def getImagesList(self): def getImages(path, files, dir = _("Root directory")): for file in [x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and model in x]: try: if checkimagefiles([x.split(os.sep)[-1] for x in zipfile.ZipFile(file).namelist()]): if dir not in self.imagesList: self.imagesList[dir] = {} self.imagesList[dir][file] = {'link': file, 'name': file.split(os.sep)[-1]} except: pass model = GetBoxName() if not self.imagesList: if not self.jsonlist: try: self.jsonlist = dict(json.load(urllib2.urlopen('' % model))) if config.usage.alternative_imagefeed.value: self.jsonlist.update(dict(json.load(urllib2.urlopen('%s%s' % (config.usage.alternative_imagefeed.value, model))))) except: pass self.imagesList = dict(self.jsonlist) for media in ['/media/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media')] + (['/media/net/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media/net')] if os.path.isdir('/media/net') else []): if not(SystemInfo['HasMMC'] and "/mmc" in media) and os.path.isdir(media): try: getImages(media, [os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and model in x]) for dir in ["Downloaded_Images", "Images", "Fullbackup"]: if dir.lower() in os.listdir(media): path = os.path.join(media, dir.lower()) if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.islink(path) and not os.path.ismount(path): getImages(path, [os.path.join(path, x) for x in os.listdir(path) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and model in x], dir) for rdir in [rdir for rdir in [os.path.join(path, rdir) for rdir in os.listdir(path)] if os.path.isdir(rdir) and os.path.splitext(rdir)[1] == ".unzipped"]: shutil.rmtree(rdir) except: pass list = [] for catagorie in reversed(sorted(self.imagesList.keys())): if catagorie in self.expanded: list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('expanded',((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) for image in reversed(sorted(self.imagesList[catagorie].keys())): list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('verticalline',((str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['name'])), str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['link'])))) else: for image in self.imagesList[catagorie].keys(): list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('expandable',((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) break if list: self["list"].setList(list) if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) if self["list"].l.getCurrentSelection()[0][1] == "Expander": self.setIndex -= 1 if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) self.setIndex = 0 self.selectionChanged() else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.close, MessageBox, _("Cannot find images - please try later"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=3)
def getImagesList(self): def getImages(path, files): for file in [x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x]: try: if checkimagefiles([x.split(os.sep)[-1] for x in zipfile.ZipFile(file).namelist()]): imagetyp = _("Downloaded Images") if 'backup' in file.split(os.sep)[-1]: imagetyp = _("Fullbackup Images") if imagetyp not in self.imagesList: self.imagesList[imagetyp] = {} self.imagesList[imagetyp][file] = {'link': file, 'name': file.split(os.sep)[-1]} except: pass if not self.imagesList: box = GetBoxName() if not self.jsonlist: try: self.jsonlist = dict(json.load(urlopen('%s/%s' % (feedurl, box)))) #if config.usage.alternative_imagefeed.value: # self.jsonlist.update(dict(json.load(urlopen('%s%s' % (config.usage.alternative_imagefeed.value, box))))) except: pass self.imagesList = dict(self.jsonlist) for media in ['/media/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media')] + (['/media/net/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media/net')] if os.path.isdir('/media/net') else []): if not(SystemInfo['HasMMC'] and "/mmc" in media) and os.path.isdir(media): getImages(media, [os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x]) if "images" in os.listdir(media): media = os.path.join(media, "images") if os.path.isdir(media) and not os.path.islink(media) and not os.path.ismount(media): getImages(media, [os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x]) for dir in [dir for dir in [os.path.join(media, dir) for dir in os.listdir(media)] if os.path.isdir(dir) and os.path.splitext(dir)[1] == ".unzipped"]: shutil.rmtree(dir) _list = [] for catagorie in reversed(sorted(self.imagesList.keys())): if catagorie in self.expanded: _list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('expanded', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) for image in reversed(sorted(list(self.imagesList[catagorie].keys()), key=lambda x: x.split(os.sep)[-1])): _list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('verticalline', ((str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['name'])), str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['link'])))) else: for image in list(self.imagesList[catagorie].keys()): _list.append(ChoiceEntryComponent('expandable', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) break if _list: self["list"].setList(_list) if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(_list) else len(_list) - 1) if self["list"].l.getCurrentSelection()[0][1] == "Expander": self.setIndex -= 1 if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(_list) else len(_list) - 1) self.setIndex = 0 self.selectionChanged() else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.close, MessageBox, _("Cannot find images - please try later"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=3)
def getImagesList(self): def getImages(path, files): try: print self.imagesList[("Downloaded Images")] except: self.imagesList[("Downloaded Images")] = {} try: print self.imagesList[("Fullbackup Images")] except: self.imagesList[("Fullbackup Images")] = {} for file in [ x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x ]: try: if checkimagefiles([ x.split(os.sep)[-1] for x in zipfile.ZipFile(file).namelist() ]): if 'backup' in file.split(os.sep)[-1]: self.imagesList[("Fullbackup Images")][file] = { 'link': file, 'name': file.split(os.sep)[-1] } else: self.imagesList[("Downloaded Images")][file] = { 'link': file, 'name': file.split(os.sep)[-1] } except: pass if not self.imagesList: box = GetBoxName() for version in reversed(sorted(imagecat)): newversion = _("Image Version %s") % version the_page = "" url = '%s/%s/images/%s' % (feedurl, version, box) try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.URLError as e: print "URL ERROR: %s\n%s" % (e, url) continue try: the_page = except urllib2.HTTPError as e: print "HTTP download ERROR: %s" % e.code continue lines = the_page.split('\n') tt = len(box) countimage = [] for line in lines: if line.find('<a href="o') > -1: t = line.find('<a href="o') e = line.find('zip"') countimage.append(line[t + 9:e + 3]) if len(countimage) >= 1: self.imagesList[newversion] = {} for image in countimage: self.imagesList[newversion][image] = {} self.imagesList[newversion][image]["name"] = image self.imagesList[newversion][image][ "link"] = '%s/%s/images/%s/%s' % (feedurl, version, box, image) for media in ['/media/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media')] + ([ '/media/net/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media/net') ] if os.path.isdir('/media/net') else []): if not (SystemInfo['HasMMC'] and "/mmc" in media) and os.path.isdir(media): getImages(media, [ os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x ]) if "images" in os.listdir(media): media = os.path.join(media, "images") if os.path.isdir(media) and not os.path.islink( media) and not os.path.ismount(media): getImages(media, [ os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x ]) for dir in [ dir for dir in [ os.path.join(media, dir) for dir in os.listdir(media) ] if os.path.isdir(dir) and os.path.splitext(dir)[1] == ".unzipped" ]: shutil.rmtree(dir) list = [] for catagorie in reversed(sorted(self.imagesList.keys())): if catagorie in self.expanded: list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent('expanded', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) for image in reversed(sorted( self.imagesList[catagorie].keys())): list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent( 'verticalline', ((str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['name'])), str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['link'])))) else: for image in self.imagesList[catagorie].keys(): list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent('expandable', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) break if list: self["list"].setList(list) if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex( self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) if self["list"].l.getCurrentSelection()[0][1] == "Expander": self.setIndex -= 1 if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) self.setIndex = 0 self.selectionChanged() else: self.session.openWithCallback( self.close, MessageBox, _("Cannot find images - please try later"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=3)
def doFullBackup(self, answer): if answer is not None: if answer[1]: self.RECOVERY = answer[3] self.DIRECTORY = "%s/fullbackup" % answer[2] if not os.path.exists(self.DIRECTORY): try: os.makedirs(self.DIRECTORY) except:, _("Can't create backup directory"), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=10) return self.SLOT = answer[1] self.MODEL = GetBoxName() self.OEM = getBrandOEM() self.MACHINEBUILD = getMachineBuild() self.MACHINENAME = getMachineName() self.MACHINEBRAND = getMachineBrand() self.IMAGEFOLDER = getImageFolder() self.UBINIZE_ARGS = getMachineUBINIZE() self.MKUBIFS_ARGS = getMachineMKUBIFS() self.ROOTFSSUBDIR = "none" self.ROOTFSBIN = getMachineRootFile() self.KERNELBIN = getMachineKernelFile() self.ROOTFSTYPE = getImageFileSystem().strip() self.IMAGEDISTRO = getImageDistro() self.DISTROVERSION = getImageVersion() if SystemInfo["canRecovery"]: self.EMMCIMG = SystemInfo["canRecovery"][0] self.MTDBOOT = SystemInfo["canRecovery"][1] else: self.EMMCIMG = "none" self.MTDBOOT = "none" self.getImageList = self.saveImageList if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.MTDKERNEL = SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][ self.SLOT]["kernel"].split('/')[2] self.MTDROOTFS = SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][ self.SLOT]["device"].split('/')[2] if 'rootsubdir' in SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.SLOT]: self.ROOTFSSUBDIR = SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][ self.SLOT]['rootsubdir'] else: self.MTDKERNEL = getMachineMtdKernel() self.MTDROOTFS = getMachineMtdRoot() print "[Image Backup] BOX MACHINEBUILD = >%s<" % self.MACHINEBUILD print "[Image Backup] BOX MACHINENAME = >%s<" % self.MACHINENAME print "[Image Backup] BOX MACHINEBRAND = >%s<" % self.MACHINEBRAND print "[Image Backup] BOX MODEL = >%s<" % self.MODEL print "[Image Backup] OEM MODEL = >%s<" % self.OEM print "[Image Backup] IMAGEFOLDER = >%s<" % self.IMAGEFOLDER print "[Image Backup] UBINIZE = >%s<" % self.UBINIZE_ARGS print "[Image Backup] MKUBIFS = >%s<" % self.MKUBIFS_ARGS print "[Image Backup] MTDBOOT = >%s<" % self.MTDBOOT print "[Image Backup] MTDKERNEL = >%s<" % self.MTDKERNEL print "[Image Backup] MTDROOTFS = >%s<" % self.MTDROOTFS print "[Image Backup] ROOTFSBIN = >%s<" % self.ROOTFSBIN print "[Image Backup] KERNELBIN = >%s<" % self.KERNELBIN print "[Image Backup] ROOTFSSUBDIR = >%s<" % self.ROOTFSSUBDIR print "[Image Backup] ROOTFSTYPE = >%s<" % self.ROOTFSTYPE print "[Image Backup] EMMCIMG = >%s<" % self.EMMCIMG print "[Image Backup] IMAGEDISTRO = >%s<" % self.IMAGEDISTRO print "[Image Backup] DISTROVERSION = >%s<" % self.DISTROVERSION print "[Image Backup] MTDBOOT = >%s<" % self.MTDBOOT print "[Image Backup] USB RECOVERY = >%s< " % self.RECOVERY print "[Image Backup] DESTINATION = >%s< " % self.DIRECTORY print "[Image Backup] SLOT = >%s< " % self.SLOT self.TITLE = _("Full back-up on %s") % (self.DIRECTORY) self.START = time() self.DATE = strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M", localtime(self.START)) self.IMAGEVERSION = self.imageInfo() self.MKFS_UBI = "/usr/sbin/mkfs.ubifs" self.MKFS_TAR = "/bin/tar" self.BZIP2 = "/usr/bin/bzip2" self.MKFS_JFFS2 = "/usr/sbin/mkfs.jffs2" self.UBINIZE = "/usr/sbin/ubinize" self.NANDDUMP = "/usr/sbin/nanddump" self.FASTBOOT = "/usr/bin/ext2simg" self.WORKDIR = "%s/bi" % self.DIRECTORY self.SHOWNAME = "%s %s" % (self.MACHINEBRAND, self.MODEL) self.MAINDEST = "%s/build_%s/%s" % (self.DIRECTORY, self.MODEL, self.IMAGEFOLDER) self.MAINDESTROOT = "%s/build_%s" % (self.DIRECTORY, self.MODEL) self.message = "echo -e '\n" if getMachineBrand().startswith('A') or getMachineBrand( ).startswith('E') or getMachineBrand().startswith( 'I') or getMachineBrand().startswith( 'O') or getMachineBrand().startswith( 'U') or getMachineBrand().startswith('Xt'): self.message += (_('Back-up Tool for an %s\n') % self.SHOWNAME).upper() else: self.message += (_('Back-up Tool for a %s\n') % self.SHOWNAME).upper() self.message += VERSION + '\n' self.message += "_________________________________________________\n\n" self.message += _( "Please be patient, a backup will now be made,\n") self.message += _( "because of the used filesystem the back-up\n") if self.RECOVERY: self.message += _( "will take about 30 minutes for this system\n") else: self.message += _( "will take about 1-15 minutes for this system\n") self.message += "_________________________________________________\n" self.message += "'" ## PREPARING THE BUILDING ENVIRONMENT os.system("rm -rf %s" % self.WORKDIR) self.backuproot = "/tmp/bi/root" if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: if 'rootsubdir' in SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.SLOT]: self.backuproot = "/tmp/bi/RootSubdir/" if not os.path.exists(self.WORKDIR): os.makedirs(self.WORKDIR) if not os.path.exists(self.backuproot): os.makedirs(self.backuproot) os.system("sync") if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: if 'rootsubdir' in SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.SLOT]: os.system("mount /dev/%s /tmp/bi/RootSubdir" % self.MTDROOTFS) self.backuproot = self.backuproot + self.ROOTFSSUBDIR else: os.system("mount /dev/%s %s" % (self.MTDROOTFS, self.backuproot)) else: os.system("mount --bind / %s" % (self.backuproot)) if "jffs2" in self.ROOTFSTYPE.split(): cmd1 = "%s --root=%s --faketime --output=%s/root.jffs2 %s" % ( self.MKFS_JFFS2, self.backuproot, self.WORKDIR, self.MKUBIFS_ARGS) cmd2 = None cmd3 = None elif "ubi" in self.ROOTFSTYPE.split(): f = open("%s/ubinize.cfg" % self.WORKDIR, "w") f.write("[ubifs]\n") f.write("mode=ubi\n") f.write("image=%s/root.ubi\n" % self.WORKDIR) f.write("vol_id=0\n") f.write("vol_type=dynamic\n") f.write("vol_name=rootfs\n") f.write("vol_flags=autoresize\n") f.close() ff = open("%s/root.ubi" % self.WORKDIR, "w") ff.close() cmd1 = "%s -r %s -o %s/root.ubi %s" % ( self.MKFS_UBI, self.backuproot, self.WORKDIR, self.MKUBIFS_ARGS) cmd2 = "%s -o %s/root.ubifs %s %s/ubinize.cfg" % ( self.UBINIZE, self.WORKDIR, self.UBINIZE_ARGS, self.WORKDIR) cmd3 = "mv %s/root.ubifs %s/root.%s" % ( self.WORKDIR, self.WORKDIR, self.ROOTFSTYPE) else: if self.EMMCIMG == "usb_update.bin" and self.RECOVERY: cmd1 = None cmd2 = None else: cmd1 = "%s -cf %s/rootfs.tar -C %s --exclude ./var/nmbd --exclude ./.resizerootfs --exclude ./.resize-rootfs --exclude ./.resize-linuxrootfs --exclude ./.resize-userdata --exclude ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock --exclude ./var/lib/samba/msg.sock/* --exclude ./run/avahi-daemon/socket ." % ( self.MKFS_TAR, self.WORKDIR, self.backuproot) cmd2 = "%s %s/rootfs.tar" % (self.BZIP2, self.WORKDIR) cmd3 = None cmdlist = [] cmdlist.append(self.message) if cmd1: cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + ' %s"' % self.ROOTFSBIN) cmdlist.append(cmd1) if cmd2: cmdlist.append(cmd2) if cmd3: cmdlist.append(cmd3) if self.EMMCIMG == "usb_update.bin" and self.RECOVERY: SEEK_CONT = (Harddisk.getFolderSize(self.backuproot) / 1024) + 100000 cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " fastboot dump" + '"') cmdlist.append( 'cp -f /usr/share/fastboot.bin %s/fastboot.bin' % (self.WORKDIR)) #cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p1 of=%s/fastboot.bin" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " bootargs dump" + '"') cmdlist.append( 'cp -f /usr/share/bootargs.bin %s/bootargs.bin' % (self.WORKDIR)) #cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p2 of=%s/bootargs.bin" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " boot dump" + '"') cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p3 of=%s/boot.img" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " baseparam dump" + '"') #cmdlist.append('cp -f /usr/share/bootargs.bin %s/baseparam.img' %(self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p4 of=%s/baseparam.img" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " pq_param dump" + '"') #cmdlist.append('cp -f /usr/share/bootargs.bin %s/pq_param.bin' %(self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p5 of=%s/pq_param.bin" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " logo dump" + '"') cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p6 of=%s/logo.img" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " deviceinfo dump" + '"') #cmdlist.append('cp -f /usr/share/bootargs.bin %s/deviceinfo.bin' %(self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append( "dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p7 of=%s/deviceinfo.bin" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " apploader dump" + '"') cmdlist.append( 'cp -f /usr/share/apploader.bin %s/apploader.bin' % (self.WORKDIR)) #cmdlist.append("dd if=/dev/mmcblk0p10 of=%s/apploader.bin" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " rootfs dump" + '"') cmdlist.append( "dd if=/dev/zero of=%s/rootfs.ext4 seek=%s count=60 bs=1024" % (self.WORKDIR, SEEK_CONT)) cmdlist.append("mkfs.ext4 -F -i 4096 %s/rootfs.ext4" % (self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append("mkdir -p %s/userdata" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append("mount %s/rootfs.ext4 %s/userdata" % (self.WORKDIR, self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append("mkdir -p %s/userdata/linuxrootfs1" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append("mkdir -p %s/userdata/linuxrootfs2" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append("mkdir -p %s/userdata/linuxrootfs3" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append("mkdir -p %s/userdata/linuxrootfs4" % self.WORKDIR) cmdlist.append("rsync -aAX %s/ %s/userdata/linuxrootfs1/" % (self.backuproot, self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append("umount %s/userdata" % (self.WORKDIR)) cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create:") + " kerneldump" + '"') if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"] or self.MTDKERNEL.startswith( 'mmcblk0'): cmdlist.append( "dd if=/dev/%s of=%s/%s" % (self.MTDKERNEL, self.WORKDIR, self.KERNELBIN)) else: cmdlist.append("nanddump -a -f %s/vmlinux.gz /dev/%s" % (self.WORKDIR, self.MTDKERNEL)) if self.EMMCIMG == "usb_update.bin" and self.RECOVERY: cmdlist.append('echo "' + _("Create: Recovery Fullbackup %s") % (self.EMMCIMG) + '"') f = open("%s/emmc_partitions.xml" % self.WORKDIR, "w") f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GB2312" ?>\n') f.write('<Partition_Info>\n') f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="fastboot" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="0" Length="1M" SelectFile="fastboot.bin"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="bootargs" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="1M" Length="1M" SelectFile="bootargs.bin"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="bootoptions" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="2M" Length="1M" SelectFile="boot.img"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="baseparam" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="3M" Length="3M" SelectFile="baseparam.img"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="pqparam" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="6M" Length="4M" SelectFile="pq_param.bin"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="logo" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="10M" Length="4M" SelectFile="logo.img"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="deviceinfo" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="14M" Length="4M" SelectFile="deviceinfo.bin"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="loader" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="26M" Length="32M" SelectFile="apploader.bin"/>\n' ) f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="linuxkernel1" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="none" Start="66M" Length="16M" SelectFile="kernel.bin"/>\n' ) if self.MACHINENAME in ("sf8008m"): f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="userdata" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="ext3/4" Start="130M" Length="3580M" SelectFile="rootfs.ext4"/>\n' ) else: f.write( '<Part Sel="1" PartitionName="userdata" FlashType="emmc" FileSystem="ext3/4" Start="130M" Length="7000M" SelectFile="rootfs.ext4"/>\n' ) f.write('</Partition_Info>\n') f.close() cmdlist.append( 'mkupdate -s 00000003-00000001-01010101 -f %s/emmc_partitions.xml -d %s/%s' % (self.WORKDIR, self.WORKDIR, self.EMMCIMG)), title=self.TITLE, cmdlist=cmdlist, finishedCallback=self.doFullBackupCB, closeOnSuccess=True) else: self.close() else: self.close()
def getImagesList(self): def getImages(path, files): for file in [ x for x in files if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x or ( "openpli" in x and boxname in x) ]: try: if checkimagefiles([ x.split(os.sep)[-1] for x in zipfile.ZipFile(file).namelist() ]): imagetyp = _("Downloaded Images") if 'backup' in file.split(os.sep)[-1]: imagetyp = _("Fullbackup Images") if imagetyp not in self.imagesList: self.imagesList[imagetyp] = {} self.imagesList[imagetyp][file] = { 'link': file, 'name': file.split(os.sep)[-1][:-4] } except: pass if not self.imagesList: box = GetBoxName() boxname = getMachineProcModel().lower() try: import socket socket.getaddrinfo(feedserver, None) for version in sorted(imagecat): newversion = _( "Images %s" ) % version #Oficial, Descargadas, Full backup the_page = "" url = '%s/Alliance/getfirm.php?box=%s' % (feedurl, box) try: req = urllib2.Request(url) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.URLError as e: print "URL ERROR: %s\n%s" % (e, url) continue try: the_page = except urllib2.HTTPError as e: print "HTTP download ERROR: %s" % e.code continue lines = the_page.split('\n') try: l = lines[0] self.feedurl = l.split("<a href='")[1].split( "openspa-")[0] except: self["info"].setText("BOX: [" + box + "]\n" + _( "No images found for this device. More info in" )) list.append("(" + _("No images found for") + " " + box + ")") countimage = [] for line in lines: if line.find(".zip") > -1 and not "recovery" in line: try: self.feedurl = line.split( "<a href='")[1].split("openspa-")[0] except: pass name = line.split(">")[1].split("<")[0] name = name.replace(" (", " ").replace( " - ", " - ").replace(")", "").replace(".zip", " ->") #self.urllist[name]=line.split("<a href='")[1].split("openspa-")[0] countimage.append(name.split(' ->')[0]) if len(countimage) >= 1: self.imagesList[newversion] = {} for image in countimage: self.imagesList[newversion][image] = {} self.imagesList[newversion][image]["name"] = image self.imagesList[newversion][image][ "link"] = '' % (self.feedurl, image) except socket.error as e: print "FEEDSERVER ERROR: %s" % e for media in ['/media/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media')] + ([ '/media/net/%s' % x for x in os.listdir('/media/net') ] if os.path.isdir('/media/net') else []): if os.path.isdir(media): getImages(media, [ os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x or ( "openpli" in x and boxname in x) ]) if "images" in os.listdir(media): media = os.path.join(media, "images") if os.path.isdir(media) and not os.path.islink( media) and not os.path.ismount(media): getImages(media, [ os.path.join(media, x) for x in os.listdir(media) if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".zip" and box in x or ("openpli" in x and boxname in x) ]) for dir in [ dir for dir in [ os.path.join(media, dir) for dir in os.listdir(media) ] if os.path.isdir(dir) and os.path.splitext(dir)[1] == ".unzipped" ]: shutil.rmtree(dir) list = [] for catagorie in self.imagesList.keys(): if catagorie in self.expanded: list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent('expanded', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) for image in reversed( sorted(self.imagesList[catagorie].keys(), key=lambda x: x.split(os.sep)[-1])): list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent( 'verticalline', ((str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['name'])), str(self.imagesList[catagorie][image]['link'])))) else: for image in self.imagesList[catagorie].keys(): list.append( ChoiceEntryComponent('expandable', ((str(catagorie)), "Expander"))) break if list: self["list"].setList(list) if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex( self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) if self["list"].l.getCurrentSelection()[0][1] == "Expander": self.setIndex -= 1 if self.setIndex: self["list"].moveToIndex(self.setIndex if self.setIndex < len(list) else len(list) - 1) self.setIndex = 0 self.selectionChanged() else: self.session.openWithCallback( self.close, MessageBox, _("Cannot find images - please try later"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=3)