Esempio n. 1
    def draw(self):
        position = self.body.transform * self.fixture.shape.pos * PPM
        position = (position[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - position[1]), self.color, [int(x) for x in position], int(self.radius * PPM))

        current_forward_normal = self.body.GetWorldVector((0, 1))
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.White, world_to_pixels(self.body.worldCenter),
                         world_to_pixels(self.body.worldCenter + current_forward_normal * self.radius))
Esempio n. 2
    def draw(self):
        vertices = [(self.body.transform * v) * PPM
                    for v in self.fixture.shape.vertices]
        vertices = [(v[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - v[1]) for v in vertices]
        pygame.draw.polygon(self.screen, Color.Red, vertices)

        p = self.body.GetWorldPoint(
            localPoint=(0, self.height))  # upper point of the box
        forward = self.body.GetWorldVector(
            (0, 1))  # transform.forward of this box
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.White, world_to_pixels(vec2(p)),
                         world_to_pixels(vec2(p) + forward))
Esempio n. 3
    def draw(self):
        for triangle in self.triangle_list:

        # self.goal.draw()


        # Goal square
        M1 = vec2(np.cos(3*(np.pi/12)) * 11 + 18, 18)
        M2 = vec2(36, 18)
        M3 = vec2(36, np.sin(3*(np.pi/12)) * 11 + 18)
        M4 = vec2(np.cos(3*(np.pi/12)) * 11 + 18, np.sin(3*(np.pi/12)) * 11 + 18)
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Orange, world_to_pixels(M1), world_to_pixels(M2))
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Orange, world_to_pixels(M2), world_to_pixels(M3))
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Orange, world_to_pixels(M3), world_to_pixels(M4))
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Orange, world_to_pixels(M4), world_to_pixels(M1))
Esempio n. 4
    def draw(self):
        position = self.body.transform * self.fixture.shape.pos * PPM
        position = (position[0], SCREEN_HEIGHT - position[1]), self.color, [int(x) for x in position],
                           int(self.car_radius * PPM))

        current_forward_normal = self.body.GetWorldVector((0, 1))
            self.screen, Color.White, world_to_pixels(self.body.worldCenter),
            world_to_pixels(self.body.worldCenter +
                            current_forward_normal * self.car_radius))

        # Draw raycasts
        for i in range(self.num_sensors):
            v = self.body.GetWorldVector(self.raycast_vectors[i])
            p1 = self.body.worldCenter + v * self.car_radius
            p2 = p1 + v * self.sensors[i]  # self.raycast_length
            if self.sensors[i] <= self.raycast_length / 2:
                ray_color = self.raycastDangerColor
                ray_color = self.raycastSafeColor
            pygame.draw.line(self.screen, ray_color, world_to_pixels(p1),

        # DEBUG gizmo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Starting point
        s = None
        if self.env_name == 'RaceCircle':
            s = vec2(c.x + r, c.y)
            pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Magenta, world_to_pixels(c),
                             world_to_pixels(s + vec2(7, 0)))
        elif self.env_name == 'RaceCircle_v2':
            s = vec2(c.x - r, c.y)
            pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Magenta, world_to_pixels(c),
                             world_to_pixels(s + vec2(-7, 0)))

        # Orthogonal projection to the circle
        ph = None
        if self.env_name == 'RaceCircle':
            theta = Util.angle_direct(Util.normalize(s - c),
                                      Util.normalize(self.body.position - c))
            theta = Util.deg_to_rad(theta)
            ph = vec2(r * np.cos(theta) + c.x, r * np.sin(theta) + c.y)
        elif self.env_name == 'RaceCircle_v2':
            theta = Util.angle_direct(Util.normalize(s - c),
                                      Util.normalize(self.body.position - c))
            theta = Util.deg_to_rad(theta)
            ph = vec2(-r * np.cos(theta) + c.x, -r * np.sin(theta) + c.y)
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Red, world_to_pixels(c),

        # Tangent to the circle
        tangent = None
        if self.env_name == 'RaceCircle':
            tangent = Util.rotate(Util.normalize(c - ph), -90.0)
        elif self.env_name == 'RaceCircle_v2':
            tangent = Util.rotate(Util.normalize(c - ph), 90.0)
        pygame.draw.line(self.screen, Color.Yellow, world_to_pixels(ph),
                         world_to_pixels(ph + tangent))