Esempio n. 1
    def create_alloc_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper 'salloc' command, adding code to parse
        the allocation ID from the reply
        Returns the command(s) to be run (as a list of lines).
        uspace_dir = extract_parameter(message, "USPACE_DIR")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        alloc_id_file = extract_parameter(message, "ALLOCATION_ID",
        exit_code_file = extract_parameter(message, "EXIT_CODE_FILE",

        alloc_options = self.parse_common_options(message, config, LOG)
        alloc_cmd = config['tsi.alloc_cmd']
        for opt in alloc_options:
            alloc_cmd += " " + opt
        alloc_cmd += " > %s 2>&1 ; echo $? > %s" % (stdout, exit_code_file)
        cmds = [
            # extract allocation id from stdout and write it to a file
            "grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' %s/%s | head -1 > %s" %
            (uspace_dir, stdout, alloc_id_file)
        return cmds
Esempio n. 2
def ls(message, connector, config, LOG):
    """List directory or get information about a file
       The message sent by the XNJS is scanned for:
           TSI_FILE     - name of file/path to list
           TSI_LS_MODE     - "A" : just the file,
                             "R" : directory recursive
                             any other : dir non-recursive

 The TSI replies with TSI_OK and some lines of output
 The format of the output is as follows:

   Listing starts with the line:


   and ends with the line:


   The files are listed in depth-first order. Each time a sub-directory
   is found the entry for the sub-directory file is listed and then entries
   for all the file in the subdirectory are listed.

   The format for each listing line is detailed above in the get_info()

   When all files in a sub-directory have been listed and the listing is
   continuing with the parent directory, a line with a single "<" is printed.
   This is required even when the listing is non-recursive.

    path = extract_parameter(message, "FILE")
    path = expand_variables(path)
    mode = extract_parameter(message, "LS_MODE")

    allowed = ["R", "A", "N"]
    if mode not in allowed:
        connector.failed("Unknown TSI_LS mode: '%s', must be one of "
                         "'R', 'A' or 'N'." % mode)

    as_single_file = "A" == mode
    recurse = "R" == mode
    if os.path.exists(path):
            if os.path.isdir(path) and not as_single_file:
                list_directory(connector, path, recurse)
                info = get_info(path)
            # this is somewhat wierd, but the perl TSI did it the same way
Esempio n. 3
def put_file_chunk(message, connector, config, LOG):
    """Write part of a file, reading data from the XNJS via the data_in stream.
       The message sent by the XNJS is scanned for:
           TSI_FILE   - name of file to write and mode
           TSI_FILESACTION  - what to do (overwrite = 1 , append = 3)
           TSI_LENGTH - how many bytes to return
    path_and_mode = extract_parameter(message, "FILE")
    mode_index = path_and_mode.rindex(" ")

    path = expand_variables(path_and_mode[:mode_index])
    mode = path_and_mode[mode_index + 1:]

    action = extract_parameter(message, "FILESACTION")
    if action is None:
        action = "1"

    length = int(extract_parameter(message, "LENGTH"))

    LOG.debug("Writing %d bytes of data to %s" % (length, path))

    if action == "3":
        open_mode = "ab"
        open_mode = "wb"

    with io.FileIO(path, open_mode) as f:
        # the next message tells the XNJS to start sending data
        remaining = length

        while remaining > 0:
            buf = connector.read_data(remaining)
            bytes_read = len(buf)
            remaining -= bytes_read

            # write it out, taking care to handle partial writes
            write_offset = 0
            must_write = bytes_read
            while must_write > 0:
                written = f.write(buf[write_offset:bytes_read])
                write_offset += written
                must_write -= written

    # change mode to requested mode
    os.chmod(path, int(mode, 8))
Esempio n. 4
def get_file_chunk(message, connector, config, LOG):
    """Return part of a file to the XNJS via the data_out stream.
       The message sent by the XNJS is scanned for:
           TSI_FILE   - name of file to return
           TSI_START  - start byte
           TSI_LENGTH - how many bytes to return
    path = extract_parameter(message, 'FILE')
    path = expand_variables(path)
    start = int(extract_parameter(message, 'START'))
    length = int(extract_parameter(message, 'LENGTH'))

    LOG.debug("Getting data from %s start at %d length %d" %
              (path, start, length))

    with io.FileIO(path, "rb") as f:
        if f.seekable():
        buf = bytearray(length)
        total_bytes_read = 0
        remaining = length

        while remaining > 0:
            read = f.readinto(buf)
            if read == 0:
            total_bytes_read += read
            remaining -= read

        # reply and report total bytes read
        connector.ok("TSI_LENGTH %s\nENDOFMESSAGE" % total_bytes_read)

        # write it out, taking care to handle partial writes
        write_offset = 0
        must_write = total_bytes_read
        while must_write > 0:
            written = connector.write_data(buf[write_offset:total_bytes_read])
            if written is None:
            write_offset += written
            must_write -= written
Esempio n. 5
def process_acl(message, connector, config, LOG):
    operation = extract_parameter(message, "ACL_OPERATION")
    path = extract_parameter(message, "ACL_PATH")
    acl = config.get('tsi.acl', {})
    if operation == "CHECK_SUPPORT":
        enabled = config.get('tsi.acl_enabled')
        if not enabled:
        support = check_support(path, acl)
        if support == "NONE":
    elif operation == "GETFACL":
        support = check_support(path, acl)
        if support == "POSIX":
            getfacl_posix(path, connector, config, LOG)
        elif support == "NFS":
            getfacl_nfs(path, connector, config, LOG)
                "ERROR: Getting ACL on this file system is unsupported.")
    elif operation == "SETFACL":
        support = check_support(path, acl)
        command = extract_parameter(message, "ACL_COMMAND")
        command_spec = extract_parameter(message, "ACL_COMMAND_SPEC")
        if command_spec is None:
            connector.failed("Missing parameter TSI_ACL_COMMAND_SPEC")
        if command is None:
            connector.failed("Missing parameter TSI_ACL_COMMAND")
        if support == "POSIX":
            setfacl_posix(path, command, command_spec, connector, config, LOG)
        elif support == "NFS":
            setfacl_nfs(path, command, command_spec, connector, config, LOG)
                "ERROR: Setting ACL on this file system is unsupported.")
        connector.failed("UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: '%s'" % operation)
Esempio n. 6
    def create_submit_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper BSS instructions.
        Returns the script to submit to the BSS (as a list of lines)
        submit_cmds = []
        outcome_dir = extract_parameter(message, "OUTCOME_DIR")
        stderr = extract_parameter(message, "STDERR", "stderr")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        umask = extract_parameter(message, "UMASK")
        uspace_dir = extract_parameter(message, "USPACE_DIR")
        array_spec = extract_number(message, "ARRAY")
        array_limit = extract_number(message, "ARRAY_LIMIT")


        for option in self.parse_common_options(message, config, LOG):
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH %s" % option)

        if array_spec > 0:
            if array_limit > 0:
                array_spec = str(array_spec) + "%" + str(array_limit)
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --array=%s" % array_spec)
                "UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID = \"$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\"; export UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID"
            stdout = stdout + "%a"
            stderr = stderr + "%a"

        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --output=%s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stdout))
        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --error=%s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stderr))

        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --chdir=%s" % uspace_dir)

        if umask is not None:
            submit_cmds.append("umask %s" % umask)

        return submit_cmds
Esempio n. 7
def df(message, connector, config, LOG):
    """ determines the free space on a given partition
    and reports results on stdout in the format that the XNJS expects.
    The format of the output is as follows:

    Output starts with the line:
    and ends with the line:

    The following values are reported (in bytes):
    - TOTAL: The total space on the partition
    - FREE: The free space on the partition
    - USER: The user quota (optional)
    Every line is terminated by \n

    path = extract_parameter(message, "FILE")
    path = expand_variables(path)

    # TODO might want to add a cache or do not check
    # free space for certain paths

    command = "df -P -B 1 %s" % path
    (success, result) = run_command(command)
    total = free = user = '******'

    if success:
            for line in result.splitlines():
                m = re.match(r"(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).+", line)
                if m is not None:
                    total =
                    free =
            connector.failed("Wrong or unexpected output from 'df' "
                             "command: %s" % result)
        connector.write_message("TOTAL %s" % total)
        connector.write_message("FREE %s" % free)
        connector.write_message("USER %s" % user)
Esempio n. 8
    def create_submit_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper BSS instructions.
        Returns the script to submit to the BSS (as a list of lines)
        submit_cmds = []
        email = extract_parameter(message, "EMAIL", "NONE")
        jobname = extract_parameter(message, "JOBNAME",
        outcome_dir = extract_parameter(message, "OUTCOME_DIR")
        project = extract_parameter(message, "PROJECT", "NONE")
        stderr = extract_parameter(message, "STDERR", "stderr")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        umask = extract_parameter(message, "UMASK")
        uspace_dir = extract_parameter(message, "USPACE_DIR")

        memory = extract_number(message, "MEMORY")
        nodes = extract_number(message, "NODES")
        processors = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS")
        processors_per_node = extract_number(message,
        total_processors = extract_number(message, "TOTAL_PROCESSORS")

        array_spec = extract_number(message, "ARRAY")
        array_limit = extract_number(message, "ARRAY_LIMIT")

        queue = extract_parameter(message, "QUEUE", "NONE")
        reservation_id = extract_parameter(message,
        req_time = extract_number(message, "TIME")

        nodes_filter = config.get("tsi.nodes_filter", "")
        user_nodes_filter = extract_parameter(message,
                                              "BSS_NODES_FILTER", "NONE")
        qos = extract_parameter(message, "QOS", "NONE")

        # first line has to be the shell

        # jobname: check for illegal characters
        m ="[^0-9a-zA-Z\.:.=~/]", jobname)
        if m is not None:
            jobname = "UNICORE_job"
        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --job-name=%s" % jobname)

        if queue != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --partition=%s" % queue)

        if project != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --account=%s" % project)

        # nodes count
        if nodes >0:
            # Multiple node and/or processors
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --nodes=%s" % nodes)
            if processors_per_node >0:
                    "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=%s" % processors_per_node)
            # request tasks and let Slurm figure out the nodes
            if total_processors > 0:
                submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --ntasks=%s" % total_processors)
        # nodes filter, can be both global and user defined
        if user_nodes_filter != "NONE":
            if nodes_filter != "":
                nodes_filter = nodes_filter + "&" + user_nodes_filter
                nodes_filter =  user_nodes_filter
        if nodes_filter != "":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --constraint=%s" % nodes_filter)

        if qos != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --qos=%s" % qos)
        if memory >= 0:
            # memory per node, '0' means that the job requests all of the memory on each node
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --mem=%s" % memory)

        if req_time > 0:
            # wall time. Convert to minutes, as accepted by SLURM
            time_in_minutes = req_time / 60
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --time=%d" % time_in_minutes)

        if email != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --mail-user=%s" % email)
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL")

        if reservation_id != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --reservation=%s" % reservation_id)

        if array_spec > 0:
            if array_limit > 0:
                array_spec = str(array_spec) + "%" + str(array_limit)
            submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --array=%s" % array_spec);
            submit_cmds.append("UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID = \"$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\"; export UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID");
            stdout = stdout + "%a"
            stderr = stderr + "%a"

        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --output=%s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stdout))
        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --error=%s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stderr))

        submit_cmds.append("#SBATCH --chdir=%s" % uspace_dir)

        if umask is not None:
            submit_cmds.append("umask %s" % umask)

        return submit_cmds
Esempio n. 9
    def create_submit_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper BSS instructions.
        Returns the script to submit to the BSS (as a list of lines)
        submit_cmds = []

        email = extract_parameter(message, "EMAIL", "NONE")
        jobname = extract_parameter(message, "JOBNAME",
        outcome_dir = extract_parameter(message, "OUTCOME_DIR")
        project = extract_parameter(message, "PROJECT", "NONE")
        stderr = extract_parameter(message, "STDERR", "stderr")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        umask = extract_parameter(message, "UMASK", "NONE")
        memory = extract_number(message, "MEMORY")
        nodes = extract_number(message, "NODES")
        processors_per_node = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS_PER_NODE")
        total_processors = extract_number(message, "TOTAL_PROCESSORS")

        gpus = extract_parameter(message, "SSR_GPUS", "NONE")

        array_spec = extract_number(message, "ARRAY")
        array_limit = extract_number(message, "ARRAY_LIMIT")

        queue = extract_parameter(message, "QUEUE", "NONE")
        reservation_id = extract_parameter(message, "RESERVATION_REFERENCE",
        req_time = extract_number(message, "TIME")

        lsf_memory_conversion_factor = config.get(

        if email != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -B -N -u %s" % email)

        if queue != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -q %s" % queue)

        if project != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -P %s" % project)

        # LSF slots:
        # use total_processors or nodes*processors per node
        slots = 0
        if total_processors > 0:
            slots = total_processors
        elif nodes > 0 and processors_per_node > 0:
            slots = nodes * processors_per_node
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -R \"span[ptile=%s]\"" %

        if slots > 0:
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -n %s" % slots)

        # GPUs
        gpu_count = 0
            gpu_count = int(gpus)

        if gpu_count > 0:
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -gpu \"num=%s:j_exclusive=yes\"" %

        # Wallclock time: LSF requires minutes
        if req_time != "NONE":
            time_in_minutes = int(int(req_time) / 60)
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -W %s" % time_in_minutes)

        # Memory: LSF specifies a limit per process
        if memory != "NONE":
            if processors_per_node != "NONE":
                ppn = int(processors_per_node)
                memory = int(int(memory) / ppn)
                memory *= int(lsf_memory_conversion_factor)
                # submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -M %s" % memory)

        if reservation_id != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -U %s" % reservation_id)

        # Jobname: check that it fits the rules
        match ="([a-zA-Z]\S{0,14})", jobname)
        if match is not None:
            jobname =
            jobname = "UNICORE_job"

        if array_spec > 0:
            if array_limit > 0:
                array_spec = "[" + str(array_spec) + "]" + "%" + str(
                array_spec = "[" + str(array_spec) + "]"
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -J \"%s%s\"" % (jobname, array_spec))
                "UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID = \"$LSB_JOB_INDEX\"; export UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID"
            stdout = stdout + "%I"
            stderr = stderr + "%I"
            submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -J %s" % jobname)

        submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -o %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stdout))
        submit_cmds.append("#BSUB -e %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stderr))

        if umask is not None:
            submit_cmds.append("umask %s" % umask)

        return submit_cmds
Esempio n. 10
    def create_submit_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper BSS instructions.
        Returns the script to submit to the BSS (as a list of lines)
        submit_cmds = []

        email = extract_parameter(message, "EMAIL", "NONE")
        jobname = extract_parameter(message, "JOBNAME",
        outcome_dir = extract_parameter(message, "OUTCOME_DIR")
        project = extract_parameter(message, "PROJECT", "NONE")
        stderr = extract_parameter(message, "STDERR", "stderr")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        umask = extract_parameter(message, "UMASK")
        uspace_dir = extract_parameter(message, "USPACE_DIR")
        nodes = extract_number(message, "NODES")

        nodes_filter = config.get("tsi.nodes_filter", "")
        if nodes_filter != "":
            nodes_filter = ":" + nodes_filter
            user_nodes_filter = extract_parameter(message, "BSS_NODES_FILTER",
            if user_nodes_filter != "NONE":
                nodes_filter = nodes_filter + ":" + user_nodes_filter

        processors = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS")
        processors_per_node = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS_PER_NODE")
        total_processors = extract_number(message, "TOTAL_PROCESSORS")
        array_spec = extract_number(message, "ARRAY")
        array_limit = extract_number(message, "ARRAY_LIMIT")

        queue = extract_parameter(message, "QUEUE", "NONE")
        reservation_id = extract_parameter(message, "RESERVATION_REFERENCE",
        req_time = extract_number(message, "TIME")

        # Jobname:
        # check that it fits the rules
        match ="([a-zA-Z]\S{0,14})", jobname)
        if match is not None:
            jobname =
            jobname = "UNICORE_job"
        submit_cmds.append("#PBS -N %s" % jobname)

        if queue != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -q %s" % queue)

        if project != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -A %s" % project)

        # Nodes / CPUs
        if nodes > 0:
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -l nodes=%s:ppn=%s%s" %
                               (nodes, processors_per_node, nodes_filter))

        if req_time > 0:
            # Job time requirement. Wallclock time in seconds.
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -l walltime=%s" % req_time)

        if email == "NONE":
            email = "n"
            email = "abe -M %s" % email
        submit_cmds.append("#PBS -m %s" % email)

        if reservation_id != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -W x=FLAGS:ADVRES:%s" % reservation_id)

        if array_spec > 0:
            if array_limit > 0:
                array_spec = str(array_spec) + "%" + str(array_limit)
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -t %s" % array_spec)
                "UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID = \"$PBS_ARRAYID\"; export UC_ARRAY_TASK_ID")
            stdout = stdout + "$PBS_ARRAYID"
            stderr = stderr + "$PBS_ARRAYID"

        submit_cmds.append("#PBS -o %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stdout))
        submit_cmds.append("#PBS -e %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stderr))

        submit_cmds.append("#PBS -d %s" % uspace_dir)

        if umask is not None:
            submit_cmds.append("#PBS -W umask=%s" % umask)

        return submit_cmds
Esempio n. 11
    def parse_common_options(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
            to create options common to both sbatch and salloc
        cmds = []

        email = extract_parameter(message, "EMAIL", "NONE")
        jobname = extract_parameter(message, "JOBNAME",
        project = extract_parameter(message, "PROJECT", "NONE")
        memory = extract_number(message, "MEMORY")
        nodes = extract_number(message, "NODES")
        processors = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS")
        processors_per_node = extract_number(message, "PROCESSORS_PER_NODE")
        total_processors = extract_number(message, "TOTAL_PROCESSORS")
        queue = extract_parameter(message, "QUEUE", "NONE")
        reservation_id = extract_parameter(message, "RESERVATION_REFERENCE",
        req_time = extract_number(message, "TIME")
        nodes_filter = config.get("tsi.nodes_filter", "")
        user_nodes_filter = extract_parameter(message, "BSS_NODES_FILTER",
        qos = extract_parameter(message, "QOS", "NONE")
        exclusive = extract_parameter(message, "SSR_EXCLUSIVE", "NONE")

        # jobname: check for illegal characters
        m ="[^0-9a-zA-Z\.:.=~/]", jobname)
        if m is not None:
            jobname = "UNICORE_job"
        cmds.append("--job-name=%s" % jobname)

        if queue != "NONE":
            cmds.append("--partition=%s" % queue)

        if exclusive.lower() == "true":

        if project != "NONE":
            cmds.append("--account=%s" % project)

        # nodes count
        if nodes > 0:
            # Multiple node and/or processors
            cmds.append("--nodes=%s" % nodes)
            if processors_per_node > 0:
                cmds.append("--ntasks-per-node=%s" % processors_per_node)
            # request tasks and let Slurm figure out the nodes
            if total_processors > 0:
                cmds.append("--ntasks=%s" % total_processors)

        # nodes filter, can be both global and user defined
        if user_nodes_filter != "NONE":
            if nodes_filter != "":
                nodes_filter = nodes_filter + "&" + user_nodes_filter
                nodes_filter = user_nodes_filter
        if nodes_filter != "":
            cmds.append("--constraint=%s" % nodes_filter)

        if qos != "NONE":
            cmds.append("--qos=%s" % qos)

        if memory >= 0:
            # memory per node, '0' means that the job requests all of the memory on each node
            cmds.append("--mem=%s" % memory)

        if req_time > 0:
            # wall time. Convert to minutes, as accepted by SLURM (minimum 1 min)
            time_in_minutes = max(int(req_time / 60), 1)
            cmds.append("--time=%d" % time_in_minutes)

        if email != "NONE":
            cmds.append("--mail-user=%s" % email)

        if reservation_id != "NONE":
            cmds.append("--reservation=%s" % reservation_id)

        return cmds
Esempio n. 12
    def create_submit_script(self, message, config, LOG):
        """ parse the #TSI_" BSS parameters from the message
        and convert them to the proper BSS instructions.
        Returns the script to submit to the BSS (as a list of lines)
        submit_cmds = []

        email = extract_parameter(message, "EMAIL", "NONE")
        jobname = extract_parameter(message, "JOBNAME",
        outcome_dir = extract_parameter(message, "OUTCOME_DIR")
        project = extract_parameter(message, "PROJECT", "NONE")
        stderr = extract_parameter(message, "STDERR", "stderr")
        stdout = extract_parameter(message, "STDOUT", "stdout")
        umask = extract_parameter(message, "UMASK")
        memory = extract_number(message, "MEMORY")
        nodes = extract_number(message, "NODES")
        queue = extract_parameter(message, "QUEUE", "NONE")
        reservation_id = extract_parameter(message, "RESERVATION_REFERENCE",
        req_time = extract_number(message, "TIME")
        # BlueGene topology
        topology = extract_parameter(message, "SSR_TOPOLOGY", "Either")

        # first line is shell

        # Jobname:
        # check that it fits the rules
        match ="([a-zA-Z]\S{0,14})", jobname)
        if match is not None:
            jobname =
            jobname = "UNICORE_job"
        submit_cmds.append("# @ job_name = %s" % jobname)

        if queue != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("# @ class = %s" % queue)

        if project != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("# @ account_no = %s" % project)

        # Blue Gene stuff
        submit_cmds.append("# @ job_type = bluegene")
        submit_cmds.append("# @ bg_connectivity = %s" % topology)
        if memory > 0:
            submit_cmds.append("# @ bg_requirements = (Memory>= %s)" % memory)
        if nodes > 0:
            submit_cmds.append("# @ bg_size = %s" % nodes)

        # Job time requirement. Wallclock time in seconds.
        submit_cmds.append("# @ cpu_limit = %s" % req_time)

        if email != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("# @ notification = always")
            submit_cmds.append("# @ notify_user = %s" % email)

        if reservation_id != "NONE":
            submit_cmds.append("# @ ll_res_id = %s" % reservation_id)

        submit_cmds.append("# @ output = %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stdout))
        submit_cmds.append("# @ error = %s/%s" % (outcome_dir, stderr))

        if umask is not None:
            submit_cmds.append("umask %s" % umask)

        submit_cmds.append("# @ comment = UNICORE")

        return submit_cmds