def getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value): phenotypes = pandas.DataFrame() # First we check the type of the input (rsID, Gene or Phenotype) and act accordingly UserLogs.add('Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : Tools - getPhenotypes', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'marqueurs', 'phenotypes', 'experiment']) treshold = "0.001" if type == "rsID": #phenotypes = connect.fetchData("select p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where pvalue_assoc <"+treshold+" and m.nom in ('"+value+"') order by a.pvalue_assoc ASC") phenotypes = connect.fetchData( "select p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where m.nom in ('" + value + "')") elif type == "gene": #phenotypes = connect.fetchData("select DISTINCT p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where pvalue_assoc <"+treshold+" and (m.gene in ('"+value+"') or m.gene_before in ('"+value+"') or m.gene_after in ('"+value+"') ) order by a.pvalue_assoc ASC ") phenotypes = connect.fetchData( "select DISTINCT p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where (m.gene in ('" + value + "') or m.gene_before in ('" + value + "') or m.gene_after in ('" + value + "') ) ") else: phenotypes = pandas.DataFrame(data={'nom': value}, index=[0]) return phenotypes
def AutoCompletePhenotypes(request, text): # First, we fetch the genes starting by the text value sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '" + text + "%' and type='binomial'" phenotypesStarting = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # Same for the end of the name sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '%" + text + "' and type='binomial'" phenotypesEnding = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # Finally, same with the name containing the text value sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '%" + text + "%' and type='binomial'" phenotypesContaining = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # We merge the dataframes phenotypes = pandas.merge( pandas.merge(phenotypesStarting, phenotypesEnding, on="nom", how="outer"), phenotypesContaining, on="nom", how="outer", ) # UserLogs.add( # 'Victor Dupuy', # '', # 'accessed the module : AutoComplete', # 'MySQL Database', # ['phenotypes'] # ) phenotypes = phenotypes.to_json(orient="records") return HttpResponse(phenotypes)
def AutoCompletePhenotypes(request, text): #First, we fetch the genes starting by the text value sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '" + text + "%' and type='binomial'" phenotypesStarting = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #Same for the end of the name sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '%" + text + "' and type='binomial'" phenotypesEnding = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #Finally, same with the name containing the text value sqlQuery = "select nom from phenotypes where nom like '%" + text + "%' and type='binomial'" phenotypesContaining = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #We merge the dataframes phenotypes = pandas.merge(pandas.merge(phenotypesStarting, phenotypesEnding, on="nom", how="outer"), phenotypesContaining, on="nom", how="outer") # UserLogs.add( # 'Victor Dupuy', # '', # 'accessed the module : AutoComplete', # 'MySQL Database', # ['phenotypes'] # ) phenotypes = phenotypes.to_json(orient='records') return HttpResponse(phenotypes)
def autoCompleteGenes(request, text): #First, we fetch the genes starting by the text value sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '" + text + "%'" genesStarting = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #Same for the end of the name sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '%" + text + "'" genesEnding = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #Finally, same with the name containing the text value sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '%" + text + "%'" genesContaining = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) #We merge the dataframes genes = pandas.merge(pandas.merge(genesStarting, genesEnding, on="symbol", how="outer"), genesContaining, on="symbol", how="outer") # UserLogs.add( # 'Victor Dupuy', # '', # 'accessed the module : AutoComplete', # 'MySQL Database', # ['genes'] # ) genes = genes.to_json(orient='records') return HttpResponse(genes)
def getManhattanData(type, value): # We'll need to get which phenotypes are selected. significantPhenotypes = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value) if significantPhenotypes.any()['nom']: # Check if there are significant phenotypes phenotype = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value).iat[0,0] #This gets the name of the significant phenotype # phenotype = "All cause death" # First we define the query sqlQuery="select distinct a.rs_id_assoc, a.chromosome,a.pos,a.info_assoc,a.pvalue_assoc,a.allele_A,a.allele_B,a.cohort_AA,a.cohort_BB,a.beta_assoc,a.maf, a.all_OR,xp.covariates,m.gene,m.gene_before,m.gene_after from assoc a join experiment xp on a.experiment=xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes join marqueurs m on a.rs_id_assoc=m.nom where p.nom='"+phenotype+"' and a.pvalue_assoc<=0.001" # Then we fetch the data and store it in a dataframe sorted_data = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : Interactive Manhattan', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'phenotypes', 'marqueurs'] ) sorted_data.drop_duplicates(subset='rs_id_assoc', inplace=True,keep='last') sorted_data["log10"] = -numpy.log10(sorted_data.pvalue_assoc) #ADD COLUMN LOG10 sorted_data = sorted_data.sort(['chromosome', 'pos']) sorted_data['even']=numpy.where(sorted_data['chromosome'] %2==0,sorted_data['log10'] , 'NaN') sorted_data["odd"]=numpy.where(sorted_data['chromosome'] %2!=0,sorted_data['log10'] , 'NaN') col=['rs_id_assoc', 'chromosome', 'pos', 'pvalue_assoc', 'allele_A', 'allele_B', 'covariates', 'cohort_BB', 'cohort_AA', 'beta_assoc', 'maf'] return sorted_data, phenotype else: print "There is no phenotype !" return "No Phenotype !"
def getManhattanData(type, value): # We'll need to get which phenotypes are selected. significantPhenotypes = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value) if significantPhenotypes.any()['nom']: # Check if there are significant phenotypes phenotype = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value).iat[0,0] #This gets the name of the significant phenotype # phenotype = "All cause death" # First we define the query sqlQuery="select distinct a.rs_id_assoc, a.chromosome,a.pos,a.info_assoc,a.pvalue_assoc,a.allele_A,a.allele_B,a.cohort_AA,a.cohort_BB,a.beta_assoc,a.maf, a.all_OR,xp.covariates,m.gene,m.gene_before,m.gene_after from assoc a join experiment xp on a.experiment=xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes join marqueurs m on a.rs_id_assoc=m.nom where p.nom='"+phenotype+"' and a.pvalue_assoc<=0.001 limit 1000" # Then we fetch the data and store it in a dataframe sorted_data = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : Interactive Manhattan', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'phenotypes', 'marqueurs'] ) sorted_data.drop_duplicates(subset='rs_id_assoc', inplace=True,keep='last') sorted_data["log10"] = -numpy.log10(sorted_data.pvalue_assoc) #ADD COLUMN LOG10 sorted_data = sorted_data.sort(['chromosome', 'pos']) sorted_data['even']=numpy.where(sorted_data['chromosome'] %2==0,sorted_data['log10'] , 'NaN') sorted_data["odd"]=numpy.where(sorted_data['chromosome'] %2!=0,sorted_data['log10'] , 'NaN') col=['rs_id_assoc', 'chromosome', 'pos', 'pvalue_assoc', 'allele_A', 'allele_B', 'covariates', 'cohort_BB', 'cohort_AA', 'beta_assoc', 'maf'] return sorted_data, phenotype else: print "There is no phenotype !" return "No Phenotype !"
def getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value): phenotypes = pandas.DataFrame() # First we check the type of the input (rsID, Gene or Phenotype) and act accordingly UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : Tools - getPhenotypes', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'marqueurs', 'phenotypes' , 'experiment'] ) treshold = "0.001" if type == "rsID": phenotypes = connect.fetchData("select p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where pvalue_assoc <"+treshold+" and m.nom in ('"+value+"') order by a.pvalue_assoc ASC") elif type == "gene": phenotypes = connect.fetchData("select DISTINCT p.nom From marqueurs m join assoc a on a.rs_id_assoc = m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where pvalue_assoc <"+treshold+" and (m.gene in ('"+value+"') or m.gene_before in ('"+value+"') or m.gene_after in ('"+value+"') ) order by a.pvalue_assoc ASC ") else: phenotypes = pandas.DataFrame(data={'nom': value}, index=[0]) return phenotypes
def autoCompleteGenes(request, text): # First, we fetch the genes starting by the text value sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '" + text + "%'" genesStarting = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # Same for the end of the name sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '%" + text + "'" genesEnding = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # Finally, same with the name containing the text value sqlQuery = "select symbol from genes where symbol like '%" + text + "%'" genesContaining = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # We merge the dataframes genes = pandas.merge( pandas.merge(genesStarting, genesEnding, on="symbol", how="outer"), genesContaining, on="symbol", how="outer" ) # UserLogs.add( # 'Victor Dupuy', # '', # 'accessed the module : AutoComplete', # 'MySQL Database', # ['genes'] # ) genes = genes.to_json(orient="records") return HttpResponse(genes)
def table(request, type, value): print request, type, value global data UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : Web', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'phenotypes', 'marqueurs'] ) # We'll need to get which phenotypes are selected. significantPhenotypes = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value) if significantPhenotypes.any()['nom']: # Check if there are significant phenotypes phenotype_selected = getPhenotypes.getSignigicantPhenotypes(type, value).iat[0,0] #This gets the name of the significant phenotype print significantPhenotypes # First we define the query sqlQuery = "select distinct a.rs_id_assoc,a.chromosome,a.pos,a.pvalue_assoc,m.gene_before,m.gene,m.gene_after,a.experiment,a.info_assoc,a.allele_A,a.allele_B,a.cohort_AA,a.cohort_BB,a.beta_assoc,a.maf,a.all_OR,xp.covariates, p.nom, case when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then a.allele_B when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then a.allele_A when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then a.allele_A when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then a.allele_B end as risk_allele, case when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then ( (2*a.cohort_BB) + a.cohort_AB ) / ((2*a.cohort_AA) + (2*a.cohort_AB) +(2*a.cohort_BB) ) when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then ( (2*a.cohort_AA) + a.cohort_AB ) / ((2*a.cohort_AA) + (2*a.cohort_AB) +(2*a.cohort_BB) ) when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then ( (2*a.cohort_AA) + a.cohort_AB ) / ((2*a.cohort_AA) + (2*a.cohort_AB) +(2*a.cohort_BB) ) when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then ( (2*a.cohort_BB) + a.cohort_AB ) / ((2*a.cohort_AA) + (2*a.cohort_AB) +(2*a.cohort_BB) ) end as risk_af, case when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then a.beta_assoc when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is true then a.beta_assoc*(-1) when a.beta_assoc>0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then a.beta_assoc*(-1) when a.beta_assoc<0 and p.Risk_on_rise is false then a.beta_assoc end as risk_allele_beta from assoc a join experiment xp on a.experiment=xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes join marqueurs m on a.rs_id_assoc=m.nom where p.nom='"+phenotype_selected+"' and a.pvalue_assoc<0.001" # Then we fetch the data and store it in a dataframe dataframe = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) # dataframe.rename(columns={'rs_id_assoc':'rs id assoc'}) #Self-explanatory data = dataframe dataframe.rename(columns = { 'rs_id_assoc': 'rs_ID', 'pos': 'Pos', 'chromosome': 'Chr', 'gene_before': 'GeneBefore', 'pvalue_assoc': 'P-value', 'allele_A': 'Allele A', 'allele_B': 'Allele B', 'cohort_AA' : 'cohort AA', 'cohort_BB' : 'cohort BB', 'beta_assoc' : 'Beta Assoc', 'covariates' : 'Covariates', 'risk_allele' : 'Risk Allele', 'risk_af' : 'Risk Af', 'risk_allele_beta' : 'Risk Allele Beta', 'gene': 'Gene', 'gene_after': 'GeneAfter', 'nom' : 'Phenotype' }, inplace=True) #rename column to make them look nicer jsonData = dataframe.to_json(orient='records') significantPhenotypes.rename(columns={'nom' : 'Phenotypes'}, inplace=True); # Then we pass the dataframe to the client with json format response = json.dumps({ 'noResult' : False, 'phenotypes': significantPhenotypes.to_json(orient='records'), 'data' : jsonData }, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) return HttpResponse(response) else: print "There is no phenotype !" response = json.dumps({ 'noResult' : True, 'phenotypes': [], 'data' : [] }, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') ) return HttpResponse(response)
def getAll(): phenotypes = connect.fetchData("select nom from phenotypes where type='binomial';") return phenotypes
def comparison(phenotypes): phenotype1=connect.fetchData("select distinct a.rs_id_assoc,a.chromosome, a.pos, a.allele_A, a.allele_B,m.gene_before,m.gene, m.gene_after from assoc a join marqueurs m on a.rs_id_assoc=m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where a. pvalue_assoc<0.001 and p.nom = '"+phenotype1+"'") phenotype2=connect.fetchData("select distinct a.rs_id_assoc,a.chromosome, a.pos, a.allele_A, a.allele_B,m.gene_before,m.gene, m.gene_after from assoc a join marqueurs m on a.rs_id_assoc=m.nom JOIN experiment xp on a.experiment = xp.idexperiment join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where a. pvalue_assoc<0.001 and p.nom = '"+phenotype2+"'") data = pd.merge(chrarea1,chrarea2,on='rs_id_assoc',how='inner')
def getAreaSelectionData(position_min, position_max, chromosome, phenotype): #We query the database for the relevant snps around our selected position sqlQuery = "select distinct a.rs_id_assoc , a.chromosome,a.pos,a.info_assoc,a.pvalue_assoc,a.allele_A,a.allele_B,a.cohort_AA,a.cohort_BB, a.cohort_AB, a.beta_assoc,a.maf, a.all_OR,xp.covariates,p.Risk_on_rise, from assoc a join experiment xp on a.experiment=xp.idexperiment join dataset dat on xp.dataset=dat.iddataset join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where p.nom='"+phenotype+"' and a.chromosome="+chromosome+" limit 1000000;" snps = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : AreaSelection', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'phenotypes', 'experiment'] ) snps = snps[(snps['pos']>position_min) & (snps['pos']<position_max)] snps["risk_allele"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc']>0, snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc']<0, snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ snps['allele_B'],\ snps['allele_A']\ ) # snps["risk_allele"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), snps['allele_B'], snps['allele_A']) # select risk allele snps["risk_af"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] > 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ ((2*snps["cohort_BB"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"])),\ ((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"]))\ ) # snps["risk_af"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), ((2*snps["cohort_BB"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"])), ((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"]))) #calculate allele frequency for each allele snps["risk_allele_beta"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] > 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ snps['beta_assoc'],\ snps['beta_assoc']*-1\ ) # snps["risk_allele_beta"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), snps['beta_assoc'], snps['beta_assoc']*-1) #update beta according to risk allele result snps.rename(columns = {'nom' : 'rs_id_assoc'}, inplace=True) sqlQuery2 = ("select m.nom, m.gene, m.gene_before, m.gene_after, m.end_gen_after,m.end_gen,m.start_gen,m.end_gen_before,m.func,m.position,m.start_gen_after,m.start_gen_before, m.observed " +" from marqueurs m where m.chromosome="+chromosome+" and position between "+str(position_min)+" and "+str(position_max)) lastSnps= connect.fetchData(sqlQuery2) UserLogs.add( 'Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : AreaSelection', 'MySQL Database', ['marqueurs'] ) lastSnps.rename(columns = {'nom':'rs_id_assoc'}, inplace=True) #We sort the dataframe by the snp's position lastSnps.sort_values(by="position") # print lastSnps # Then we create the Plot Title : title = "CHROMOSOME :"+str(chromosome)+" \nBETWEEN POSITIONS "+str(position_min)+" AND "+str(position_max) # Then we merge the two dataframes together. pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth',-1) #important to make links appear in pandas dataframe snps = pandas.merge(snps,lastSnps,on='rs_id_assoc',how='outer') del snps["pos"] return snps
def getAreaSelectionData(position_min, position_max, chromosome, phenotype): #We query the database for the relevant snps around our selected position sqlQuery = "select distinct a.rs_id_assoc , a.chromosome,a.pos,a.info_assoc,a.pvalue_assoc,a.allele_A,a.allele_B,a.cohort_AA,a.cohort_BB, a.cohort_AB, a.beta_assoc,a.maf, a.all_OR,xp.covariates,p.Risk_on_rise, from assoc a join experiment xp on a.experiment=xp.idexperiment join dataset dat on xp.dataset=dat.iddataset join phenotypes p on xp.phenotype=p.idphenotypes where p.nom='" + phenotype + "' and a.chromosome=" + chromosome + " limit 1000000;" snps = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery) UserLogs.add('Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : AreaSelection', 'MySQL Database', ['assoc', 'phenotypes', 'experiment']) snps = snps[(snps['pos'] > position_min) & (snps['pos'] < position_max)] snps["risk_allele"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc']>0, snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc']<0, snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ snps['allele_B'],\ snps['allele_A']\ ) # snps["risk_allele"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), snps['allele_B'], snps['allele_A']) # select risk allele snps["risk_af"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] > 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ ((2*snps["cohort_BB"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"])),\ ((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"]))\ ) # snps["risk_af"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), ((2*snps["cohort_BB"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"])), ((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+snps["cohort_AB"])/((2*snps["cohort_AA"])+(2*snps["cohort_AB"])+(2*snps["cohort_BB"]))) #calculate allele frequency for each allele snps["risk_allele_beta"] = numpy.where(\ numpy.logical_or(\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] > 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==1),\ numpy.logical_and(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0,snps['Risk_on_rise']==0)\ ),\ snps['beta_assoc'],\ snps['beta_assoc']*-1\ ) # snps["risk_allele_beta"]=numpy.where((snps['beta_assoc'] > 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==1)|(snps['beta_assoc'] < 0 & snps['Risk_on_rise']==0), snps['beta_assoc'], snps['beta_assoc']*-1) #update beta according to risk allele result snps.rename(columns={'nom': 'rs_id_assoc'}, inplace=True) sqlQuery2 = ( "select m.nom, m.gene, m.gene_before, m.gene_after, m.end_gen_after,m.end_gen,m.start_gen,m.end_gen_before,m.func,m.position,m.start_gen_after,m.start_gen_before, m.observed " + " from marqueurs m where m.chromosome=" + chromosome + " and position between " + str(position_min) + " and " + str(position_max)) lastSnps = connect.fetchData(sqlQuery2) UserLogs.add('Victor Dupuy', '', 'accessed the module : AreaSelection', 'MySQL Database', ['marqueurs']) lastSnps.rename(columns={'nom': 'rs_id_assoc'}, inplace=True) #We sort the dataframe by the snp's position lastSnps.sort_values(by="position") # print lastSnps # Then we create the Plot Title : title = "CHROMOSOME :" + str(chromosome) + " \nBETWEEN POSITIONS " + str( position_min) + " AND " + str(position_max) # Then we merge the two dataframes together. pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1) #important to make links appear in pandas dataframe snps = pandas.merge(snps, lastSnps, on='rs_id_assoc', how='outer') del snps["pos"] return snps
def getAll(): phenotypes = connect.fetchData( "select nom from phenotypes where type='binomial';") return phenotypes