def start(self, inSecs, durSecs): "Start a scan in inSecs for durSecs long" # our fake GPU simulator needs to know the start time of the scan # and it's duration, so we need to write it to status shared mem. def secs_2_dmjd(secs): dmjd = (secs/86400) + 40587 return dmjd + ((secs % 86400)/86400.) inSecs = inSecs if inSecs is not None else 5 durSecs = durSecs if durSecs is not None else 5 # TBF: we've done our stuff w/ DMJD, but our start is a utc datetime obj now = time.time() startDMJD = secs_2_dmjd(int(now + inSecs)) # NOTE: SCANLEN can also be set w/ player.set_param(scan_length=#) self.write_status(STRTDMJD=str(startDMJD),SCANLEN=str(durSecs)) dt = datetime.utcnow() dt.replace(second = 0) dt.replace(microsecond = 0) dt += timedelta(seconds = inSecs) VegasBackend.start(self, starttime = dt)
def start(self, inSecs, durSecs): "Start a scan in inSecs for durSecs long" # our fake GPU simulator needs to know the start time of the scan # and it's duration, so we need to write it to status shared mem. def secs_2_dmjd(secs): dmjd = (secs / 86400) + 40587 return dmjd + ((secs % 86400) / 86400.) inSecs = inSecs if inSecs is not None else 5 durSecs = durSecs if durSecs is not None else 5 # TBF: we've done our stuff w/ DMJD, but our start is a utc datetime obj now = time.time() startDMJD = secs_2_dmjd(int(now + inSecs)) # NOTE: SCANLEN can also be set w/ player.set_param(scan_length=#) self.write_status(STRTDMJD=str(startDMJD), SCANLEN=str(durSecs)) dt = datetime.utcnow() dt.replace(second=0) dt.replace(microsecond=0) dt += timedelta(seconds=inSecs) VegasBackend.start(self, starttime=dt)
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test = False, instance_id = 0): """ Creates an instance of BeamformerBackend """ VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # In the Beamformer, there are 2 GPUs, so we run multiple instances # of the 'pipeline': more then one player! self.instance_id = 0 self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank = False, cal = False, sig_ref_1 = False) self.start_hpc() self.fits_writer_program = 'bfFitsWriter' self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test=False): """ Creates an instance of VegasHBWBackend """ VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank=False, cal=False, sig_ref_1=False) self.start_hpc() self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test=False, instance_id=None): """ Creates an instance of BeamformerBackend """ VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # In the Beamformer, there are 2 GPUs, so we run multiple instances # of the 'pipeline': more then one player! # should be set in base class ... if instance_id is not None: self.instance_id = instance_id self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank=False, cal=False, sig_ref_1=False) self.start_hpc() self.fits_writer_program = 'bfFitsWriter' self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test = False, instance_id = None): """ Creates an instance of BeamformerBackend """ # Read in the additional parameters from the configuration file self.read_parameters(theBank, theMode) # Clear shared memory segments command = "hashpipe_clean_shmem -I %d" %(self.instance) ps_clean = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) ps_clean.wait() VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # Create the ARP table from the mac addresses in dibas.conf under [HPCMACS] = theMode.backend_name.lower() self.hpc_macs = hpc_macs if self.roach: self.table = [] for m in range(256): self.table.append(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) for mac in self.hpc_macs: self.table[mac] = self.hpc_macs[mac] # Add additional dealer-controlled parameters self.params["int_length"] = self.setIntegrationTime # Generate ROACH 10-GbE source mac addresses self.mac_base0 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8)*self.xid + 1 self.mac_base1 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8)*self.xid + 2 self.mac_base2 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8)*self.xid + 3 self.mac_base3 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8)*self.xid + 4 self.source_ip0 = 10*(2**24) + 17*(2**16) + 16*(2**8) + 230 self.source_ip1 = 10*(2**24) + 17*(2**16) + 16*(2**8) + 231 self.source_ip2 = 10*(2**24) + 17*(2**16) + 16*(2**8) + 232 self.source_ip3 = 10*(2**24) + 17*(2**16) + 16*(2**8) + 233 # TODO: Add source port to configuration file self.source_port = 60000 # In the Beamformer, there are 2 GPUs, so we run multiple instances # of the 'pipeline': more then one player! # should be set in base class ... if instance_id is not None: self.instance_id = instance_id self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank = False, cal = False, sig_ref_1 = False) self.start_hpc() # self.fits_writer_program = 'bfFitsWriter' self.fits_writer_program = self.fits_writer_program_bf self.start_fits_writer()
def start_old(self, inSecs, durSecs): """ Start a scan in inSecs for durSecs long Now deprecated (Richard Black), use def start(self, starttime) instead """ # our fake GPU simulator needs to know the start time of the scan # and it's duration, so we need to write it to status shared mem. def secs_2_dmjd(secs): dmjd = (secs / 86400) + 40587 return dmjd + ((secs % 86400) / 86400.) inSecs = inSecs if inSecs is not None else 5 durSecs = durSecs if durSecs is not None else 5 print "self.scan_length= %f" % (self.scan_length) self.scan_length = durSecs print "self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) # TBF: we've done our stuff w/ DMJD, but our start is a utc datetime obj now = time.time() startDMJD = secs_2_dmjd(int(now + inSecs)) # NOTE: SCANLEN can also be set w/ player.set_param(scan_length=#) self.write_status(STRTDMJD=str(startDMJD), SCANLEN=str(durSecs)) self.write_status(REQSTI=str(self.requested_integration_time)) self.write_status(BWEIFILE=str(self.requested_weight_file)) self.write_status(CHANSEL=str(self.requested_channel)) self.weifile_old = self.weifile_new self.weifile_new = self.get_status('BWEIFILE') if self.weifile_old is self.weifile_new: print "Weight file name unchanged." self.write_status(WFLAG=str(0)) else: print "Weight file name changed." self.write_status(WFLAG=str(1)) dt = datetime.utcnow() dt.replace(second=0) dt.replace(microsecond=0) dt += timedelta(seconds=inSecs) print "In Vegas Backend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" print "Vegas self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) VegasBackend.start(self, starttime=dt) print "Vegas self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) print "Out of Vegas Backend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test = False): """ Creates an instance of VegasHBWBackend """ VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank = False, cal = False, sig_ref_1 = False) self.start_hpc() self.start_fits_writer()
def stop(self): """ Stops the FITS writer and restarts it immediately for the next scan @author Mark Ruzindana """ # print "Hello there, little people" val = VegasBackend.stop(self) print val[0] if (val[0] == True): self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test=False): """ Creates an instance of the vegas internals. """ VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # gain array. May be 1 or 8 in length, depending on mode. self.gain = theMode.gain # setup the parameter dictionary/methods self.params["gain"] = self.setLBWGain # In LBW mode the spec_tick is computed differently than in HBW # mode. Inform the switching signal builder of the change. self.spec_tick = self.computeSpecTick() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank=False, cal=False, sig_ref_1=False)
def start_old(self, inSecs, durSecs): """ Start a scan in inSecs for durSecs long Now deprecated (Richard Black), use def start(self, starttime) instead """ # our fake GPU simulator needs to know the start time of the scan # and it's duration, so we need to write it to status shared mem. def secs_2_dmjd(secs): dmjd = (secs / 86400) + 40587 return dmjd + ((secs % 86400) / 86400.) inSecs = inSecs if inSecs is not None else 5 durSecs = durSecs if durSecs is not None else 5 print "self.scan_length= %f" % (self.scan_length) self.scan_length = durSecs print "self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) # TBF: we've done our stuff w/ DMJD, but our start is a utc datetime obj now = time.time() startDMJD = secs_2_dmjd(int(now + inSecs)) # NOTE: SCANLEN can also be set w/ player.set_param(scan_length=#) self.write_status(STRTDMJD=str(startDMJD), SCANLEN=str(durSecs)) self.write_status(REQSTI=str(self.requested_integration_time)) dt = datetime.utcnow() dt.replace(second=0) dt.replace(microsecond=0) dt += timedelta(seconds=inSecs) # Write the nchunk to shared memory print "Player: Writing NCHUNK=%d" % (self.nchunk) self.write_status(NCHUNK=self.nchunk) print "In Vegas Backend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" print "Vegas self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) VegasBackend.start(self, starttime=dt) print "Vegas self.scan_length after = %f" % (self.scan_length) print "Out of Vegas Backend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
def stop(self): """ Stops the FITS writer and restarts it immediately for the next scan @author Mark Ruzindana """ # print "Hello there, little people" val = VegasBackend.stop(self) if self.has_roaches: for roach in self.roaches: print "BFBE: Stop data flow for roach %s" % roach.write_int('pkt_stop', 1) time.sleep(.1) roach.write_int('pkt_stop', 0) print val[0] if (val[0] == True): self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test=False, instance_id=None): """ Creates an instance of BeamformerBackend """ # Read in the additional parameters from the configuration file self.read_parameters(theBank, theMode) # Print out configuration details if self.sim3: print "Using Simulator III (NOT the full ROACH system)" else: print "Using the full ROACH system" # Clear shared memory segments command = "hashpipe_clean_shmem -I %d" % (self.instance) ps_clean = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) ps_clean.wait() # Make sure bogus fifo exists os.system('touch /tmp/bogus.fifo') VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # Create the ARP table from the mac addresses in dibas.conf under [HPCMACS] = theMode.backend_name.lower() self.hpc_macs = hpc_macs if self.roach: self.table = [] for m in range(256): self.table.append(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) for mac in self.hpc_macs: self.table[mac] = self.hpc_macs[mac] # Set some default parameter values self.requested_weight_file = '' self.nchunk = 0 # Add additional dealer-controlled parameters self.params["int_length"] = self.setIntegrationTime self.params["weight_file"] = self.setNewWeightFilename self.params["nchunk"] = self.setFrequencyChunk # Generate ROACH 10-GbE source mac addresses self.mac_base0 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 1 self.mac_base1 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 2 self.mac_base2 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 3 self.mac_base3 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 4 self.source_ip0 = 10 * (2**24) + 17 * (2**16) + 16 * (2**8) + 230 self.source_ip1 = 10 * (2**24) + 17 * (2**16) + 16 * (2**8) + 231 self.source_ip2 = 10 * (2**24) + 17 * (2**16) + 16 * (2**8) + 232 self.source_ip3 = 10 * (2**24) + 17 * (2**16) + 16 * (2**8) + 233 # TODO: Add source port to configuration file self.source_port = 60000 # In the Beamformer, there are 2 GPUs, so we run multiple instances # of the 'pipeline': more then one player! # should be set in base class ... if instance_id is not None: self.instance_id = instance_id self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank=False, cal=False, sig_ref_1=False) self.start_hpc() self.fits_writer_program = 'bfFitsWriter' #self.fits_writer_program = self.fits_writer_program_bf self.start_fits_writer()
def start(self,dt): VegasBackend.start(self,dt)
def stop(self): print "Hello there, little people" val = VegasBackend.stop(self) print val[0] if (val[0] == True): self.start_fits_writer()
def __init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test=False, instance_id=None): """ Creates an instance of BeamformerBackend """ # Get Instance ID self.get_instance_id(theBank, theMode) self.instance_id = self.instance # Clear shared memory segments command = "hashpipe_clean_shmem -I %d" % (self.instance) ps_clean = subprocess.Popen(command.split()) ps_clean.wait() VegasBackend.__init__(self, theBank, theMode, theRoach, theValon, hpc_macs, unit_test) # Read in the additional parameters from the configuration file self.read_parameters(theBank, theMode) # Create the ARP table from the mac addresses in dibas.conf under [HPCMACS] = theMode.backend_name.lower() self.hpc_macs = hpc_macs if self.roach: self.table = [] for m in range(256): self.table.append(0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) for mac in self.hpc_macs: self.table[mac] = self.hpc_macs[mac] # Set some default parameter values self.requested_weight_file = '' self.weifile2 = '' self.requested_channel = 0 # Add additional dealer-controlled parameters self.params["int_length"] = self.setIntegrationTime self.params["weight_file"] = self.setNewWeightFilename self.params["channel_select"] = self.setChannel # Set weight flag to default value of 0 self.write_status(WFLAG=str(0)) # Generate ROACH 10-GbE source mac addresses self.mac_base0 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 1 self.mac_base1 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 2 self.mac_base2 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 3 self.mac_base3 = 0x020200000000 + (2**8) * self.xid + 4 self.source_ip0 = 10 * (2**24) + 10 * (2**16) + 1 * ( 2**8) + 101 + self.xid * 4 self.source_ip1 = 10 * (2**24) + 10 * (2**16) + 1 * ( 2**8) + 102 + self.xid * 4 self.source_ip2 = 10 * (2**24) + 10 * (2**16) + 1 * ( 2**8) + 103 + self.xid * 4 self.source_ip3 = 10 * (2**24) + 10 * (2**16) + 1 * ( 2**8) + 104 + self.xid * 4 # TODO: Add source port to configuration file self.source_port = 60000 # In the Beamformer, there are 2 GPUs, so we run multiple instances # of the 'pipeline': more then one player! # should be set in base class ... if instance_id is not None: self.instance_id = instance_id self.progdev() self.net_config() if self.mode.roach_kvpairs: self.write_registers(**self.mode.roach_kvpairs) self.reset_roach() self.prepare() self.clear_switching_states() self.add_switching_state(1.0, blank=False, cal=False, sig_ref_1=False) self.start_hpc() # self.fits_writer_program = 'bfFitsWriter' self.start_fits_writer()