Esempio n. 1
def extractAndStoreFeatures(inputFolder, items, outputFolder):
    extension = '.jpg'
    X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, cfg.num_features))
    y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, 1))
    number_of_images = 0
    for index_label, name_label in enumerate(items):  # For each item...
        imagesPath = inputFolder + '/' + name_label  # Each label corresponds to a folder
        fileList = os.listdir(imagesPath)  # List all files
        imagesList = filter(
            lambda element: extension in element, fileList
        )  # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
        for filename in imagesList:
            current_imagePath = imagesPath + '/' + filename
            print 'Extracting features for ' + current_imagePath
            image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
            image = util.img_as_ubyte(
                image)  # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
            X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(
                image)  # Extract the features
            y[number_of_images] = index_label  # Assign the label at the end of X when saving the data set
            number_of_images = number_of_images + 1
    print number_of_images

    #Save the data set to .data file in Data folder.
        outputFolder,  # file name
        np.c_[X, y],  # array to save
        fmt='%.2f',  # formatting, 2 digits in this case
        delimiter=',',  # column delimiter
        newline='\n',  # new line character  
        comments='# ')  # character to use for comments
Esempio n. 2
def extractAndStoreFeatures(inputFolder, items, outputFolder):
	extension = '.jpg'
	X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,cfg.num_features))
	y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,1))
	number_of_images = 0
	for index_label, name_label in enumerate(items): # For each item...
		imagesPath = inputFolder + '/' + name_label # Each label corresponds to a folder
		fileList = os.listdir(imagesPath) # List all files
		imagesList = filter(lambda element: extension in element, fileList) # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
		for filename in imagesList:
			current_imagePath = imagesPath + '/' + filename
			print 'Extracting features for ' + current_imagePath
			image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
			image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
			X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image) # Extract the features
			y[number_of_images] = index_label # Assign the label at the end of X when saving the data set
			number_of_images = number_of_images + 1
	print number_of_images
	#Save the data set to .data file in Data folder.
	outputFolder,   		# file name
	np.c_[X,y],             # array to save
	fmt='%.2f',             # formatting, 2 digits in this case
	delimiter=',',          # column delimiter
	newline='\n',           # new line character  
	comments='# ')          # character to use for comments
Esempio n. 3
def extractAndStoreFeatures(inputFolder, outputFolder):

    #List all files
    fileList = os.listdir(inputFolder)
    #Select only files that end with .png
    imagesList = filter(lambda element: '.png' in element, fileList)

    for filename in imagesList:
        imagepath = inputFolder + '/' + filename
        outputpath = outputFolder + '/' + filename + '.feat'

        if os.path.exists(outputpath):
            print 'Features for ' + imagepath + '. Delete the file if you want to replace.'

        print 'Extracting features for ' + imagepath

        image = io.imread(imagepath, as_grey=True)
        #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
        image = util.img_as_ubyte(image)

        #Extract the features
        feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image)

        #Save the features to a file
        outputFile = open(outputpath, "wb")
        pickle.dump(feats, outputFile)
def extractAndStoreFeatures(inputFolder, outputFolder):

    # List all files
    fileList = os.listdir(inputFolder)
    # Select only files that end with .png
    imagesList = filter(lambda element: ".png" in element, fileList)

    for filename in imagesList:
        imagepath = inputFolder + "/" + filename
        outputpath = outputFolder + "/" + filename + ".feat"

        if os.path.exists(outputpath):
            print "Features for " + imagepath + ". Delete the file if you want to replace."

        print "Extracting features for " + imagepath

        image = io.imread(imagepath, as_grey=True)
        # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
        image = util.img_as_ubyte(image)

        # Extract the features
        feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image)

        # Save the features to a file
        outputFile = open(outputpath, "wb")
        pickle.dump(feats, outputFile)
Esempio n. 5
def extractFeaturesSingleImage(imageOriginal, outputpath, imagepath):

    #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(imageOriginal)

    #Extract the features
    feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image, imagepath)

    #Save the features to a file
    outputFile = open(outputpath, "wb")
    pickle.dump(feats, outputFile)
Esempio n. 6
def extractFeaturesSingleImage(imageOriginal, outputpath):

    #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(imageOriginal)

    #Extract the features
    feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image)

    #Save the features to a file
    outputFile = open(outputpath, "wb")
    pickle.dump(feats, outputFile)
Esempio n. 7
def testImage(imagePath):

    fileList = os.listdir(cfg.modelRootPath)

    # Filter all model files
    modelsList = filter(lambda element: '.model' in element, fileList)

    # Filter our specific feature method
    currentModel = cfg.modelFeatures
    currentModelsList = filter(lambda element: currentModel in element, modelsList)

    models = []

    for modelname in currentModelsList:

        file = open(cfg.modelRootPath + modelname, 'r')
        svc = pickle.load(file)


    image = io.imread(imagePath, as_grey=True)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)

    feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image, imagePath)
    max_score = -2
    counter = 0
    model_index = 14 #Background

    #Obtain prediction score for each model
    for model in models:

        decision_func = model.decision_function(feats)
        score = decision_func[0]
        if score > max_score:
            max_score = score
            modelname = currentModelsList[counter]
            model_index = modelname.split('_')
            model_index = model_index[2]
            model_index = model_index[0:len(model_index)-6]     #Parse class index from model name
        counter += 1

    print model_index
    #Condition by intuition: If score is too low is background?
    # if max_score < cfg.min_score:
    #     model_index = cfg.index_background   #Assign background index

    return model_index
Esempio n. 8
def testFolder_perImage():
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': cfg.xgParam['nthread']})

    #Initialize the testing data
    X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, cfg.num_features))
    y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, 1))

    extension = '.jpg'
    number_of_images = 0

    for index_label, name_label in enumerate(
            cfg.test_perImage_folders):  # For each item...
        imagesPath = cfg.test_perImage_path + '/' + name_label  # Each label corresponds to a folder
        fileList = os.listdir(imagesPath)  # List all files
        imagesList = filter(
            lambda element: extension in element, fileList
        )  # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
        for filename in imagesList:
            current_imagePath = imagesPath + '/' + filename
            print('Processing ' + current_imagePath)
            image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
            image = util.img_as_ubyte(
                image)  # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
            X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(
                image)  # Extract the features
            y[number_of_images] = index_label  # Assign the label at the end of X when saving the data set
            number_of_images = number_of_images + 1

    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
        cfg.test_perImage_dataset,  # file name
        np.c_[X, y],  # array to save
        fmt='%.2f',  # formatting, 2 digits in this case
        delimiter=',',  # column delimiter
        newline='\n',  # new line character  
        comments='# ')  # character to use for comments

    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test)

    evaluate_results(y, decision_func)
Esempio n. 9
def testFolder_perImage():
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':cfg.xgParam['nthread']})
    #Initialize the testing data
    X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,cfg.num_features))
    y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,1))
    extension = '.jpg'
    number_of_images = 0
    for index_label, name_label in enumerate(cfg.test_perImage_folders): # For each item...
        imagesPath = cfg.test_perImage_path + '/' + name_label # Each label corresponds to a folder
        fileList = os.listdir(imagesPath) # List all files
        imagesList = filter(lambda element: extension in element, fileList) # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
        for filename in imagesList:
            current_imagePath = imagesPath + '/' + filename   
            print ('Processing '+current_imagePath)
            image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
            image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
            X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image) # Extract the features
            y[number_of_images] = index_label # Assign the label at the end of X when saving the data set
            number_of_images = number_of_images + 1         
    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
    cfg.test_perImage_dataset,   		# file name
    np.c_[X,y],                         # array to save
    fmt='%.2f',                         # formatting, 2 digits in this case
    delimiter=',',                      # column delimiter
    newline='\n',                       # new line character  
    comments='# ')                      # character to use for comments
    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test);

Esempio n. 10
def testImage(imagePath, decisionThreshold, applyNMS):

    fileList = os.listdir(cfg.modelRootPath)

    # Filter all model files
    modelsList = filter(lambda element: '.model' in element, fileList)

    # Filter our specific feature method
    currentModel = cfg.model + '_' + cfg.modelFeatures
    currentModelsList = filter(lambda element: currentModel in element,

    models = []
    subImages = []  #To save backgorund crops

    for modelname in currentModelsList:

        file = open(cfg.modelRootPath + modelname, 'r')
        svc = pickle.load(file)


    image = io.imread(imagePath, as_grey=True)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(
        image)  #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)

    rows, cols = image.shape
    pyramid = tuple(pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=cfg.downScaleFactor))

    scale = 0
    boxes = None
    scores = None
    indices = None

    for p in pyramid[0:]:
        #We now have the subsampled image in p
        window_shape = (32, 32)

        #Add padding to the image, using reflection to avoid border effects
        if cfg.padding > 0:
            p = pad(p, cfg.padding, 'reflect')

            views = view_as_windows(p, window_shape, step=cfg.window_step)
        except ValueError:
            #block shape is bigger than image

        num_rows, num_cols, width, height = views.shape

        for row in range(0, num_rows):
            for col in range(0, num_cols):
                #Get current window
                subImage = views[row, col]
                # subImages.append(subImage)   #To save backgorund crops: Accumulate them in an array
                #Extract features
                feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(subImage)

                #Obtain prediction score for each model
                for model in models:

                    decision_func = model.decision_function(feats)
                    idx = models.index(model)
                    decision_func += cfg.compensate[idx]
                    if decision_func > decisionThreshold:
                        # if decision_func > -0.2:  #For bootstrapping
                        # Signal found!
                        h, w = window_shape
                        scaleMult = math.pow(cfg.downScaleFactor, scale)

                        x1 = int(scaleMult * (col * cfg.window_step -
                                              cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin))
                        y1 = int(scaleMult * (row * cfg.window_step -
                                              cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin))
                        x2 = int(x1 + scaleMult * (w - 2 * cfg.window_margin))
                        y2 = int(y1 + scaleMult * (h - 2 * cfg.window_margin))

                        if (y1 > 0) and (y2 > 0):
                            if y2 - y1 > 330:

                        #bootstrapping: Save image (if positive)
                        # print(decision_func)
                        # subImages.append(subImage)

                        bbox = (x1, y1, x2, y2)
                        score = decision_func[0]

                        if boxes is not None:
                            boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                            scores = np.hstack((score, scores))
                            indices = np.hstack((idx, indices))
                            boxes = np.array([bbox])
                            scores = np.array([score])
                            indices = np.array([idx])

        scale += 1

    # To save backgorund crops
    # numSubImages = len(subImages)
    # for x in range(0,10): #Save 10 crops for each background image
    #     randomIndex = random.randint(1,numSubImages-1) #Get a random window index
    #     imageName = imagePath.split('/')  #Working on the crop name...
    #     imageName = imageName[len(imageName)-1]
    #     filename = (imageName[:-4]+'-'+str(x)+'.jpg')
    #     io.imsave('Results/'+filename, subImages[randomIndex])  #Save the crop
    #end To save backgorund crops

    # To save bootstrapping windows
    # numSubImages = len(subImages)
    # length = min(10, len(subImages))
    # if length > 0:
    #     for x in range(0,length) : #Save windows with detections (max 10)
    #         if numSubImages == 1:
    #             randomIndex = 0
    #         else:
    #             randomIndex = random.randint(1, numSubImages-1) #Get a random window index
    #         imageName = imagePath.split('/')  #Working on the crop name...
    #         imageName = imageName[len(imageName)-1]
    #         filename = (imageName[:-4]+'-'+str(x)+'.jpg')
    #         io.imsave('Bootstrapping/'+filename, subImages[randomIndex])  #Save the crop
    #end To save bootstrapping windows

    if applyNMS:
        #From all the bounding boxes that are overlapping, take those with maximum score.
        boxes, scores = nms.non_max_suppression_fast(boxes, scores,

    #Color boostraping
    # save_windows(boxes, imagePath)

    return boxes, scores, indices
Esempio n. 11
def testImage(imagePath, decisionThreshold, applyNMS):

    fileList = os.listdir(cfg.modelRootPath)

    # Filter all model files
    modelsList = filter(lambda element: '.model' in element, fileList)

    # Filter our specific feature method
    currentModel = cfg.model+'_'+cfg.modelFeatures
    currentModelsList = filter(lambda element: currentModel in element, modelsList)

    models = []
    subImages = [] #To save backgorund crops

    for modelname in currentModelsList:

        file = open(cfg.modelRootPath + modelname, 'r')
        svc = pickle.load(file)


    image = io.imread(imagePath, as_grey=True)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)

    rows, cols = image.shape
    pyramid = tuple(pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=cfg.downScaleFactor))

    scale = 0
    boxes = None
    scores = None
    indices = None

    for p in pyramid[0:]:
        #We now have the subsampled image in p
        window_shape = (32,32)

        #Add padding to the image, using reflection to avoid border effects
        if cfg.padding > 0:
            p = pad(p,cfg.padding,'reflect')

            views = view_as_windows(p, window_shape, step=cfg.window_step)
        except ValueError:
            #block shape is bigger than image

        num_rows, num_cols, width, height = views.shape

        for row in range(0, num_rows):
            for col in range(0, num_cols):
                #Get current window
                subImage = views[row, col]
                # subImages.append(subImage)   #To save backgorund crops: Accumulate them in an array
                #Extract features
                feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(subImage)

                #Obtain prediction score for each model
                for model in models:

                    decision_func = model.decision_function(feats)
                    idx = models.index(model)
                    decision_func += cfg.compensate[idx]
                    if decision_func > decisionThreshold:
                    # if decision_func > -0.2:  #For bootstrapping
                        # Signal found!
                        h, w = window_shape
                        scaleMult = math.pow(cfg.downScaleFactor, scale)

                        x1 = int(scaleMult * (col*cfg.window_step - cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin))
                        y1 = int(scaleMult * (row*cfg.window_step - cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin))
                        x2 = int(x1 + scaleMult*(w - 2*cfg.window_margin))
                        y2 = int(y1 + scaleMult*(h - 2*cfg.window_margin))

                        if(y1 > 0) and (y2 > 0):
                            if y2 - y1 > 330:

                        #bootstrapping: Save image (if positive)
                        # print(decision_func)
                        # subImages.append(subImage)

                        bbox = (x1, y1, x2, y2)
                        score = decision_func[0]

                        if boxes is not None:
                            boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                            scores = np.hstack((score, scores))
                            indices = np.hstack((idx, indices))
                            boxes = np.array([bbox])
                            scores = np.array([score])
                            indices = np.array([idx])

        scale += 1

    # To save backgorund crops
    # numSubImages = len(subImages)
    # for x in range(0,10): #Save 10 crops for each background image
    #     randomIndex = random.randint(1,numSubImages-1) #Get a random window index
    #     imageName = imagePath.split('/')  #Working on the crop name...
    #     imageName = imageName[len(imageName)-1]
    #     filename = (imageName[:-4]+'-'+str(x)+'.jpg')
    #     io.imsave('Results/'+filename, subImages[randomIndex])  #Save the crop
    #end To save backgorund crops

    # To save bootstrapping windows
    # numSubImages = len(subImages)
    # length = min(10, len(subImages))
    # if length > 0:
    #     for x in range(0,length) : #Save windows with detections (max 10)
    #         if numSubImages == 1:
    #             randomIndex = 0
    #         else:
    #             randomIndex = random.randint(1, numSubImages-1) #Get a random window index
    #         imageName = imagePath.split('/')  #Working on the crop name...
    #         imageName = imageName[len(imageName)-1]
    #         filename = (imageName[:-4]+'-'+str(x)+'.jpg')
    #         io.imsave('Bootstrapping/'+filename, subImages[randomIndex])  #Save the crop
    #end To save bootstrapping windows

    if applyNMS:
        #From all the bounding boxes that are overlapping, take those with maximum score.
        boxes, scores = nms.non_max_suppression_fast(boxes, scores, cfg.nmsOverlapThresh)

    #Color boostraping
    # save_windows(boxes, imagePath)

    return boxes, scores, indices
Esempio n. 12
def testImage_slidingwindow(filename, applyNMS=True):
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': cfg.xgParam['nthread']})

    #Load the current image
    imagePath = cfg.testFolderPath + '/' + filename
    image = io.imread(imagePath, as_grey=True)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(
        image)  #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)

    #Load the gt
    dir_gt = cfg.annotationsFolderPath + '/' + filename
    dir_gt = dir_gt.replace('jpg', 'txt')  # png or jpg
    with open(dir_gt, 'r') as fp:
        for line in fp:
            gt_y1, gt_x1, gt_y2, gt_x2, gt_signal = line.split(' ', 4)
            gt_y1 = float(gt_y1)
            gt_x1 = float(gt_x1)
            gt_y2 = float(gt_y2)
            gt_x2 = float(gt_x2)

    #Scan the image
    iteration = 0
    rows, cols = image.shape
    pyramid = tuple(pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=cfg.downScaleFactor))
    scale = 0
    boxes = None
    scores = None

    #Test data set
    X = []
    y = []

    for p in pyramid[0:]:
        #We now have the subsampled image in p
        print p.shape

        #Add padding to the image, using reflection to avoid border effects
        if cfg.padding > 0:
            p = pad(p, cfg.padding, 'reflect')
            views = view_as_windows(p, cfg.window_shape, step=cfg.window_step)
        except ValueError:
            #block shape is bigger than image

        num_rows, num_cols, width, height = views.shape
        for row in range(0, num_rows):
            for col in range(0, num_cols):
                iteration = iteration + 1

                #Get current window
                subImage = views[row, col]

                #Window parameters
                hh, ww = cfg.window_shape
                xx1 = int(col * cfg.window_step - cfg.padding +
                yy1 = int(row * cfg.window_step - cfg.padding +
                xx2 = int(xx1 + (ww - 2 * cfg.window_margin))
                yy2 = int(yy1 + (hh - 2 * cfg.window_margin))

                print '--------------------[ window, it: ' + str(
                    iteration) + ' ]--------------------'
                gt_h = gt_y2 - gt_y1
                gt_w = gt_x2 - gt_x1

                feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(
                    subImage)  # Extract features
                if len(feats) > cfg.num_features:
                    print 'Warning: feats length ' + str(
                        len(feats)) + ' is resized to ' + str(cfg.num_features)
                    feats = feats[:cfg.
                                  num_features]  #The length of the feats must be the same as the training data
                #Apriori knowledge: if the current window overlaps the GT data.
                if (not (gt_x1 > xx1 + ww or gt_x1 + gt_w < xx1
                         or gt_y1 > yy1 + hh or gt_y1 + gt_h < yy1)):
                    print '=====> overlapping <====='
                    if gt_signal in cfg.Cuadradas:  #Square
                    elif gt_signal in cfg.Triangulares:  #Triangle
                    else:  #Circle
                    bbox = (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2)
                    if boxes is not None:
                        boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                        boxes = np.array([bbox])
                else:  #Background
                iteration = iteration + 1
        scale += 1
        scaleMult = math.pow(cfg.downScaleFactor, scale)

    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
        cfg.tDatasetPath,  # file name
        np.c_[X, y],  # array to save
        fmt='%.2f',  # formatting, 2 digits in this case
        delimiter=',',  # column delimiter
        newline='\n',  # new line character  
        comments='# ')  # character to use for comments

    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test)
    evaluate_results(y, decision_func)  # Evaluate the results
    return boxes
Esempio n. 13
def testFolder_colorenh_ccl():
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread': cfg.xgParam['nthread']})

    #Initialize the testing data
    X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, cfg.num_features))
    y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images, 1))

    #Output structure
    boxes = None
    img_structure = None
    candidates = dict()

    extension = '.jpg'
    number_of_images = 0

    fileList = os.listdir(cfg.test_omatlab_folder_path)  # List all files
    imagesList = filter(
        lambda element: extension in element,
        fileList)  # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
    for filename in imagesList:
        current_imagePath = cfg.test_omatlab_folder_path + '/' + filename
        print('Processing ' + current_imagePath)

        img_name = filename.rsplit('_', 1)[0]  # The name of the original image

        # Fill X
        image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
        image = util.img_as_ubyte(
            image)  # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
        X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(
            image)  # Extract the features

        # Fill Y
        local_dir_gt = current_imagePath
        local_dir_gt = local_dir_gt.replace('jpg', 'txt')  # png or jpg
        with open(local_dir_gt, 'r') as fp:
            for line in fp:
                local_gt_y1, local_gt_x1, local_gt_y2, local_gt_x2, local_gt_sign = line.split(
                    ' ', 4)
                local_gt_y1 = float(local_gt_y1)
                local_gt_x1 = float(local_gt_x1)
                local_gt_y2 = float(local_gt_y2)
                local_gt_x2 = float(local_gt_x2)
                local_gt_sign = local_gt_sign.replace('\n', '')
                bbox = (img_name,, local_gt_x1,
                        local_gt_y1, local_gt_x2, local_gt_y2)
                if boxes is not None:
                    boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                    boxes = np.array([bbox])
            y[number_of_images] =
            )  # Suponiendo que sean las mismas clases que data
            print str(local_gt_y1) + ', ' + str(local_gt_x1) + ', ' + str(
                local_gt_y2) + ', ' + str(local_gt_x2) + ', ' + local_gt_sign
        number_of_images = number_of_images + 1

    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
        cfg.ce_ccl_test_dataset,  # file name
        np.c_[X, y],  # array to save
        fmt='%.2f',  # formatting, 2 digits in this case
        delimiter=',',  # column delimiter
        newline='\n',  # new line character  
        comments='# ')  # character to use for comments

    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test)

    #Return those bounding boxes that its labels predicted are not background.
    candidates['bboxes'] = boxes  # Store the bounding boxes
        'prediction'] = decision_func[::
                                      -1]  # Store the reversed array of predictions

    outputFile = open(cfg.resultsFolder + '/Ce_ccl.results', "wb")
    pickle.dump(candidates, outputFile)

    #print candidates['bboxes']
    #print decision_func

    #Evaluate the results
    evaluate_results(y, decision_func)
Esempio n. 14
def testImage_slidingwindow(filename, applyNMS=True):
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':cfg.xgParam['nthread']})
    #Load the current image
    imagePath = cfg.testFolderPath + '/' + filename
    image = io.imread(imagePath, as_grey=True)
    image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) #Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
	#Load the gt
    dir_gt = cfg.annotationsFolderPath + '/' + filename
    dir_gt = dir_gt.replace('jpg','txt') # png or jpg
    with open(dir_gt,'r') as fp:
        for line in fp:
            gt_y1, gt_x1, gt_y2, gt_x2, gt_signal = line.split(' ', 4 )
            gt_y1 = float(gt_y1)
            gt_x1 = float(gt_x1)
            gt_y2 = float(gt_y2)
            gt_x2 = float(gt_x2)
    #Scan the image
    iteration = 0
    rows, cols = image.shape
    pyramid = tuple(pyramid_gaussian(image, downscale=cfg.downScaleFactor))
    scale = 0
    boxes = None
    scores = None
    #Test data set
    X = []
    y = []
    for p in pyramid[0:]:
        #We now have the subsampled image in p      
        print p.shape     
        #Add padding to the image, using reflection to avoid border effects
        if cfg.padding > 0:
            p = pad(p,cfg.padding,'reflect')
            views = view_as_windows(p, cfg.window_shape, step=cfg.window_step)
        except ValueError:
            #block shape is bigger than image

        num_rows, num_cols, width, height = views.shape
        for row in range(0, num_rows):
            for col in range(0, num_cols):
                iteration = iteration + 1
			    #Get current window
                subImage = views[row, col]

                #Window parameters
                hh, ww = cfg.window_shape
                xx1 = int(col*cfg.window_step - cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin)
                yy1 = int(row*cfg.window_step - cfg.padding + cfg.window_margin)
                xx2 = int(xx1 + (ww - 2*cfg.window_margin))
                yy2 = int(yy1 + (hh - 2*cfg.window_margin))
                print '--------------------[ window, it: '+ str(iteration) +' ]--------------------'
                gt_h = gt_y2-gt_y1;
                gt_w = gt_x2-gt_x1;
                feats = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(subImage) # Extract features
                if len(feats) > cfg.num_features:
                    print 'Warning: feats length '+str(len(feats)) + ' is resized to ' + str(cfg.num_features)
                    feats = feats[:cfg.num_features] #The length of the feats must be the same as the training data
                #Apriori knowledge: if the current window overlaps the GT data.
                if (not(gt_x1 > xx1+ww or gt_x1+gt_w < xx1 or gt_y1 > yy1+hh or gt_y1+gt_h < yy1)):
                    print '=====> overlapping <====='
                    if gt_signal in cfg.Cuadradas: #Square
                    elif gt_signal in cfg.Triangulares: #Triangle
                    else: #Circle
                    bbox = (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2)
                    if boxes is not None:
                        boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                        boxes = np.array([bbox])
                else: #Background
                iteration = iteration + 1
        scale += 1
        scaleMult = math.pow(cfg.downScaleFactor, scale)
    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
    cfg.tDatasetPath,   	# file name
    np.c_[X,y],             # array to save
    fmt='%.2f',             # formatting, 2 digits in this case
    delimiter=',',          # column delimiter
    newline='\n',           # new line character  
    comments='# ')          # character to use for comments
    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test);
    evaluate_results(y,decision_func) # Evaluate the results
    return boxes
Esempio n. 15
def testFolder_colorenh_ccl():
    #Load the model
    bst = xgb.Booster({'nthread':cfg.xgParam['nthread']})
    #Initialize the testing data
    X = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,cfg.num_features))
    y = np.zeros(shape=(cfg.num_train_images,1))
	#Output structure
    boxes = None
    img_structure = None
    candidates = dict()
    extension = '.jpg'
    number_of_images = 0
    fileList = os.listdir(cfg.test_omatlab_folder_path) # List all files
    imagesList = filter(lambda element: extension in element, fileList) # Select only the ones that ends with the desired extension
    for filename in imagesList:
        current_imagePath = cfg.test_omatlab_folder_path + '/' + filename
        print ('Processing '+current_imagePath)
        img_name = filename.rsplit('_', 1)[0] # The name of the original image	        
        # Fill X
        image = io.imread(current_imagePath, as_grey=True)
        image = util.img_as_ubyte(image) # Read the image as bytes (pixels with values 0-255)
        X[number_of_images] = feature_extractor.extractFeatures(image) # Extract the features
		# Fill Y
        local_dir_gt = current_imagePath
        local_dir_gt = local_dir_gt.replace('jpg','txt') # png or jpg
        with open(local_dir_gt,'r') as fp:
            for line in fp:
                local_gt_y1, local_gt_x1, local_gt_y2, local_gt_x2, local_gt_sign = line.split(' ', 4 )
                local_gt_y1 = float(local_gt_y1)
                local_gt_x1 = float(local_gt_x1)
                local_gt_y2 = float(local_gt_y2)
                local_gt_x2 = float(local_gt_x2)
                local_gt_sign = local_gt_sign.replace('\n','')
                bbox = (img_name,, local_gt_x1, local_gt_y1, local_gt_x2, local_gt_y2)
                if boxes is not None:
                    boxes = np.vstack((bbox, boxes))
                    boxes = np.array([bbox])
            y[number_of_images] = # Suponiendo que sean las mismas clases que data
            print str(local_gt_y1) + ', ' + str(local_gt_x1) + ', ' + str(local_gt_y2) + ', ' + str(local_gt_x2) + ', ' + local_gt_sign
        number_of_images = number_of_images + 1
    #Save the test data set to .data file in Data folder.
    cfg.ce_ccl_test_dataset,   			# file name
    np.c_[X,y],                         # array to save
    fmt='%.2f',                         # formatting, 2 digits in this case
    delimiter=',',                      # column delimiter
    newline='\n',                       # new line character  
    comments='# ')                      # character to use for comments
    #Compute the predictions
    xg_test = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y)
    decision_func = bst.predict(xg_test);
	#Return those bounding boxes that its labels predicted are not background.
    candidates['bboxes'] = boxes # Store the bounding boxes
    candidates['prediction'] = decision_func[::-1] # Store the reversed array of predictions

    outputFile = open(cfg.resultsFolder+'/Ce_ccl.results', "wb")
    pickle.dump(candidates, outputFile)

    #print candidates['bboxes']
    #print decision_func
	#Evaluate the results