minimum point,
      (x_min, y_min) for a given axis.
        f : A function of two variables f. Here f = likelihood_2d
        min_point (list) : The minimum point [x_min, y_min] of f
        axis (str) : The direction in which the error to be determined
        std (float) : The standard deviation or the error    

    theta_min = min_point[0]
    m_min = min_point[1]
    l_min = f(min_point)
    l_plus = l_min + 0.5

    # similar to the 1D case

    if axis == 'theta':  # if the direction is in theta
        d = 0.1
        criteria = 0.01
        x_range = np.linspace(theta_min - d, theta_min + d, 1000)
        err_list = []

        for i in x_range:
            if (abs(f([i, m_min]) - l_plus) < criteria):
                err_list.append(theta_min - i)
        err_plus = max(err_list)
        err_minus = abs(min(err_list))

    if axis == 'm':  # if the direction is in theta
        criteria = 0.01
        m_range = np.linspace(0.002, 0.003, 1000)
        err_list = []

        for i in m_range:
            if (abs(f([theta_min, i]) - l_plus) < criteria):
                err_list.append(m_min - i)

        err_plus = max(err_list)
        err_minus = abs(min(err_list))

    std = (err_minus + err_plus) / 2
    return std
Esempio n. 2
def error(f, x_min):
    '''Returns the error of a function at a given minimum point, x_min.
        f : A function 
        x_min (float) : The minimum x of f(x)
        std (float) : The standard deviation or the error    

    x_range = np.linspace(x_min - 0.1, x_min + 0.1, 1000)
    l_min = f(x_min)  #using likelihood function
    err_list = []
    l_plus = l_min + 0.5

    for i in x_range:
        if (abs(f(i) - l_plus) < 0.01):
            err_list.append(x_min - i)
    err_plus = max(err_list)
    err_minus = abs(min(err_list))

    std = (err_minus + err_plus) / 2  # taking the average

    return std
Esempio n. 3
        if k[i] > 0:
            lamb = sim[i] * p(theta, m_sq, L, x[i])
            nll_i = lamb - k[i] + (k[i] * np.log(k[i] / lamb))

        if k[i] == 0:
            lamb_0 = sim[i] * p(theta, m_sq, L, x[i])
    return sum(nll)

#plotting a surface plot ---> for visualisation purpose, not for report

from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

thet_range = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 200)  # range for theta
m_sq_range = np.linspace(0, 1e-2, 200)  # range for m_squared
thet_range, m_sq_range = np.meshgrid(thet_range,
                                     m_sq_range)  # meshgrid of x, y

fig = plt.figure(8)
ax8 = plt.gca(projection='3d')
z_map = likelihood_2d([thet_range, m_sq_range])  # the likelihood in 2D

ax8.plot_surface(m_sq_range, thet_range, z_map, cmap='jet')

ax8.set(title='NLL against $\Delta {m^2}_{23}$ and $\Theta_{23}$',
        xlabel=r"$\Delta {m^2}_{23}$ ($eV^2$)",
        ylabel=r'$\Theta_{23}$ (rad)',
Esempio n. 4
        if k[i] > 0:  # to avoid log(0)

            lamb = sim[i] * p(theta, m_sq, L, x[i])
            nll_i = lamb - k[i] + (k[i] * np.log(k[i] / lamb))

        if k[i] == 0:  # ignore the log term
            lamb_0 = sim[i] * p(theta, m_sq, L, x[i])

    return sum(nll)  # sum of the elements in the nll list

# plotting nll with respect to theta

thet = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 1000)

ax6 = plt.figure(6).add_subplot(111)
ax6.set(title='NLL against $\Theta_{23}$ with a fixed $\Delta {m^2}_{23}$',
        xlabel=r"$\theta_{23}$ (rad)",
plt.plot(thet, likelihood(thet), color='red')

#building a parabolic minimiser

def x_min(f, z):
    '''Returns the minimum point of a parabolic function that contains the three
       points in the list of z. This is to be used in minimiser() later.
def error_3d(f, x_min, axis):
    '''Returns the error of a function f(x,y,z) at a given minimum point,
      (x_min, y_min, z_min) for a given axis.
        f : A function of three variables f. Here f = likelihood_3d
        min_point (list) : The minimum point [x_min, y_min, z_min] of f
        axis (str) : The direction in which the error to be determined
        std (float) : The standard deviation or the error    
    #  similarly to 2D case
    theta_min = x_min[0]
    m_min = x_min[1]
    gamma_min = x_min[2]
    l_min = f(x_min)
    l_plus = l_min + 0.5
    if axis == 'theta':
        d = 0.1
        criteria = 0.1
        x_range = np.linspace(theta_min - d, theta_min + d, 200)
        err_list = []
        for i in x_range:
            if (abs(f([i, m_min, gamma_min]) - l_plus) < criteria):
                err_list.append(theta_min - i)
        err_plus = max(err_list)
        err_minus = abs(min(err_list))  
        std = (err_minus + err_plus) /2

    if axis == 'm':
        criteria = 0.1
        m_range = np.linspace(0.002, 0.003, 200)
        err_list = []
        for i in m_range:
            if (abs(f([theta_min, i, gamma_min]) - l_plus) < criteria):
                err_list.append(m_min - i)
        err_plus = max(err_list)
        err_minus = abs(min(err_list)) 
        std = (err_minus + err_plus) /2
    if axis == 'gamma':
        criteria = 0.1
        gamma_range_e = np.linspace(1.50, 1.70, 200)
        err_list_g = []
        for i in gamma_range_e:
            if (abs(likelihood_3d([theta_min, m_min, i]) - l_plus) < 0.01):
                err_list_g.append(min_3d_1[2] - i) 
        err_plus = max(err_list_g)
        err_minus = abs(min(err_list_g)) 
        std = (err_minus + err_plus) /2
    return std
    for i in range(200):
        if k[i] > 0:                        # similarly to avoid log(0)
            lamb = lamb_2(u)[i]             # modified lambda function
            nll_i = lamb - k[i] + (k[i] * np.log( k[i] / lamb))
        if k[i] == 0:
            lamb_0 = lamb_2(u)[i]
    return sum(nll)

# plotting nll_3d against gamma --> using guesses for theta and m_squared
gamma_range = np.linspace(0.1, 4,100)    #  raneg for gamma for plotting

ax13 = plt.figure(13).add_subplot(111)
ax13.set(title='NLL against $\gamma$ with a fixed $\Theta_{23}$ and $\Delta {m^2}_{23}$',
           xlabel= r"$\gamma$ ($GeV^{-1}$)",

plt.plot(gamma_range, likelihood_3d([0.67, 0.00259, gamma_range]), color = 'red')

# 3D minimisation using gradient descent
def grad_3d(f, x, y, z):
    '''Returns the gradient vector of a function, f at a given point (x,y,z).