Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
        :arg app: reference to the application object.
        :arg config: reference to the configuration.
        :arg str mount: URL mount point.


        # must be in a static content directory
        frontpage = "html/ReqMgr/index.html"
        roots = \
                # without repeating the 'html' here, it doesn't work
                # due to path gymnastics in
                # rather messy figuring out static content dir by
                # counting file separators and making it compatible
                # between localhost and VM running, hence the config
                # value here
                "root": "%s/html/" % config.static_content_dir,

                "rx": rx.RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
        RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
        CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 6)[0]
        roots = \
            "root": "%s/data/html/" % CONTENT,
            "rx": re.compile(r".*")
            "root": "%s/data/script/" % CONTENT,
            "rx": re.compile(r".*")
            "root": "%s/data/css/" % CONTENT,
            "rx": re.compile(r".*")

        frontpage = "html/index.html"  #crabserver?

                               instances=lambda: app.views["data"]._db)
Esempio n. 3
  def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
    CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 6)[0]
    roots = \
        "root": "%s/data/html/" % CONTENT,
        "rx": re.compile(r".*")
        "root": "%s/data/script/" % CONTENT,
        "rx": re.compile(r".*")
        "root": "%s/data/css/" % CONTENT,
        "rx": re.compile(r".*")

    frontpage = "html/index.html"#crabserver?

    RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots,
                           instances = lambda: app.views["data"]._db)
Esempio n. 4
 def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
     :arg app: reference to the application object.
     :arg config: reference to the configuration.
     :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
     mainroot = 'wmarchive'  # entry point in access URL
     wpath = os.getenv('WMA_STATIC_ROOT', '')
     if not wpath:
         content = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
         xlib = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
         wpath = "%s/%sdata/" % (content, xlib)
     if not wpath.endswith('/'):
         wpath += '/'
     print(tstamp(self.__class__.__name__), "static content: %s" % wpath)
     mdict = {"root": wpath, \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/[-a-z0-9]+\.(?:html)$")}
     tdict = {"root": wpath+"templates/", \
             "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:html|tmpl)$")}
     jdict = {"root": wpath+"js/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:js)$")}
     cdict = {"root": wpath+"css/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\..*(?:css)$")}
     idict = {"root": wpath+"images/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:png|gif|jpg)$")}
     roots = {mainroot: mdict, "templates": tdict, \
             "js": jdict, "css": cdict, "images": idict}
     # location of frontpage in the root, e.g. wmarchive
     frontpage = "%s/templates/wma.html" % mainroot
     RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
     :arg app: reference to the application object.
     :arg config: reference to the configuration.
     :arg str mount: URL mount point.
     # must be in a static content directory
     frontpage = "html/ReqMgr/index.html"
     roots = \
             # without repeating the 'html' here, it doesn't work
             # due to path gymnastics in
             # rather messy figuring out static content dir by 
             # counting file separators and making it compatible
             # between localhost and VM running, hence the config
             # value here
             "root": "%s/html/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": rx.RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
     RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
     :arg app: reference to the application object.
     :arg config: reference to the configuration.
     :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
     mainroot = 'wmarchive' # entry point in access URL
     wpath = os.getenv('WMA_STATIC_ROOT', '')
     if  not wpath:
         content = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
         xlib = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
         wpath = "%s/%sdata/" % (content, xlib)
     if  not wpath.endswith('/'):
         wpath += '/'
     print(tstamp(self.__class__.__name__), "static content: %s" % wpath)
     mdict = {"root": wpath, \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/[-a-z0-9]+\.(?:html)$")}
     tdict = {"root": wpath+"templates/", \
             "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:html|tmpl)$")}
     jdict = {"root": wpath+"js/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:js)$")}
     cdict = {"root": wpath+"css/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\..*(?:css)$")}
     idict = {"root": wpath+"images/", \
              "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)*[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:png|gif|jpg)$")}
     roots = {mainroot: mdict, "templates": tdict, \
             "js": jdict, "css": cdict, "images": idict}
     # location of frontpage in the root, e.g. wmarchive
     frontpage = "%s/templates/wma.html" % mainroot
     RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
        CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
        X = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
        roots = \
            "root": "%s/%sdata/" % (CONTENT, X),
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/[-a-z0-9]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif|html)$")

            "root": "%s/build/" % os.environ["YUI3_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9/_]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif)$")

            "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["D3_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

            "root": "%s/data/xregexp/" % os.environ["XREGEXP_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:-min)?\.js$")

        frontpage = "sitedb/templates/sitedb.html"
        if os.path.exists("%s/templates/sitedb-min.html" %
            frontpage = "sitedb/templates/sitedb-min.html"

        regexps = dict((name[3:], getattr(SiteDB.Regexps, name).pattern)
                       for name in dir(SiteDB.Regexps)
                       if name.startswith("RX_") and name != "RX_PASSWD")

                               instances=lambda: app.views["data"]._db,
                               preamble="var SITEDB_REGEXPS = %s;\n" %
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
        :arg app: reference to the application object.
        :arg config: reference to the configuration.
        :arg str mount: URL mount point.


        # must be in a static content directory
        frontpage = "html/WMStats/index.html"
        roots = \
                # without repeating the 'html' here, it doesn't work
                # due to path gymnastics in
                # rather messy figuring out static content dir by
                # counting file separators and making it compatible
                # between localhost and VM running, hence the config
                # value here
                "root": "%s/html/" % config.static_content_dir,

                "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
            {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/js/" % config.static_content_dir,
                "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:js)$")
            {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/css/" % config.static_content_dir,
                "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:css)$")
            {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/images/" % config.static_content_dir,
                "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:png|gif)$")
            {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/lib/" % config.static_content_dir,
                "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
            {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/fonts/" % config.static_content_dir,
                "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH

        RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
     :arg app: reference to the application object.
     :arg config: reference to the configuration.
     :arg str mount: URL mount point.
     # must be in a static content directory
     frontpage = "html/WMStats/index.html"
     roots = \
             # without repeating the 'html' here, it doesn't work
             # due to path gymnastics in
             # rather messy figuring out static content dir by 
             # counting file separators and making it compatible
             # between localhost and VM running, hence the config
             # value here
             "root": "%s/html/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
         {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/js/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:js)$")
         {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/css/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:css)$")
         {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/images/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]+/)+[-a-z0-9_]+\.(?:png|gif)$")
         {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/lib/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
         {   "root": "%s/html/WMStats/fonts/" % config.static_content_dir,
             "rx": RX_STATIC_DIR_PATH
     RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots)
Esempio n. 10
  def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
    CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
    X = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
    roots = \
        "root": "%s/%sdata/" % (CONTENT, X),
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[a-z]+/[-a-z0-9]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif|html)$")

        "root": "%s/build/" % os.environ["YUI3_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9/_]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif)$")

        "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["D3_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

        "root": "%s/data/xregexp/" % os.environ["XREGEXP_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:-min)?\.js$")

    frontpage = "sitedb/templates/sitedb.html"
    if os.path.exists("%s/templates/sitedb-min.html" % roots["sitedb"]["root"]):
      frontpage = "sitedb/templates/sitedb-min.html"

    regexps = dict((name[3:], getattr(SiteDB.Regexps, name).pattern)
                   for name in dir(SiteDB.Regexps)
                   if name.startswith("RX_") and name != "RX_PASSWD")

    RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots,
                           instances = lambda: app.views["data"]._db,
                           preamble = "var SITEDB_REGEXPS = %s;\n"
                                      % cjson.encode(regexps))
Esempio n. 11
from WMCore.REST.Server import RESTFrontPage
from WMCore.REST.Server import MiniRESTApi
from WMCore.REST.Server import RESTApi
from WMCore.REST.Server import DBConnectionPool
from WMCore.REST.Server import DatabaseRESTApi
from WMCore.REST.Server import RESTEntity
import os, threading

srcfile = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit("/", 1)[-1].split(".")[0]
dbspec = {}

class FakeApp:
    appname = "app"

class FakeConf:
    db = srcfile + ".dbspec"

RESTFrontPage(None, None, "/", "/dev/null", {})
MiniRESTApi(FakeApp(), None, "/")
RESTApi(FakeApp(), None, "/")
DBConnectionPool("x", {})
if threading.current_thread().name == "MainThread":
    DatabaseRESTApi(FakeApp(), FakeConf(), "/")
RESTEntity(FakeApp(), None, None, "/")
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
        CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
        X = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
        ROOT = "%s/%sdata/web/" % (CONTENT, X)

        roots = \
            "root": ROOT,
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-A-Za-z0-9]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif|html)$")

            "root": "%s/build/" % os.environ["YUI3_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9/_]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif)$")

            "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["D3_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.[-a-z0-9]+)?(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

            "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["POLYMAPS_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

            "root": "%s/data/xregexp/" % os.environ["XREGEXP_ROOT"],
            "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:-min)?\.js$")

        MIN = (os.path.exists("%s/overview-min.html" % ROOT) and "-min") or ""
        frontpage = "overview/overview%s.html" % MIN
        viewhtml = glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".html")
        viewcssref = [
            "overview/%s" % x.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
            for x in glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".css")
        viewjsref = [
            "overview/%s" % x.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
            for x in glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".js")
        cssref = "@MOUNT@/static?" + "&".join([
            "yui/cssreset/reset%s.css" % MIN,
            "yui/cssfonts/fonts%s.css" % MIN,
            "yui/cssgrids/grids%s.css" % MIN,
            "yui/cssbase/base%s.css" % MIN,
            "overview/overview%s.css" % MIN,
            "overview/button%s.css" % MIN,
            "overview/popup-menu%s.css" % MIN,
            "overview/world-map%s.css" % MIN
        ] + viewcssref)
        jsref = "@MOUNT@/static?" + "&".join([
            "yui/yui/yui%s.js" % MIN,
            "polymaps/polymaps%s.js" % MIN.replace("-", ".")
        ] + [
            "d3/d3/d3%s%s.js" % (x, MIN.replace("-", "."))
            for x in ("", ".layout", ".chart", ".geo")
        ] + [
            "xregexp/xregexp%s%s.js" % (x, MIN)
            for x in ("", "-unicode-base", "-unicode-categories")
        ] + [
            "overview/%s%s.js" % (x, MIN) for x in
            ("sprintf", "utils", "time", "d3ext", "app", "cache", "view")
        ] + viewjsref + ["overview/start%s.js" % MIN])

                                   "CSSREF": cssref,
                                   "JSREF": jsref
                               embeddings={"VIEWHTML": viewhtml})
Esempio n. 13
  def __init__(self, app, config, mount):
    :arg app: reference to the application object.
    :arg config: reference to the configuration.
    :arg str mount: URL mount point."""
    CONTENT = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 5)[0]
    X = (__file__.find("/xlib/") >= 0 and "x") or ""
    ROOT = "%s/%sdata/web/" % (CONTENT, X)

    roots = \
        "root": ROOT,
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-A-Za-z0-9]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif|html)$")

        "root": "%s/build/" % os.environ["YUI3_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9/_]+\.(?:css|js|png|gif)$")

        "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["D3_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+/[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.[-a-z0-9]+)?(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

        "root": "%s/data/" % os.environ["POLYMAPS_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.min)?\.(?:css|js)$")

        "root": "%s/data/xregexp/" % os.environ["XREGEXP_ROOT"],
        "rx": re.compile(r"^[-a-z0-9]+(?:-min)?\.js$")

    MIN = (os.path.exists("%s/overview-min.html" % ROOT) and "-min") or ""
    frontpage = "overview/overview%s.html" % MIN
    viewhtml = glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".html")
    viewcssref = ["overview/%s" % x.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
                   for x in glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".css")]
    viewjsref = ["overview/%s" % x.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
                 for x in glob(ROOT + "view-*" + MIN + ".js")]
    cssref = "@MOUNT@/static?" + "&".join(["yui/cssreset/reset%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "yui/cssfonts/fonts%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "yui/cssgrids/grids%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "yui/cssbase/base%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "overview/overview%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "overview/button%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "overview/popup-menu%s.css" % MIN,
                                           "overview/world-map%s.css" % MIN]
                                          + viewcssref)
    jsref = "@MOUNT@/static?" + "&".join(["rest/preamble.js",
                                          "yui/yui/yui%s.js" % MIN,
                                          "polymaps/polymaps%s.js" % MIN.replace("-", ".")] +
                                         ["d3/d3/d3%s%s.js" % (x, MIN.replace("-", "."))
                                          for x in ("", ".layout", ".chart", ".geo")] +
                                         ["xregexp/xregexp%s%s.js" % (x, MIN)
                                          for x in ("", "-unicode-base",
                                                    "-unicode-categories")] +
                                         ["overview/%s%s.js" % (x, MIN)
                                          for x in ("sprintf", "utils", "time",
                                                    "d3ext", "app", "cache",
                                         + viewjsref +
                                         ["overview/start%s.js" % MIN])

    RESTFrontPage.__init__(self, app, config, mount, frontpage, roots,
                           substitutions = { "CSSREF": cssref, "JSREF": jsref },
                           embeddings = { "VIEWHTML": viewhtml })