Esempio n. 1
    def test_validate_postcode1(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Positive case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('PO167GZ')
        assert num == True
        print('Test6: Successful')
Esempio n. 2
    def test_validate_postcode6(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Negative case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        # The final two letters do not use the letters CIKMOV
        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('PO167GV')
        assert num == False
        print('Test11: Successful')
Esempio n. 3
    def test_validate_postcode5(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Negative case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        # The letters IJZ are not used in the second position
        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('VI1A 1BB')
        assert num == False
        print('Test10: Successful')
Esempio n. 4
    def test_validate_postcode4(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Negative case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        # Only letters to appear in the fourth position are ABEHMNPRVWXY
        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('AA9C 0AX')
        assert num == False
        print('Test9: Successful')
Esempio n. 5
    def test_validate_postcode3(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Negative case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        # Only letters to appear in the third position are ABCDEFGHJKPSTUW
        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('A9X 0AX')
        assert num == False
        print('Test8: Successful')
Esempio n. 6
    def test_validate_postcode2(self):
        """ Unit test for validating of the Postcode
            Negative case
        postcode_inst = PostCodes(10)

        # The letters QVX are not used in the first position
        num = postcode_inst.validate_postcode('VC1A 1BB')
        assert num == False
        print('Test7: Successful')