Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, install_dir='.'):
        if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("TermExtraction is singleton")
        TermExtraction.__single = self

        filterfn = os.path.join(install_dir, LIBRARYNAME, 'Core', 'Tag',
        self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)

        self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d', re.UNICODE)
        self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$', re.UNICODE)
        self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}', re.UNICODE)

        self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
         raise RuntimeError, "TermExtraction is singleton"
     TermExtraction.__single = self
     from Tribler.Core.Session import Session
     session = Session.get_instance()
     filterfn = os.path.join(session.get_install_dir(),LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Tag','stop_snowball.filter')
     self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)
     self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d',re.UNICODE)
     self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$',re.UNICODE)
     self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}',re.UNICODE)
     self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())    
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, install_dir='.'):
        if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("TermExtraction is singleton")
        TermExtraction.__single = self

        filterfn = os.path.join(install_dir, LIBRARYNAME, 'Core', 'Tag', 'stop_snowball.filter')
        self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)

        self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d', re.UNICODE)
        self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$', re.UNICODE)
        self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}', re.UNICODE)

        self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self):
     if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
         raise RuntimeError, "TermExtraction is singleton"
     TermExtraction.__single = self
     from Tribler.Core.Session import Session
     self.session = Session.get_instance()
     filterfn = os.path.join(self.session.get_install_dir(),LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Tag','stop_snowball.filter')
     self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)
     self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d',re.UNICODE)
     self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$',re.UNICODE)
     self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}',re.UNICODE)
     self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())    
Esempio n. 5
class TermExtraction:
    __single = None
    lock = threading.Lock()
    def getInstance(*args, **kw):
        # Singleton pattern with double-checking
        if TermExtraction.__single is None:
                if TermExtraction.__single is None:
                    TermExtraction(*args, **kw)
        return TermExtraction.__single
    getInstance = staticmethod(getInstance)
    def __init__(self):
        if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError, "TermExtraction is singleton"
        TermExtraction.__single = self
        from Tribler.Core.Session import Session
        self.session = Session.get_instance()
        filterfn = os.path.join(self.session.get_install_dir(),LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Tag','stop_snowball.filter')
        self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)
        self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d',re.UNICODE)
        self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$',re.UNICODE)
        self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}',re.UNICODE)
        self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())    

    def extractTerms(self, name_or_keywords):
        Extracts the terms from a torrent name.
        @param name_or_keywords The name of the torrent. Alternatively, you may
        pass a list of keywords (i.e., the name split into words using split_into_keywords).
        @return A list of extracted terms in order of occurence. The list may contain duplicates
        if a term occurs multiple times in the name.
        if isinstance(name_or_keywords, basestring):
            keywords = split_into_keywords(name_or_keywords)
            keywords = name_or_keywords
        return [term for term in keywords if self.isSuitableTerm(term)]

    def extractBiTermPhrase(self, name_or_keywords):
        Extracts a bi-term phrase from a torrent name. Currently, this phrase consists
        of the first two terms extracted from it.
        @param name_or_keywords The name of the torrent. Alternatively, you may
        pass a list of keywords (i.e., the name split into words using split_into_keywords).
        @return A tuple containing the two terms of the bi-term phrase. If there is no bi-term,
        i.e. less than two terms were extracted, None is returned.
        terms = [term for term in self.extractTerms(name_or_keywords)
                 if is None]
        if len(terms) > 1:
            return tuple(terms[:2])
            return None

    def isSuitableTerm(self, term):
        Determines if a term is "suitable". Current rules are:
            1. Length of term is at least 3 characters.
            2. Term is not a stopword.
            3. Fully numeric terms are not suitable, except when they
               describe a year from the 20th or 21st century.
            4. Does not describe an episode (s##e##).
            5. Term is not equal to www, net, com, or org.
        @return True iff a term is suitable.
        if len(term) < 3:
            return False
        elif self.stopwords_filter.isStopWord(term):
            return False
        elif self.alldigits_filter.match(term) is not None:
            if len(term) == 4:
                if term.startswith('19') or term.startswith('20'):
                    return True
            return False
        elif self.isepisode_filter.match(term) is not None:
            return False
        elif term in self.domain_terms:
            return False
            return True
Esempio n. 6
class TermExtraction:
    __single = None
    lock = threading.Lock()
    def getInstance(*args, **kw):
        # Singleton pattern with double-checking
        if TermExtraction.__single is None:
                if TermExtraction.__single is None:
                    TermExtraction(*args, **kw)
        return TermExtraction.__single
    getInstance = staticmethod(getInstance)
    def __init__(self):
        if TermExtraction.__single is not None:
            raise RuntimeError, "TermExtraction is singleton"
        TermExtraction.__single = self
        from Tribler.Core.Session import Session
        session = Session.get_instance()
        filterfn = os.path.join(session.get_install_dir(),LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Tag','stop_snowball.filter')
        self.stopwords_filter = StopwordsFilter(stopwordsfilename=filterfn)
        self.containsdigits_filter = re.compile(r'\d',re.UNICODE)
        self.alldigits_filter = re.compile(r'^\d*$',re.UNICODE)
        self.isepisode_filter = re.compile(r'^s\d{2}e\d{2}',re.UNICODE)
        self.domain_terms = set('www net com org'.split())    

    def extractTerms(self, name_or_keywords):
        Extracts the terms from a torrent name.
        @param name_or_keywords The name of the torrent. Alternatively, you may
        pass a list of keywords (i.e., the name split into words using split_into_keywords).
        @return A list of extracted terms in order of occurence. The list may contain duplicates
        if a term occurs multiple times in the name.
        if isinstance(name_or_keywords, basestring):
            keywords = split_into_keywords(name_or_keywords)
            keywords = name_or_keywords
        return [term for term in keywords if self.isSuitableTerm(term)]

    def extractBiTermPhrase(self, name_or_keywords):
        Extracts a bi-term phrase from a torrent name. Currently, this phrase consists
        of the first two terms extracted from it.
        @param name_or_keywords The name of the torrent. Alternatively, you may
        pass a list of keywords (i.e., the name split into words using split_into_keywords).
        @return A tuple containing the two terms of the bi-term phrase. If there is no bi-term,
        i.e. less than two terms were extracted, None is returned.
        terms = [term for term in self.extractTerms(name_or_keywords)
                 if is None]
        if len(terms) > 1:
            return tuple(terms[:2])
            return None

    def isSuitableTerm(self, term):
        Determines if a term is "suitable". Current rules are:
            1. Length of term is at least 3 characters.
            2. Term is not a stopword.
            3. Fully numeric terms are not suitable, except when they
               describe a year from the 20th or 21st century.
            4. Does not describe an episode (s##e##).
            5. Term is not equal to www, net, com, or org.
        @return True iff a term is suitable.
        if len(term) < 3:
            return False
        elif self.stopwords_filter.isStopWord(term):
            return False
        elif self.alldigits_filter.match(term) is not None:
            if len(term) == 4:
                if term.startswith('19') or term.startswith('20'):
                    return True
            return False
        elif self.isepisode_filter.match(term) is not None:
            return False
        elif term in self.domain_terms:
            return False
            return True