def print_prediction(config): cache_m = CacheManager() if not os.path.isfile(cache_m.fileLocation('test_pred.pik')): return None #Load predictions (expected, Y_pred, nclasses) = cache_m.load('test_pred.pik') y_pred = np.argmax(Y_pred, axis=1) #Output metrics if nclasses > 2: f1 = metrics.f1_score(expected, y_pred, average='weighted') else: f1 = metrics.f1_score(expected, y_pred, pos_label=1) print("F1 score: {0:.2f}".format(f1)) m_conf = PrintConfusionMatrix(y_pred, expected, nclasses, config, "TILs") #ROC AUC #Get positive scores (binary only) if nclasses == 2: scores = Y_pred.transpose()[1] fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(expected, scores, pos_label=1) print("AUC: {0:f}".format(metrics.roc_auc_score(expected, scores))) print("Accuracy: {0:.3f}".format(m_conf[nclasses + 2][nclasses])) if config.verbose > 1: print("False positive rates: {0}".format(fpr)) print("True positive rates: {0}".format(tpr)) print("Thresholds: {0}".format(thresholds))
def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "VGG16_A1" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache)
def preprocess_data(config, img_types): """ Main function in preprocessing. Works through estipulated configuration. """ #Check SRC and DST directories if not os.path.exists(config.presrc): if config.verbose > 0: print("[Preprocess] No such directory: {0}".format(config.presrc)) sys.exit(Exitcodes.PATH_ERROR) if not os.path.exists(config.predst): os.makedirs(config.predst) #If SRC dir has already been scanned, no need to redo: cache_m = CacheManager(verbose=config.verbose) datatree = None if config.tcga: datatree = cache_m.load('tcga.pik') if datatree is None: datatree = TCGAMerger.Merger(config.presrc, config.verbose) cache_m.dump(datatree, 'tcga.pik') else: if cache_m.checkFileExistence('datatree.pik'): imglist, lablist, path = cache_m.load('datatree.pik') if path == config.presrc: datatree = GenericData.ImageSource((imglist, lablist), config.presrc, img_types) if datatree is None: datatree = GenericData.ImageSource(None, config.presrc, img_types) cache_m.dump( (datatree.getData(), datatree.getLabelsList(), config.presrc), 'datatree.pik') #Produce tiles from input images #TODO: implement parallel tiling, choose between multiprocess tiling (multiple images processed in parallel) or single process (one image #at a time, but work divided in threads if config.tile: if config.multiprocess: multiprocess_run(make_singleprocesstiling, (config, ), datatree, step_size=20) #make_multiprocesstiling(datatree,config) else: make_singleprocesstiling(datatree, config) elif not config.normalize is None: make_singleprocessnorm(datatree, config)
def __init__(self, data_path, keepImg=False, config=None, name='Generic'): self.path = None if isinstance(data_path, str) and os.path.isdir(data_path): self.path = data_path else: raise ValueError( "[GenericImage] Path does not correspond to a file ({0}).". format(data_path)) self.X = None self.Y = None = name self.multi_dir = True self._cache = CacheManager() self._keep = keepImg self._cpu_count = config.cpu_count if not config is None else 1 self._verbose = config.verbose if not config is None else 0 self._pbar = config.progressbar if not config is None else False self._config = config
def run_training(config,locations=None): """ Main training function, to work as a new process """ if print("Starting active learning process....") if not locations is None: cache_m = CacheManager(locations=locations) trainer = ActiveLearningTrainer(config)
def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "ExtendedKerasNet" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.single = None self.parallel = None
def run_prediction(config, locations=None): """ Main training function, to work as a new process """ if print("Starting prediction process....") if not locations is None: cache_m = CacheManager(locations=locations) if config.print_pred: print_prediction(config) else: predictor = Predictor(config)
def _save_weights(self, model, single, parallel, clear_sess, save_numpy): #Save weights for single tower model and for multigpu model (if defined) cache_m = CacheManager() if print("Saving weights, this could take a while...") if save_numpy and hasattr(model, 'get_npweights_cache'):, single.get_weights()) else: single.save_weights(model.get_weights_cache()) if not parallel is None and not model.get_mgpu_weights_cache() is None: if save_numpy and hasattr(model, 'get_npmgpu_weights_cache'):, parallel.get_weights()) else: parallel.save_weights(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache()) cache_m.dump(tuple(self._config.split), 'split_ratio.pik') if clear_sess: K.clear_session() return Exitcodes.ALL_GOOD
def get_dataset_dimensions(self, X=None): """ Returns the dimensions of the images in the dataset. It's possible to have different image dimensions. WARNING: big datasets will take forever to run. For now, checks a sample of the images. TODO: Reimplement this function to be fully parallel (threads in case). Return: SORTED list of tuples (# samples,width,height,channels) """ cache_m = CacheManager() reload_data = False if cache_m.checkFileExistence('data_dims.pik'): try: dims, name = cache_m.load('data_dims.pik') except ValueError: reload_data = True if name != reload_data = True else: reload_data = True if reload_data: dims = set() if X is None and self.X is None: return None elif X is None: X = self.X samples = len(X) if print( "Checking a sample of dataset images for different dimensions..." ) s_number = int(0.02 * samples) upper_limit = 5000 if s_number > 5000 else s_number for seg in random.sample(X, upper_limit): dims.add((samples, ) + seg.getImgDim()) cache_m.dump((dims,, 'data_dims.pik') l = list(dims) l.sort() return l
def run(self): """ Coordenates the AL process """ from keras import backend as K import time from datetime import timedelta #Loaded CNN model and Datasource model = self.load_modules() self._rex = self._rex.format( #Define initial sets self.configure_sets() #AL components cache_m = CacheManager() predictor = Predictor(self._config,keepImg=True) function = None if not self._config.ac_function is None: acq = importlib.import_module('AL','AcquisitionFunctions') function = getattr(acq,self._config.ac_function) else: print("You should specify an acquisition function") sys.exit(Exitcodes.RUNTIME_ERROR) stime = None etime = None sw_thread = None end_train = False for r in range(self._config.acquisition_steps): if print("[ALTrainer] Starting acquisition step {0}/{1}".format(r+1,self._config.acquisition_steps)) stime = time.time() #Save current dataset and report partial result (requires multi load for reading) fid = 'al-metadata-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.logdir,fid),fid) cache_m.dump(((self.train_x,self.train_y),(self.val_x,self.val_y),(self.test_x,self.test_y)),fid) sw_thread = self.train_model(model,(self.train_x,self.train_y),(self.val_x,self.val_y)) if r == (self._config.acquisition_steps - 1) or not self.acquire(function,model,acquisition=r,sw_thread=sw_thread): if print("[ALTrainer] No more acquisitions are in order") end_train = True #Some models may take too long to save weights if not sw_thread is None and sw_thread.is_alive(): if print("[ALTrainer] Waiting for model weights...") sw_thread.join() #Set load_full to false so dropout is disabled,self.test_y,load_full=False) #Attempt to free GPU memory K.clear_session() if etime = time.time() td = timedelta(seconds=(etime-stime)) print("Acquisition step took: {0}".format(td)) if end_train: return None
class Inception(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Model is the same as in: Addapted to provide a Bayesian model """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "Inception" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.single = None self.parallel = None def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def get_npweights_cache(self, add_ext=False): """ Returns path to model cache. @param add_ext <boolean>: add numpy file extension to file name. """ if add_ext: return "{}.npy".format( self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache).split('.')[0]) else: return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache).split('.')[0] def get_npmgpu_weights_cache(self, add_ext=False): """ Returns path to model cache @param add_ext <boolean>: add numpy file extension to file name. """ if add_ext: return "{}.npy".format( self.cache_m.fileLocation( self._mgpu_weightsCache).split('.')[0]) else: return self.cache_m.fileLocation( self._mgpu_weightsCache).split('.')[0] def register_ensemble(self, m): self._model_n = m self._weightsCache = "{0}-EM{1}-weights.h5".format(, m) self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-EM{1}-mgpu-weights.h5".format(, m) self._modelCache = "{0}-EM{1}-model.h5".format(, m) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) def return_model_n(self): if hasattr(self, '_model_n'): return self._model_n else: return -1 def build(self, **kwargs): """ @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not @param data_size <int>: size of the training dataset """ model, parallel_model = self._build(**kwargs) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def build_extractor(self, **kwargs): """ Builds a feature extractor. Weights should be loaded by caller! Key word arguments: preload_w: return model with weights already loaded? True -> Yes parallel: return parallel model (overrides gpu_count avaliation)? True -> Yes """ #Weight loading for the feature extraction is done latter by requesting party kwargs['preload_w'] = False if 'parallel' in kwargs and not kwargs['parallel']: s, p = self._build(**kwargs) return (s, None) else: return self._build(**kwargs) def build_ensemble(self, **kwargs): """ Builds an ensemble of M Inception models. Weights are loaded here because of the way ensembles should be built. Default build: avareges the output of the corresponding softmaxes @param npfile <boolean>: loads weights from numpy files """ if 'npfile' in kwargs: npfile = kwargs['npfile'] else: npfile = False s_models = [] p_models = [] for m in range(self._config.emodels): self.register_ensemble(m) single, parallel = self._build(**kwargs) if not parallel is None: if npfile and hasattr(model, 'get_npmgpu_weights_cache'): parallel.set_weights( np.load(model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache(), allow_pickle=True)) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache()): parallel.load_weights(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache(), by_name=True) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_mgpu_weights_cache())) else: parallel = None if npfile and hasattr(model, 'get_npweights_cache'): single.set_weights( np.load(model.get_weights_cache(), allow_pickle=True)) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_npweights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_weights_cache()): single.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache(), by_name=True) else: if print( "[Inception] Could not load ensemble weights (model {})" .format(m)) single = None s_models.append(single) p_models.append(parallel) s_inputs = [inp for s in s_models for inp in s.inputs] s_outputs = [out for s in s_models for out in s.outputs] p_models = list(filter(lambda x: not x is None, p_models)) if len(p_models) > 0: p_inputs = [inp for p in p_models for inp in p.inputs] p_outputs = [out for p in p_models for out in p.outputs] else: p_inputs = None p_outputs = None #Build the ensemble output from individual models s_model, p_model = None, None ##Single GPU model x = Average()(s_outputs) s_model = Model(inputs=s_inputs, outputs=x) ##Parallel model if not p_inputs is None: x = Average()(p_outputs) p_model = Model(inputs=p_inputs, outputs=x) return s_model, p_model def _build(self, **kwargs): width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = True if 'feature' in kwargs: feature = kwargs['feature'] else: feature = False if 'preload_w' in kwargs: preload = kwargs['preload_w'] else: preload = True if 'allocated_gpus' in kwargs and not kwargs['allocated_gpus'] is None: allocated_gpus = kwargs['allocated_gpus'] else: allocated_gpus = self._config.gpu_count if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape, training, feature, preload) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.00005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) #opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=l_rate) #opt = optimizers.Adadelta(lr=l_rate) #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if allocated_gpus > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=allocated_gpus) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape, training=None, feature=False, preload=True): from . import inception_resnet_v2 kwargs = { 'training': training, 'feature': feature, 'custom_top': False, 'preload': preload, 'batch_n': True if self._config.gpu_count <= 1 else False } inp = Input(shape=input_shape) inception_body = inception_resnet_v2.InceptionResNetV2( include_top=False, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=inp, input_shape=input_shape, pooling='avg', classes=self._ds.nclasses, **kwargs) return inception_body
def run(self): """ Coordenates the AL process """ from keras import backend as K import time from datetime import timedelta #Loaded CNN model and Datasource model = self.load_modules() self._rex = self._rex.format( #Define initial sets self.configure_sets() #AL components cache_m = CacheManager() predictor = Predictor(self._config, keepImg=True, build_ensemble=True) function = None if not self._config.ac_function is None: acq = importlib.import_module('AL', 'AcquisitionFunctions') function = getattr(acq, self._config.ac_function) else: print("You should specify an acquisition function") sys.exit(Exitcodes.RUNTIME_ERROR) stime = None etime = None end_train = False self._initializer(self._config.gpu_count, self._config.cpu_count) for r in range(self._config.acquisition_steps): if print("[EnsembleTrainer] Starting acquisition step {0}/{1}". format(r + 1, self._config.acquisition_steps)) stime = time.time() #Save current dataset and report partial result (requires multi load for reading) fid = 'al-metadata-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.logdir, fid), fid) cache_m.dump( ((self.train_x, self.train_y), (self.val_x, self.val_y), (self.test_x, self.test_y)), fid) self._print_stats((self.train_x, self.train_y), (self.val_x, self.val_y)) sw_thread = None for m in range(self._config.emodels): #Some models may take too long to save weights if not sw_thread is None: if print("[EnsembleTrainer] Waiting for model weights.", end='') while True: pst = '.' if sw_thread[-1].is_alive(): if pst = "{}{}".format(pst, '.') print(pst, end='') sw_thread[-1].join(60.0) else: print('') break if hasattr(model, 'register_ensemble'): model.register_ensemble(m) else: print( "Model not ready for ensembling. Implement register_ensemble method" ) raise AttributeError if print( "[EnsembleTrainer] Starting model {} training".format( m)) st = self.train_model(model, (self.train_x, self.train_y), (self.val_x, self.val_y), set_session=False, stats=False, summary=False, clear_sess=True, save_numpy=True) if sw_thread is None: sw_thread = [st] else: sw_thread.append(st) if r == (self._config.acquisition_steps - 1) or not self.acquire( function, model, acquisition=r, sw_thread=sw_thread): if print("[ALTrainer] No more acquisitions are in order") end_train = True #Set load_full to false so dropout is disabled, self.test_y, load_full=False) #Attempt to free GPU memory K.clear_session() if etime = time.time() td = timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime)) print("Acquisition step took: {0}".format(td)) if end_train: return None
def ensemble_varratios(pred_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs): """ Calculation as defined in paper: Bayesian convolutional neural networks with Bernoulli approximate variational inference Function needs to extract the following configuration parameters: model <keras.Model>: model to use for predictions generator <keras.Sequence>: data generator for predictions data_size <int>: number of data samples mc_dp <int>: number of dropout iterations cpu_count <int>: number of cpu cores (used to define number of generator workers) gpu_count <int>: number of gpus available verbose <int>: verbosity level pbar <boolean>: user progress bars """ from Utils import CacheManager cache_m = CacheManager() if 'config' in kwargs: config = kwargs['config'] emodels = config.emodels gpu_count = config.gpu_count cpu_count = config.cpu_count verbose = config.verbose pbar = config.progressbar query = config.acquire save_var = config.save_var else: return None if 'acquisition' in kwargs: r = kwargs['acquisition'] if 'model' in kwargs: model = kwargs['model'] else: print( "[ensemble_varratios] GenericModel is needed by ensemble_varratios. Set model kw argument" ) return None if 'sw_thread' in kwargs: sw_thread = kwargs['sw_thread'] else: sw_thread = None fidp = None if save_var: fid = 'al-uncertainty-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fid), fid) if config.debug: fidp = 'al-probs-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fidp), fidp) All_Dropout_Classes = np.zeros(shape=(data_size, 1)) #If sw_thread was provided, we should check the availability of model weights if not sw_thread is None: for k in range(len(sw_thread)): if sw_thread[k].is_alive(): print( "Waiting ensemble model {} weights' to become available..." .format(k)) sw_thread[k].join() if pbar: l = tqdm(range(emodels), desc="Ensemble member predictions", position=0) else: if print("Starting Ensemble sampling...") l = range(emodels) #Keep probabilities for analysis all_probs = None if config.debug: all_probs = np.zeros(shape=(emodels, data_size, generator.classes)) for d in l: if not pbar and print("Step {0}/{1}".format(d + 1, emodels)) model.register_ensemble(d) single, parallel = if hasattr(model, 'get_npweights_cache'): spath = model.get_npweights_cache(add_ext=True) npfile = True else: spath = model.get_weights_cache() npfile = False if hasattr(model, 'get_npmgpu_weights_cache'): ppath = model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache(add_ext=True) npfile = True else: ppath = model.get_mgpu_weights_cache() npfile = False pred_model = _load_model_weights(config, single, spath, parallel, ppath, sw_thread, npfile) #Keep verbosity in 0 to gain speed proba = pred_model.predict_generator(generator, workers=5 * cpu_count, max_queue_size=100 * gpu_count, verbose=0) if config.debug: all_probs[d] = proba dropout_classes = proba.argmax(axis=-1) dropout_classes = np.array([dropout_classes]).T All_Dropout_Classes = np.append(All_Dropout_Classes, dropout_classes, axis=1) if verbose > 0: print("All dropout {0}:".format(All_Dropout_Classes.shape)) for i in np.random.choice(All_Dropout_Classes.shape[0], 100, replace=False): print("Predictions for image ({0}): {1}".format( i, All_Dropout_Classes[i])) Variation = np.zeros(shape=(data_size)) for t in range(data_size): L = np.array([0]) for d_iter in range(emodels): L = np.append(L, All_Dropout_Classes[t, d_iter + 1]) Predicted_Class, Mode = mode(L[1:]) v = np.array([1 - Mode / float(emodels)]) Variation[t] = v if verbose > 1: print("Variation {0}:".format(data_size)) for i in np.random.choice(data_size, 100, replace=False): print("Variation for image ({0}): {1}".format(i, Variation[i])) a_1d = Variation.flatten() x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-query:][::-1] if config.debug: from .Common import debug_acquisition s_expected = generator.returnLabelsFromIndex(x_pool_index) #After transposition shape will be (classes,items,mc_dp) s_probs = all_probs[:emodels, x_pool_index].T debug_acquisition(s_expected, s_probs, generator.classes, cache_m, config, fidp) if save_var: cache_m.dump((x_pool_index, a_1d), fid) if verbose > 0: #print("Selected item indexes: {0}".format(x_pool_index)) print("Selected item's variation: {0}".format(a_1d[x_pool_index])) print("Maximum variation in pool: {0}".format(a_1d.max())) return x_pool_index
def ensemble_bald(pred_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs): """ Calculation as defined in paper: Bayesian convolutional neural networks with Bernoulli approximate variational inference """ from Utils import CacheManager cache_m = CacheManager() if 'config' in kwargs: config = kwargs['config'] emodels = config.emodels gpu_count = config.gpu_count cpu_count = config.cpu_count verbose = config.verbose pbar = config.progressbar query = config.acquire save_var = config.save_var else: return None if 'acquisition' in kwargs: r = kwargs['acquisition'] if 'sw_thread' in kwargs: sw_thread = kwargs['sw_thread'] else: sw_thread = None if 'model' in kwargs: model = kwargs['model'] else: print( "[ensemble_varratios] GenericModel is needed by ensemble_varratios. Set model kw argument" ) return None #If sw_thread was provided, we should check the availability of model weights if not sw_thread is None: for k in range(len(sw_thread)): if sw_thread[k].is_alive(): print( "Waiting ensemble model {} weights' to become available..." .format(k)) sw_thread[k].join() if save_var: fid = 'al-uncertainty-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fid), fid) All_Entropy_Dropout = np.zeros(shape=data_size) score_All = np.zeros(shape=(data_size, generator.classes)) if pbar: l = tqdm(range(emodels), desc="Ensemble member predictions", position=0) else: if print("Starting ensemble sampling...") l = range(emodels) for d in l: if not pbar and print("Step {0}/{1}".format(d + 1, emodels)) model.register_ensemble(d) single, parallel = if hasattr(model, 'get_npweights_cache'): spath = model.get_npweights_cache(add_ext=True) npfile = True else: spath = model.get_weights_cache() npfile = False if hasattr(model, 'get_npmgpu_weights_cache'): ppath = model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache(add_ext=True) npfile = True else: ppath = model.get_mgpu_weights_cache() npfile = False pred_model = _load_model_weights(config, single, spath, parallel, ppath, sw_thread, npfile) dropout_score = pred_model.predict_generator(generator, workers=5 * cpu_count, max_queue_size=100 * gpu_count, verbose=0) #computing G_X score_All = score_All + dropout_score #computing F_X dropout_score_log = np.log2(dropout_score) Entropy_Compute = -np.multiply(dropout_score, dropout_score_log) Entropy_Per_Dropout = np.sum(Entropy_Compute, axis=1) All_Entropy_Dropout = All_Entropy_Dropout + Entropy_Per_Dropout Avg_Pi = np.divide(score_All, emodels) Log_Avg_Pi = np.log2(Avg_Pi) Entropy_Avg_Pi = -np.multiply(Avg_Pi, Log_Avg_Pi) Entropy_Average_Pi = np.sum(Entropy_Avg_Pi, axis=1) G_X = Entropy_Average_Pi Average_Entropy = np.divide(All_Entropy_Dropout, emodels) F_X = Average_Entropy U_X = G_X - F_X # THIS FINDS THE MINIMUM INDEX # a_1d = U_X.flatten() # x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-Queries:] a_1d = U_X.flatten() x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-query:][::-1] if save_var: cache_m.dump((x_pool_index, a_1d), fid) if verbose > 0: #print("Selected item indexes: {0}".format(x_pool_index)) print("Selected item's average entropy: {0}".format( a_1d[x_pool_index])) print("Maximum entropy in pool: {0}".format(a_1d.max())) return x_pool_index
def bayesian_bald(pred_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs): """ Calculation as defined in paper: Bayesian convolutional neural networks with Bernoulli approximate variational inference """ from Utils import CacheManager cache_m = CacheManager() if 'config' in kwargs: config = kwargs['config'] mc_dp = config.dropout_steps gpu_count = config.gpu_count cpu_count = config.cpu_count verbose = config.verbose pbar = config.progressbar query = config.acquire save_var = config.save_var else: return None if 'acquisition' in kwargs: r = kwargs['acquisition'] if save_var: fid = 'al-uncertainty-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fid), fid) All_Entropy_Dropout = np.zeros(shape=data_size) score_All = np.zeros(shape=(data_size, generator.classes)) if pbar: l = tqdm(range(mc_dp), desc="MC Dropout", position=0) else: if print("Starting MC dropout sampling...") l = range(mc_dp) for d in l: if not pbar and print("Step {0}/{1}".format(d + 1, mc_dp)) dropout_score = pred_model.predict_generator(generator, workers=5 * cpu_count, max_queue_size=100 * gpu_count, verbose=0) #computing G_X score_All = score_All + dropout_score #computing F_X dropout_score_log = np.log2(dropout_score) Entropy_Compute = -np.multiply(dropout_score, dropout_score_log) Entropy_Per_Dropout = np.sum(Entropy_Compute, axis=1) All_Entropy_Dropout = All_Entropy_Dropout + Entropy_Per_Dropout Avg_Pi = np.divide(score_All, mc_dp) Log_Avg_Pi = np.log2(Avg_Pi) Entropy_Avg_Pi = -np.multiply(Avg_Pi, Log_Avg_Pi) Entropy_Average_Pi = np.sum(Entropy_Avg_Pi, axis=1) G_X = Entropy_Average_Pi Average_Entropy = np.divide(All_Entropy_Dropout, mc_dp) F_X = Average_Entropy U_X = G_X - F_X # THIS FINDS THE MINIMUM INDEX # a_1d = U_X.flatten() # x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-Queries:] a_1d = U_X.flatten() x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-query:][::-1] if save_var: cache_m.dump((x_pool_index, a_1d), fid) if verbose > 0: #print("Selected item indexes: {0}".format(x_pool_index)) print("Selected item's average entropy: {0}".format( a_1d[x_pool_index])) print("Maximum entropy in pool: {0}".format(a_1d.max())) return x_pool_index
class KNet(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Model is the same as in: """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "KerasNet" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.single = None self.parallel = None def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def build(self, **kwargs): model, parallel_model = self._build(**kwargs) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def _build(self, **kwargs): """ @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not @param data_size <int>: size of the training dataset """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = True if 'feature' in kwargs: feature = kwargs['feature'] else: feature = False if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape, training, feature) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) #opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #opt = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) opt = optimizers.Adadelta() #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape, training=None, feature=False): model = Sequential() model.add( Convolution2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape)) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(self._ds.nclasses, activation='softmax')) return model
'tcga.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, 'tcga.pik'), 'metadata.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-metadata.pik'.format(, 'sampled_metadata.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-sampled_metadata.pik'.format(, 'initial_train.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-inittrain.pik'.format(, 'split_ratio.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-split_ratio.pik'.format(, 'clusters.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-clusters.pik'.format(, 'data_dims.pik': os.path.join(config.cache, '{0}-data_dims.pik'.format(, 'tiles.pik': os.path.join(config.predst, 'tiles.pik'), 'test_pred.pik': os.path.join(config.logdir, 'test_pred.pik'), 'cae_model.h5': os.path.join(config.model_path, 'cae_model.h5'), 'vgg16_weights_notop.h5': os.path.join('PretrainedModels', 'vgg16_weights_notop.h5') } cache_m = CacheManager(locations=files) config.split = tuple(config.split) #Run main program main_exec(config)
def bayesian_varratios(pred_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs): """ Calculation as defined in paper: Bayesian convolutional neural networks with Bernoulli approximate variational inference Function needs to extract the following configuration parameters: model <keras.Model>: model to use for predictions generator <keras.Sequence>: data generator for predictions data_size <int>: number of data samples mc_dp <int>: number of dropout iterations cpu_count <int>: number of cpu cores (used to define number of generator workers) gpu_count <int>: number of gpus available verbose <int>: verbosity level pbar <boolean>: user progress bars """ from Utils import CacheManager cache_m = CacheManager() if 'config' in kwargs: config = kwargs['config'] mc_dp = config.dropout_steps gpu_count = config.gpu_count cpu_count = config.cpu_count verbose = config.verbose pbar = config.progressbar query = config.acquire save_var = config.save_var else: return None if 'acquisition' in kwargs: r = kwargs['acquisition'] fidp = None if save_var: fid = 'al-uncertainty-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fid), fid) if config.debug: fidp = 'al-probs-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(r, config.ac_function) cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fidp), fidp) All_Dropout_Classes = np.zeros(shape=(data_size, 1)) if pbar: l = tqdm(range(mc_dp), desc="MC Dropout", position=0) else: if print("Starting MC dropout sampling...") l = range(mc_dp) #Keep probabilities for analysis all_probs = None if config.debug: all_probs = np.zeros(shape=(mc_dp, data_size, generator.classes)) for d in l: if not pbar and print("Step {0}/{1}".format(d + 1, mc_dp)) #Keep verbosity in 0 to gain speed proba = pred_model.predict_generator(generator, workers=5 * cpu_count, max_queue_size=100 * gpu_count, verbose=0) if config.debug: all_probs[d] = proba dropout_classes = proba.argmax(axis=-1) dropout_classes = np.array([dropout_classes]).T All_Dropout_Classes = np.append(All_Dropout_Classes, dropout_classes, axis=1) if verbose > 0: print("All dropout {0}:".format(All_Dropout_Classes.shape)) for i in np.random.choice(All_Dropout_Classes.shape[0], 100, replace=False): print("Predictions for image ({0}): {1}".format( i, All_Dropout_Classes[i])) Variation = np.zeros(shape=(data_size)) for t in range(data_size): L = np.array([0]) for d_iter in range(mc_dp): L = np.append(L, All_Dropout_Classes[t, d_iter + 1]) Predicted_Class, Mode = mode(L[1:]) v = np.array([1 - Mode / float(mc_dp)]) Variation[t] = v if verbose > 1: print("Variation {0}:".format(data_size)) for i in np.random.choice(data_size, 100, replace=False): print("Variation for image ({0}): {1}".format(i, Variation[i])) a_1d = Variation.flatten() x_pool_index = a_1d.argsort()[-query:][::-1] if config.debug: from .Common import debug_acquisition s_expected = generator.returnLabelsFromIndex(x_pool_index) #After transposition shape will be (classes,items,mc_dp) s_probs = all_probs[:mc_dp, x_pool_index].T debug_acquisition(s_expected, s_probs, generator.classes, cache_m, config, fidp) if save_var: cache_m.dump((x_pool_index, a_1d), fid) if verbose > 0: #print("Selected item indexes: {0}".format(x_pool_index)) print("Selected item's variation: {0}".format(a_1d[x_pool_index])) print("Maximum variation in pool: {0}".format(a_1d.max())) return x_pool_index
def km_uncert(bayesian_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs): """ Cluster in K centroids and extract N samples from each cluster, based on maximum bayesian_varratios uncertainty. Function needs to extract the following configuration parameters: model <keras.Model>: model to use for predictions generator <keras.Sequence>: data generator for predictions data_size <int>: number of data samples mc_dp <int>: number of dropout iterations cpu_count <int>: number of cpu cores (used to define number of generator workers) gpu_count <int>: number of gpus available verbose <int>: verbosity level pbar <boolean>: user progress bars sw_threads <thread Object>: if a thread object is passed, you must wait its conclusion before loading weights """ from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import importlib import copy import time from datetime import timedelta from Utils import CacheManager cache_m = CacheManager() if 'config' in kwargs: config = kwargs['config'] gpu_count = config.gpu_count cpu_count = config.cpu_count verbose = config.verbose pbar = config.progressbar query = config.acquire clusters = config.clusters else: return None if 'acquisition' in kwargs: acq = kwargs['acquisition'] else: acq = config.acquisition_steps if 'model' in kwargs: model = kwargs['model'] else: print( "[km_uncert] GenericModel is needed by km_uncert. Set model kw argument" ) return None ## UNCERTAINTY CALCULATION FIRST #Any uncertainty function could be used n_config = copy.copy(config) n_config.acquire = data_size kwargs['config'] = n_config un_function = getattr(importlib.import_module('AL'), config.un_function) un_indexes = un_function(bayesian_model, generator, data_size, **kwargs) #Models that take to long to save weights might not have finished if 'sw_thread' in kwargs: if config.ffeat is None and kwargs['sw_thread'].is_alive(): if print( "[km_uncert] Waiting for model weights to become available..." ) kwargs['sw_thread'].join() elif print( "[km_uncert] Weights thread not available...trying to load weights" ) if not os.path.isfile(model.get_weights_cache()) and not os.path.isfile( model.get_mgpu_weights_cache()): if print("[km_uncert] No trained model or weights file found") return None if config.recluster > 0 and acq > 0 and (acq % config.recluster) != 0: km, acquired = cache_m.load('clusters.pik') if print("[km_uncert] Loaded clusters from previous acquisition") #TODO: REMOVE print("Previous cluster size: {};\nAcquired: {}".format( km.labels_.shape, acquired.shape)) km.labels_ = np.delete(km.labels_, acquired) else: #Run feature extraction and clustering if hasattr(model, 'build_extractor'): single_m, parallel_m = model.build_extractor(training=False, feature=True, parallel=False) else: if print( "[km_uncert] Model is not prepared to produce features. No feature extractor" ) return None #Model can be loaded from previous acquisition train or from a fixed final model if gpu_count > 1 and not parallel_m is None: pred_model = parallel_m if not config.ffeat is None and os.path.isfile(config.ffeat): pred_model.load_weights(config.ffeat, by_name=True) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( config.ffeat)) else: pred_model.load_weights(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache(), by_name=True) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_mgpu_weights_cache())) else: pred_model = single_m if not config.ffeat is None and os.path.isfile(config.ffeat): pred_model.load_weights(config.ffeat, by_name=True) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( config.ffeat)) else: pred_model.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache(), by_name=True) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_weights_cache())) #Extract features for all images in the pool if print("Starting feature extraction ({} batches)...".format( len(generator))) features = pred_model.predict_generator(generator, workers=4 * cpu_count, max_queue_size=100 * gpu_count, verbose=0) features = features.reshape(features.shape[0],[1:])) if config.pca > 0: if print("Starting PCA decomposition...") pca = PCA(n_components=config.pca) features = pca.fit_transform(features) stime = None etime = None if config.verbose > 0: print("Done extraction...starting KMeans") stime = time.time() km = KMeans(n_clusters=clusters, init='k-means++', n_jobs=int(cpu_count / 2)).fit(features) if config.verbose > 0: etime = time.time() td = timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime)) print("KMeans took {}".format(td)) un_clusters = {k: [] for k in range(config.clusters)} #Distributes items in clusters in descending order of uncertainty for iid in un_indexes: un_clusters[km.labels_[iid]].append(iid) #Save clusters if config.save_var: fid = 'al-clustermetadata-{1}-r{0}.pik'.format(acq, cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(config.logdir, fid), fid) cache_m.dump((generator.returnDataAsArray(), un_clusters, un_indexes), fid) #If debug if config.debug: expected = generator.returnLabelsFromIndex() for k in range(len(un_clusters)): ind = np.asarray(un_clusters[k]) print("Cluster {}, # of items: {}".format(k, ind.shape[0])) posa = np.ndarray(shape=(1, ), dtype=np.int32) for ii in range(min(ind.shape[0], 30)): if ii == 0: posa[0] = np.where(un_indexes == ind[ii])[0] else: posa = np.hstack( (posa, np.where(un_indexes == ind[ii])[0])) print( "Cluster {} first items positions in index array (at most 30): {}" .format(k, posa)) #Check % of items of each class in cluster k c_labels = expected[ind] unique, count = np.unique(c_labels, return_counts=True) l_count = dict(zip(unique, count)) if len(unique) > 2: print("Cluster {} items:".format(k)) print("\n".join([ "label {0}: {1} items".format(key, l_count[key]) for key in unique ])) else: if c_labels.shape[0] == 1: l_count[c_labels[0] ^ 1] = 0 print( "Cluster {3} labels: {0} are 0; {1} are 1;\n - {2:.2f} are positives" .format(l_count[0], l_count[1], (l_count[1] / (l_count[0] + l_count[1])), k)) ac_count = 0 acquired = [] j = 0 while ac_count < query: cln = (ac_count + j) % clusters q = un_clusters[cln] if len(q) > 0: acquired.append(q.pop(0)) ac_count += 1 else: if verbose > 0: print( "[km_uncert] Cluster {} exausted, will try to acquire image from cluster {}" .format(cln, (cln + 1) % clusters)) j += 1 continue acquired = np.asarray(acquired) if config.recluster > 0: cache_m.dump((km, acquired), 'clusters.pik') return acquired
class GenericDS(ABC): """ Generic class for data feeders used to provide training points to Neural Nets. """ def __init__(self, data_path, keepImg=False, config=None, name='Generic'): self.path = None if isinstance(data_path, str) and os.path.isdir(data_path): self.path = data_path else: raise ValueError( "[GenericImage] Path does not correspond to a file ({0}).". format(data_path)) self.X = None self.Y = None = name self.multi_dir = True self._cache = CacheManager() self._keep = keepImg self._cpu_count = config.cpu_count if not config is None else 1 self._verbose = config.verbose if not config is None else 0 self._pbar = config.progressbar if not config is None else False self._config = config @abstractmethod def _load_metadata_from_dir(self, d): pass @abstractmethod def change_root(self, imgv, path): """ Check if SegImage instances in imgv are placed in the same base dir as path. If not, change paths. """ pass def check_paths(self, imgv, path): for s in imgv: s.setPath(self.change_root(s.getPath(), path)) def get_dataset_dimensions(self, X=None): """ Returns the dimensions of the images in the dataset. It's possible to have different image dimensions. WARNING: big datasets will take forever to run. For now, checks a sample of the images. TODO: Reimplement this function to be fully parallel (threads in case). Return: SORTED list of tuples (# samples,width,height,channels) """ cache_m = CacheManager() reload_data = False if cache_m.checkFileExistence('data_dims.pik'): try: dims, name = cache_m.load('data_dims.pik') except ValueError: reload_data = True if name != reload_data = True else: reload_data = True if reload_data: dims = set() if X is None and self.X is None: return None elif X is None: X = self.X samples = len(X) if print( "Checking a sample of dataset images for different dimensions..." ) s_number = int(0.02 * samples) upper_limit = 5000 if s_number > 5000 else s_number for seg in random.sample(X, upper_limit): dims.add((samples, ) + seg.getImgDim()) cache_m.dump((dims,, 'data_dims.pik') l = list(dims) l.sort() return l def _run_multiprocess(self, data): """ This method should not be called directly. It's intended only for multiprocess metadata loading. """ X, Y = ([], []) for item in data: t_x, t_y = self._load_metadata_from_dir(item) X.extend(t_x) Y.extend(t_y) return (X, Y) def _split_data(self, split, X, Y): """ Split data in at most N sets. Returns a tuple (set1,set2,set3,setN) with the divided data """ if sum(split) == 1.0: it_count = 0 split_data = [] start_idx = 0 samples = len(X) for frac in split: it_count = int(frac * samples) split_data.append((X[start_idx:start_idx + it_count], Y[start_idx:start_idx + it_count])) start_idx += it_count return split_data else: raise ValueError( "[GenericDatasource] Spliting values have to equal 1.0") def _run_dir(self, path): dlist = [] files = os.listdir(path) X, Y = ([], []) if self.multi_dir: for f in files: item = os.path.join(path, f) if os.path.isdir(item): dlist.append(item) mdata = multiprocess_run(self._run_multiprocess, tuple(), dlist, self._cpu_count, self._pbar, step_size=1, output_dim=2, txt_label='directories', verbose=self._verbose) else: mdata = self._load_metadata_from_dir(self.path) X.extend(mdata[0]) #samples Y.extend(mdata[1]) #labels X, Y = self._shuffle(X, Y) return X, Y def _shuffle(self, X, Y): #Shuffle samples and labels maintaining relative order combined = list(zip(X, Y)) random.shuffle(combined) X[:], Y[:] = zip(*combined) return X, Y def split_metadata(self, split, data=None): """ Returns all metadata split into N sets, defined by the spliting tuples @param data <tuple>: (X,Y) if provided, split this sequence. Else, split full metadata """ if data is None: return self._split_data(split, self.X, self.Y) elif len(data) == 2: return self._split_data(split, data[0], data[1]) else: return None def load_metadata(self, metadata_file='metadata.pik'): """ Iterates over data patches and creates an instance of a GenericImage subclass for each one Returns a tuples of lists (X,Y): X instances of GenericImage subclasses, Y labels; OBS: Dataset metadata is shuffled once here. Random sample generation is done during training. """ X, Y = (None, None) reload_data = False reshuffle = False if self._cache.checkFileExistence('split_ratio.pik'): split = self._cache.load('split_ratio.pik') if self._config.split != split: #Dump old data reshuffle = True if not self.X is None or not self.Y is None: del (self.X) del (self.Y) self.X = None self.Y = None if print( "Previous split ratio {} is different from requested one {}. Metadata will be reshuffled." .format(split, self._config.split)) if self._cache.checkFileExistence(metadata_file) and not reload_data: try: X, Y, name = self._cache.load(metadata_file) except ValueError: name = '' reload_data = True if name != reload_data = True if not reload_data and not reshuffle and self._verbose > 0: print( "[GenericDatasource] Loaded split data cache. Used previously defined splitting." ) else: reload_data = True if reshuffle: X, Y = self._shuffle(X, Y) if reload_data: X, Y = self._run_dir(self.path) if reload_data or reshuffle: self._cache.dump((X, Y,, metadata_file) self._cache.dump(tuple(self._config.split), 'split_ratio.pik') self.X = X.copy() self.Y = Y.copy() return X, Y def load_data(self, split=None, keepImg=False, data=None): """ Actually reads images and returns data ready for training Returns two tuples of NP arrays (X,Y): X data points, Y labels; @param split <tuple>: items are spliting fractions If a spliting ratio is provided, return a list of tuples of size at most 3: 1 - Train; 2 - Validation; 3 - Test; @param keepImg <bool>: Keep image data in memory @param data <tuple>: metadata defining images to load. If not provided, full dataset is used. """ if data is None and (self.X is None or self.Y is None): if self._verbose > 0: print("[GenericDatasource] Metadata not ready, loading...") self.load_metadata() #Which data to use? X, Y = None, None if data is None: X = self.X Y = self.Y else: X, Y = data if self._config.pred_size > 0: samples = self._config.pred_size else: samples = len(X) y = np.array(Y[:samples], dtype=np.int32) if not self._config.tdim is None and len(self._config.tdim) == 2: img_dim = tuple(self._config.tdim) + (3, ) else: dataset_dim = self.get_dataset_dimensions(X)[0] img_dim = dataset_dim[1:] X_data = np.zeros(shape=(samples, ) + img_dim, dtype=np.float32) counter = 0 futures = [] executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=7) for i in range(samples): futures.append( executor.submit(X[i].readImage, keepImg, img_dim, self._verbose)) if self._pbar: l = tqdm(desc="Reading images...", total=samples, position=0) elif print("Reading images...") #for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): for i in range(samples): X_data[i] = futures[i].result() if self._pbar: l.update(1) elif self._verbose > 0: print(".", end='') if self._pbar: l.close() elif self._verbose > 0: print('\n') if split is None: return (X_data, y) else: return self._split_data(split, X_data, y) def sample_metadata(self, k): """ Produces a sample of the full metadata with k items. Returns a cached sample if one exists @param k <int>: total of samples @param k <float>: percentile of the whole dataset Return: - tuple (X,Y): X an Y have k elements """ reload_data = False s_x, s_y = (None, None) if self._cache.checkFileExistence('sampled_metadata.pik'): try: s_x, s_y, name = self._cache.load('sampled_metadata.pik') except ValueError: name = '' reload_data = True if name != reload_data = True #Check if we have the desired number of items if k <= 1.0: k = int(k * len(self.X)) else: k = int(k) if k != len(s_x): if print( "Saved samples are different from requested ({} x {}). Resampling..." .format(k, len(s_x))) reload_data = True if not reload_data and self._verbose > 0: print( "[GenericDatasource] Loaded split sampled data cache. Used previously defined splitting." ) else: reload_data = True if reload_data and (self.X is None or self.Y is None): if self._config.verbose > 1: print("[GenericDatasource] Run load_metadata first!") return None if reload_data: if k <= 1.0: k = int(k * len(self.X)) else: k = int(k) samples = np.random.choice(range(len(self.X)), k, replace=False) s_x = [self.X[s] for s in samples] s_y = [self.Y[s] for s in samples] #Save last generated sample self._cache.dump((s_x, s_y,, 'sampled_metadata.pik') return (s_x, s_y)
def configure_sets(self): """ Creates the initial sets: training (X,Y); example pool; validation set; test set All sets are kept as NP arrays """ X,Y = self._ds.load_metadata() #Use a sample of the metadata if so instructed if self._config.sample != 1.0: X,Y = self._ds.sample_metadata(self._config.sample) self._ds.check_paths(X,self._config.predst) if self._config.balance: X,Y = self._balance_classes(X,Y) if print("[ALTrainer] Using a balanced initial dataset for AL ({} total elements).".format(len(X))) elif print("[ALTrainer] Using an UNBALANCED initial dataset for AL ({} total elements).".format(len(X))) #Test set is extracted from the last items and is not changed for the whole run t_idx = int(self._config.split[-1:][0] * len(X)) self.test_x = X[- t_idx:] self.test_y = Y[- t_idx:] self.pool_x = X[:-t_idx] self.pool_y = Y[:-t_idx] #Initial training set will be choosen at random from pool cache_m = CacheManager() if self._config.load_train and not self._config.balance: train_idx = cache_m.load('initial_train.pik') if not train_idx is None and print("[ALTrainer] Using initial training set from {}. This is DANGEROUS. Use the metadata correspondent to the initial set.".format(initial_train)) else: if not self._config.load_train and self._config.balance and print("[ALTrainer] Dataset balancing and initial train set loading not possible at the same time.") train_idx = np.random.choice(len(self.pool_x),self._config.init_train,replace=False) cache_m.dump(train_idx,'initial_train.pik') pool_ar_x = np.asarray(self.pool_x) pool_ar_y = np.asarray(self.pool_y) self.train_x = pool_ar_x[train_idx] self.train_y = pool_ar_y[train_idx] #Remove choosen elements from the pool self.pool_x = np.delete(pool_ar_x,train_idx) self.pool_y = np.delete(pool_ar_y,train_idx) del(pool_ar_x) del(pool_ar_y) #Initial validation set - keeps the same split ratio for train/val as defined in the configuration val_samples = int((self._config.init_train*self._config.split[1])/self._config.split[0]) val_samples = max(val_samples,100) val_idx = np.random.choice(self.pool_x.shape[0],val_samples,replace=False) self.val_x = self.pool_x[val_idx] self.val_y = self.pool_y[val_idx] self.pool_x = np.delete(self.pool_x,val_idx) self.pool_y = np.delete(self.pool_y,val_idx)
class VGG16(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Producess a VGG16 model as implemented by Keras, with convolutional layers FC layers are substituted by Conv2D, as defined in: """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "VGG16_A1" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def build(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a VGG 16 model instance, final fully-connected layers are substituted by Conv2Ds @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #adam = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape): original_vgg16 = vgg16.VGG16( weights=self.cache_m.fileLocation('vgg16_weights_notop.h5'), include_top=False, input_shape=input_shape) #Freeze initial layers, except for the last 3: #for layer in original_vgg16.layers[:-2]: # layer.trainable = False model = Sequential() model.add(original_vgg16) model.add( Convolution2D(4096, (7, 7), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.75)) model.add( Convolution2D(4096, (1, 1), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.75)) model.add( Convolution2D(self._ds.nclasses, (1, 1), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(self._ds.nclasses)) model.add(Activation('softmax')) return model
def main_exec(config): """ Main execution line. Dispatch processes according to parameter groups. Multiple processes here prevent main process from consuming too much memory. """ if not os.path.isdir(config.bdir): os.mkdir(config.bdir) if not os.path.isdir(config.weights_path): os.mkdir(config.weights_path) if not os.path.isdir(config.model_path): os.mkdir(config.model_path) if not os.path.isdir(config.cache): os.mkdir(config.cache) if not os.path.isdir(config.logdir): os.mkdir(config.logdir) if config.preprocess: if config.img_type is None: imgt = img_types else: imgt = config.img_type if config.multiprocess: proc = Process(target=Preprocess.preprocess_data, args=(config, imgt)) proc.start() proc.join() if proc.exitcode != Exitcodes.ALL_GOOD: print( "System did not end well. Check logs or enhace verbosity level." ) sys.exit(proc.exitcode) else: Preprocess.preprocess_data(config, imgt) if config.train: if not os.path.isdir(config.weights_path): os.mkdir(config.weights_path) if not os.path.isdir(config.model_path): os.mkdir(config.model_path) if config.multiprocess: ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') cache_m = CacheManager() proc = ctx.Process(target=GenericTrainer.run_training, args=(config, cache_m.getLocations())) proc.start() proc.join() if proc.exitcode != Exitcodes.ALL_GOOD: print( "System did not end well. Check logs or enhace verbosity level." ) sys.exit(proc.exitcode) else: GenericTrainer.run_training(config, None) if if not os.path.isdir(config.weights_path): os.mkdir(config.weights_path) if not os.path.isdir(config.model_path): os.mkdir(config.model_path) if config.multiprocess: ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') cache_m = CacheManager() proc = ctx.Process(target=ALTrainer.run_training, args=(config, cache_m.getLocations())) proc.start() proc.join() if proc.exitcode != Exitcodes.ALL_GOOD: print( "System did not end well. Check logs or enhace verbosity level." ) sys.exit(proc.exitcode) else: ts = importlib.import_module('Trainers', config.strategy) getattr(ts, config.strategy).run_training(config, None) if config.pred: if config.multiprocess: ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') cache_m = CacheManager() proc = Process(target=Predictions.run_prediction, args=(config, cache_m.getLocations())) proc.start() proc.join() if proc.exitcode != Exitcodes.ALL_GOOD: print( "System did not end well. Check logs or enhace verbosity level." ) sys.exit(proc.exitcode) else: Predictions.run_prediction(config, None) if config.postproc: pass if config.runtest: if config.tmode == 0: pass elif config.tmode == 1: #Run train test elif config.tmode == 2: elif config.tmode == 3: elif config.tmode == 4: if not (config.preprocess or config.train or config.postproc or config.pred or config.runtest): print( "The problem begins with choice: preprocess, train, postprocess or predict" )
def build(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a VGG 16 model instance, final fully-connected layers are substituted by Conv2Ds @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #adam = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model)
def _build(self, **kwargs): """ @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not @param data_size <int>: size of the training dataset """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = True if 'feature' in kwargs: feature = kwargs['feature'] else: feature = False if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape, training, feature) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) #opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #opt = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) opt = optimizers.Adadelta() #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) return (model, parallel_model)
def run_test(self, model, x_test=None, y_test=None, load_full=True): """ This should be executed after a model has been trained """ cache_m = CacheManager() split = None if os.path.isfile(cache_m.fileLocation('split_ratio.pik')): split = cache_m.load('split_ratio.pik') else: print( "[Predictor] A previously trained model and dataset should exist. No previously defined spliting found." ) return Exitcodes.RUNTIME_ERROR #Priority is for given data as parameters. If None is given, try to load metadata as configured if x_test is None or y_test is None: if self._config.testdir is None: #Load sampled data if required by command line if self._config.sample < 1.0: _, _, (x_test, y_test) = self._ds.split_metadata( split=split, data=self._ds.sample_metadata(self._config.sample)) else: _, _, (x_test, y_test) = self._ds.split_metadata(split) else: x_test, y_test = self._ds._run_dir(self._config.testdir) if self._config.verbose > 0: unique, count = np.unique(y_test, return_counts=True) l_count = dict(zip(unique, count)) if len(unique) > 2: print("Test items:") print("\n".join([ "label {0}: {1} items".format(key, l_count[key]) for key in unique ])) else: if not 1 in l_count: l_count[1] = 0 print( "Test labels: {0} are 0; {1} are 1;\n - {2:.2f} are positives" .format(l_count[0], l_count[1], (l_count[1] / (l_count[0] + l_count[1])))) print("Test set: {} items".format(len(y_test))) X, Y = self._ds.load_data(data=(x_test, y_test), keepImg=self._keep) if self._config.verbose > 1: print("Y original ({1}):\n{0}".format(Y, Y.shape)) Y = to_categorical(Y, self._ds.nclasses) # session setup sess = K.get_session() ses_config = tf.ConfigProto( device_count={ "CPU": self._config.cpu_count, "GPU": self._config.gpu_count }, intra_op_parallelism_threads=self._config.cpu_count if self._config.gpu_count == 0 else self._config.gpu_count, inter_op_parallelism_threads=self._config.cpu_count if self._config.gpu_count == 0 else self._config.gpu_count, log_device_placement=True if self._verbose > 1 else False) sess.config = ses_config K.set_session(sess) #During test phase multi-gpu mode is not used (maybe done latter) if self._ensemble: #Weights should be loaded during ensemble build if hasattr(model, 'build_ensemble'): pred_model = model.build_ensemble(training=False, npfile=True) else: if print( '[Predictor] Model not prepared to build ensembles, implement or choose other model' ) return None elif load_full and os.path.isfile(model.get_model_cache()): try: pred_model = load_model(model.get_model_cache()) if print("Model loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_model_cache())) except ValueError: pred_model, _ =, pre_load_w=False) pred_model.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache()) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_weights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_weights_cache()): pred_model, _ =, pre_load_w=False) pred_model.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache()) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_weights_cache())) else: if print("No trained model or weights file found") return None bsize = self._config.batch_size stp = round((len(X) / bsize) + 0.5) image_generator = ImageDataGenerator( samplewise_center=self._config.batch_norm, samplewise_std_normalization=self._config.batch_norm) if self._ensemble: if not self._config.tdim is None: fix_dim = self._config.tdim else: fix_dim = self._ds.get_dataset_dimensions()[0][ 1:] #Only smallest image dimensions matter here test_generator = SingleGenerator( dps=(X, Y), classes=self._ds.nclasses, dim=fix_dim, batch_size=self._config.batch_size, image_generator=image_generator, extra_aug=self._config.augment, shuffle=False, verbose=self._verbose, input_n=self._config.emodels) else: test_generator = image_generator.flow(x=X, y=Y, batch_size=bsize, shuffle=False) if self._config.progressbar: l = tqdm(desc="Making predictions...", total=stp) Y_pred = np.zeros((len(X), self._ds.nclasses), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(stp): start_idx = i * bsize example = Y_pred[start_idx:start_idx + bsize] = pred_model.predict_on_batch( example[0]) if self._config.progressbar: l.update(1) elif print("Batch prediction ({0}/{1})".format(i, stp)) if self._config.verbose > 1: if not np.array_equal(Y[start_idx:start_idx + bsize], example[1]): print( "Datasource label ({0}) and batch label ({1}) differ". format(Y[start_idx:start_idx + bsize], example[1])) del (X) del (test_generator) if self._config.progressbar: l.close() y_pred = np.argmax(Y_pred, axis=1) expected = np.argmax(Y, axis=1) if self._config.verbose > 0: if self._config.verbose > 1: np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) print("Predicted probs ({1}):\n{0}".format( Y_pred, Y_pred.shape)) #print("Y ({1}):\n{0}".format(Y,Y.shape)) print("expected ({1}):\n{0}".format(expected, expected.shape)) print("Predicted ({1}):\n{0}".format(y_pred, y_pred.shape)) #Save predictions cache_m.dump((expected, Y_pred, self._ds.nclasses), 'test_pred.pik') #Output metrics print_prediction(self._config)