Esempio n. 1
    def testReceiverBuferring(self):
        Test sending alerts that are buffered into a queue.

        # alerts received will be added to the queue
        alertList = []
        handler = lambda x: alertList.append(x)
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        numAlertMsgs = 7
        thread = AlertsSender(self.addr, self.ctrl, numAlertMsgs)
        # thread will send numAlertMsgs and eventually shut the receiver
        # down by a shutdown control message

        # wait here until the Receiver is not shut
        while rec.isReady():

        # worker will send shutdown message and execution will resume here
        # check the content of the queue - 5 alert messages
        self.assertEqual(len(alertList), numAlertMsgs)
        for alert in alertList:
            self.assertEqual(alert["Type"], "Alert")
Esempio n. 2
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"

        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker()
        # also need to wait, otherwise tearDown kicks off and scrapes the
        # couch so half of the alerts will be undelivered

        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
  "%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
Esempio n. 3
def setUpReceiver(address, controlAddr):
    Return set up handler, receiver pair.
    Receiver starts two channels on the address and controlAddr addresses.

    handler = ReceiverHandler()
    receiver = Receiver(address, handler, controlAddr)
    receiver.startReceiver()  # non blocking call
    return handler, receiver
Esempio n. 4
    def testReceiverShutdownByCall(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type="Alert", Level=20))

        # now messages are sent so shutdown the Receiver by a convenience
        # call, should block until the Receiver finishes, don't have to wait
Esempio n. 5
    def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
        Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.

        processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non-blocking call

        # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
        # give some time so that the previous call shuts down the receiver
        time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
Esempio n. 6
    def testReceiverShutdownByMessage(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type="Alert", Level=10))
        # terminate the Receiver

        # wait until the Receiver is properly shut
        # this will not be necessary when shutting down by a call
        while rec.isReady():
Esempio n. 7
    def preInitialization(self):
        Start up the ZMQ Receiver + Processor.

        """"preInitialization ...")
        # something fishy (again) going on in Harness, wmcoreD
        # component may fail, still will be considered as running (#3602)
        # this is why #3320 is difficult to fix ... wmcoreD would happily
        # continue even after raising an exception even from this very method directly
        self._processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver listens on work channel (address) and on control
        # channel (controlAddr)
        self._receiver = Receiver(self.config.AlertProcessor.address,
        self._receiver.startReceiver()"preInitialization - finished.")
Esempio n. 8
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile

        config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile

        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker(), then all
        # alerts shall be delivered and could proceed to check if successfully delivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
  "%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])

        # check the FileSink output files for content:
        # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
        # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
        # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
        # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
        softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
        criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
        softList = softSink.load()
        criticalList = criticalSink.load()
        # check soft level alerts
        # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
        self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3)
        for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
        # check 'critical' levels
        # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
        self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
        for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
Esempio n. 9
    def testSenderBasic(self):
        Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
        Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.

        nAlerts = 10
        # start Receiver, handler is list for alerts
        # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
        alertsQueue = []
        handler = lambda x: alertsQueue.append(x)
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
        self.receiver.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # instantiate sender and send ...
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.control, "Sender_t")
        # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
        # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
        # send some alerts
        for i in range(0, nAlerts):
            a = Alert(Level=i, Type="Alert")
            s(a)  # actual alert message sending
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)

        # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
        # is received if there is no more messages coming

        self.assertEqual(nAlerts, len(alertsQueue))
Esempio n. 10
    def testForwardSinkEntireChain(self):
        The test chain looks as follows:
        worker -> Receiver1(+its Processor configured to do ForwardSink) -> Receiver2 whose
            address as the destination the ForwardSink is configured with -> Receiver2 will
            do FileSink so that it's possible to verify the chain.

        # configuration for the Receiver+Processor+ForwardSink 1 (group)
        config1 = Configuration()

        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # address of the Receiver2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"

        # 1) first item of the chain is source of Alerts: worker()

        # 2) second item is Receiver1 + its Processor + its ForwardSink
        processor1 = Processor(config1.AlertProcessor)
        # ForwardSink will be created automatically by the Processor
        receiver1 = Receiver(self.address1, processor1, self.controlAddr1)
        receiver1.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # 3) third group is Receiver2 with its Processor and final FileSink
        config2 = Configuration()

        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # configuration of the final sink
        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft

        processor2 = Processor(config2.AlertProcessor)
        # final FileSink will be automatically created by the Processor
        receiver2 = Receiver(self.address2, processor2, self.controlAddr2)
        receiver2.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # now send the Alert messages via worker() and eventually shut the receiver1
        worker(self.address1, self.controlAddr1, 10)
        # wait until receiver1 shuts
        while receiver1.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver1 to shut ..." % inspect.stack(

        # shut down receiver2 - need to sendShutdown() to it
        s = Sender(self.address2, self.controlAddr2, "some_id")
        # wait until receiver2 shuts
        while receiver2.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver2 to shut ..." % inspect.stack(

        # check the result in the files
        # the bufferSize for soft-level Alerts was set to 0 so all
        # Alerts should be present also in the soft-level type file
        # initial 10 Alerts (Level 0 .. 9) gets distributed though a cascade
        # of two Receivers. soft alerts with level 0 .. 4 are considered
        # so Receiver1 forwards through its ForwardSink 0 .. 4 Alerts as soft and
        # 5 .. 9 level Alerts through 'critical'. order is not guaranteed
        # critical Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(5, 10)  # that is 5 .. 9
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        d = dict(very="interesting")
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)

        # soft Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(0, 5)  # that is 0 .. 4
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)