Esempio n. 1
def removekidneysmallobj():
    kits_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\kidney_modify"
    result_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\kidney_modify\\"
    load itk image,change z Spacing value to 1,and save image ,liver mask ,tumor mask
    # step2 get all train image
    path_list = file_name_path(kits_path)
    # step3 get signal train image and mask
    for subsetindex in range(len(path_list)):
        kits_subset_path = kits_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        images = []
        index = 0
        for _ in os.listdir(kits_subset_path):
            image = cv2.imread(kits_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            index += 1
        ys_pd_array = np.array(images)
        ys_pd_array = np.reshape(ys_pd_array, (index, 512, 512))
        ys_pd_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ys_pd_array)
        ys_pd_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(ys_pd_sitk, 0.2)
        ys_pd_array = np.clip(ys_pd_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        sub_src_path = result_path + path_list[subsetindex]
        if not os.path.exists(sub_src_path):
        for i in range(np.shape(ys_pd_array)[0]):
            cv2.imwrite(sub_src_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", ys_pd_array[i])
Esempio n. 2
def remove2d3dtumorsmallobj():
    tumor3d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor3d"
    tumor2d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor2d"
    load itk image,change z Spacing value to 1,and save image ,liver mask ,tumor mask
    # step2 get all train image
    path_list = file_name_path(tumor3d_path)
    # step3 get signal train image and mask
    for subsetindex in range(len(path_list)):
        kits_subset_path = tumor3d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        tumor2d_subset_path = tumor2d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        images = []
        tumor2dmasks = []
        index = 0
        for _ in os.listdir(kits_subset_path):
            image = cv2.imread(kits_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            mask = cv2.imread(tumor2d_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            index += 1
        tumor3d_array = np.array(images)
        tumor3d_array = np.reshape(tumor3d_array, (index, 512, 512))
        tumor2d_array = np.array(tumor2dmasks)
        tumor2d_array = np.reshape(tumor2d_array, (index, 512, 512))
        tumor2d_array_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(tumor2d_array)
        tumor2d_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(tumor2d_array_sitk, 0.2)
        tumor2d_array_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(tumor3d_array)
        tumor3d_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(tumor2d_array_sitk, 0.2)
        tumor2d_array = np.clip(tumor2d_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        tumor3d_array = np.clip(tumor3d_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        sub_tumor3d_path = tumor3d_path + "/" + path_list[subsetindex]
        sub_tumor2d_path = tumor2d_path + "/" + path_list[subsetindex]
        if not os.path.exists(sub_tumor3d_path):
        if not os.path.exists(sub_tumor2d_path):
        for i in range(np.shape(tumor3d_array)[0]):
            cv2.imwrite(sub_tumor3d_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", tumor3d_array[i])
            cv2.imwrite(sub_tumor2d_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", tumor2d_array[i])
Esempio n. 3
def tumor2d3dinkidney():
    tumor3d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor3d"
    tumor2d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor2d"
    kidney_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\kidney_modify"
    result_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor_modify1\\"
    load itk image,change z Spacing value to 1,and save image ,liver mask ,tumor mask
    # step2 get all train image
    path_list = file_name_path(tumor3d_path)
    # step3 get signal train image and mask
    for subsetindex in range(len(path_list)):
        kidney_subset_path = kidney_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        kits_subset_path = tumor3d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        tumor2d_subset_path = tumor2d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        kidneys = []
        images = []
        tumor2dmasks = []
        index = 0
        for _ in os.listdir(kits_subset_path):
            kidney = cv2.imread(kidney_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            image = cv2.imread(kits_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            mask = cv2.imread(tumor2d_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            index += 1
        kidneys_array = np.array(kidneys)
        kidneys_array = np.reshape(kidneys_array, (index, 512, 512))
        kidneys_array_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(kidneys_array)
        kidneys_array = morphologicaloperation(kidneys_array_sitk, 5, "dilate")

        tumor3d_array = np.array(images)
        tumor3d_array = np.reshape(tumor3d_array, (index, 512, 512))

        tumor2d_array = np.array(tumor2dmasks)
        tumor2d_array = np.reshape(tumor2d_array, (index, 512, 512))

        tumor3d_array = tumor3d_array & kidneys_array
        tumor2d_array = tumor2d_array & kidneys_array

        tumor_array = tumor3d_array | tumor2d_array
        tumor_array_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(tumor_array)
        tumor_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(tumor_array_sitk, 0.1)
        tumor_array = np.clip(tumor_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        sub_tumor_path = result_path + path_list[subsetindex]
        if not os.path.exists(sub_tumor_path):
        for i in range(np.shape(tumor_array)[0]):
            cv2.imwrite(sub_tumor_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", tumor_array[i])
Esempio n. 4
def inference():
    depth_z = 48
    Vnet3d = Vnet3dModule(512, 512, depth_z, channels=1, costname=("dice coefficient",), inference=True,
    test_path = "E:\junqiangchen\data\kits19\kits19process\\"
    image_path = "Image"
    mask_path = "Mask"
    dice_values = []
    for num in range(200, 210, 1):
        index = 0
        batch_xs = []
        batch_ys = []
        test_image_path = test_path + image_path + "/" + str(num)
        test_mask_path = test_path + mask_path + "/" + str(num)
        for _ in os.listdir(test_image_path):
            image = cv2.imread(test_image_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            label = cv2.imread(test_mask_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            index += 1
        xs_array = np.array(batch_xs)
        ys_array = np.array(batch_ys)
        xs_array = np.reshape(xs_array, (index, 512, 512))
        ys_array = np.reshape(ys_array, (index, 512, 512))
        ys_pd_array = np.empty((index, 512, 512), np.uint8)

        last_depth = 0
        for depth in range(0, index // depth_z, 1):
            patch_xs = xs_array[depth * depth_z:(depth + 1) * depth_z, :, :]
            pathc_pd = Vnet3d.prediction(patch_xs)
            ys_pd_array[depth * depth_z:(depth + 1) * depth_z, :, :] = pathc_pd
            last_depth = depth
        if index != depth_z * last_depth:
            patch_xs = xs_array[(index - depth_z):index, :, :]
            pathc_pd = Vnet3d.prediction(patch_xs)
            ys_pd_array[(index - depth_z):index, :, :] = pathc_pd
        ys_pd_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ys_pd_array)
        ys_pd_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(ys_pd_sitk, 0.4)
        ys_pd_array = np.clip(ys_pd_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        dice_value = calcu_dice(ys_pd_array, ys_array)
        print("num,dice:", (num, dice_value))
        for depth in range(0, index, 1):
            cv2.imwrite(test_mask_path + "/" + str(depth) + "predict.bmp", ys_pd_array[depth])
    average = sum(dice_values) / len(dice_values)
    print("average dice:", average)
Esempio n. 5
def tumor2d3dmerge():
    tumor3d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor3d"
    tumor2d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor2d"
    tumor2d3d_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor2_3d"
    result_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test\\tumor_modify2\\"
    load itk image,change z Spacing value to 1,and save image ,liver mask ,tumor mask
    # step2 get all train image
    path_list = file_name_path(tumor3d_path)
    # step3 get signal train image and mask
    for subsetindex in range(len(path_list)):
        kits_subset_path = tumor3d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        tumor2d_subset_path = tumor2d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        tumor2d3d_subset_path = tumor2d3d_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        images = []
        tumor2dmasks = []
        tumo2d3dmasks = []
        index = 0
        for _ in os.listdir(kits_subset_path):
            image = cv2.imread(kits_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            mask = cv2.imread(tumor2d_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            tumor = cv2.imread(tumor2d3d_subset_path + "/" + str(index) + ".bmp", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
            index += 1
        tumor3d_array = np.array(images)
        tumor3d_array = np.reshape(tumor3d_array, (index, 512, 512))
        tumor2d_array = np.array(tumor2dmasks)
        tumor2d_array = np.reshape(tumor2d_array, (index, 512, 512))
        tumor2d3d_array = np.array(tumo2d3dmasks)
        tumor2d3d_array = np.reshape(tumor2d3d_array, (index, 512, 512))
        tumor_array = np.zeros((index, 512, 512),
        for z in range(index):
            tumor2d3d = tumor2d3d_array[z]
            if np.max(tumor2d3d) != 0:
                tumor2d3dlabels, tumor2d3dout = cv2.connectedComponents(tumor2d3d)
                tumor3d = tumor3d_array[z]
                tumor3dlabels, tumor3dout = cv2.connectedComponents(tumor3d)
                tumor2d = tumor2d_array[z]
                tumor2dlabels, tumor2dout = cv2.connectedComponents(tumor2d)

                for i in range(1, tumor2d3dlabels):
                    tumor2d3doutmask = np.zeros(tumor2d3dout.shape,
                    tumor2d3doutmask[tumor2d3dout == i] = 255
                    for j in range(1, tumor3dlabels):
                        tumor3doutmask = np.zeros(tumor3dout.shape,
                        tumor3doutmask[tumor3dout == j] = 255
                        if cv2.countNonZero(tumor2d3doutmask & tumor3doutmask):
                            tumor_array[z] = tumor_array[z] + tumor3doutmask
                    for k in range(1, tumor2dlabels):
                        tumor2doutmask = np.zeros(tumor2dout.shape,
                        tumor2doutmask[tumor2dout == k] = 255
                        if cv2.countNonZero(tumor2d3doutmask & tumor2doutmask):
                            tumor_array[z] = tumor_array[z] + tumor2doutmask

        tumor2d_array_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(tumor_array)
        tumor2d_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(tumor2d_array_sitk, 0.2)
        tumor_array = np.clip(tumor2d_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        sub_tumor_path = result_path + path_list[subsetindex]
        if not os.path.exists(sub_tumor_path):
        for i in range(np.shape(tumor_array)[0]):
            cv2.imwrite(sub_tumor_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", tumor_array[i])
def inference():
    Vnet network segmentation kidney fine segmatation
    depth_z = 32
    Vnet3d = Vnet3dModule(512,
                          costname=("dice coefficient", ),
    kits_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19\\test"
    image_name = "imaging.nii.gz"
    result_path = "D:\Data\kits19\kits19test"
    load itk image,change z Spacing value to 1,and save image ,liver mask ,tumor mask
    # step2 get all train image
    path_list = file_name_path(kits_path)
    read = open("kidneyrang.txt", 'r')
    # step3 get signal train image and mask
    for subsetindex in range(len(path_list)):
        line = read.readline()
        line = line.split(',')
        casename = line[0]
        start = int(line[1])
        end = int(line[2][0:-1])
        kits_subset_path = kits_path + "/" + str(path_list[subsetindex]) + "/"
        file_image = kits_subset_path + image_name
        # 1 load itk image and truncate value with upper and lower and get rang kideny region
        src = load_itkfilewithtrucation(file_image, 300, -200)
        originSpacing = src.GetSpacing()
        src_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(src)
        sub_src_array = src_array[:, :, start:end]
        sub_src = sitk.GetImageFromArray(sub_src_array)
        thickspacing, widthspacing = originSpacing[0], originSpacing[1]
        # 2 change z spacing >1.0 to 1.0
        if thickspacing > 1.0:
            _, sub_src = resize_image_itk(
                newSpacing=(1.0, widthspacing, widthspacing),
                originSpcaing=(thickspacing, widthspacing, widthspacing),
        xs_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sub_src)
        xs_array = np.swapaxes(xs_array, 0, 2)
        index = np.shape(xs_array)[0]
        ys_pd_array = np.zeros(np.shape(xs_array), np.uint8)

        last_depth = 0
        for depth in range(0, index // depth_z, 1):
            patch_xs = xs_array[depth * depth_z:(depth + 1) * depth_z, :, :]
            pathc_pd = Vnet3d.prediction(patch_xs)
            ys_pd_array[depth * depth_z:(depth + 1) * depth_z, :, :] = pathc_pd
            last_depth = depth
        if index != depth_z * last_depth:
            patch_xs = xs_array[(index - depth_z):index, :, :]
            pathc_pd = Vnet3d.prediction(patch_xs)
            ys_pd_array[(index - depth_z):index, :, :] = pathc_pd

        ys_pd_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ys_pd_array)
        ys_pd_array = removesmallConnectedCompont(ys_pd_sitk, 0.2)
        ys_pd_array = np.clip(ys_pd_array, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
        sub_src_path = result_path + "/src/" + casename
        sub_pred_path = result_path + "/kidney_modify/" + casename
        if not os.path.exists(sub_src_path):
        if not os.path.exists(sub_pred_path):
        for i in range(np.shape(xs_array)[0]):
            cv2.imwrite(sub_src_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", xs_array[i])
            cv2.imwrite(sub_pred_path + "/" + str(i) + ".bmp", ys_pd_array[i])