def getResponse(self, sentence): # major modification needs to be done... response = None sentence = sentence.lower() words = self.getWords(sentence) if self.hasNumbers(sentence) and (sentence.__contains__('+') or sentence.__contains__('-') or sentence.__contains__('into') or sentence.__contains__('x') or sentence.__contains__('/') or sentence.__contains__('divided') or sentence.__contains__('by') or sentence.__contains__('over')): response = self.calculate(words) elif sentence.__contains__('time') and (sentence.__contains__('date') or words.__contains__('day')): response = random.choice(self.dayResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemDate() + ' and ' + random.choice(self.timeResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemTime() elif sentence.__contains__('time'): response = random.choice(self.timeResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemTime() elif sentence.__contains__('date') or words.__contains__('day'): response = random.choice(self.dayResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemDate() elif sentence.__contains__('weather'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('temperature'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('humidity'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('wind'): # needs to be fixed... response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('sun'): _lists = [[ 'rise', 'shine' ], [ 'set' ]] if sentence.__contains__(_lists[0][0]) or sentence.__contains__(_lists[0][1]): response = 'Sun will ' + random.choice(_lists[0]) + ' at ' +"Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__(_lists[1][0]): response = 'Sun will ' + random.choice(_lists[1]) + ' at ' +"Dhaka, BD") else: response = Utility.getData(sentence, Utility.getDataFrame("response.xlsx")) # needs to be fixed... return str(response)
def __completeImageByMarginal(self, instance, part): self.__setInput(instance, part) self.__evaluateSPN() self.__differentiateSPN() for l in xrange(0, Parameters.imageWidth): r = l + 1 for u in xrange(0, Parameters.imageHeight): d = u + 1 num_id = Region.getRegionId(u, d, l, r) region = Region.getRegion(num_id) if part == 'LEFT': if l < Parameters.imageWidth / 2: tmp = self.__computeMarginal(region) Utility.parseBuffer.append( \ Utility.getIntValue(instance, tmp)) else: Utility.parseBuffer.append( \ Utility.getIntValue(instance, instance.getValue(u, l))) if part == 'BOTTOM': if u < Parameters.imageHeight / 2: Utility.parseBuffer.append( \ Utility.getIntValue(instance, instance.getValue(u, l))) else: tmp = self.__computeMarginal(region) Utility.parseBuffer.append( \ Utility.getIntValue(instance, tmp))
def __init__(self): self._utility = Utility() self._mongo_client = MongoClient(Configurations.MONGO_DB_HOST, int(Configurations.MONGO_DB_PORT)) print("Successfully connected to Mongo DB host: {0} and port: {1}".format(Configurations.MONGO_DB_HOST, str(Configurations.MONGO_DB_PORT))) self._create_db_and_collections_if_not_exist() self._create_indexes() self._get_all_manufacturers() self._get_all_models() self._time_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
def visit(self, featureset): try: preprocessor = p.Binarizer() if self._column is not None: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_column_values(self._column))) else: featureset.set_featureset_values(preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_featureset_values())) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to binarize values: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def visit(self, featureset): try: tmp_list = [] if self._dimension == "num_rows": tmp_list.append(str(featureset.get_featureset().get_featureset().shape[0])) elif self._dimension == "num_columns": tmp_list.append(str(featureset.get_featureset().get_featureset().shape[1])) return tmp_list except Exception as error: util.print_error("Unable to print data size" + str(error)) util.print_detailed_error()
def visit(self, featureset): try: data = featureset.get_featureset() if self._method == "median": data = data.fillna(data.median()) else: data = data.interpolate(method=self._method) featureset.set_featureset(data) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to mask featureset: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def visit(self, featureset): try: preprocessor = p.Imputer(strategy=self._strategy) if self._column is not None: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_column_values(self._column))) else: featureset.set_featureset_values(preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_featureset_values())) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to impute missing values: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def recognize(self, image): tempImage = cv2.medianBlur(image.copy(), 15) returnValue, tempImage = cv2.threshold(tempImage, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(tempImage, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) > 0: contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) try: [x, y, w, h] = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # image = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 11, 2) image = image[y:(y + h), x:(x + w)] ImageProcessor.storeImage( Utility.getAbsolutePath( "data\\optical-character-recognition\\temporary-files\\temp.jpg" ), image) if == "nt": text = pytesseract.image_to_string( Utility.getAbsolutePath( "data\\optical-character-recognition\\temporary-files\\temp.jpg" )), lang="eng", config= "--tessdata-dir \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Tesseract-OCR/tessdata\"" ).strip() else: text = pytesseract.image_to_string( Utility.getAbsolutePath( "data\\optical-character-recognition\\temporary-files\\temp.jpg" ))).strip() if len(text) != 0: try: print text # textToSpeech.speak(text); except Exception: pass ImageProcessor.showPreview("OCR", image) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: pass except Exception: pass
def visit(self, featureset): try: tmp_list = [] for idx, col in enumerate(featureset.get_featureset().get_featureset().columns): name = col dtype_val = self.get_type(featureset, col) tmp = (str(idx) + "\t" + str(name) + "\t" + str(dtype_val)) tmp_list.append(tmp) return tmp_list except Exception as error: util.print_error("Unable to print data head:" + str(error)) util.print_detailed_error()
def graphifize(self, name, t, sol, limits=None): figure = plt.figure(name) plt.plot(t, sol[:, 1]) plt.ylabel('temperature, $^\circ$C') plt.xlabel('time, s') plt.grid() if limits: plt.xlim(limits['x']) plt.ylim(limits['y']) Utility.saveFile(figure, name)
def getAllEvent(): for event in getEventsInformations(): eventName=Utils.encode(event['name']['text']) eventDescription=Utils.encode(event['description']['text']) startEventTime=Utils.encode(event['start']['local']) endEventTime=Utils.encode(event['end']['local']) eventCategoryId=event['category_id'] if eventCategoryId is not None: event=Event(eventName,eventDescription,startEventTime,endEventTime,getCategory(eventCategoryId),"Turkey") else: event=Event(eventName,eventDescription,startEventTime,endEventTime,"Genel","Turkey") eventList.append(event)
def send_message(self, message): try: self.connect() message = message.encode() self._client_socket.send(message) data = self._client_socket.recv(1024).decode() print("Received: " + data) self._client_socket.close() return data except Exception as error: util.print_error("Unable to send message to Server") util.print_error(error)
def try_purchase_via_cart(self) -> bool: try: add_to_cart_button = self.browser.find_element_by_id( "add-to-cart-button") time.sleep(self.timeout_in_seconds) self.try_reject_additional_warranty() self.browser.get(self.cart_url) checkout_button = self.browser.find_element_by_name( "proceedToRetailCheckout") # Cart price check price_info = self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector( "td.grand-total-price").text add_to_cart_cost = Utility.parse_price_string(price_info) if add_to_cart_cost > self.max_cost_per_item: Utility.log_information( f"{AmazonBuyer.BUYER_NAME}::Add to cart price is too high: {add_to_cart_cost} instead of {self.max_cost_per_item}" ) return False # Confirm order order_confirmation_button = self.browser.find_element_by_name( "placeYourOrder1") # Check if the item is bought via another BuyerInterface instance. with self.item_counter as locked_counter: if locked_counter.get_within_existing_lock( )[0] >= max_buy_count: return False if self.is_test_run: Utility.log_warning( f"{AmazonBuyer.BUYER_NAME}::Performing test run on Purchase via Cart" ) else: locked_counter.increment_within_existing_lock( 1, add_to_cart_cost) Utility.log_warning( f"{AmazonBuyer.BUYER_NAME}::Purchased {self.item_counter.get()[0]} of {self.max_buy_count} via Add to Cart at: {add_to_cart_cost}" ) return True except Exception as ex: # TODO: Add success detection. Utility.log_verbose( f"{AmazonBuyer.BUYER_NAME}::Failed to buy item via cart. Current stock: {self.item_counter.get()[0]} of {self.max_buy_count} at: {self.item_counter.get()[1]}. Error was: {str(ex)}" ) return False
def visit(self, featureset): preprocessor = p.OneHotEncoder() try: if self._column is not None: featureset.set_featureset_column( self._column, preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_column_values(self._column))) else: featureset.set_featureset_values(preprocessor.fit_transform(featureset.get_featureset_values())) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to apply One Hot Encoding: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def buildDatabase(self): print "initializing..." ID = 0 facesDetected = 0 subdirectoryNames = os.listdir( Utility.getAbsolutePath("data\\face-recognition\\faces")) listIDs = [] listFaces = [] faceRecognizer = self.createFaceRecognizer() print "organizing database..." for subdirectoryName in subdirectoryNames: files = os.listdir( Utility.getAbsolutePath("data\\face-recognition\\faces\\" + subdirectoryName)) for _file in files: image = ImageProcessor.loadImage( Utility.getAbsolutePath("data\\face-recognition\\faces\\" + subdirectoryName + "\\" + _file)) grayImage = ImageProcessor.convertImageToGrayscale(image) faces = self.detectFaces(grayImage) facesDetected = self.countFaces(faces) print "faces detected = ", facesDetected if facesDetected == 1: # the image must contain only one face... print ID, "data\\faces\\" + subdirectoryName + "\\" + _file listIDs.append(ID) croppedImage = self.cropFaces(faces, grayImage)[0] listFaces.append(numpy.array(croppedImage, 'uint8')) facesDetected = 0 # loop ends here... ID += 1 # loop ends here... faceRecognizer.train(listFaces, numpy.array(listIDs)) if cv2.__version__ >= "3.3.0": faceRecognizer.write( Utility.getAbsolutePath( "data\\face-recognition\\face-recognition-database.xml")) else: Utility.getAbsolutePath( "data\\face-recognition\\face-recognition-database.xml")) print "operation completed successfully..."
def load_in_requests(self): ref_time = '2014-10-01 00:00:00' f = open(self.data_folder + '/ems_requests.txt', 'r') for line in f: items = line.split(',') _time = int( Utility.get_elapsed_seconds(Utility.string2time(ref_time), Utility.string2time(items[0]))) self.requests.append([_time, int(items[1])]) f.close()
def on_start(self, event): # if not Utility.test_status_check(self.test_case_tree): # return Utility.test_initialization() case_list = TestCaseTree.get_tree_select(tree=self.test_case_tree) device_list = [''] for device in device_list: test_thread = TestExecution(device, case_list, self.message) test_thread.setDaemon(True) test_thread.start() self.thread_list.append(test_thread)
def main(): isTestRun = False # Don't update ProjectStatus if isTestRun is set. csvRows = [] if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage: python3 <project.json> <output.csv> [isTestRun]") sys.exit(-1) if len(sys.argv) == 3: isTestRun = True with open(sys.argv[1], encoding="utf8") as dataFile: try: projectData = json.load(dataFile, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # loop through all the projects in apache-project.json for projectName, info in projectData.items(): urlInfo = {"repository": [], "jira": ""} # get information about the bug database bugDatabase = info[ "bug-database"] if "bug-database" in info else "" urlInfo["jira"] = bugDatabase if bugDatabase.find( "jira") >= 0 else None # get information about the repositories repos = info["repository"] if "repository" in info else [] localRepos = [] for eachRepo in repos: goodGitRepo = __getValidGitRepo(eachRepo) if goodGitRepo: print("Validated git repo in Main = ", goodGitRepo) urlInfo["repository"].append(goodGitRepo) localRepos.append( config.LOCAL_REPO.format(projectName)) updateStatus = None # either of jira or git repo is not available. if urlInfo["jira"] is None: print("Missing JIRA database.") if isTestRun: updateProjectStatus(projectName, "NoJIRA") continue elif len(urlInfo["repository"]) == 0: print("Missing Git repositories.") if isTestRun: updateProjectStatus(projectName, "NoGit") continue if isTestRun: updateProjectStatus(projectName, True) proj = ProjectApache(urlInfo["jira"], urlInfo["repository"], localRepos) csvRows.append(proj.csvRows) Utility.prettyPrintJSON(Utility.getCurrentRateLimit()) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: finalTable = CSV(sys.argv[2], Perils.initCSVHeaders(), csvRows) finalTable.outputCSVFile() dataFile.close()
def checkGroup(self, featureset, column): try: target_column = featureset[column] if target_column.dtype == "object": if isinstance(target_column.iloc[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return True return False except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to check group in featureset: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def create(self, plugin_name: str): """ tries to create a new plugin inside plugins_folder. May fail due to one of the following reasons: * naming-convention not matched (only lowercase, alphanumeric + underscore) * name already exists in plugins-folder * one of the necessary ressources can't be linked (godot-cpp, godot_headers) """ # match plugin_name against pattern Utility.matchNamingConvention(plugin_name) plugins_folder = self.config.plugins_folder # check if folder does not already exist Utility.checkNotOccupied(plugin_name, plugins_folder) # check if both (godot-cpp and godot_headers)-folders can be found godot_cpp_folder = self.config.godot_cpp_folder godot_headers_folder = self.config.godot_headers_folder if not os.path.isdir(godot_cpp_folder) or not os.path.isdir( godot_headers_folder): print( 'godot-cpp-folder or godot_header-folder couldn\'t be found.') sys.exit() # open sconstruct-template and paste values sconstruct_template = open(self.config.sconstruct_template_file) sconstruct_str = str( sconstruct_lines = sconstruct_str.splitlines(keepends=True) sconstruct_lines[8] = 'output_name = \'' + plugin_name + '\'' print('checks passed') # make directories, links and files new_plugin_folder = plugins_folder + plugin_name + '/' os.mkdir(new_plugin_folder) os.mkdir(new_plugin_folder + 'bin') os.mkdir(new_plugin_folder + 'src') os.symlink(godot_cpp_folder, new_plugin_folder + 'godot-cpp') os.symlink(godot_headers_folder, new_plugin_folder + 'godot_headers') os.mknod(new_plugin_folder + 'SConstruct') os.mknod(new_plugin_folder + 'src/.gdignore') new_sconstruct_file = open(new_plugin_folder + 'SConstruct', mode='w') for line in sconstruct_lines: new_sconstruct_file.write(line) shutil.copyfile(self.config.api_json_file, new_plugin_folder + 'api.json') shutil.copyfile(self.config.gdlibrary_cpp_file, new_plugin_folder + 'src/gdlibrary.cpp')
def _calCost(self): multiList = Utility.multFeatureWeights(self.weightList, self.xList); self.prob0=Sigmoid.getSigmoidVal(multiList); #print len(self.prob0); #print len(self.yList); self.prob1 = Utility.matrixXminusOper(1, self.prob0); firstPart = self._calFistPart(self.prob1); secPart = self._calSecPart(self.prob0); regpart = self._calRegpart(); #print firstPart; #print secPart; cost = firstPart+secPart-regpart; return cost;
def visit(self, featureset): try: data = featureset.get_featureset() if self._mode == "shuffle": data = data.sample(frac=1) elif self._mode == "column": data = data.sort_values(by=self._column) elif self._mode == "index": data = data.sort_index() featureset.set_featureset(data) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to sort featureset: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def create_device_mapper(): """ :return: dictionary of device mapping """ utility = Utility(log_file="data_gen_process_log_file.txt", debug=1) sql = "SELECT DeviceName, DeviceType, DeviceLocation FROM DeviceMapper" mapped_device_list, device_count = utility.query_database(sql) if device_count == 0: print("no device registered in the database") return None for mapped_device in mapped_device_list: print mapped_device return None
def visit(self, featureset): try: featureset.set_featureset( pd.concat([ featureset.get_featureset(), self._featureset.get_featureset() ], axis=1, join='inner')) except Exception as error: util.print_error("Failed to Join Featureset with Featureset" + str(error)) util.print_detailed_error()
def visit(self, featureset_element): try: featureset = featureset_element.get_featureset() print(featureset.shape) index = featureset[eval(self._condition)].index featureset.drop(index, inplace=True) featureset.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) print(featureset.shape) featureset_element.set_featureset(featureset) except Exception as error: util.print_error("Failed to drop rows by condition: " + str(error)) util.print_detailed_error()
def visit(self, featureset): try: featureset_df = featureset.get_featureset() if self._group_by is not None: group_column = featureset_df[self._group_by] if self._column is not None: # check if column is single-column or column group feature_vector = False target_column = featureset_df[self._column] if self.checkGroup(featureset.get_featureset(), self._column): feature_vector = True target_column = self.expand(featureset_df, self._column, True) # add group_column to dataframe and transform standardization on groups target_column = pd.concat([target_column, group_column], axis=1) target_column = target_column.groupby(self._group_by).transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()) if feature_vector: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, list(target_column.values)) else: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, target_column) else: # group dataframe by group_column and perform standardization on whole df data = featureset_df.groupby(self._group_by).transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()) featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, data) else: if self._column is not None: # check if column is single-column or column group target_column = featureset_df[self._column] feature_vector = False if self.checkGroup(featureset.get_featureset(), self._column): feature_vector = True target_column = self.expand(featureset_df, self._column, True) # add group_column to dataframe and transform standardization on groups target_column = target_column.transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()) if feature_vector: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, list(target_column.values)) else: featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, target_column) else: # group dataframe by group_column and perform standardization on whole df data = featureset_df.transform(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std()) featureset.set_featureset_column(self._column, data) except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to standardize values: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def getResponse(self, sentence): # major modification needs to be done... response = None sentence = sentence.lower() words = self.getWords(sentence) if self.hasNumbers(sentence) and ( sentence.__contains__('+') or sentence.__contains__('-') or sentence.__contains__('into') or sentence.__contains__('x') or sentence.__contains__('/') or sentence.__contains__('divided') or sentence.__contains__('by') or sentence.__contains__('over')): response = self.calculate(words) elif sentence.__contains__('time') and (sentence.__contains__('date') or words.__contains__('day')): response = random.choice( self.dayResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemDate( ) + ' and ' + random.choice( self.timeResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemTime() elif sentence.__contains__('time'): response = random.choice( self.timeResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemTime() elif sentence.__contains__('date') or words.__contains__('day'): response = random.choice( self.dayResponses) + self.getCurrentSystemDate() elif sentence.__contains__('weather'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('temperature'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('humidity'): response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('wind'): # needs to be fixed... response ="Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__('sun'): _lists = [['rise', 'shine'], ['set']] if sentence.__contains__(_lists[0][0]) or sentence.__contains__( _lists[0][1]): response = 'Sun will ' + random.choice( _lists[0]) + ' at ' + "Dhaka, BD") elif sentence.__contains__(_lists[1][0]): response = 'Sun will ' + random.choice( _lists[1]) + ' at ' + "Dhaka, BD") else: response = Utility.getData( sentence, Utility.getDataFrame("response.xlsx")) # needs to be fixed... return str(response)
def _processDir(self): exampleList = [] for key in self.trainDict: fileList = Utility.readDir(self.trainDict[key]) folderName = self.trainDict[key] for file in fileList: if (file == '.DS_Store'): continue self.yDict[folderName + "/" + file] = self.classDict[key] self.yList.append(self.classDict[key]) sentList = Utility.readFile(folderName + "/" + file) wordsDictCount = Utility.getWordsCountDict(sentList) exampleList.append(wordsDictCount) self._populateVocab(wordsDictCount) self._makeXList(exampleList)
def __init__(self, chrome_driver_path: str, item_indice: int, item_name: str, max_buy_count: int, max_cost_per_item: float, item_counter: ThreadSafeCounter, max_retry_limit: int, timeout_in_seconds: int, is_test_run: bool): super(NeweggBuyer, self).__init__(chrome_driver_path, item_indice, item_name, max_buy_count, max_cost_per_item, item_counter, max_retry_limit, timeout_in_seconds, is_test_run) self.affiliate_url = Utility.get_config_value_str( "NEWEGG_AFFILIATE_URL") self.secure_subdomain_url = Utility.get_config_value_str( "NEWEGG_SECURE_SUBDOMAIN_URL") self.item_endpoint = Utility.get_config_value_str( f"NEWEGG_ITEM_ENDPOINT_{self.item_indice+1}") self.whitelisted_sellers = Utility.get_config_value_str( "NEWEGG_WHITELISTED_SELLERS").split(",") self.login_url = f"{self.secure_subdomain_url}{NeweggBuyer.LOGIN_ENDPOINT}" self.item_url = f"{self.affiliate_url}{self.item_endpoint}" self.cart_url = f"{self.secure_subdomain_url}{NeweggBuyer.CART_ENDPOINT}" self.login_confirmation_wait_in_seconds = Utility.get_config_value_int( "NEWEGG_LOGIN_CONFIRMATION_WAIT_IN_SECONDS") self.stock_check_min_wait_in_seconds = Utility.get_config_value_int( "NEWEGG_STOCK_CHECK_MIN_WAIT_IN_SECONDS") random.seed(time.time()) self.is_authenticated = False try: self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(self.chrome_driver_path) self.browser.get(self.affiliate_url) self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, self.timeout_in_seconds) except Exception as ex: Utility.log_error( f"{NeweggBuyer.BUYER_NAME}::Failed to open browser: {str(ex)}") raise
def visit(self, featureset): pca = PCA(self._n) log = None try: preprocessor = pca.fit_transform(featureset.GetSelectedFeatures()) log.append("Components " + preprocessor.components_) log.append("ExplainedVariance " + preprocessor.explained_variance_) log.append("ExplainedVarianceRatio " + preprocessor.explained_variance_ratio_) log.append("SingularValue " + preprocessor.singular_values_) log.append("Mean " + preprocessor.mean_) return log except Exception as error: Util.print_error("Unable to apply PCA: " + str(error)) Util.print_detailed_error()
def pax_flow_analyzer(img_date, img_time, image_key, matched_image_list): utility = Utility(log_file="big_data_process_log_file.txt", debug=1) utility.loginfo("Initializing ......... PaxFlowAnalyzer") pax_location, pax_location_type, pax_key, pax_date, pax_sha_enter_time, pax_sha_exit_time = "SHA", "SHA", \ image_key, img_date, img_time, img_time # passenger must be at sha pax_sha = PaxFlow(pax_key, pax_date, str(pax_sha_enter_time), str(pax_sha_exit_time), pax_location, pax_location_type) # PaxFlow("F1XXCdf0000", "2018-01-23", "13:00:00", "21:00:00", "sha1", "sha") pax_sha.add_pax_flow(utility) del pax_sha if len(matched_image_list) == 0: return None for pax in matched_image_list: pax_similarity, pax_location, pax_location_type, pax_location_time = pax[ 2], pax[3], pax[5], pax[7].time() utility.loginfo("passenger({}) found at {}, type: {}".format( pax_key, pax_location, pax_location_type, str(pax_location_time))) # if pax_location_time == "footfall": try: print( "passenger({}) found at {}, type: {}, capture time: {}".format( pax_key, pax_location, pax_location_type, str(pax_location_time))) # passenger location changes , break passenger flow. if pax_location != pax_flow.get("location"): # add passenger flow in the database pax_flow.add_pax_flow(utility) # update passenger flow for new location print( "updating passenger flow for ({}) new location({})........., type: {}" .format(pax_key, pax_location, pax_location_type)) pax_flow.set("location", pax_location) pax_flow.set("location_type", pax_location_type) pax_flow.set("enter_time", str(pax_location_time)) pax_flow.set("exit_time", str(pax_location_time)) continue pax_exit_time = datetime.strptime(pax_flow.get("exit_time"), '%H:%M:%S').time() if pax_location_time > pax_exit_time: pax_flow.set("exit_time", str(pax_location_time)) except NameError: utility.loginfo( "creating object for passenger({}) found at {}, type:{}". format(pax_key, pax_location, pax_location_type)) pax_flow = PaxFlow(pax_key, str(pax_date), str(pax_location_time), str(pax_location_time), pax_location, pax_location_type) # add current passenger flow in the db pax_flow.add_pax_flow(utility) del pax_flow return None
def __solveTree(self, node): ''' Recursively solve the problem tree. ''' self.__iterationCount += 1 if self.__debugLevel >= 2: print '----------------' print 'Iteration %d' % self.__iterationCount print '----------------' print Utility.formatSolution(node.conf) # Assign next value, and check constraints if node.value != None: self.__setValue(node.domain, node.conf, node.x, node.y, node.value) if not ConstraintStore.checkConstraints( self.boardSize, self.cages, node.domain, node.conf, debugLevel=self.__debugLevel): return False # Done if all cells are assigned unassignedCells = filter( lambda x: node.conf[x[0]][x[1]] == None, itertools.product(range(0, self.boardSize), range(0, self.boardSize))) if len(unassignedCells) == 0: if self.__debugLevel >= 2: print 'Solution found!' return True # Get next cell unassignedCells = sorted(unassignedCells, key=lambda x: len(node.domain[x[0]][x[1]])) cell = unassignedCells[0] x = cell[0] y = cell[1] # Try each domain value for value in node.domain[x][y]: childNode = SolverNode(node.domain, node.conf, x, y, value) if self.__solveTree(childNode): node.domain = childNode.domain node.conf = childNode.conf return True # No solution found in this subtree return False
def __init__ (self, configuration): Utility.__init__(self) Debug.__init__(self) # Used for private and pointer variables self.current_threads = [] # Variable type lists self.shared = [] self.private = [] self.pointers = [] self.ports = [] self.variables = [self.shared, self.private, self.pointers, self.ports] self.configuration = configuration # Location Zero is a special case always equal to zero. # It must exist before any other shared variable. self.shared.append(Shared_Variable(label = None, address = 0, value = 0, memory = "A")) self.shared.append(Shared_Variable(label = None, address = 0, value = 0, memory = "B"))
def de(self,mod): frontier_size = 50 max_tries = 40 f = 0.75 cf = 0.3 epsilon = 0.1 ib = -1 frontier = self.generate_frontier(frontier_size,mod) eb = self.init_score(mod,frontier) for k in range(max_tries): total,n,eb,ib,frontier = self.update(mod,f,cf,frontier,eb) Utility.say("\n") #en = total/n #if total/n > (1 - epsilon): # break f1,f2 = mod.objs(frontier[ib]) Utility.printOutput("Success",f1,f2,frontier[ib],eb) return frontier
def __solveTree(self, node): ''' Recursively solve the problem tree. ''' self.__iterationCount += 1 if self.__debugLevel >= 2: print '----------------' print 'Iteration %d' % self.__iterationCount print '----------------' print Utility.formatSolution(node.conf) # Assign next value, and check constraints if node.value != None: self.__setValue(node.domain, node.conf, node.x, node.y, node.value) if not ConstraintStore.checkConstraints(self.boardSize, self.cages, node.domain, node.conf, debugLevel=self.__debugLevel): return False # Done if all cells are assigned unassignedCells = filter(lambda x: node.conf[x[0]][x[1]] == None, itertools.product(range(0, self.boardSize), range(0, self.boardSize))) if len(unassignedCells) == 0: if self.__debugLevel >= 2: print 'Solution found!' return True # Get next cell unassignedCells = sorted(unassignedCells, key=lambda x: len(node.domain[x[0]][x[1]])) cell = unassignedCells[0] x = cell[0] y = cell[1] # Try each domain value for value in node.domain[x][y]: childNode = SolverNode(node.domain, node.conf, x, y, value) if self.__solveTree(childNode): node.domain = childNode.domain node.conf = childNode.conf return True # No solution found in this subtree return False
def __init__(self): self.port = Utility.getValueFromConfigurationFile('port') serverSocket = socket.socket() # creating socket object... serverSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) serverSocket.bind(('', int(self.port))) # binding socket to address (host-name, port)... serverSocket.listen(5) print('server running...\n\nip-address = ' + socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) + '\nport = ' + self.port) threading.Thread(target = self.backgroundWorker).start() # starting background thread... while True: # this infinite loop accepts new clients and running on main thread... print('waiting for client...') self._socket, address = serverSocket.accept() print('client connected...')
def fitness(wf, rm, estimator, position): if isinstance(position, Schedule): sched = position else: sched = build_schedule(wf, estimator, rm, position) # isvalid = Utility.is_static_schedule_valid(wf,sched) # if not isvalid: # print("NOT VALID SCHEDULE!") makespan = Utility.makespan(sched) ## TODO: make a real estimation later cost = 0.0 Fitness.weights = [-1.0, -1.0] fit = Fitness(values=(makespan, cost)) ## TODO: make a normal multi-objective fitness estimation fit.mofit = makespan return fit
def update(self,mod,f,cf,frontier,eb, total=0.0, n=0): ib = -1 for i,x in enumerate(frontier): sc = mod.score(x) new = self.extrapolate(frontier,x,f,cf,i,mod) new_sc = mod.score(new) if new_sc < eb: Utility.say('?') eb = sc = new_sc frontier[i] = x[:] ib = i elif new_sc < sc: Utility.say('+') sc = new_sc frontier[i] = x[:] else: Utility.say('.') total += sc n += 1 return total,n,eb,ib,frontier
def randomizedApriori(self): apriori = Apriori(self.transactionFile,self.minimumSupport); utility = Utility(self.transactionFile,self.minimumSupport); candidates,T = apriori.C1List(); frequentItemSet = {}; k=1; list = apriori.itemsetWithMinimumSupport(candidates); if list: frequentItemSet[k] = list; onezero = {}; indexes = {}; d=0; while list: if k==1: onezero,d = utility.convert(list,apriori); else: onezero = utility.combineConvert(onezero,indexes); k = k+1; m = utility.mValue(onezero); pqonezero = utility.pqTrasform(onezero,m,d); qponezero = utility.qpTransform(onezero,m,d); # print "old support : ",self.minimumSupport; alpha = float(m)/T ; omega = ( (1-self.tolerance)*self.minimumSupport )/(2*alpha-(1-self.tolerance)*self.minimumSupport); # print "omega value : ",omega; epsolon = ( (alpha)*self.tolerance ) /( alpha +(alpha -self.minimumSupport)*(1-self.tolerance) ); # print "epsolon value :",epsolon; deltaInverse = int(1/self.error); # print "delta inverse is : ",deltaInverse; # numberOfHashFunctions = int( (2/(omega*epsolon*epsolon))*log(deltaInverse) ); support = ( ( 1-epsolon )*self.minimumSupport)/(2*alpha - self.minimumSupport); # print "new support is :",support; # print "number of hashfunctions : ",numberOfHashFunctions; prime = 9887; a,b = self.random(0,prime,self.numberOfHashFunctions); # if m < self.numberOfHashFunctions: # self.numberOfHashFunctions =m; pSignature = utility.minHashSignature(list,pqonezero,a,b,prime,m,d,self.numberOfHashFunctions); qSignature = utility.minHashSignature(list,qponezero,a,b,prime,m,d,self.numberOfHashFunctions); candidates,indexes = utility.generate(pSignature,qSignature,k,support); del pSignature,qSignature; list,indexes = utility.itemsetWithMinimumSupport(candidates,indexes,apriori); frequentItemSet[k] = list; return frequentItemSet;
# -*- coding: unicode -*- import sys,urllib,urllib2,gzip,StringIO,io,cookielib,re,socket,time,os,traceback,copy from cookielib import CookieJar from threading import Thread import socket from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError from Utility import Utility from SiteData import * from ErrorCode import * from pprint import pprint from multiprocessing import Pool,Manager from ResultData import * SINGLE_PROCESS_TIMEOUTS = 50 socket.setdefaulttimeout(SINGLE_PROCESS_TIMEOUTS) utility = Utility() # Processor for one single action, for example, one post, one get, with one result check. class SingleActionProcessor: cj = None # Initialize the cookie / opener. # It might NOT be thread safe, NOR can it support multiple action processor. def __init__(self): # Note: Don't install_opener as a global opener for now, considering # timeouts. For each batch-send/fetch, we require one explicit login. # Also, we don't use Basic Auth Handler. self.cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cj)) urllib2.install_opener(opener)
def main(): print("random",random.randint(0,6)) # ALL THE STUFF! # Trade def trade(p1, p2): """ :param p1: Player 1 :param p2: Player 2 :return: None """ deal = input("Are properties being traded? (y/n) ") temp = None if deal == "y": print("---- PROPERTY NAMES ARE CASE SENSITIVE ----") deal = input("Is Player one giving a property? (y/n) ") if deal == "y": print("Player one's properties:") print(p1.getProperties()) temp = input("What would you like to trade, Player one? ") p1.loseProperty(temp) deal = input("Is Player two giving a property (y/n) ") if deal == "y": print("Player two's properties:") print(p2.getProperties()) if temp != None: p2.gainProperty(temp) temp = input("What would you like to trade, Player two? ") p1.gainProperty(temp) p2.loseProperty(temp) money = input("Is there money involved in this trade? (y/n) ") if money == "y": money = input("Is player one giving money? (y/n) ") if money == "y": p2.gainMoney(int(input("How much money is Player one giving? $"))) money = input("Is player two giving money? (y/n) ") if money == "y": p1.gainMoney(int(input("How much money is Player two giving? $"))) return # Die Die1 = Die() Die2 = Die() # Properties: # Purple Mediterranean = Property("Mediterranean Avenue", "brown", 60, 50, 50, 30, [2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250]) Baltic = Property("Baltic Avenue", "brown", 60, 50, 50, 30, [4, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450]) # Light Blue Oriental = Property("Oriental Avenue", "light blue", 100, 50, 50, 50, [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550]) Vermont = Property("Vermont Avenue", "light blue", 100, 50, 50, 50, [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550]) Connecticut = Property("Connecticut Avenue", "light blue", 120, 50, 50, 60, [8, 40, 100, 300, 450, 600]) # Fuschia StCharles = Property("St. Charles Place", "fuschia", 140, 100, 100, 70, [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750]) States = Property("States Avenue", "fuschia", 140, 100, 100, 70, [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750]) Virginia = Property("Virginia Avenue", "fuschia", 160, 100, 100, 80, [12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900]) # Orange StJames = Property("St. James Place", "orange", 180, 100, 100, 90, [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950]) Tennessee = Property("Tennessee Avenue", "orange", 180, 100, 100, 90, [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950]) NewYork = Property("New York Avenue", "orange", 200, 100, 100, 100, [12, 80, 220, 600, 800, 1000]) # Red Kentucky = Property("Kentucky Avenue", "red", 220, 150, 150, 110, [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050]) Indiana = Property("Indiana Avenue", "red", 220, 150, 150, 110, [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050]) Illinois = Property("Illinois Avenue", "red", 240, 150, 150, 120, [20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100]) # Yellow Atlantic = Property("Atlantic Avenue", "yellow", 260, 150, 150, 130, [22, 1110, 330, 800, 975, 1150]) Ventnor = Property("Ventnor Avenue", "yellow", 260, 150, 150, 130, [22, 1110, 330, 800, 975, 1150]) Marvin = Property("Marvin Gardens", "yellow", 280, 150, 150, 140, [24, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200]) # Green Pacific = Property("Pacific Avenue", "green", 300, 200, 200, 150, [26, 130, 390, 900, 110, 1275]) NorthCarolina = Property("North Carolina Avenue", "green", 300, 200, 200, 150, [26, 130, 390, 900, 110, 1275]) PennsylvaniaAve = Property("Pennsylvania Avenue", "green", 320, 200, 200, 160, [28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400]) # Blue Park = Property("Park Place", "blue", 350, 200, 200, 175, [35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500]) Boardwalk = Property("Boardwalk", "blue", 400, 200, 200, 30, [50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700]) #Railroads: Pennsylvania = Railroad("Pennsylvania Railroad") Reading = Railroad("Reading Railroad") Short_Line = Railroad("Short Line") BO = Railroad("B. &. O. Railroad") # lol # Utilities: Water = Utility("Water Works", Die1, Die2) Electric = Utility("Electric Company", Die1, Die2) # Extra Spaces: # Just Visiting # Nothing happens :D # Free Parking # Put in the turn code # Luxury Tax/Income Tax # Turn code # Variables hotels = 12 houses = 32 pieces = ["Dog","Top Hat", "Car", "Iron", "Boat", "Thimble", "Boot", "Wheelbarrow"] spaces = ["Go", Mediterranean, "Community Chest", Baltic, "Income Tax", Reading, Oriental, "Chance", Vermont, Connecticut, "Jail", StCharles, Electric, States, Virginia, Pennsylvania, StJames, "Community Chest", Tennessee, NewYork, "Free Parking", Kentucky, "Chance", Indiana, Illinois, BO, Atlantic, Ventnor, Water, Marvin, "Go To Jail", Pacific, NorthCarolina, "Community Chest", PennsylvaniaAve, Short_Line, "Chance", Park, "Luxury Tax", Boardwalk] print("debug", spaces[39]) # Cards: # Community Chest: # kill me # textEffect, effect Chesta = CommunityChest("Life Insurance Matters - Collect $100",100) Chestb = CommunityChest("Income Tax Refund - Collect $20", 20) Chestc = CommunityChest("Receive for Services - Collect $25", 25) Chestd = CommunityChest("Pay Hospital $100", -100) Cheste = CommunityChest("Christmas Fund Matures - $100", 100) Chestf = CommunityChest("You have won second prize in a beauty contest! - Collect $10", 10) Chestg = CommunityChest("Doctors Fee! Pay $50", -50) Chesth = CommunityChest("From sale of stock you get $45", 45) Chesti = CommunityChest("Pay School Tax of $150", -150) Chestj = CommunityChest("Go To Jail", "Jail") Chestk = CommunityChest("Advance to Go", "go") Chestl = CommunityChest("You inherit $100", 100) Chestm = CommunityChest("Bank Error in Your Favor - Collect $200", 200) Chestn = CommunityChest("Get Out of Jail Free", "jail card") communityChestDeck = [Chesta, Chestb, Chestc, Chestd, Cheste, Chestf, Chestg, Chesth, Chesti, Chestj, Chestk, Chestl, Chestm, Chestn] # Chance Cards: # TextEffect, effect, type ChanceA = Chance("Your building and loan matures - Collect $150", "money", 150) ChanceB = Chance("Bank pays you dividend of $50", "money", 50) ChanceC = Chance("Advance token to nearest utility - if unowned, you may buy it from bank." "If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total ten times the amount thrown","move",0) ChanceD = Chance("Advance to Illinois Ave","move",24) chanceDeck = [ChanceA, ChanceB, ChanceC, ChanceD] freeParking = 0 #Free Parking # TURN CODE # i want to die print("Welcome to MONOPOLY!!") # this is more excited than I feel. I hate monopoly print("There are 4 people playing") # player inputs print("Hi players! What piece would you like to have? There are: ") for i in range(len(pieces)): print(pieces[i],end=" ") print("available! Please don't choose the same piece.") # figure out how to make them not choose the same piece player1 = Player(input("Player 1! Input your piece here! ")) #if player1.getPiece() not in pieces: # print("This was not an acceptable piece to input. Try again") player2 = Player(input("Player 2! Input your piece here! ")) player3 = Player(input("PLayer 3! Input your piece here! ")) player4 = Player(input("Player 4! Input your piece here! ")) print("Rolling die to see who goes first!") input("Player 1, roll the die!") p1d = Die1.rollDie() + Die2.rollDie() print("You rolled:", p1d) print() input("Player 2, roll the die!") p2d = Die1.rollDie() + Die2.rollDie() print("You rolled:", p2d) print() input("Player 3, roll the die!") p3d = Die1.rollDie() + Die2.rollDie() print("You rolled:", p3d) print() input("Player 4, roll the die!") p4d = Die1.rollDie() + Die2.rollDie() print("You rolled:", p4d) print() playerOrder = [] if max(p1d, p2d, p3d, p4d) == p1d: print("Player 1 goes first!") playerOrder = [player1, player2, player3, player4] elif max(p1d, p2d, p3d, p4d) == p2d: print("Player 2 goes first!") playerOrder = [player2, player3, player4, player1] elif max(p1d, p2d, p3d, p4d) == p3d: print("Player 3 goes first!") playerOrder = [player3, player4, player1, player2] else: print("Player 4 goes first!") playerOrder = [player4, player1, player2, player3] # Beginning the game while playerOrder[0].getMoney() > 0 or playerOrder[1].getMoney() > 0 or playerOrder[2].getMoney() > 0 or playerOrder[3].getMoney() > 0: cp = 0 # Cycling around the order of players while cp < 4: # Making sure player not in jail if not playerOrder[cp].getInJail(): print() print(playerOrder[cp].getPiece(), " Press enter to roll the die!") input() Die1.rollDie() Die2.rollDie() # Think about doing the doubles x3 to jail-- maybe not? print("You've rolled:", Die1.getCurrentFace(), "and", Die2.getCurrentFace()) # Passing Go if playerOrder[cp].getSpace() + (Die1.getCurrentFace()+Die2.getCurrentFace()) > 39: sp = (Die1.getCurrentFace()+Die2.getCurrentFace()) - (39 - playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) playerOrder[cp].setSpace(sp) playerOrder[cp].gainMoney(200) print("You passed GO! You've collected $200!") else: playerOrder[cp].moveSpace(Die1.getCurrentFace(), Die2.getCurrentFace()) # Community Chest if playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 2 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 17 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 33: #community chest print("You've landed on community chest!") randomnum = random.randint(1, 13) print(communityChestDeck[randomnum].getTextEffect()) communityChestDeck[randomnum].drawCard(playerOrder[cp]) if isinstance(communityChestDeck[randomnum].getEffect(), int): print("Money!") communityChestDeck[randomnum].applyEffect() else: if communityChestDeck[randomnum].getEffect() == "go": print("You have been sent to GO and have collected $200") communityChestDeck[randomnum].applyEffect() elif communityChestDeck[randomnum].getEffect() == "Jail": print("Oh no! You've been sent to jail!") communityChestDeck[randomnum].applyEffect() else: print("You have a Get Out Of Jail Free card now!") communityChestDeck[randomnum].applyEffect() # Chance elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 7 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 22 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 36: #chance print("Chance! D:") print(playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) # Income Taxes elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 4 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 38: if playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 4: print("You've landed on income tax! You lost $200.") playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(200) print("Your current balance is:", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) freeParking += 200 else: print("You've landed on luxury tax! You lost $100.") playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(100) print("Your current balance is:", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) freeParking += 200 print("debug", playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) # Go To Jail elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 31: # Go To Jail print("Oh no! Go to jail!") playerOrder[cp].getArrested() print(playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) # Railroads elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 5 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 15 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 25 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 35: #railroads print("You landed on", spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]) print("Your balance is", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) if spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getOwner() == "Bank": buy = input("Would you like to buy the railroad for $200? (y/n)") if buy == "y": playerOrder[cp].gainProperty(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]) playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getPrice()) print("You bought the railroad! Your properties now are:",playerOrder[cp].getProperties()) print("Your balance now is:", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].buyRailroad(playerOrder[cp]) else: print() else: print("Oh no! You landed on someone else's railroad! You have to pay the rent now!") playerOrder[cp].loseMoney((spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]).getRent()) (spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getOwner).gainMoney( spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]).getRent() print("Now your balance is", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) # Utilities elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 12 or playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 28: print("debug",playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) if Electric.getOwner() == "Bank" or Water.getOwner() == "Bank": print("Would you like to buy the Utility?") buy = input("(Y/N)") if buy == "y".lower(): if playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 12: Electric.buyUtility(playerOrder[cp]) playerOrder[cp].gainProperty(Electric) playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(Electric.getPrice()) else: Water.buyUtility(playerOrder[cp]) playerOrder[cp].gainProperty(Water) playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(Water.getPrice()) else: print("Ok.") else: if playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 12: playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(1) # you should change this print("Utilities! yay!") # Free Parking elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 20: if freeParking == 0: print("You landed on Free Parking! Congratulations, you get 100 dollars!") playerOrder[cp].gainMoney(100) else: print("You landed on Free Parking! Congratulations! You get",freeParking,"dollars!") playerOrder[cp].gainMoney(freeParking) # Just Visiting elif playerOrder[cp].getSpace() == 10: print("You've landed on Just Visiting!") # Properties else: print(playerOrder[cp].getSpace()) print("You are on", spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]) print("You have", playerOrder[cp].getMoney(),"dollars") if spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getOwner() is None: buy = input("Would you like to buy the property? (y/n)") if buy == "y": playerOrder[cp].gainProperty(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]) playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getPrice()) print(playerOrder[cp].getProperties()) spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].buyProperty(playerOrder[cp].getPiece()) print("You bought the property! Your properties now are:", playerOrder[cp].getProperties()) print("Your balance now is:", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) print(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].buyProperty(playerOrder[cp].getPiece())) else: print("") else: print("Oh no! You landed on someone else's property! You have to pay the rent now!") playerOrder[cp].loseMoney((spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]).getRent()) (spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()].getOwner()).gainMoney(spaces[playerOrder[cp].getSpace()]).getRent() print("Now your balance is",playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) if Die1.getCurrentFace() == Die2.getCurrentFace(): if playerOrder[cp].getTimesDoubled() <= 3: cp += 0 print("You rolled a double! Since you did, you get to go again!") else: print("You rolled doubles three times! You've been sent to jail!") playerOrder[cp].getInJail() cp += 1 else: cp += 1 # Jail area else: count = 0 if playerOrder[cp].getTimesJailed() <= 3: while count < 3: Die1.rollDie() Die2.rollDie() print("You rolled:",Die1.getCurrentFace(),"and",Die2.getCurrentFace()) if Die1.getCurrentFace() == Die2.getCurrentFace(): print("You rolled a double! Have fun out of jail!") playerOrder[cp].outOfJail() else: print("Roll again!") count += 1 print("Aw, you didn't roll a double in 3 rolls! Try again next time!") playerOrder[cp].moreTimesInJail() cp += 1 else: print("You've spent more than three turns in jail!") print("You now have to pay $50") playerOrder[cp].loseMoney(50) print("Your current balance is", playerOrder[cp].getMoney()) playerOrder[cp].outOfJail() print("Monopoly is over. Hope you had fun.")
def getSunsetTime(self, location): return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.__getWeather(location).get_sunset_time()).strftime(Utility.getValueFromConfigurationFile("time-format"))
from RequestInfoLoader import * from SingleActionProcessor import * from SiteData import * from ErrorCode import * from SiteDataMeihua import * from MeihuaKeywordLoader import * from MeihuaDataParser import * from MeihuaAdType import * from MeihuaDataWriter import * from multiprocessing import Pool,Manager import datetime startTime = requestInfoLoader = RequestInfoLoader(utility) actionProcessor = SingleActionProcessor() utility = Utility() parser = MeihuaDataParser() writer = MeihuaDataWriter() useLocalDb = True printCreateSql = False dbDryRunMode = False outputCrawlerDebugInfo = False catetoryName = { "1":['服务公寓','工业用房','海上泊位','墓园','商铺','商务楼','土地','住宅-别墅','住宅-公寓','综合房产','出租与出售','酒店度假村','房地产服务','房地产交易中心'], "2":['服务公寓','工业用房','海上泊位','墓园','商铺','商务楼','土地','住宅-别墅','住宅-公寓','综合房产','出租与出售','酒店度假村','房地产服务','房地产交易中心'], "6":['服务公寓','工业用房','海上泊位','墓园','商铺','商务楼','土地','住宅-别墅','住宅-公寓','综合房产','出租与出售','酒店度假村','房地产服务','房地产交易中心'], "3":['房'], "4":['房地产类|房地产类|楼盘宣传','房地产类|房地产类|商业街','房地产类|房地产类|商务出租','房地产类|房地产类|建筑器材服务','房地产类|房地产类|房地产企业形象','房地产类|房地产类|房产中介','房地产类|装潢设计|装潢/设计'], "5":['房地产'] } cityName = {
def __init__ (self, data, code, configuration): Utility.__init__(self) Debug.__init__(self) = data self.code = code self.configuration = configuration
def getCurrentSystemDate(self): return"date-format"))
def main(): utils = Utility() f = open('data.csv', 'w') f.write('vertices,penalization,stddev,avg\n') # run experimens for Kn in range(Properties.Kn_min, Properties.Kn_max): all_costs = [] for i in range(2): # 0 - without penalization, 1 - with penalization for experiment in range(Properties.experiment_limit): print "[START] experiment", experiment, "for N", Kn # simulated annealing initialization total_iterations = 1 T = Properties.Tmax vertices = utils.generate_initial_vertices(Kn) edges = utils.generate_edges(Kn) g = Graph(vertices, edges) # g is initial randomly generated graph all_costs.append(g.crossingNumber) print "> init crossing number", g.crossingNumber # utils.draw_graph(g) # 3. step: loop until stop condition is met # stop condition: # - temperature is cooled # - good-enough solution has been found temperatures = [] intersections = [] # aka fitnesses while T > Properties.Tmin: # temperatures.append(T) # intersections.append(g.get_crossing_number()) if g.get_crossing_number() == Properties.Min_CrossingNumber[Kn]: break # end if solution has been found total_iterations += Properties.Kmax # simulated annealing core if i == 0: # not penalized metropol = utils.metropolis_algorithm(g, Properties.Kmax, T, False) else: # penalized metropol = utils.metropolis_algorithm(g, Properties.Kmax, T, True) g = metropol[0] # save new graph metr_run_costs = metropol[1] all_costs.extend(metr_run_costs) T = Properties.alpha * T # cooldown system - slowly cooling down the system if Properties.debug: print "[INFO] temp", T, "iter", total_iterations, "cross", g.get_crossing_number() print "> final crossing number", g.get_crossing_number() print "[END] total iterations", total_iterations, "\n----------------------------\n" f.write(str(Kn) + ',') if i == 0: f.write('FALSE,') else: f.write('TRUE,') f.write(str(np.std(all_costs)) + ',' + str(np.average(all_costs)) + '\n') f.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python from Utility import Utility utility = Utility() imagePayLoad = """------WebKitFormBoundary9Vj7shUQsQewcabN Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%==>FILE_NAME<==%"; filename="%==>FILE_NAME<==%" Content-Type: image/jpeg ------WebKitFormBoundary9Vj7shUQsQewcabN-- """ dataPayLoad = { 'data_params' : { 'action' : "post using %==>CONTENT_TYPE<==%", }, } input = { 'STRINGKEY1' : "AFSL", 'OBJECTKEY1' : {'test' : 'zzxv'}, 'OBJECTKEY2' : {'test' : 'zzxv'}, 'HOST_NAME' : '', 'FILE_NAME' : 'test.jpg', 'CONTENT_TYPE' : 'JPEG', 'IMAGE_PAY_LOAD' : imagePayLoad, 'DATA_PAY_LOAD' : dataPayLoad } value1 = "asdfa asdf%==>STRINGKEY1<==%weurou" value2 = "asdfa asdf%==>STRINGKEY2<==%weurou"
def __init__(self): self._owm = pyowm.OWM(Utility.getValueFromConfigurationFile("open-weather-api-key"))
# import pyowm from Utility import Utility '''from ResponseGenerator import ResponseGenerator #class WeatherDataApi: owm = pyowm.OWM('ecb73e81c510fd8cc1457529463be966') observation = owm.weather_at_place("Dhaka, BD") w = observation.get_weather() wind = w.get_wind() # print(w) print(w.get_detailed_status()) # print(w.get_temperature('celsius')) # print(wind) print(w.get_humidity()) # print(owm.is_API_online()) ''' # print(Utility.__getValueFromFile(".\\configuration.ini", port)) print(Utility.getData('hello', Utility.getDataFrame("response.xlsx")))