Esempio n. 1
    def test_fillByDict(self, data):
        setting = Setting(self._machine_manager, "test", self._catalog)


        assert setting.getType() == data["type"]
        assert setting.getDefaultValue() == data["default"]
        assert setting.getLabel() == data["label"]
        assert setting.getDescription() == data["description"]
        assert setting.isVisible()
Esempio n. 2
    def test_fillByDict(self, data):
        setting = Setting(self._machine_manager, "test", self._catalog)


        assert setting.getType() == data["type"]
        assert setting.getDefaultValue() == data["default"]
        assert setting.getLabel() == data["label"]
        assert setting.getDescription() == data["description"]
        assert setting.isVisible()
Esempio n. 3
    def test_fillByDict(self):
        setting = Setting(self._machine_manager, "test", self._catalog)

        data = {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 4,
            "label": "Test Setting",
            "description": "A Test Setting",
            "unit": "furlongs per fortnight",
            "visible": True


        self.assertEqual("int", setting.getType())
        self.assertEqual(4, setting.getDefaultValue())
        self.assertEqual("Test Setting", setting.getLabel())
        self.assertEqual("A Test Setting", setting.getDescription())
        self.assertEqual("furlongs per fortnight", setting.getUnit())
Esempio n. 4
    def test_fillByDictWithChildren(self):
        setting = Setting(self._machine_manager, "test", self._catalog)

        data = {
            "Test Setting",
            "A Test Setting",
            "furlongs per fortnight",

            # Since python's dict is unordered but we want an ordered dict we
            # have to go through a bit of magic to make sure we define it as an
            # ordered dict.
                    "test_child1": {
                        "type": "int",
                        "default": 9,
                        "label": "Test Child 1",
                        "description": "Test Setting Child 1",
                    "test_child2": {
                        "type": "int",
                        "default": 5,
                        "label": "Test Child 2",
                        "description": "Test Setting Child 2",
                        "inherit": False
                    "test_child3": {
                        "type": "int",
                        "default": 99,
                        "label": "Test Child 3",
                        "description": "Test Setting Child 3",
                        "inherit_function": "parent_value * 10"
                       key=lambda k: k[0]))


        profile = Profile(setting)

        assert len(setting.getChildren()) == 3

        child1 = setting.getChildren()[0]
        child2 = setting.getChildren()[1]
        child3 = setting.getChildren()[2]

        # Children should keep the order in which they were defined
        assert child1.getKey() == "test_child1"
        assert child2.getKey() == "test_child2"
        assert child3.getKey() == "test_child3"

        # All children should have "setting" as their parent.
        assert child1.getParent() == setting
        assert child2.getParent() == setting
        assert child3.getParent() == setting

        # Child visibility should not affect parent visibility.
        assert setting.isVisible()

        # Child 1 uses default inheritance so should inherit its parent value
        assert child1.getDefaultValue(profile) == 4

        # Child 2 does not inherit so should return its default value
        assert child2.getDefaultValue(profile) == 5

        # Child 3 uses an inherit function and should return parent's value * 10.
        assert child3.getDefaultValue(profile) == 40
Esempio n. 5
    def test_fillByDictWithChildren(self):
        setting = Setting(self._machine_manager, "test", self._catalog)

        data = {
            "type": "int",
            "default": 4,
            "label": "Test Setting",
            "description": "A Test Setting",
            "unit": "furlongs per fortnight",
            "visible": True,

            # Since python's dict is unordered but we want an ordered dict we
            # have to go through a bit of magic to make sure we define it as an
            # ordered dict.
            "children": collections.OrderedDict(sorted({
                "test_child1": {
                    "type": "int",
                    "default": 9,
                    "label": "Test Child 1",
                    "description": "Test Setting Child 1",
                "test_child2": {
                    "type": "int",
                    "default": 5,
                    "label": "Test Child 2",
                    "description": "Test Setting Child 2",
                    "inherit": False
                "test_child3": {
                    "type": "int",
                    "default": 99,
                    "label": "Test Child 3",
                    "description": "Test Setting Child 3",
                    "inherit_function": "parent_value * 10"
            }.items(), key = lambda k: k[0]))


        profile = Profile(setting)

        assert len(setting.getChildren()) == 3

        child1 = setting.getChildren()[0]
        child2 = setting.getChildren()[1]
        child3 = setting.getChildren()[2]

        # Children should keep the order in which they were defined
        assert child1.getKey() == "test_child1"
        assert child2.getKey() == "test_child2"
        assert child3.getKey() == "test_child3"

        # All children should have "setting" as their parent.
        assert child1.getParent() == setting
        assert child2.getParent() == setting
        assert child3.getParent() == setting

        # Child visibility should not affect parent visibility.
        assert setting.isVisible()

        # Child 1 uses default inheritance so should inherit its parent value
        assert child1.getDefaultValue(profile) == 4

        # Child 2 does not inherit so should return its default value
        assert child2.getDefaultValue(profile) == 5

        # Child 3 uses an inherit function and should return parent's value * 10.
        assert child3.getDefaultValue(profile) == 40