Esempio n. 1
  def __init__(self, stage, section):
    self.stage       = stage			#The rockmeter
    self.engine      = stage.engine		#Game Engine
    self.config      = stage.config     #the rockmeter.ini
    self.section     = section          #the section of the rockmeter.ini involving this layer

    self.xposexpr    = self.getexpr("xpos", "0.0")
    self.yposexpr    = self.getexpr("ypos", "0.0")
    self.position    = [0.0, 0.0]
                                        #where on the screen to draw the layer
    self.angleexpr   = self.getexpr("angle", "0.0")
    self.angle       = 0.0
                                        #angle to rotate the layer (in degrees)
    self.xscaleexpr  = self.getexpr("xscale", "1.0")
    self.yscaleexpr  = self.getexpr("yscale", "1.0")
    self.scale       = [1.0, 1.0]
                                        #how much to scale it by (width, height from 0.0 - 1.0)
    self.color       = list(self.engine.theme.hexToColor(self.get("color", str, "#FFFFFF")))
                                        #color of the image (#FFFFFF is white on text, on images it is full color)
    self.condition   = True				#when should the image be shown (by default it will always be shown)
    self.alignment   = halign(self.get("alignment", str, "center"))
                                        #alignment of the image (horizontal)
    self.valignment  = valign(self.get("valignment", str, "middle"))
                                        #alignment of the image (vertical)
    self.inPixels    = self.get("inPixels", str, "").split("|")
                                        #makes sure to properly scale/position the images in pixels instead of percent

    self.effects     = []               #various effects associated with the layer
Esempio n. 2
  def __init__(self, stage, section, font):
    super(FontLayer, self).__init__(stage, section)

    self.font        =[font]
    self.text        = ""
    self.textexpr    = self.getexpr("text", "''")
    self.replace     = ""
    self.alignment   = halign(self.get("alignment", str, "LEFT"), 'left')
    self.useComma    = self.get("useComma", bool, False)
    self.shadow      = self.get("shadow",   bool, False)
    self.outline     = self.get("outline",  bool, False)
Esempio n. 3
    def updateLayer(self, playerNum):
        self.position    = [float(eval(self.xposexpr)), float(eval(self.yposexpr))]
        self.angle       = float(eval(self.angleexpr))
        self.scale       = [float(eval(self.xscaleexpr)), float(eval(self.yscaleexpr))]

        self.color       = [float(eval(self.r)), float(eval(self.g)),
                            float(eval(self.b)), float(eval(self.a))]

        self.alignment   = halign(self.alignExpr)
        self.valignment  = valign(self.valignExpr)

        #makes sure color has an alpha value to consider
        if len(self.color) == 3:
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, stage, section, font):
        super(FontLayer, self).__init__(stage, section)

        self.font        =[font]          #the font to use
        self.text        = ""                                       #the text that will be rendered to screen
        self.textexpr    = self.getexpr("text", "''")               #the text from the ini that will be evalutated
        self.replace     = [r.strip() for r in self.get("replace", str, "_").split("_")[:2]]
                                                                    #replace character a character in the string with this
        self.alignment   = halign(self.get("alignment", str, "LEFT"), 'left')
                                                                    #alignment of the text
        self.useComma    = self.get("useComma", bool, False)        #use commas when drawing numbers
        self.shadow      = self.get("shadow",   bool, False)        #show a shadow on the text
        self.outline     = self.get("outline",  bool, False)        #give the text an outline

        self.shadowOpacity = self.get("shadowOpacity", float, 1.0)  #the opacity of the shadow on the text
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, stage, section, font):
        super(FontLayer, self).__init__(stage, section)

        self.font =[font]  #the font to use
        self.text = ""  #the text that will be rendered to screen
        self.textexpr = self.getexpr(
            "text", "''")  #the text from the ini that will be evalutated
        self.replace = [
            r.strip() for r in self.get("replace", str, "_").split("_")[:2]
        #replace character a character in the string with this
        self.alignment = halign(self.get("alignment", str, "LEFT"), 'left')
        #alignment of the text
        self.useComma = self.get("useComma", bool,
                                 False)  #use commas when drawing numbers
        self.shadow = self.get("shadow", bool,
                               False)  #show a shadow on the text
        self.outline = self.get("outline", bool,
                                False)  #give the text an outline

        self.shadowOpacity = self.get(
            "shadowOpacity", float,
            1.0)  #the opacity of the shadow on the text
Esempio n. 6
    def updateLayer(self, playerNum):
        self.position = [
        self.angle = float(eval(self.angleexpr))
        self.scale = [

        self.color = [

        self.alignment = halign(self.alignExpr)
        self.valignment = valign(self.valignExpr)

        #makes sure color has an alpha value to consider
        if len(self.color) == 3: