def _add_filename(self, frame, index, name, mode, option): if option: self.function[-1] = lambda v: [option, v] else: self.function[-1] = lambda v: [v] self.variables[-1] = StringVar() var = self.variables[-1] def set_name(): if mode == "r": fn = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=".") else: fn = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialdir=".") var.set(fn) label = Label(frame, text=name) label.grid(row=index, column=0, sticky="W", padx=10) field_button = Frame(frame) Grid.columnconfigure(field_button, 0, weight=1) field = Entry(field_button, textvariable=var) field.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="WE") button = Button(field_button, text="...", command=set_name, width=1, padding=0) button.grid(row=0, column=1) field_button.grid(row=index, column=1, sticky="WE")
def __init__(self, parent, consoleWidth = DEFAULT_CONSOLE_WIDTH, consoleHeight = DEFAULT_CONSOLE_HEIGHT): ''' Creates and returns a new console object. _Parameters_ parent (required) - The parent widget object under which this console is to be created. consoleWidth (optional) - The width in characters to display the console (default = 100). consoleHeight (optional) - The height in lines to display the console (default = 20). _Return_ ConsoleFrame Object ''' Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent #Member widget creation self.Console = Text(self.parent) self._XScroll = Scrollbar(self.parent) self._YScroll = Scrollbar(self.parent) #Widget configuration self.Console.config(xscrollcommand = self._XScroll.set, yscrollcommand = self._YScroll.set, width = consoleWidth, height = consoleHeight, bg = "black", fg = "green", selectbackground = "green", selectforeground = "black", wrap = "none", state = "disabled") self._XScroll.config(command = self.Console.xview, orient = "horizontal") self._YScroll.config(command = self.Console.yview, orient = "vertical") #Geometry control Grid.rowconfigure(self.parent, 0, weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(self.parent, 0, weight=1) self.Console.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "n"+"s"+"e"+"w") self._YScroll.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "n"+"s"+"e"+"w") self._XScroll.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "n"+"s"+"e"+"w") return
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Biicode serial monitor %s" % self.port) = Style() # We need to define a style, otherwhise seems flat whit in macos for x in range(1): Grid.columnconfigure(self, x, weight=1) for y in [1, 2]: Grid.rowconfigure(self, y, weight=1) self._make_top_bar() self._make_user_input() self._make_rcv_log() self._make_button_bar() self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.serial_buffer = "" self.count = 0 self.running = True self.after(50, self.read_serial) # check serial again soon
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Biicode serial monitor %s" % self.port) = Style( ) # We need to define a style, otherwhise seems flat whit in macos for x in range(1): Grid.columnconfigure(self, x, weight=1) for y in [1, 2]: Grid.rowconfigure(self, y, weight=1) self._make_top_bar() self._make_user_input() self._make_rcv_log() self._make_button_bar() self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.serial_buffer = "" self.count = 0 self.running = True self.after(50, self.read_serial) # check serial again soon
def starting(self): """ Creates the board's rows and columns. """ # create pieces self.set_starting_pieces() square_style = {'borderwidth': 0, 'width': 5, 'height': 2} # create responsive board as 8x8 grid for row in xrange(8): row_squares = [] Grid.rowconfigure(self.root, row, weight=1) for col in xrange(8): Grid.columnconfigure(self.root, col, weight=1) if (row + col) % 2 == 0: square_color = 'white' else: square_color = 'grey' square_btn = SquareBtn(parent=self.root, row=row, col=col, bg=square_color, **square_style) square_btn.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky='nsew') square_piece = self.get_piece(row, col) if square_piece: square_btn.config(image=square_piece.icon) square_btn.image = square_piece.icon square_btn.config( command=lambda x=(row, col): self.button_command(x)) row_squares.append(square_btn) self.squares.append(row_squares)
def initUI(self, parser) : # TODO required arguments # TODO repeated arguments (e.g. filenames) self.parent.title(self.progname) self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.centerWindow() Grid.rowconfigure(self,1,weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(self,0,weight=1) inputFrame = Frame(self) inputFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='WE') outputFrame = Frame(self) outputFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='WENS') self.outputText = ReadOnlyText(outputFrame) self.outputText.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Main controls frame mainFrame = Frame(inputFrame) mainFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Auto-resize column Grid.columnconfigure(mainFrame,1,weight=1) # Ok button okButton = Button(inputFrame, text='Run',, default='active') okButton.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) # Cancel button cancelButton = Button(inputFrame, text='Exit', command=self.quit) cancelButton.pack(side=RIGHT) # Add controls to mainframe for all options for index, action in enumerate(parser._actions) : action_type = type(action).__name__ if action_type == '_HelpAction' : pass else : self.function.append(lambda v : [v]) self.variables.append(None) if action.choices : self._add_choice( mainFrame, index, action.dest, action.choices, action.default, action.option_strings[0] ) elif action_type == '_StoreTrueAction' : self._add_check( mainFrame, index, action.dest, False, action.option_strings[0] ) elif action_type == '_CountAction' : self._add_count( mainFrame, index, action.dest, 0, action.option_strings[0] ) elif action.type and action.type.__name__ == 'inputfile' : self._add_filename( mainFrame, index, action.dest, 'r', action.option_strings ) elif action.type and action.type.__name__ == 'outputfile' : self._add_filename( mainFrame, index, action.dest, 'w', action.option_strings ) else : self._add_field( mainFrame, index, action.dest )
comPortEntry.insert(0, port_no) if not comPortEntry.get(): comPortEntry.configure(fg='red') comPortEntry.insert(0, 'NONE') goButton = Button(root, bd=4, font=('times', 12, 'bold'), text="CONNECT", bg='greenyellow', command=ConnectIoTAdapter) goButton.grid(row=12, column=17, rowspan=2, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S) Button(root, state=DISABLED, text=COPYRIGHT_STR).grid(row=14, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=18, sticky=W + E + N + S) # Fill elements in the whole frame for x in range(18): Grid.columnconfigure(root, x, weight=1) for y in range(16): Grid.rowconfigure(root, y, weight=1) # Update Title, install Close event handlers and Launch the GUI. root.title(WINDOW_TITLE) root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', ExitDashboard) root.mainloop() sys.exit(0)
from Tkinter import Tk, Listbox, Entry, END, mainloop, Grid, N, S, E, W, StringVar LEAVE_ITEM = '..' BOOKMARK_URL = 'bookmarks://' BOOKMARK_FILE = expanduser('~/.benthos_bookmarks') REVEAL_IN_FINDER = """ tell application "Finder" reveal POSIX file "%s" activate end tell """ root = Tk() root.geometry("800x500") Grid.columnconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(root, 1, weight=1) Grid.rowconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) left_panel = Listbox(root, exportselection=0) right_panel = Listbox(root, exportselection=0) command_string = StringVar(root) command_line = Entry(root, textvariable=command_string) left_panel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W) right_panel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N+S+E+W) command_line.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=N+S+E+W) def path_components(path): components = []
def consensusHarness(cSize,depth): print("^"*100) a = ArtificialPhylogeny(size=cSize,numChromosomes=5) evRates = [] while len( a.tree.getTips() ) < depth: # evRate = rn.uniform(0.2,0.75) evRate = 0.3 evRates.append(evRate) a.evolve(evolutionRate=evRate) print("Finished generating phylogeny. Score is {}. Rates were {}".format( a.tree.getScore(), evRates )) u = UPGMA( [t.genome for t in a.tree.getTips()]) u.calculate() root = Tk() d1 = TreeDrawer(root) d1.draw(a.tree,row=0,col=0) d2 = TreeDrawer(root, leafs=d1.leafs) d2.draw(u.tree,row=0,col=1) tree = u.tree uRF = fastRFDist(tree.toTuple(), a.tree.toTuple()) print("Finished upgma. Score is {}. RF distance is {}".format( tree.getScore(), uRF)) uRF = fastRFDist(a.tree.toTuple(), tree.toTuple()) uScore = tree.getScore() oldScore = tree.getScore() newScore = 0 counter = 0 n = NNI( tree ) nniTreeDrawers = [] while abs(newScore - oldScore) >= 1 and counter < 5: counter += 1 n.calculate(deepScoring=True) oldScore = newScore newScore = sum([t.getScore() for t in n.trees]) nRFs = [fastRFDist(t.toTuple(), a.tree.toTuple()) for t in n.trees] print("Running NNI. Current scores are {}. Current RF distances are {}".format([t.getScore() for t in n.trees], nRFs)) nniTreeDrawers = [] for i,tr in enumerate(n.trees): t= TreeDrawer(root,leafs=d1.leafs) t.draw(tr,row=1,col=i) nRFs = [fastRFDist(t.toTuple(), a.tree.toTuple()) for t in n.trees] print("Finished NNI. Scores are {}. RF distances are {}".format([t.getScore() for t in n.trees], nRFs)) c = ConsensusTree(n.trees) c.calculate() cRF = fastRFDist(tree.toTuple(), a.tree.toTuple()) print("Finished consensus. Score is {}. RF distance is {}".format( tree.getScore(), cRF)) tree = Tree( c.conTree ) t1= TreeDrawer(root,leafs=d1.leafs) t1.draw(tree,row=2,col=0) c.calculateNewGenomes() cRF = fastRFDist(c.conTree.toTuple(), a.tree.toTuple()) print("Recalculated Genomes in consensusTree. Score is {}. RF distance is {}".format( tree.getScore(), cRF)) t2= TreeDrawer(root,leafs=d1.leafs) t2.draw(c.conTree,row=2,col=1) for x in (0,1,2): Grid.columnconfigure(root,x,weight=1) for y in (0,1,2): Grid.rowconfigure(root,y,weight=1) root.mainloop() nScore = tree.getScore()