Esempio n. 1
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # read images, crop size
        # if you use huawei modelarts , use cv2.imdecode to read images
        img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring([index], binary=True), np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32) / 255.
        rgb = data_aug(rgb, mode=np.random.randint(0, 8))
        h, w, c = rgb.shape
        h = h // 8 * 8
        w = w // 8 * 8
        rgb = rgb[0:h, 0:w, :]

        if self.downsampler == 'bic':
            lr_rgb = cv2.resize(rgb.copy(), (0,0), fx=1/self.scale, fy=1/self.scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
            lr_rgb = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(lr_rgb, [2, 0, 1]))).float()

        rgb = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(rgb, [2, 0, 1]))).float()

        if self.downsampler == 'avg':
            lr_rgb = F.avg_pool2d(rgb.clone(), self.scale, self.scale)

        lr_raw = rgb2raw(lr_rgb, is_tensor=True)

        # crop gt, keep even
        wi = random.randint(0, w - self.patch_size)
        hi = random.randint(0, h - self.patch_size)
        wi = wi - wi%(self.scale*2)
        hi = hi - hi%(self.scale*2)
        # wi, hi, start point in gt

        rgb = rgb[:, hi: hi + self.patch_size, wi: wi + self.patch_size]
        lr_raw = lr_raw[:, hi//self.scale: hi//self.scale + self.patch_size//self.scale,
                 wi//self.scale: wi//self.scale + self.patch_size//self.scale]
        lr_raw = lr_raw.view(1, 1, lr_raw.shape[-2], lr_raw.shape[-1])
        lr_raw = self.raw_stack(lr_raw)

        if self.denoise:
            noise_level = max(self.min_noise, np.random.rand(1)*self.max_noise)[0]

            # raw_input + noise
            noise = torch.randn([1, 1, self.patch_size//self.scale, self.patch_size//self.scale]).mul_(noise_level)
            lr_raw = lr_raw + self.raw_stack(noise)

            # cat noise_map
            noise_map = torch.ones([1, 1, self.patch_size//(2*self.scale), self.patch_size//(2*self.scale)])*noise_level
            lr_raw =, noise_map), 1)

        data = {}
        data['input'] = torch.clamp(lr_raw, 0., 1.)[0]
        data['gt'] = torch.clamp(rgb, 0., 1.)
        if self.get2label:
            data['raw_gt'] = torch.clamp(rgb2raw(rgb.clone(), is_tensor=True), 0., 1.)

        return data
Esempio n. 2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # read images, crop size
        rgb = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(self.data_lists[index]), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32) / 255.
        rgb = data_aug(rgb, mode=np.random.randint(0, 8))
        h, w, c = rgb.shape
        h = h // 2 * 2
        w = w // 2 * 2
        rgb = rgb[0:h, 0:w, :]

        rgb = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(rgb, [2, 0, 1]))).float()
        raw = rgb2raw(rgb, is_tensor=True)

        # crop gt, keep even
        wi = random.randint(0, w - self.patch_size)
        hi = random.randint(0, h - self.patch_size)
        wi = wi - wi%2
        hi = hi - hi%2
        # wi, hi, start point in gt

        raw = raw[:, hi: hi + self.patch_size, wi: wi + self.patch_size]
        noise_level = max(self.min_noise, np.random.rand(1)*self.max_noise)[0]
        # raw_input + noise
        noise = torch.randn([1, 1, self.patch_size, self.patch_size]).mul_(noise_level)
        raw4 = raw + noise
        raw4 = self.raw_stack(raw4.view(1,1,self.patch_size, self.patch_size))
        # cat noise_map
        noise_map = torch.ones([1, 1, self.patch_size//2, self.patch_size//2])*noise_level
        raw4 =, noise_map), 1)

        data = {}
        data['input'] = torch.clamp(raw4[0], 0., 1.)
        data['gt'] = torch.clamp(raw, 0., 1.)

        return data
Esempio n. 3
im_files = _all_images(src_path)
for index in tqdm(range(len(im_files))):
    im_file = im_files[index]
    save_name = os.path.basename(im_file).split('.')[0] + '.tiff'

    if opt.n_folders > 1:
        sub_folder = im_file.split('/')[-2]
        dst_path = os.path.join(opt.dst_path, sub_folder)
        if not os.path.exists(dst_path):

    # read image and reshape
    rgb = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(im_file), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    h, w, c = rgb.shape
    h = h - h % (2 * opt.scale)
    w = w - w % (2 * opt.scale)
    rgb = rgb[0:h, 0:w]
    rgb = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(
        rgb, [2, 0, 1]))).float()

    # down-sampling
    if opt.scale > 1:
        rgb = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d(rgb, opt.scale, opt.scale)
    raw = rgb2raw(rgb, True, opt.bayer).unsqueeze_(0)

    # add noise
    if opt.shot_noise > 0 or opt.read_noise > 0:
        raw = add_noise(raw, opt.shot_noise, opt.read_noise)
    raw = torch.clamp(raw, 0, 255.)[0, 0].numpy().astype(np.uint8)
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_path, save_name), raw)