def test_velocityColors(self) -> None: """ Test that the correct color is assigned to the graph segment between consecutive velocity values. :return: None """ test_dict = { "pilotName": "Hayley", "instructorName": "Eckert", "flightInstr": "Bob", "flightDate": "11/03/2019", "flightLength": 3.5, "coords": [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 1), (2, 0, 0, 2), (3, 1, 1, 3), (3.5, 1, 1, 2.5)], "velocities": [], "avgVel": 0.0, "maxVel": 0.0, "minVel": 0.0, "smoothness": 0.0, "legalPoints": [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 1), (2, 0, 0, 2), (3, 1, 1, 3), (3.5, 1, 1, 2.5)] } test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) colors = Graph.velocityColors(test_dict) self.assertEqual(colors, ['g', 'g', 'g', 'r'])
def test_checkLegalInput(self) -> None: """ Test that legal and illegal coordinate points can be detected. :return: None """ # Check normal point. Expected output: True. self.assertTrue(Graph.checkLegalInput(10.5, 5.5, 3.4)) # Check when coordinate values are same. Expected output: True. self.assertTrue(Graph.checkLegalInput(1, 1, 1)) # Check when x is negative. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput(-1, 4, 9)) # Check when y is negative. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput(1, -4, 2.5)) # Check when z is negative. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput(25, 12, -0.1)) # Check smallest legal bound. Expected output: True. self.assertTrue(Graph.checkLegalInput(0, 0, 0)) # Check largest legal bound. Expected output: True. self.assertTrue(Graph.checkLegalInput(15, 15, 10)) # Check when x is string input. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput('hi there', 5, 3)) # Check when y is string input. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput('n', '\n', 3)) # Check when z is string input. Expected output: False. self.assertFalse(Graph.checkLegalInput(3, 2, "howdy"))
def setupGraph(self, flightData: dict, displayVelocity: bool) -> None: """ Sets up the 3d plot for viewing upon click of button. displayVelocity is a boolean denoting if the graph should display colored segments for velocity. :param flightData: Dictionary of flight data :param displayVelocity: Bool denoting if velocity should be plotted or not. :return: None """ # Generate and show graph minTime = self.MAXVAL - (self.startSlider.value() / 100) maxTime = self.endSlider.value() / 100 print("Min slider value:" + str(minTime)) print("Max slider value:" + str(maxTime)) if maxTime <= minTime: msgBox = qtw.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText( "Start time must be less than end time!\n Please reselect a time range using the sliders.") msgBox.exec() else: fig = Graph.generateGraph(flightData, displayVelocity, minTime, maxTime) # Define manager so figure can be viewed upon button click new_manager = fig.canvas.manager new_manager.canvas.figure = fig fig.set_canvas(new_manager.canvas) # Show the figure
def test_computeVelocity(self) -> None: """ Test that the velocity is computed as expected between two points (1,1,1) and (3,3,1) with timeDiff = 1. :return: None """ velocity = Graph.computeVelocity(1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2) self.assertEqual(velocity, math.sqrt(8))
def test_readCoordinates_small_illegal(self) -> None: """ Test that coordinates from a small data file are read in correctly. :return: None """ test_dict = importData('TestFiles/JSONDUMP_with_illegal.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) self.assertEqual(test_dict["coords"], [[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, -10, 15, 5], [2, 0, 0, 1], [3, 0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 0, 8]]) self.assertEqual( test_dict["legalPoints"], [[0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 1], [3, 0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 0, 8]]) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"]))
def analyzeFlight(self, flightDict: dict) -> dict: """ Analyzes the flight data to extract coordinates, velocity values, and statistics. :param flightDict: Dictionary of flight data, with only coordinates populated. :return: Updated dictionary, with legal points and flight statistics included. """ # Check legality of coordinates. flightDict = Graph.checkCoordinates(flightDict) # Update flightDict to contain velocity flightDict1 = Graph.velocityPoints(flightDict) # Update flightDict to contain statistics on velocity points flightDict2 = Graph.computeVelocityStatistics(flightDict1) # Compute smoothness value flightDict2["smoothness"] = Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(flightDict2["velocities"], 0.5) return flightDict2
def test_readCoordinates_size1200_allLegal(self) -> None: """ Test that file containing 1200 (x,y,z) points is read in correctly. This contains all legal inputs. Illegal coordinate points in file should not be included in "legalPoints" list in dictionary. :return: None """ length = 1200 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(test_dict["coords"]), length) self.assertEqual(len(test_dict["legalPoints"]), length)
def test_smoothnessValues(self) -> None: """ Test that smoothness function returns expected number. :return: None """ size = 100 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) smoothness = Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5) self.assertEqual(round(smoothness, 2), -17) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) smoothness = Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5) self.assertEqual(round(smoothness, 2), -16.24)
def test_velocityPoints(self) -> None: """ Test that velocity between consecutive points is computed as expected. :return: None """ test_dict = { "pilotName": "Hayley", "instructorName": "Eckert", "flightInstr": "Bob", "flightDate": "11/03/2019", "flightLength": 3, "coords": [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 1), (2, 0, 0, 2), (3, 1, 1, 3)], "velocities": [], "avgVel": 0.0, "maxVel": 0.0, "minVel": 0.0, "smoothness": 0.0, "legalPoints": [(0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0, 1), (2, 0, 0, 2), (3, 1, 1, 3)] } velocityArray = [1, 1, math.sqrt(3)] test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(test_dict["velocities"], velocityArray)
def test_smoothnessComputes(self) -> None: """ Test that smoothness function returns a number when inputted data set of 100, then 200, then 800, then 1200 data points. For each size, two tests are run. One test contains all legal inputs. Another test contains 80% legal inputs. Illegal coordinate points in file should not be included in "legalPoints" list in dictionary. :return: None """ size = 100 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) # Test small data sets size = 100 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) size = 200 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) # Test medium data sets size = 600 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) # Test large data sets size = 1200 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5)) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.log_dimensionless_jerk(test_dict["velocities"], 0.5))
def test_velocityColorsComputes_correctSize(self) -> None: """ Test that velocityColors returns array of correct size when inputted data set of 100, then 200, then 800, then 1200 data points. For each size, two tests are run. One test contains all legal inputs. Another test contains 80% legal inputs. Illegal coordinate points in file should not be included in "legalPoints" list in dictionary. :return: None """ # Test small data sets size = 100 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), size - 1) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), 0.8 * size - 1) size = 200 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), size - 1) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), 0.8 * size - 1) # Test medium data sets size = 600 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), size - 1) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), 0.8 * size - 1) # Test large data sets size = 1200 test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), size - 1) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertEqual(len(Graph.velocityColors(test_dict)), 0.8 * size)
def test_graphShows_noError(self) -> None: """ Test that graph generates correctly with and with velocity changes shown for data set of 100, then 200, then 800, then 1200 data points. For each size, two tests are run. One test contains all legal inputs. Another test contains 80% legal inputs. Illegal coordinate points in file should not be included in "legalPoints" list in dictionary. :return: None """ # Test small data sets test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size100_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size600_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal100.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) test_dict = importData('TestFiles/new_size1200_legal80.flight') test_dict = Graph.checkCoordinates(test_dict) test_dict = Graph.velocityPoints(test_dict) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, True, 0, test_dict["flightLength"])) self.assertIsNotNone( Graph.generateGraph(test_dict, False, 0, test_dict["flightLength"]))