Esempio n. 1
def trainModel(modelFilename, allTrainDataImage, patchSize, margin, mu=None):    
    # Split into train and validation.
    trainDataImage, validationDataImage = utils.splitData(allTrainDataImage, 0.9)
    trainData = utils.makeClassificationPatches(trainDataImage, patchSize, margin)    
    validationData = utils.makeClassificationPatches(validationDataImage, patchSize, margin)
    trainDataImage = None
    validationDataImage = None
    allTrainDataImage = None
    print("Training data size {0}, Validation data size {1}".format(len(trainData), len(validationData)))
    # Create shared
    train_x, train_y = make_shared(trainData, patchSize, mu)            

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are 0-1 labels.

    input_dimension = patchSize**2
    output_dimension = 2


    #classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
    #                                                        (500, nnlayer.ReluLayer),                                                           
    #                                                        (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])
    classifier = nnlayer.ClassificationNet(input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                       (nnlayer.LasangeNet.Reshape, (-1, 1, patchSize, patchSize)),
                                                       (nnlayer.LasangeNet.Conv, 32, 3, {'pad':'same'}),
                                                       (nnlayer.LasangeNet.Conv, 64, 3, {'pad':'same'}),
                                                              #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.DropoutLayer, 0.2),
                                                       #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.BatchNorm, nnlayer.LasangeNet.ReluLayer, 500),
                                                       #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.ReluLayer, 500),
                                                       #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.DropoutLayer, ),
                                                       #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.ReluLayer, 500),
                                                       #(nnlayer.LasangeNet.DropoutLayer, ),
                                                       (nnlayer.LasangeNet.SoftmaxLayer, output_dimension)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) #+ 0.0003*classifier.L2
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost, classifier.accuracy(y))

    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()

    # Create shared
    validation_x, validation_y = make_shared(validationData, patchSize, mu)
    v_start = T.iscalar()
    v_end = T.iscalar()
    bv_func = theano.function(inputs = [v_start, v_end],
                        outputs = [classifier.validation_cost(y), classifier.accuracy(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x[v_start:v_end], y:validation_y[v_start:v_end]})                            

    def batch_validation():
        maxIdx = len(validationData)
        nv_batches =  maxIdx // 128
        tc = [0, 0]
        for i in range(nv_batches):
            d_start = min(i*128, maxIdx)
            d_end = min((i + 1)*128, maxIdx)
            bc = bv_func(d_start, d_end)
            factor = (d_end - d_start) / 128.0
            tc[0] += bc[0]*factor
            tc[1] += bc[1]*factor
        tc[0] /= nv_batches
        tc[1] /= nv_batches
        return tc
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, 
                                                      rms = True, 
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR2(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    validation_scores = [item["validation_outputs"][1] for item in stats]
    train_scorees = [item["training_outputs"][1] for item in stats]    
    plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g')
    plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r')

    #e_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
    #                        outputs = classifier.accuracy(y),
    #                        #outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
    #                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    ##print("avg error: {0}".format(np.mean(e_func())))
    #print("validation accuracy: {0}".format(e_func()))

    mgr =  PersistenceManager()
    mgr.set_model(x, y, classifier)
Esempio n. 2
# Use convnet
#conv_net = nnlayer.ConvNet(rng, x, (28, 28), [(20, 5, 5), (50, 5, 5)], rectified=True)
conv_net = nnlayer.ConvNet(rng, x, (28, 28), [(20, 5, 5)], rectified=True)

# the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
# the model in symbolic format
classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=conv_net.output, topology=[(conv_net.output_size,), 
                                          #(256, nnlayer.TanhLayer), 
                                          (10, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])
cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr + 0.0001*conv_net.L2_sqr
params = conv_net.params + classifier.params
costFunction = (params, cost)

# Create trainer
tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_set_x, y:validation_set_y})                            

variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_set_x), VariableAndData(y, train_set_y, size=train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]))
epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True, momentum=0.9) 
# Train with adaptive learning rate.
stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                    state_manager = stateMananger)
Esempio n. 3
def buildData(filename, outName, resultSize):
    loader = CSVLoader.Loader()
    rawData = loader.LoadAsItems(filename)        

    rawData = rawData[:100]    

    rawData = sorted(rawData, key=lambda x:int(x['Count']), reverse=True)
    labeledData = [item for item in rawData if not (item['Label'].upper() == 'UNKNOWN')]
    trainData, testData = splitData(labeledData, split=0.99)
    trainData, validationData = splitData(trainData, split=0.99)
    print("Train {0}, Test {1}, Validation {2}".format(len(trainData), len(testData), len(validationData)))
    #modality = fm.BagOfItemsMap(lambda x: x[1], fm.splitUpper)
    #code = fm.BagOfItemsMap(lambda x: x[2], lambda x: [p[0:min(len(p), 3)] for p in fm.splitUpper(x)])
    #body = fm.BagOfItemsMap(lambda x: x[3], fm.splitUpper), trainData, minCount = None, size = 200))
    #description = fm.BagOfItemsMap(lambda x: x[4], fm.splitUpper), trainData, minCount = 10, size = None))
    #label = fm.LabelMap(lambda x: x[labelIndex], fm.splitUpper)

    #itemMapper =  fm.ItemMapper([modality, code, body, description], label)

    desc = [
            {"key":'Modality', "type":"dict"},
            {"key":'Code', "type":"dict", "valueLength":3},
            {"key":'Body Part', "type":"dict", "size":200},
            {"key":'Description', "type":"dict", "minCount":10},
            {"key":'Label', "type":"label"}

    builder = fm.ItemMapperBuilder(desc)
    itemMapper = builder.pipe

    print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
    mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY =
    mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY =
    print("Map completed")    

    mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
    sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
    mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
    mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
    train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
    validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
    validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                        # [int] labels

    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
    # the model in symbolic format
    input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
    output_dimension = itemMapper.range
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                            (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
                                                           (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    cum_dim = 0
    for p in classifier.params:    
        cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
    print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

    # Create validation function.
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    # Create trainer
    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    validation_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in stats]
    train_scorees = [item["training_costs"][-1] for item in stats]
    #train_scorees = stats[0]["training_costs"]
    plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g')
    plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r')
    input("Enter to continue:>")

    mappedTestX, mappedTestY =
    mappedTestX = (mappedTestX - mu)/sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    test_x = theano.shared(mappedTestX, borrow=True)    
    test_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTestY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    # Setup test function
    index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch
    test_model = theano.function(inputs=[index],
            outputs=(classifier.errors(y), classifier.y_pred),
                x: test_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size],
                y: test_y[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]})

    n_test_batch = int(test_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size)
    errorVector = [test_model(i) for i in range(n_test_batch)]

    #print("Avg. error {0}".format(np.average(errorVector)))
    errCount = 0    
    for i in range(len(errorVector)):
        if errorVector[i][0] > 0.0:
            errCount += 1
            print("Error: {0}, Label:{1}, Predicted:{2}".format(testData[i], testData[i]['Label'], itemMapper.labelMapper.inverseMap(int(errorVector[i][1]))))

    print("Avg: {0}".format(errCount / len(errorVector)))

    input("Enter to continue")
Esempio n. 4
    def train(self, trainArgs):

        # Get train data
        experimentDir = getCreateExperimentDir(
        trainDataFilename = "{0}/traindata.pkl".format(experimentDir)
        trainData, validationData = load(trainDataFilename)
        #Build the mapper based on the training data.
        itemMapperFilename = "{0}/mapper.pkl".format(experimentDir)
        itemMapper = load(itemMapperFilename)[0]

        print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
        mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY =
        mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY =

        #mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
        #sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
        #mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
        #mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

        # Create Theano shared data
        train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
        train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
        validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
        validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

        rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

        # allocate symbolic variables for the data
        x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
        y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                            # [int] labels

        # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
        # the model in symbolic format
        input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
        output_dimension = itemMapper.range

        # Check the train args for layers.
        layerArgs = trainArgs["hiddenLayers"]        
        # Start with input
        selectedLayers = [(input_dimension,)]
        for l in layerArgs:
            selectedLayers.append((l, nnlayer.ReluLayer))
        # Add regression layer
        selectedLayers.append((output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer))

        classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=selectedLayers)
#        classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
#                                                                (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
#                                                               (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

        settings = trainArgs["settings"]
        regularization = float(settings.get("regularization", "0.0001"))
        cost = classifier.cost(y) + regularization*classifier.L2_sqr
        costParams = []
        costFunction = (costParams, cost)

        cum_dim = 0
        for p in classifier.params:    
            cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
        print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

        # Create validation function.
        valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                            outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                            givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

        # Create trainer
        tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
        variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
        epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
        # Train with adaptive learning rate.
        initial_lr = float(settings.get("learningRate", "0.01"))
        eprun = int(settings.get("epochsPerRun", "1"))
        runs = int(settings.get("runs", "10"))
        stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                            state_manager = stateMananger)

        experimentDir = getCreateExperimentDir(
        modelFilename = "{0}/model.pkl".format(experimentDir)
        # Save all relevant model data, include normalization if this is used.
        save(modelFilename, x, y, classifier)

        # Save the training plots.
        validation_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in stats]
        train_scorees = [item["training_costs"][-1] for item in stats]        
        plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r', label="Training (regularized)")
        plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g', label="Validation")
        plt.legend(loc="upper right")
        plt.xlabel("Run #")
        figureFilename = "{0}/fig.png".format(experimentDir)
Esempio n. 5
def runExperiment(experimentId, runArgs):
    type = runArgs["type"]
    if type == "create_datamapping":        
        return saveDatamapping(experimentId, runArgs["data"])
    elif type == "train":
        return train(experimentId, runArgs["data"])

    # Load stored experiment data.
    dataMapping = loadDatamapping(experimentId)
    data, headers = getDataFile(experimentId)

    #Split data into train/validation/test
    trainData, testData = featuremapping.splitData(data, split=0.99)
    trainData, validationData = featuremapping.splitData(trainData, split=0.99)
    #Build the mapper based on the training data.
    itemMapper = buildMapper(trainData, headers, dataMapping)
    print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
    mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY =
    mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY =

    #mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
    #sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
    #mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
    #mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
    train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
    validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
    validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                        # [int] labels

    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
    # the model in symbolic format
    input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
    output_dimension = itemMapper.range
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                            (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
                                                           (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    cum_dim = 0
    for p in classifier.params:    
        cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
    print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

    # Create validation function.
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    # Create trainer
    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    validation_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in stats]
    train_scorees = [item["training_costs"][-1] for item in stats]
    plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g')
    plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r')

    mappedTestX, mappedTestY =
    #mappedTestX = (mappedTestX - mu)/sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    test_x = theano.shared(mappedTestX, borrow=True)    
    test_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTestY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    # Setup test function
    index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch
    test_model = theano.function(inputs=[index],
            outputs=(classifier.errors(y), classifier.y_pred),
                x: test_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size],
                y: test_y[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]})

    n_test_batch = int(test_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size)
    errorVector = [test_model(i) for i in range(n_test_batch)]

    #print("Avg. error {0}".format(np.average(errorVector)))
    errCount = 0    
    for i in range(len(errorVector)):
        if errorVector[i][0] > 0.0:
            errCount += 1
            print("Error: {0}, Predicted:{1}".format(testData[i], itemMapper.labelMapper.inverseMap(int(errorVector[i][1]))))

    print("Avg: {0}".format(errCount / len(errorVector)))
Esempio n. 6
def train(experimentId, trainingArgs):

    # Load stored experiment data.
    dataMapping = loadDatamapping(experimentId)
    data, headers = getDataFile(experimentId)

    #Split data into train/validation/test
    trainData, testData = featuremapping.splitData(data, split=0.99)
    trainData, validationData = featuremapping.splitData(trainData, split=0.99)
    #Build the mapper based on the training data.
    itemMapper = buildMapper(trainData, headers, dataMapping)
    print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
    mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY =
    mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY =

    #mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
    #sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
    #mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
    #mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
    train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
    validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
    validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                        # [int] labels

    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
    # the model in symbolic format
    input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
    output_dimension = itemMapper.range
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                            (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
                                                           (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    cum_dim = 0
    for p in classifier.params:    
        cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
    print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

    # Create validation function.
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    # Create trainer
    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    experimentDir = getCreateExperimentDir(experimentId)
    modelFilename = "{0}/model.pkl".format(experimentDir)
    # Save all relevant model data, include normalization if this is used.
    save(modelFilename, x, y, classifier, itemMapper)
Esempio n. 7
def pretrainConv(trainData, nFilters, shape):
    # Randomly sample patches from the trainData
    # Each patch should be of size shape.
    nSamples = 50000
    data_x = np.zeros((nSamples, shape[0]*shape[1]), dtype = 'float32')
    rng =  np.random.RandomState(4321)
    maxIndex = len(trainData) - 1
    # Assuming that all samples have the same shape.
    halfY = np.ceil(shape[1]/2)
    minY = halfY
    maxY = trainData[0].height - halfY
    halfX = np.ceil(shape[0]/2) 
    minX = halfX
    maxX = trainData[0].width - halfX

    imageIndexes = rng.uniform(0, maxIndex, size =(nSamples)) 
    xPositions = rng.uniform(minX, maxX, size=(nSamples))
    yPositions = rng.uniform(minY, maxY, size=(nSamples))
    for idx in range(nSamples):
        i = int(imageIndexes[idx])
        x = int(xPositions[idx])
        y = int(yPositions[idx])
        mammoSample = trainData[i]
        xStart = x - halfX
        yStart = y - halfY
        xEnd = xStart + shape[0]
        yEnd = yStart + shape[1]
        data_x[idx] = mammoSample.pixelData[yStart:yEnd, xStart:xEnd].ravel()
        #plt.imshow(data_x[idx].reshape((shape[0], shape[1])))

    # Prepare testdata.
    nTrain = nSamples * 0.95
    xTrain = data_x[:nTrain]
    xValidation = data_x[nTrain:]
    train_x = theano.shared(xTrain, borrow=True)
    validation_x = theano.shared(xValidation, borrow=True)
    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.matrix('y')  # the labels are (x,y) coordinates.

    layer = nnlayer.ReluLayer(rng, x, shape[0]*shape[1], nFilters)       

    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()        
    dae = nnlayer.DAE(rng, layer, 0.2)
    pretrainFunction, preStateManager = tt.getEpochTrainer((dae.params, dae.cost), [VariableAndData(x, train_x)], batch_size = 64, rms = True)
    preTrainValid = theano.function(inputs = [],
                            outputs = [dae.cost],
                            givens = {x:validation_x})
    preStats = tt.trainALR(pretrainFunction, 
                           initial_learning_rate = 0.03, 
                           epochs = 5, 
                           #max_runs = 25,
                           max_runs = 1,
                           state_manager = preStateManager)
    pre_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in preStats]
    W = layer.W.get_value()
    b = layer.b.get_value()
    plotutils.plot_columns(W, (shape[0], shape[1]))    
    with open(r'.\SavedModels\conv_filters.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump((W, b), f)
Esempio n. 8
def trainModel(modelFilename, trainData, validationData, size):
    #pretrainConv(trainData, 10, (5, 5))
    with open(r'.\SavedModels\conv_filters.pkl', 'rb') as f:
        W_conv, b_conv = pickle.load(f)

    # Prepare testdata.
    train_x, train_y = make_shared(trainData, size)
    validation_x, validation_y = make_shared(validationData, size)

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)
    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.matrix('y')  # the labels are (x,y) coordinates.

    batch_size = 512
    tst = nnlayer.ConvNet(rng, x, (50, 50), [(10, 5, 5)], rectified=True)

    #plotutils.plot_columns(W_conv, (5, 5))
    W_t = np.zeros((10, 1, 5, 5), dtype='float32')
    for i in range(10):
        filt = W_conv[:, i].reshape((5, 5))
        filt =  np.fliplr(filt)
        filt = np.flipud(filt)
        W_t[i, 0] = filt

    tst.layers[0].set_params(W_t, b_conv)

    Wbefore = tst.layers[0].W.get_value()

    print("Size {0}".format(tst.output_size))
    input_dimension = size**2#tst.output_size
    output_dimension = 2
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, 
                                          (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer), 
                                          (output_dimension, nnlayer.LinearRegressionLayer)])   
    #classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=tst.output, topology=[input_dimension, output_dimension], rectified=True, dropout_rate=0.5)   
    cost =  classifier.cost(y) #+ 0.003*classifier.L2_sqr #+ 0.003*tst.L2_sqr
    costParams = []    
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()        

    #dae = nnlayer.DAE(rng, classifier.hiddenLayers[0], 0.2)
    #pretrainFunction, preStateManager = tt.getEpochTrainer((dae.params, dae.cost), [VariableAndData(x, train_x)], batch_size = 64, rms = True)
    #preTrainValid = theano.function(inputs = [],
    #                        outputs = [dae.cost],
    #                        givens = {x:validation_x})
    #preStats = tt.trainALR(pretrainFunction, 
    #                       preTrainValid, 
    #                       initial_learning_rate = 0.001, 
    #                       epochs = 5, 
    #                       max_runs = 5,
    #                       state_manager = preStateManager)
    #pre_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in preStats]
    #plotutils.plot_columns(classifier.hiddenLayers[0].W.get_value(), (50, 50))

    # Supervised training
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                            outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                            givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    validation_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in stats]
    #train_scorees = [item["training_costs"][-1] for item in stats]
    train_scorees = stats[0]["training_costs"]
    plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g')
    plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r')

    Wafter = tst.layers[0].W.get_value()

    # Save model to disk
    persistence = PersistenceManager()
    persistence.set_model(x, y, classifier)