Esempio n. 1
    def importDatasetWithExistingParents(self, sourceDBS, sourceDatasetPath, targetDBS, onlyClosed=True):

        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS.
        It complains if the parent dataset ar not there!!

        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported
        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to

        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath, onlyClosed)
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock["Name"]
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            # //
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                # //  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if not str(inputBlock["OpenForWriting"]) != "1":
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(inputBlock["NumberOfFiles"]) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:
                        self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)

                xferData = reader.dbs.listDatasetContents(sourceDatasetPath, block)
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                msg += "Could not read content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (sourceDatasetPath,)
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (sourceDatasetPath,)
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
Esempio n. 2
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ''
        self.dbs = None

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
            self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], 2782)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual({173657: 94}, runs)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testlistDatasetFileDetails(self):
        """testlistDatasetFilesDetails returns lumis, events, and parents of a dataset"""
        TESTFILE = '/store/data/Run2011A/HighPileUp/RAW/v1/000/173/658/56484BAB-CBCB-E011-AF00-BCAEC518FF56.root'
        for endpoint in [
            self.dbs = DBSReader(endpoint)
            details = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(DATASET)
            self.assertEqual(len(details), 49)
            self.assertTrue(TESTFILE in details)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['NumberOfEvents'], 545)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Size'], 286021145)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Checksums'], {
                'Checksum': '22218315',
                'Adler32': 'a41a1446',
                'Md5': 'NOTSET'
            self.assertTrue(173658 in details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'])
            self.assertEqual( sorted(details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'][173658]),
                sorted( map( long, [8, 12, 9, 14, 10, 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 36, 49, 16, 11, 27, 35, 46, 39, 20, 24, 52, 23, 40, 42, 45, 21, 32, 37,  \
                                    25, 22, 5, 33, 17, 15, 26, 50, 18, 29, 51, 44, 69, 43, 30, 73, 19, 41, 13, 38, 7, 31, 75, 48, 59, 65, 55, \
                                    57, 34, 28, 74, 47, 64, 61, 68, 77, 66, 71, 60, 76, 70, 67, 62, 78, 82, 79, 88, 56, 101, 92, 58, 72, 54,  \
                                    63, 96, 53, 84, 95, 89, 85, 99, 81, 91, 102, 80, 100, 107, 94, 93, 90, 86, 87, 83, 97, 104, 110, 111, 106,\
                                    108, 98, 103, 109, 105]))

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], '22075')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], '46')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['total_size'], '4001680824')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], '49')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], '7223')

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], '377')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(block['total_size'], '150780132')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], '2')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], '94')

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        #self.assertEqual(377, block['NumberOfEvents'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [
            x['Name'] for x in block['StorageElementList']
            if x['Name'].find('') > -1

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
            self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK + 'asas'))

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET,
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockExists(DATASET + '#somethingelse'))

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
            FILE in
            [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock,
                          DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        # hope PromptReco doesn't get deleted
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(files))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK))
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        WRONG_BLOCK = BLOCK[:-4] + 'abcd'
        BLOCK2 = '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#6021175e-cbfb-11e0-80a9-003048caaace'
        DBS_BLOCK = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        DBS_BLOCK2 = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        self.dbs = DBSReader(
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [
            x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK)
            if x and x.find('') > -1
        #This block is only found on DBS
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        #test bulk call:
        ## two blocks in phedex
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK,
        ## one block in phedex one does not exist
            1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))
        ## one in phedex one in dbs
            2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK])))
        ## two in dbs
            2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK2])))
        ## one in DBS and one does not exist
            1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        sites = [
            x for x in parents[0]['StorageElementList']
            if x.find("") > -1


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK + 'asas'))
Esempio n. 3
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ''
        self.dbs = None

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
            self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], 2782)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual({173657: 94}, runs)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], '22075')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], '46')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['total_size'], '4001680824')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], '49')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], '7223')

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], '377')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(block['total_size'], '150780132')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], '2')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], '94')

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        #self.assertEqual(377, block['NumberOfEvents'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [
            x['Name'] for x in block['StorageElementList']
            if x['Name'].find('') > -1

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
            self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK + 'asas'))

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET,
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockExists(DATASET + '#somethingelse'))

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
            FILE in
            [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock,
                          DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        # hope PromptReco doesn't get deleted
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(files))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK))
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [
            x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK)
            if x.find('') > -1
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK + 'blah'))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        sites = [
            x for x in parents[0]['StorageElementList']
            if x.find("") > -1


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK + 'asas'))
Esempio n. 4
class DBSDataDiscovery(DataDiscovery):
    """Performing the data discovery through CMS DBS service.
    def checkDatasetStatus(self, dataset, kwargs):
        res = self.dbs.dbs.listDatasets(dataset=dataset,
        if not res:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Cannot find dataset %s in %s DBS instance" %
                (dataset, self.dbsInstance))
        if len(res) > 1:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Found more than one dataset while checking in DBS the status of %s"
                % dataset)
        res = res[0]
        #import pprint"Input dataset details: %s", pprint.pformat(res))
        accessType = res['dataset_access_type']
        if accessType != 'VALID':
            # as per Dima's suggestion
            msgForDeprecDS = "Please contact your physics group if you think the dataset should not be deprecated."
            if kwargs['task']['tm_nonvalid_input_dataset'] != 'T':
                msg = "CRAB refuses to proceed in getting the details of the dataset %s from DBS, because the dataset is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                    dataset, accessType)
                if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                    msg += " (%s)" % (msgForDeprecDS)
                msg += " To allow CRAB to consider a dataset that is not 'VALID', set Data.allowNonValidInputDataset = True in the CRAB configuration."
                msg += " Notice that this will not force CRAB to run over all files in the dataset;"
                msg += " CRAB will still check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
            msg = "The input dataset %s is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                dataset, accessType)
            msg += " CRAB will check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
            if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                msg += " %s" % (msgForDeprecDS)
            self.uploadWarning(msg, kwargs['task']['user_proxy'],

    def keepOnlyDisks(self, locationsMap):
        phedex = PhEDEx()  # TODO use certs from the config!
        # get all the PNNs that are of kind 'Disk'
            diskLocations = set([
                pnn['name'] for pnn in phedex.getNodeMap()['phedex']['node']
                if pnn['kind'] == 'Disk'
        except HTTPException as ex:
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact phedex to get the list of site storages.\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary phedex glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)) # TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        diskLocationsMap = {}
        for block, locations in locationsMap.iteritems():
            locations[:] = [
                x for x in locations if x != 'T3_CH_CERN_OpenData'
            ]  # ignore OpenData until it is accessible by CRAB
            if set(locations) & diskLocations:
                # at least some locations are disk
                diskLocationsMap[block] = locationsMap[block]
                # no locations are in the disk list, assume that they are tape
                self.tapeLocations = self.tapeLocations.union(
                    set(locations) - diskLocations)
        locationsMap.clear()  # remove all blocks
            diskLocationsMap)  # add only blocks with disk locations

    def checkBlocksSize(self, blocks):
        """ Make sure no single blocks has more than 100k lumis. See
        MAX_LUMIS = 100000
        for block in blocks:
            blockInfo = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(block=block)
            if blockInfo.get('NumberOfLumis', 0) > MAX_LUMIS:
                msg = "Block %s contains more than %s lumis.\nThis blows up CRAB server memory" % (
                    block, MAX_LUMIS)
                msg += "\nCRAB can only split this by ignoring lumi information. You can do this"
                msg += "\nusing FileBased split algorithm and avoiding any additional request"
                msg += "\nwich may cause lumi information to be looked up. See CRAB FAQ for more info:"
                msg += "\n"
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)

    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is a convenience wrapper around the executeInternal function

        # DBS3 requires X509_USER_CERT to be set - but we don't want to leak that to other modules
        # so use a context manager to set an ad hoc env and restore as soon as
        # executeInternal is over, even if it raises exception

        with self.config.TaskWorker.envForCMSWEB:
            result = self.executeInternal(*args, **kwargs)

        return result

    def executeInternal(self, *args, **kwargs):
            "Data discovery with DBS")  ## to be changed into debug

        dbsurl = self.config.Services.DBSUrl
        if kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']:
            dbsurl = kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']
        self.dbs = DBSReader(dbsurl)
        self.dbsInstance = self.dbs.dbs.serverinfo()["dbs_instance"]
        isUserDataset = self.dbsInstance.split('/')[1] != 'global'
        # where to look locations in pre-Rucio world
        PhEDExOrDBS = 'PhEDEx' if not isUserDataset else 'DBS origin site'

        taskName = kwargs['task']['tm_taskname']
        userProxy = kwargs['task']['user_proxy']
        self.logger.debug("Data discovery through %s for %s", self.dbs,

        inputDataset = kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset']
        secondaryDataset = kwargs['task'].get('tm_secondary_input_dataset',

        self.checkDatasetStatus(inputDataset, kwargs)
        if secondaryDataset:
            self.checkDatasetStatus(secondaryDataset, kwargs)

            # Get the list of blocks for the locations.
            # The WMCore DBS3 implementation makes one call to DBS for each block
            # when using locations=True so we are using locations=False and looking up location later
            blocks = [
                x['Name'] for x in self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(inputDataset,
            if secondaryDataset:
                secondaryBlocks = [
                    for x in self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(secondaryDataset,
        except DBSReaderError as dbsexc:
            # dataset not found in DBS is a known use case
            if str(dbsexc).find('No matching data'):
                raise TaskWorkerException(
                    "CRAB could not find dataset %s in this DBS instance: %s" %
                    inputDataset, dbsurl)
        ## Create a map for block's locations: for each block get the list of locations.
        ## Note: listFileBlockLocation() gets first the locations from PhEDEx, and if no
        ## locations are found it gets the original locations from DBS. So it should
        ## never be the case at this point that some blocks have no locations.
        ## locationsMap is a dictionary, key=blockName, value=list of PhedexNodes, example:
        ## {'/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#b10179dc-3723-11e6-9aa5-001e67abf228': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL'],
        ## '/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#89b03ca6-1dc9-11e6-b567-001e67ac06a0': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL']}

        # For now apply Rucio data location only to NANOAOD*
        # in time useRucioForLocations may become a more rich expression
        isNano = blocks[0].split("#")[0].split("/")[-1] in [
            "NANOAOD", "NANOAODSIM"
        if isNano:
                "NANOAOD* datset. Will use Rucio for data location")
        useRucioForLocations = isNano
        locationsFoundWithRucio = False

        if not useRucioForLocations:
  "Will not use Rucio for this dataset")
        # if locations should be in Rucio, try it first and fall back to old ways if Rucio calls fail
        # of if they return no locations (possible Rucio teething pain). If Rucio returns a list, trust it.
        if useRucioForLocations:
            locationsMap = {}
            scope = "cms"
            # If the dataset is a USER one, use the Rucio user scope to find it
            # TODO: we need a way to enable users to indicate others user scopes as source
            if isUserDataset:
                scope = "user.%s" % kwargs['task']['tm_username']
            rucio_config_dict = {
                "phedexCompatible": True,
                "auth_type": "x509",
                "ca_cert": self.config.Services.Rucio_caPath,
                "logger": self.logger,
                "creds": {
                    "client_cert": self.config.TaskWorker.cmscert,
                    "client_key": self.config.TaskWorker.cmskey
      "Initializing Rucio client")
                # WMCore is awfully verbose
                with tempSetLogLevel(logger=self.logger, level=logging.ERROR):
                    rucioClient = Rucio(
                    "Looking up data location with Rucio in %s scope.", scope)
                with tempSetLogLevel(logger=self.logger, level=logging.ERROR):
                    locations = rucioClient.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(
                        scope=scope, block=list(blocks))
            except Exception as exc:
                msg = "Rucio lookup failed with\n%s" % str(exc)
                # TODO when removing fall-back to PhEDEx, this should be a fatal error
                # raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
                locations = None

            # TODO when removing fall-back to PhEDEx, above code will raise if it fails, therefore
            # the following "if" must be removed and the code shifted left
            if locations:
                located_blocks = locations['phedex']['block']
                for element in located_blocks:
                    if element[
                            'replica']:  # only fill map for blocks which have at least one location
                            [x['node'] for x in element['replica']]
                if locationsMap:
                    locationsFoundWithRucio = True
                    msg = "No locations found with Rucio for this dataset"
                    # since NANO* are not in PhEDEx, this should be a fatal error
                    if isNano:
                        raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
                        # note it down and try with PhEDEx

        if not locationsFoundWithRucio:  # fall back to pre-Rucio methods
      "Looking up data locations using %s",
                locationsMap = self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(
                    list(blocks), dbsOnly=isUserDataset)
            except Exception as ex:
                raise TaskWorkerException(
                    "The CRAB3 server backend could not get the location of the files from dbs nor phedex nor rucio.\n"+\
                    "This is could be a temporary phedex/rucio/dbs glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                    " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)
            # only fill map for blocks which have at least one location
            locationsMap = {
                key: value
                for key, value in locationsMap.iteritems() if value

        if secondaryDataset:
            secondaryLocationsMap = {}
            # see
                "Trying data location of secondary blocks with Rucio")
                locations = rucioClient.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(
                    scope=scope, block=list(secondaryBlocks))
            except Exception as exc:
                locations = None
                secondaryLocationsMap = {}
                self.logger.warn("Rucio lookup failed with. %s", exc)
            if locations:
                located_blocks = locations['phedex']['block']
                for element in located_blocks:
                    if element[
                            'replica']:  # only fill map for blocks which have at least one location
                            [x['node'] for x in element['replica']]
            if not secondaryLocationsMap:
                msg = "No locations found with Rucio for secondaryDataset."
                # TODO when removing fall-back to PhEDEx, this should be a fatal error
                # raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
                    "Trying data location of secondary blocks with PhEDEx")
                    secondaryLocationsMap = self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(
                        list(secondaryBlocks), dbsOnly=isUserDataset)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise TaskWorkerException(
                        "The CRAB3 server backend could not get the location of the secondary dataset files from dbs or phedex or rucio.\n" + \
                        "This is could be a temporary phedex/rucio/dbs glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)" + \
                        " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)
                # only fill map for blocks which have at least one location
                secondaryLocationsMap = {
                    key: value
                    for key, value in secondaryLocationsMap.iteritems()
                    if value

        # From now on code is not dependent from having used Rucio or PhEDEx

        blocksWithLocation = locationsMap.keys()
        if secondaryDataset:
            secondaryBlocksWithLocation = secondaryLocationsMap.keys()

        if not locationsMap:
            msg = "Task could not be submitted because there is no DISK replica for dataset %s" % inputDataset
            if self.tapeLocations:
                msg += "\nN.B.: the input dataset is stored at %s, but those are TAPE locations." % ', '.join(
                # submit request to DDM
                ddmRequest = None
                ddmServer = self.config.TaskWorker.DDMServer
                    ddmRequest = blocksRequest(blocksWithLocation,
                except HTTPException as hte:
                    msg += "\nThe automatic stage-out failed, please try again later. If the error persists contact the experts and provide this error message:"
                    msg += "\nHTTP Error while contacting the DDM server %s:\n%s" % (
                        ddmServer, str(hte))
                    msg += "\nHTTP Headers are: %s" % hte.headers
                    msg += "\nYou might want to contact your physics group if you need a disk replica."
                    raise TaskWorkerException(msg, retry=True)

      "Contacted %s using %s and %s, got:\n%s",
                                 self.config.TaskWorker.cmskey, ddmRequest)
                # The query above returns a JSON with a format {"result": "OK", "message": "Copy requested", "data": [{"request_id": 18, "site": <site>, "item": [<list of blocks>], "group": "AnalysisOps", "n": 1, "status": "new", "first_request": "2018-02-26 23:57:37", "last_request": "2018-02-26 23:57:37", "request_count": 1}]}
                if ddmRequest["result"] == "OK":
                    # set status to TAPERECALL
                    tapeRecallStatus = 'TAPERECALL'
                    ddmReqId = ddmRequest["data"][0]["request_id"]
                    configreq = {
                        'workflow': taskName,
                        'taskstatus': tapeRecallStatus,
                        'ddmreqid': ddmReqId,
                        'subresource': 'addddmreqid',
                        tapeRecallStatusSet =
                            self.restURInoAPI + '/task',
                    except HTTPException as hte:
                        msg = "HTTP Error while contacting the REST Interface %s:\n%s" % (
                            self.config.TaskWorker.restHost, str(hte))
                        msg += "\nSetting %s status and DDM request ID (%d) failed for task %s" % (
                            tapeRecallStatus, ddmReqId, taskName)
                        msg += "\nHTTP Headers are: %s" % hte.headers
                        raise TaskWorkerException(msg, retry=True)

                    msg += "\nA disk replica has been requested on %s to CMS DDM (request ID: %d)" % (
                        ddmRequest["data"][0]["first_request"], ddmReqId)
                    if tapeRecallStatusSet[2] == "OK":
              "Status for task %s set to '%s'",
                                         taskName, tapeRecallStatus)
                        msg += "\nThis task will be automatically submitted as soon as the stage-out is completed."
                        self.uploadWarning(msg, userProxy, taskName)

                        raise TapeDatasetException(msg)
                        msg += ", please try again in two days."

                    msg += "\nThe disk replica request failed with this error:\n %s" % ddmRequest[

            msg += "\nPlease, check DAS ( and make sure the dataset is accessible on DISK."
            raise TaskWorkerException(msg)

        # will not need lumi info if user has asked for split by file with no run/lumi mask
        splitAlgo = kwargs['task']['tm_split_algo']
        lumiMask = kwargs['task']['tm_split_args']['lumis']
        runRange = kwargs['task']['tm_split_args']['runs']

        needLumiInfo = splitAlgo != 'FileBased' or lumiMask != [] or runRange != []
        # secondary dataset access relies on run/lumi info
        if secondaryDataset:
            needLumiInfo = True
        if needLumiInfo:
            )  # Interested only in blocks with locations, 'blocks' may contain invalid ones and trigger an Exception
            if secondaryDataset:
            filedetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(
            if secondaryDataset:
                moredetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(

                for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                    secinfos['lumiobj'] = LumiList(

                    "Beginning to match files from secondary dataset")
                for dummyFilename, infos in filedetails.items():
                    infos['Parents'] = []
                    lumis = LumiList(runsAndLumis=infos['Lumis'])
                    for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                        if lumis & secinfos['lumiobj']:
      "Done matching files from secondary dataset")
                kwargs['task']['tm_use_parent'] = 1
        except Exception as ex:  #TODO should we catch HttpException instead?
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact DBS to get the files details (Lumis, events, etc).\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary DBS glitch. Please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex))
            #TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        if not filedetails:
            raise TaskWorkerException(("Cannot find any file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n" +\
                                "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help.") %\
                                ("") %\
                                (self.dbsInstance, inputDataset))

        ## Format the output creating the data structures required by WMCore. Filters out invalid files,
        ## files whose block has no location, and figures out the PSN
        result = self.formatOutput(task=kwargs['task'],

        if not result.result:
            raise TaskWorkerException((
                "Cannot find any valid file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n"
                + "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help."
            ) % (
            ) % (self.dbsInstance, inputDataset))

        self.logger.debug("Got %s files", len(result.result.getFiles()))

        return result
Esempio n. 5
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ''
        self.dbs = None

    def testListDatatiers(self):
        listDatatiers returns all datatiers available
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listDatatiers()
        self.assertTrue('RAW' in results)
        self.assertTrue('GEN-SIM-RECO' in results)
        self.assertTrue('GEN-SIM' in results)
        self.assertFalse('RAW-ALAN' in results)

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
            self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(runs))
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts (None for DBS3)"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], None)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173657 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173657], None)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testlistDatasetFileDetails(self):
        """testlistDatasetFilesDetails returns lumis, events, and parents of a dataset"""
        TESTFILE = '/store/data/Run2011A/HighPileUp/RAW/v1/000/173/658/56484BAB-CBCB-E011-AF00-BCAEC518FF56.root'
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        details = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(details), 49)
        self.assertTrue(TESTFILE in details)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['NumberOfEvents'], 545)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['file_size'], 286021145)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Md5'], 'NOTSET')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['md5'], 'NOTSET')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Adler32'], 'a41a1446')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['adler32'], 'a41a1446')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Checksum'], '22218315')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['check_sum'], '22218315')
        self.assertTrue(173658 in details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'])
        self.assertEqual(sorted(details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'][173658]), [
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
            20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
            37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
            54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
            71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
            88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
            104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], 22075)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], 46)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['FileSize'], 4001680824)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['file_size'], 4001680824)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], 49)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], 7223)

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], 377)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(block['FileSize'], 150780132)
        self.assertEqual(block['file_size'], 150780132)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], 94)

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        self.assertEqual(0, block['OpenForWriting'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [
            x['Name'] for x in block['PhEDExNodeList']
            if x['Name'].find('CH_CERN') > -1

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo,
                          DATASET + 'blah')
                          blockName=BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in blocks)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET,
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.blockExists,
                          DATASET + '#somethingelse')

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
            FILE in
            [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock,
                          DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(4, len(files))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
            FILE in
            [x['logical_file_name'] for x in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        WRONG_BLOCK = BLOCK[:-4] + 'abcd'
        BLOCK2 = '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#6021175e-cbfb-11e0-80a9-003048caaace'
        DBS_BLOCK = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        DBS_BLOCK2 = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        self.dbs = DBSReader(
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [
            x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK)
            if x and x.find('CH_CERN') > -1
        #This block is only found on DBS
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        #test bulk call:
        ## two blocks in phedex
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK,
        ## one block in phedex one does not exist
            1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))
        ## one in phedex one in dbs
            2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK])))
        ## two in dbs
            2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK2])))
        ## one in DBS and one does not exist
            1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        sites = [
            x for x in parents[0]['PhEDExNodeList'] if x.find("CH_CERN") > -1


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath,
                          BLOCK + 'asas')
Esempio n. 6
class DBSDataDiscovery(DataDiscovery):
    """Performing the data discovery through CMS DBS service.
    def checkDatasetStatus(self, dataset, kwargs):
        res = self.dbs.dbs.listDatasets(dataset=dataset,
        if len(res) > 1:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Found more than one dataset while checking in DBS the status of %s"
                % dataset)
        if len(res) == 0:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Cannot find dataset %s in %s DBS instance" %
                (dataset, self.dbsInstance))
        res = res[0]"Input dataset details: %s", pprint.pformat(res))
        accessType = res['dataset_access_type']
        if accessType != 'VALID':
            # as per Dima's suggestion
            msgForDeprecDS = "Please contact your physics group if you think the dataset should not be deprecated."
            if kwargs['task']['tm_nonvalid_input_dataset'] != 'T':
                msg = "CRAB refuses to proceed in getting the details of the dataset %s from DBS, because the dataset is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                    dataset, accessType)
                if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                    msg += " (%s)" % (msgForDeprecDS)
                msg += " To allow CRAB to consider a dataset that is not 'VALID', set Data.allowNonValidInputDataset = True in the CRAB configuration."
                msg += " Notice that this will not force CRAB to run over all files in the dataset;"
                msg += " CRAB will still check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
            msg = "The input dataset %s is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                dataset, accessType)
            msg += " CRAB will check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
            if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                msg += " %s" % (msgForDeprecDS)
            self.uploadWarning(msg, kwargs['task']['user_proxy'],

    def keepOnlyDisks(self, locationsMap):
        self.otherLocations = set()
        phedex = PhEDEx()  #TODO use certs from the config!
        #get all the PNN that are of kind disk
            diskLocations = set([
                pnn['name'] for pnn in phedex.getNodeMap()['phedex']['node']
                if pnn['kind'] == 'Disk'
        except HTTPException as ex:
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact phedex to get the list of site storages.\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary phedex glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)) #TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        for block, locations in locationsMap.iteritems():
            locationsMap[block] = set(locations) & diskLocations
            self.otherLocations = self.otherLocations.union(
                set(locations) - diskLocations)
        #remove any key with value that has set([])
        for key, value in locationsMap.items():  #wont work in python3!
            if value == set([]):

    def checkBlocksSize(self, blocks):
        """ Make sure no single blocks has more than 100k lumis. See
        MAX_LUMIS = 100000
        for block in blocks:
            blockInfo = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(block=block)
            if blockInfo['NumberOfLumis'] > MAX_LUMIS:
                msg = "Block %s contains more than %s lumis.\nThis blows up CRAB server memory" % (
                    block, MAX_LUMIS)
                msg += "\nCRAB can only split this by ignoring lumi information. You can do this"
                msg += "\nusing FileBased split algorithm and avoiding any additional request"
                msg += "\nwich may cause lumi information to be looked up. See CRAB FAQ for more info:"
                msg += "\n"
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)

    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        This is a convenience wrapper around the executeInternal function

        # DBS3 requires X509_USER_CERT to be set - but we don't want to leak that to other modules
        # so use a context manager to set an ad hoc env and restore as soon as
        # executeInternal is over, even if it raises exception

        with self.config.TaskWorker.envForCMSWEB:
            result = self.executeInternal(*args, **kwargs)

        return result

    def executeInternal(self, *args, **kwargs):
            "Data discovery with DBS")  ## to be changed into debug

        dbsurl = self.config.Services.DBSUrl
        if kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']:
            dbsurl = kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']
        self.dbs = DBSReader(dbsurl)
        self.dbsInstance = self.dbs.dbs.serverinfo()["dbs_instance"]

        taskName = kwargs['task']['tm_taskname']
        self.logger.debug("Data discovery through %s for %s", self.dbs,

        inputDataset = kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset']
        secondaryDataset = kwargs['task'].get('tm_secondary_input_dataset',

        self.checkDatasetStatus(inputDataset, kwargs)
        if secondaryDataset:
            self.checkDatasetStatus(secondaryDataset, kwargs)

            # Get the list of blocks for the locations and then call dls.
            # The WMCore DBS3 implementation makes one call to dls for each block
            # with locations = True so we are using locations=False and looking up location later
            blocks = [
                x['Name'] for x in self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(inputDataset,
            if secondaryDataset:
                secondaryBlocks = [
                    for x in self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(secondaryDataset,
        except DBSReaderError as dbsexc:
            #dataset not found in DBS is a known use case
            if str(dbsexc).find('No matching data'):
                raise TaskWorkerException(
                    "CRAB could not find dataset %s in this DBS instance: %s" %
                    inputDataset, dbsurl)
        ## Create a map for block's locations: for each block get the list of locations.
        ## Note: listFileBlockLocation() gets first the locations from PhEDEx, and if no
        ## locations are found it gets the original locations from DBS. So it should
        ## never be the case at this point that some blocks have no locations.
        ## locationsMap is a dictionary, key=blockName, value=list of PhedexNodes, example:
        ## {'/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#b10179dc-3723-11e6-9aa5-001e67abf228': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL'],
        ## '/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#89b03ca6-1dc9-11e6-b567-001e67ac06a0': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL'}
            dbsOnly = self.dbsInstance.split('/')[1] != 'global'
            locationsMap = self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(list(blocks),
        except Exception as ex:  #TODO should we catch HttpException instead?
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not get the location of the files from dbs or phedex.\n"+\
                                      "This is could be a temporary phedex/dbs glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                      " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex))
        if not locationsMap:
            msg = "Task could not be submitted because there is no DISK replica for dataset %s" % inputDataset
            if self.otherLocations:
                msg += "\nN.B.: the input dataset is stored at %s, but those are TAPE locations." % ', '.join(
                # submit request to DDM
                ddmRequest = blocksRequest(blocks,
      "Contacted %s using %s and %s, got:\n%s",
                                 self.config.TaskWorker.cmskey, ddmRequest)
                # The query above returns a JSON with a format {"result": "OK", "message": "Copy requested", "data": [{"request_id": 18, "site": <site>, "item": [<list of blocks>], "group": "AnalysisOps", "n": 1, "status": "new", "first_request": "2018-02-26 23:57:37", "last_request": "2018-02-26 23:57:37", "request_count": 1}]}
                if ddmRequest["result"] == "OK":
                    msg += "\nA disk replica has been requested on %s" % ddmRequest[
                    # set status to TAPERECALL
                    tapeRecallStatus = 'TAPERECALL'
                    ddmReqId = ddmRequest["data"][0]["request_id"]
                    server = HTTPRequests(
                    configreq = {
                        'workflow': taskName,
                        'taskstatus': tapeRecallStatus,
                        'ddmreqid': ddmReqId,
                        'subresource': 'addddmreqid'
                        tapeRecallStatusSet =
                            self.config.TaskWorker.restURInoAPI + 'task',
                    except HTTPException as hte:
                        msg = "HTTP Error while contacting the REST Interface %s:\n%s" % (
                            self.config.TaskWorker.resturl, str(hte))
                        msg += "\nSetting %s status and DDM request ID (%d) failed for task %s" % (
                            tapeRecallStatus, ddmReqId, taskName)
                        msg += "\nHTTP Headers are: %s" % hte.headers
                        raise TaskWorkerException(msg, retry=True)

                    if tapeRecallStatusSet[2] == "OK":
              "Status for task %s set to '%s'",
                                         taskName, tapeRecallStatus)
                        msg += " and the task will be submitted as soon as it is completed."
                        self.uploadWarning(msg, kwargs['task']['user_proxy'],

                        raise TapeDatasetException(msg)
                        msg += ", please try again in two days."

            msg += "\nPlease, check DAS ( and make sure the dataset is accessible on DISK."
            msg += " You might want to contact your physics group if you need a disk replica."
            raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
        if len(blocks) != len(locationsMap):
                "The locations of some blocks have not been found: %s",
                set(blocks) - set(locationsMap))

        # will not need lumi info if user has asked for split by file with no run/lumi mask
        splitAlgo = kwargs['task']['tm_split_algo']
        lumiMask = kwargs['task']['tm_split_args']['lumis']
        runRange = kwargs['task']['tm_split_args']['runs']

        needLumiInfo = splitAlgo != 'FileBased' or lumiMask != [] or runRange != []
        # secondary dataset access relies on run/lumi info
        if secondaryDataset: needLumiInfo = True

        if needLumiInfo:
            if secondaryDataset:
            filedetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(
            if secondaryDataset:
                moredetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(

                for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                    secinfos['lumiobj'] = LumiList(

                    "Beginning to match files from secondary dataset")
                for dummyFilename, infos in filedetails.items():
                    infos['Parents'] = []
                    lumis = LumiList(runsAndLumis=infos['Lumis'])
                    for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                        if (lumis & secinfos['lumiobj']):
      "Done matching files from secondary dataset")
                kwargs['task']['tm_use_parent'] = 1
        except Exception as ex:  #TODO should we catch HttpException instead?
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact DBS to get the files details (Lumis, events, etc).\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary DBS glitch. Please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)) #TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        if not filedetails:
            raise TaskWorkerException((
                "Cannot find any file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n"
                "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help."
            ) % (
            ) % (self.dbsInstance, inputDataset))

        ## Format the output creating the data structures required by wmcore. Filters out invalid files,
        ## files whose block has no location, and figures out the PSN
        result = self.formatOutput(task=kwargs['task'],

        if not result.result:
            raise TaskWorkerException((
                "Cannot find any valid file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n"
                "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help."
            ) % (
            ) % (self.dbsInstance, inputDataset))

        self.logger.debug("Got %s files", len(result.result.getFiles()))

        return result
Esempio n. 7
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #endpoint = ""
        endpoint = ''
        self.dbs = DBSReader(endpoint)

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset = DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset = DATASET, block = BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], '22075')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], '46')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['total_size'], '4001680824')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], '49')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], '7223')

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], '377')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(block['total_size'], '150780132')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], '2')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], '94')

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        #self.assertEqual(377, block['NumberOfEvents'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [x['Name'] for x in block['StorageElementList'] if x['Name'].find('') > -1]

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK + 'asas'))

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK, onlyClosedBlocks = True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockExists(DATASET + '#somethingelse'))

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.assertTrue(FILE in [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock, DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        # hope PromptReco doesn't get deleted
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(files))
        self.assertEqual('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60', files[0]['Block']['Name'])

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.assertTrue(FILE in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK))
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK) if x.find('') > -1]
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK + 'blah'))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block['/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60']

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        sites = [x for x in parents[0]['StorageElementList'] if x.find("") > -1]


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK + 'asas'))
Esempio n. 8
class DBSReaderTest(EmulatedUnitTestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ''
        self.dbs = None
        super(DBSReaderTest, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):


        super(DBSReaderTest, self).tearDown()

    def testListDatatiers(self):
        listDatatiers returns all datatiers available
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listDatatiers()
        self.assertTrue('RAW' in results)
        self.assertTrue('GEN-SIM-RECO' in results)
        self.assertTrue('GEN-SIM' in results)
        self.assertFalse('RAW-ALAN' in results)

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(runs))
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts (None for DBS3)"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], None)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173657 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173657], None)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testlistDatasetFileDetails(self):
        """testlistDatasetFilesDetails returns lumis, events, and parents of a dataset"""
        TESTFILE = '/store/data/Run2011A/HighPileUp/RAW/v1/000/173/658/56484BAB-CBCB-E011-AF00-BCAEC518FF56.root'
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        details = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(details), 49)
        self.assertTrue(TESTFILE in details)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['NumberOfEvents'], 545)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['file_size'], 286021145)
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['BlockName'], '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#dd6e0796-cbcc-11e0-80a9-003048caaace')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Md5'], 'NOTSET')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['md5'], 'NOTSET')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Adler32'], 'a41a1446')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['adler32'], 'a41a1446')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Checksum'], '22218315')
        self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['check_sum'], '22218315')
        self.assertTrue(173658 in details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'])
                         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
                          27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
                          51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
                          75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
                          99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111])

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], 22075)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], 46)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['FileSize'], 4001680824)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['file_size'], 4001680824)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], 49)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], 7223)

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], 377)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(block['FileSize'], 150780132)
        self.assertEqual(block['file_size'], 150780132)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], 94)

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        self.assertEqual(0, block['OpenForWriting'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [x['Name'] for x in block['PhEDExNodeList'] if x['Name'].find('CH_CERN') > -1]

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo, DATASET, blockName=BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in blocks)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK, onlyClosedBlocks=True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.blockExists, DATASET + '#somethingelse')

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock, DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0')
        self.assertEqual(4, len(files))
        self.assertEqual('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0', files[0]['block_name'])
        self.assertEqual('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0', files[0]['BlockName'])

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in [x['logical_file_name'] for x in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        WRONG_BLOCK = BLOCK[:-4]+'abcd'
        BLOCK2 = '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#6021175e-cbfb-11e0-80a9-003048caaace'
        DBS_BLOCK = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        DBS_BLOCK2 = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        self.dbs = DBSReader('')
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK) if x and x.find('CH_CERN') > -1]
        #This block is only found on DBS
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        #test bulk call:
        ## two blocks in phedex
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, BLOCK2])))
        ## one block in phedex one does not exist
        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))
        ## one in phedex one in dbs
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK])))
        ## two in dbs
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK2])))
        ## one in DBS and one does not exist
        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0')
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block['/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0']

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-PromptReco-v1/RECO#004ac3ba-d09e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        self.assertEqual('/Cosmics/Commissioning2015-v1/RAW#942d76fe-cf0e-11e4-afad-001e67ac06a0', parents[0]['Name'])
        sites = [x for x in parents[0]['PhEDExNodeList'] if x.find("CH_CERN") > -1]


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath, BLOCK + 'asas')
Esempio n. 9
class DBSDataDiscovery(DataDiscovery):
    """Performing the data discovery through CMS DBS service.
    def checkDatasetStatus(self, dataset, kwargs):
        res = self.dbs.dbs.listDatasets(dataset=dataset,
        if len(res) > 1:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Found more than one dataset while checking in DBS the status of %s"
                % dataset)
        if len(res) == 0:
            raise TaskWorkerException(
                "Cannot find dataset %s in %s DBS instance" %
                (dataset, self.dbsInstance))
        res = res[0]"Input dataset details: %s" % pprint.pformat(res))
        accessType = res['dataset_access_type']
        if accessType != 'VALID':
            #as per Dima's suggestion
            msgForDeprecDS = "Please contact your physics group if you think the dataset should not be deprecated."
            if kwargs['task']['tm_nonvalid_input_dataset'] != 'T':
                msg = "CRAB refuses to proceed in getting the details of the dataset %s from DBS, because the dataset is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                    dataset, accessType)
                if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                    msg += " (%s)" % (msgForDeprecDS)
                msg += " To allow CRAB to consider a dataset that is not 'VALID', set Data.allowNonValidInputDataset = True in the CRAB configuration."
                msg += " Notice that this will not force CRAB to run over all files in the dataset;"
                msg += " CRAB will still check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
            msg = "The input dataset %s is not 'VALID' but '%s'." % (
                dataset, accessType)
            msg += " CRAB will check if there are any valid files in the dataset and run only over those files."
            if accessType == 'DEPRECATED':
                msg += " %s" % (msgForDeprecDS)
            self.uploadWarning(msg, kwargs['task']['user_proxy'],

    def keepOnlyDisks(self, locationsMap):
        self.otherLocations = set()
        phedex = PhEDEx()  #TODO use certs from the config!
        #get all the PNN that are of kind disk
            diskLocations = set([
                pnn['name'] for pnn in phedex.getNodeMap()['phedex']['node']
                if pnn['kind'] == 'Disk'
        except HTTPException as ex:
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact phedex to get the list of site storages.\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary phedex glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)) #TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        for block, locations in locationsMap.iteritems():
            locationsMap[block] = set(locations) & diskLocations
            self.otherLocations = self.otherLocations.union(
                set(locations) - diskLocations)
        #remove any key with value that has set([])
        for key, value in locationsMap.items():  #wont work in python3!
            if value == set([]):

    def checkBlocksSize(self, blocks):
        """ Make sure no single blocks has more than 100k lumis. See
        MAX_LUMIS = 100000
        for block in blocks:
            blockInfo = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(block=block)
            if blockInfo['NumberOfLumis'] > MAX_LUMIS:
                msg = "Block %s contains more than %s lumis and cannot be processed for splitting. " % (
                    block, MAX_LUMIS)
                msg += "For memory/time contraint big blocks are not allowed. Use another dataset as input."
                raise TaskWorkerException(msg)

    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
            "Data discovery with DBS")  ## to be changed into debug
        old_cert_val = os.getenv("X509_USER_CERT")
        old_key_val = os.getenv("X509_USER_KEY")
            os.environ['X509_USER_CERT'] = self.config.TaskWorker.cmscert
            os.environ['X509_USER_KEY'] = self.config.TaskWorker.cmskey
            # DBS3 requires X509_USER_CERT to be set - but we don't want to leak that to other modules
            dbsurl = self.config.Services.DBSUrl
            if kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']:
                dbsurl = kwargs['task']['tm_dbs_url']
            self.dbs = DBSReader(dbsurl)
            self.dbsInstance = self.dbs.dbs.serverinfo()["dbs_instance"]
            if old_cert_val != None:
                os.environ['X509_USER_CERT'] = old_cert_val
                del os.environ['X509_USER_CERT']
            if old_key_val != None:
                os.environ['X509_USER_KEY'] = old_key_val
                del os.environ['X509_USER_KEY']
        self.logger.debug("Data discovery through %s for %s" %
                          (self.dbs, kwargs['task']['tm_taskname']))
        self.checkDatasetStatus(kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset'], kwargs)
            # Get the list of blocks for the locations and then call dls.
            # The WMCore DBS3 implementation makes one call to dls for each block
            # with locations = True so we are using locations=False and looking up location later
            blocks = [
                x['Name'] for x in self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(
                    kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset'], locations=False)
        except DBSReaderError as dbsexc:
            #dataset not found in DBS is a known use case
            if str(dbsexc).find('No matching data'):
                raise TaskWorkerException(
                    "The CRAB3 server backend could not find dataset %s in this DBS instance: %s"
                    % (kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset'], dbsurl))
        ## Create a map for block's locations: for each block get the list of locations.
        ## Note: listFileBlockLocation() gets first the locations from PhEDEx, and if no
        ## locations are found it gets the original locations from DBS. So it should
        ## never be the case at this point that some blocks have no locations.
        ## locationsMap is a dictionary, key=blockName, value=list of PhedexNodes, example:
        ## {'/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#b10179dc-3723-11e6-9aa5-001e67abf228': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL'],
        ## '/JetHT/Run2016B-PromptReco-v2/AOD#89b03ca6-1dc9-11e6-b567-001e67ac06a0': [u'T1_IT_CNAF_Buffer', u'T2_US_Wisconsin', u'T1_IT_CNAF_MSS', u'T2_BE_UCL'}
            dbsOnly = self.dbsInstance.split('/')[1] != 'global'
            locationsMap = self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(list(blocks),
        except Exception as ex:  #TODO should we catch HttpException instead?
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not get the location of the files from dbs or phedex.\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary phedex/dbs glitch, please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex))
        if not locationsMap:
            msg = "Task could not be submitted because there is no DISK replica for dataset %s ." % (
            msg += " Please, check DAS,, and make sure the dataset is accessible on DISK"
            msg += " You might want to contact your physics group if you need a disk replica."
            if self.otherLocations:
                msg += "\nN.B.: your dataset is stored at %s, but those are TAPE locations." % ','.join(
            raise TaskWorkerException(msg)
        if len(blocks) != len(locationsMap):
                "The locations of some blocks have not been found: %s" %
                (set(blocks) - set(locationsMap)))
            filedetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(

            secondary = kwargs['task'].get('tm_secondary_input_dataset', None)
            if secondary:
                moredetails = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(secondary,

                for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                    secinfos['lumiobj'] = LumiList(

                    "Beginning to match files from secondary dataset")
                for dummyFilename, infos in filedetails.items():
                    infos['Parents'] = []
                    lumis = LumiList(runsAndLumis=infos['Lumis'])
                    for secfilename, secinfos in moredetails.items():
                        if (lumis & secinfos['lumiobj']):
      "Done matching files from secondary dataset")
                kwargs['task']['tm_use_parent'] = 1
        except Exception as ex:  #TODO should we catch HttpException instead?
            raise TaskWorkerException("The CRAB3 server backend could not contact DBS to get the files details (Lumis, events, etc).\n"+\
                                "This is could be a temporary DBS glitch. Please try to submit a new task (resubmit will not work)"+\
                                " and contact the experts if the error persists.\nError reason: %s" % str(ex)) #TODO addo the nodes phedex so the user can check themselves
        if not filedetails:
            raise TaskWorkerException((
                "Cannot find any file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n"
                "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help."
            ) % (
            ) % (self.dbsInstance, kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset']))

        ## Format the output creating the data structures required by wmcore. Filters out invalid files,
        ## files whose block has no location, and figures out the PSN
        result = self.formatOutput(task=kwargs['task'],

        if not result.result:
            raise TaskWorkerException((
                "Cannot find any valid file inside the dataset. Please, check your dataset in DAS, %s.\n"
                "Aborting submission. Resubmitting your task will not help."
            ) % (
            ) % (self.dbsInstance, kwargs['task']['tm_input_dataset']))

        self.logger.debug("Got %s files" % len(result.result.getFiles()))
        return result
Esempio n. 10
    def importDataset(self, sourceDBS, sourceDatasetPath, targetDBS, onlyClosed=True):

        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS with full parentage hirerarchy
        (at least not slow because branches info is dropped)

        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported

        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to
        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath, onlyClosed)
        blkCounter = 0
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock["Name"]
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            # //
            blkCounter = blkCounter + 1
            msg = "Importing block %s of %s: %s " % (blkCounter, len(inputBlocks), block)
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                # //  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if str(inputBlock["OpenForWriting"]) != "1":
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(inputBlock["NumberOfFiles"]) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:
                        self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)


                    sourceDBS, targetDBS, sourceDatasetPath, block_name=block, noParentsReadOnly=False
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (sourceDatasetPath,)
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
            # only empty file blocks can have no location
            if not locations and str(inputBlock["NumberOfFiles"]) != "0":
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            for sename in locations:
                self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)
Esempio n. 11
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        #self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ''
        self.dbs      = None

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets('Jet*')
        self.assertTrue('Jet' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMET' in results)
        self.assertTrue('JetMETTau' in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v1')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(['/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW'], dataset[0]['PathList'])
        self.assertEqual('Run2011A-v1', dataset[0]['Name'])
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW', 'Run2011A-v666'))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset = DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset = DATASET, block = BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset = DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], 2782)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset = DATASET, block = BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual({173657 : 94}, runs)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'RAW')
        self.assertTrue('Run2011A-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertTrue('Run2011B-v1' in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('Jet', 'blah'))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets('blah', 'RAW'))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testlistDatasetFileDetails(self):
        """testlistDatasetFilesDetails returns lumis, events, and parents of a dataset"""
        TESTFILE = '/store/data/Run2011A/HighPileUp/RAW/v1/000/173/658/56484BAB-CBCB-E011-AF00-BCAEC518FF56.root'
        for endpoint in [self.endpoint, 'test/python/WMCore_t/Services_t/DBS_t/']:
            self.dbs = DBSReader(endpoint)
            details = self.dbs.listDatasetFileDetails(DATASET)
            self.assertEqual(len(details), 49)
            self.assertTrue(TESTFILE in details)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['NumberOfEvents'], 545)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['Size'], 286021145)
            self.assertEqual(details[TESTFILE]['BlockName'], '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#dd6e0796-cbcc-11e0-80a9-003048caaace')
                {'Checksum': '22218315', 'Adler32': 'a41a1446', 'Md5': 'NOTSET'}
            self.assertTrue( 173658 in details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'])
            self.assertEqual( sorted(details[TESTFILE]['Lumis'][173658]),
                sorted( map( long, [8, 12, 9, 14, 10, 6, 2, 1, 4, 3, 36, 49, 16, 11, 27, 35, 46, 39, 20, 24, 52, 23, 40, 42, 45, 21, 32, 37,  \
                                    25, 22, 5, 33, 17, 15, 26, 50, 18, 29, 51, 44, 69, 43, 30, 73, 19, 41, 13, 38, 7, 31, 75, 48, 59, 65, 55, \
                                    57, 34, 28, 74, 47, 64, 61, 68, 77, 66, 71, 60, 76, 70, 67, 62, 78, 82, 79, 88, 56, 101, 92, 58, 72, 54,  \
                                    63, 96, 53, 84, 95, 89, 85, 99, 81, 91, 102, 80, 100, 107, 94, 93, 90, 86, 87, 83, 97, 104, 110, 111, 106,\
                                    108, 98, 103, 109, 105]))

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['path'], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset['block'], '')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfEvents'], '22075')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfBlocks'], '46')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['total_size'], '4001680824')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfFiles'], '49')
        self.assertEqual(dataset['NumberOfLumis'], '7223')

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['path'], '')
        self.assertEqual(block['block'], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfEvents'], '377')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfBlocks'], '1')
        self.assertEqual(block['total_size'], '150780132')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfFiles'], '2')
        self.assertEqual(block['NumberOfLumis'], '94')

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block['Name'] in [x['Name'] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block['Name'])
        #self.assertEqual(377, block['NumberOfEvents'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block['BlockSize'])
        self.assertEqual(2, block['NumberOfFiles'])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [x['Name'] for x in block['StorageElementList'] if x['Name'].find('') > -1]

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo, DATASET + 'blah')
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK + 'asas'))

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET, blockName = BLOCK, onlyClosedBlocks = True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockExists(DATASET + '#somethingelse'))

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in [x['LogicalFileName'] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock, DATASET + '#blah')

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        # hope PromptReco doesn't get deleted
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(files))
        self.assertEqual('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60', files[0]['Block']['Name'])

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK))
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        WRONG_BLOCK = BLOCK[:-4]+'abcd'
        BLOCK2 = '/HighPileUp/Run2011A-v1/RAW#6021175e-cbfb-11e0-80a9-003048caaace'
        DBS_BLOCK = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        DBS_BLOCK2 = '/GenericTTbar/hernan-140317_231446_crab_JH_ASO_test_T2_ES_CIEMAT_5000_100_140318_0014-'+\
        self.dbs = DBSReader('')
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK) if x and x.find('') > -1]
        #This block is only found on DBS
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        #test bulk call:
        ## two blocks in phedex
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, BLOCK2])))
        ## one block in phedex one does not exist
        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))
        ## one in phedex one in dbs
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK])))
        ## two in dbs
        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, DBS_BLOCK2])))
        ## one in DBS and one does not exist
        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation([DBS_BLOCK, WRONG_BLOCK])))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block['Files']))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block['/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60']

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents, BLOCK + 'asas')

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents('/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60')
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        sites = [x for x in parents[0]['StorageElementList'] if x.find("") > -1]


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK + 'asas'))
Esempio n. 12
    def importDataset(self,

        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS with full parentage hirerarchy
        (at least not slow because branches info is dropped)

        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported

        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to

        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath,
        blkCounter = 0
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock['Name']
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            blkCounter = blkCounter + 1
            msg = "Importing block %s of %s: %s " % (blkCounter,
                                                     len(inputBlocks), block)
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                #//  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if str(inputBlock['OpenForWriting']) != '1':
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(
                            inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:
                        self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)


            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (
                    sourceDatasetPath, )
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
            # only empty file blocks can have no location
            if not locations and str(inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDataset\n"
                msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            for sename in locations:
                self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)

Esempio n. 13
    def importDatasetWithExistingParents(self,

        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS.
        It complains if the parent dataset ar not there!!

        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported

        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to

        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath,
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock['Name']
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                #//  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if not str(inputBlock['OpenForWriting']) != '1':
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(
                            inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:
                        self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)

                xferData = reader.dbs.listDatasetContents(
                    sourceDatasetPath, block)
            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                msg += "Could not read content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (
                    sourceDatasetPath, )
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (
                    sourceDatasetPath, )
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            del xferData

            locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
            # only empty file blocks can have no location
            if not locations and str(inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithExistingParents\n"
                msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            for sename in locations:
                self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)

Esempio n. 14
    def importDatasetWithoutParentage(self,
        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS with one level parentage,
        however it has severe limitation on its use due to the "ReadOnly" concept. 
        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported

        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to

        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath, onlyClosed)
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock['Name']
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                #//  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if str(inputBlock['OpenForWriting']) != '1':
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(
                            inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:
                        self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)

            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (
                    sourceDatasetPath, )
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
            # only empty file blocks can have no location
            if not locations and str(inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            for sename in locations:
                self.dbs.addReplicaToBlock(block, sename)
Esempio n. 15
    def importDatasetWithoutParentage(self, sourceDBS, sourceDatasetPath, targetDBS,
                      onlyClosed = True):

        Import a dataset into the local scope DBS with one level parentage,
        however it has severe limitation on its use due to the "ReadOnly" concept.

        - *sourceDBS* : URL for input DBS instance

        - *sourceDatasetPath* : Dataset Path to be imported

        - *targetDBS* : URL for DBS to have dataset imported to

        reader = DBSReader(sourceDBS)
        inputBlocks = reader.getFileBlocksInfo(sourceDatasetPath, onlyClosed, locations = False)
        for inputBlock in inputBlocks:
            block = inputBlock['Name']
            #  //
            # // Test block does not exist in target
            if self.reader.blockExists(block):
                #  //
                # // block exists
                #//  If block is closed dont attempt transfer
                if str(inputBlock['OpenForWriting']) != '1':
                    msg = "Block already exists in target DBS and is closed:\n"
                    msg += " ==> %s\n" % block
                    msg += "Skipping Import of that block"
                    locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
                    # only empty file blocks can have no location
                    if not locations and str(inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                        msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
          "Update block locations to:")
                    for sename in locations:

                self.dbs.migrateDatasetContents(sourceDBS, targetDBS, sourceDatasetPath, block_name=block, noParentsReadOnly = True )
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                msg += "Could not write content of dataset:\n ==> %s\n" % (
                msg += "Block name:\n ==> %s\n" % block
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            locations = reader.listFileBlockLocation(block)
            # only empty file blocks can have no location
            if not locations and str(inputBlock['NumberOfFiles']) != "0":
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.importDatasetWithoutParentage\n"
                msg += "Block has no locations defined: %s" % block
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
            for sename in locations:
Esempio n. 16
class DBSReaderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        # self.endpoint = ""
        self.endpoint = ""
        self.dbs = None

    def testListPrimaryDatasets(self):
        listPrimaryDatasets returns known primary datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        results = self.dbs.listPrimaryDatasets("Jet*")
        self.assertTrue("Jet" in results)
        self.assertTrue("JetMET" in results)
        self.assertTrue("JetMETTau" in results)

    def testMatchProcessedDatasets(self):
        matchProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets("Jet", "RAW", "Run2011A-v1")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dataset))
        self.assertEqual(["/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW"], dataset[0]["PathList"])
        self.assertEqual("Run2011A-v1", dataset[0]["Name"])
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.matchProcessedDatasets("Jet", "RAW", "Run2011A-v666"))

    def testlistRuns(self):
        """listRuns returns known runs"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(174074 in runs)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual([173657], runs)

    def testlistRunLumis(self):
        """listRunLumis returns known runs and lumicounts"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        runs = self.dbs.listRunLumis(dataset=DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(46, len(runs))
        self.assertTrue(173692 in runs)
        self.assertEqual(runs[173692], 2782)
        runs = self.dbs.listRuns(dataset=DATASET, block=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual({173657: 94}, runs)

    def testListProcessedDatasets(self):
        """listProcessedDatasets returns known processed datasets"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        datasets = self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets("Jet", "RAW")
        self.assertTrue("Run2011A-v1" in datasets)
        self.assertTrue("Run2011B-v1" in datasets)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets("Jet", "blah"))
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listProcessedDatasets("blah", "RAW"))

    def testlistDatasetFiles(self):
        """listDatasetFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listDatasetFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(49, len(files))
        self.assertTrue(FILE in files)

    def testGetDBSSummaryInfo(self):
        """getDBSSummaryInfo returns summary of dataset and block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        dataset = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset["path"], DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(dataset["block"], "")
        self.assertEqual(dataset["NumberOfEvents"], "22075")
        self.assertEqual(dataset["NumberOfBlocks"], "46")
        self.assertEqual(dataset["total_size"], "4001680824")
        self.assertEqual(dataset["NumberOfFiles"], "49")
        self.assertEqual(dataset["NumberOfLumis"], "7223")

        block = self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo(DATASET, BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block["path"], "")
        self.assertEqual(block["block"], BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(block["NumberOfEvents"], "377")
        self.assertEqual(block["NumberOfBlocks"], "1")
        self.assertEqual(block["total_size"], "150780132")
        self.assertEqual(block["NumberOfFiles"], "2")
        self.assertEqual(block["NumberOfLumis"], "94")

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET + "blah")
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getDBSSummaryInfo, DATASET, BLOCK + "asas")

    def testGetFileBlocksInfo(self):
        """getFileBlocksInfo returns block info, including location lookup"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(block))
        block = block[0]
        self.assertEqual(46, len(blocks))
        self.assertTrue(block["Name"] in [x["Name"] for x in blocks])
        self.assertEqual(BLOCK, block["Name"])
        # self.assertEqual(377, block['NumberOfEvents'])
        self.assertEqual(150780132, block["BlockSize"])
        self.assertEqual(2, block["NumberOfFiles"])
        # possibly fragile but assume block located at least at cern
        sites = [x["Name"] for x in block["StorageElementList"] if x["Name"].find("") > -1]

        # weird error handling - depends on whether block or dataset is missing
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo, DATASET + "blah")
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.getFileBlocksInfo(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK + "asas"))

    def testListFileBlocks(self):
        """listFileBlocks returns block names in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        blocks = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET)
        # block is closed
        block = self.dbs.listFileBlocks(DATASET, blockName=BLOCK, onlyClosedBlocks=True)[0]
        self.assertEqual(block, BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in block)

    def testListOpenFileBlocks(self):
        """listOpenFileBlocks finds open blocks"""
        # hard to find a dataset with open blocks, so don't bother
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockExists(self):
        """blockExists returns existence of blocks"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockExists(DATASET + "#somethingelse"))

    def testListFilesInBlock(self):
        """listFilesInBlock returns files in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in [x["LogicalFileName"] for x in self.dbs.listFilesInBlock(BLOCK)])
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlock, DATASET + "#blah")

    def testListFilesInBlockWithParents(self):
        """listFilesInBlockWithParents gets files with parents for a block"""
        # hope PromptReco doesn't get deleted
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(1, len(files))
            "/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60", files[0]["Block"]["Name"]

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.listFilesInBlockWithParents, BLOCK + "asas")

    def testLfnsInBlock(self):
        """lfnsInBlock returns lfns in block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertTrue(FILE in self.dbs.lfnsInBlock(BLOCK))
        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.lfnsInBlock, BLOCK + "asas")

    def testListFileBlockLocation(self):
        """listFileBlockLocation returns block location"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        # assume one site is cern
        sites = [x for x in self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK) if x.find("") > -1]
        # doesn't raise on non-existant block
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.listFileBlockLocation(BLOCK + "blah"))

    def testGetFileBlock(self):
        """getFileBlock returns block"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlock(BLOCK)
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block[BLOCK]
        self.assertEqual(2, len(block["Files"]))

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlock, BLOCK + "asas")

    def testGetFileBlockWithParents(self):
        """getFileBlockWithParents returns block and parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        block = self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents(
        self.assertEqual(len(block), 1)
        block = block["/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60"]

        self.assertRaises(DBSReaderError, self.dbs.getFileBlockWithParents, BLOCK + "asas")

    def testGetFiles(self):
        """getFiles returns files in dataset"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        files = self.dbs.getFiles(DATASET)
        self.assertEqual(len(files), 46)

    def testListBlockParents(self):
        """listBlockParents returns block parents"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        parents = self.dbs.listBlockParents("/Jet/Run2011A-PromptReco-v1/RECO#f8d36af3-4fb6-11e0-9d39-00151755cb60")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(parents))
        self.assertEqual("/Jet/Run2011A-v1/RAW#37cf2a40-4e0e-11e0-9833-00151755cb60", parents[0]["Name"])
        sites = [x for x in parents[0]["StorageElementList"] if x.find("") > -1]


    def testBlockIsOpen(self):
        """blockIsOpen checks if a block is open"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)

    def testBlockToDatasetPath(self):
        """blockToDatasetPath extracts path from block name"""
        self.dbs = DBSReader(self.endpoint)
        self.assertEqual(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK), DATASET)
        self.assertFalse(self.dbs.blockToDatasetPath(BLOCK + "asas"))