def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session; if sess==None: user = ""; else: user = sess.user; txt = """ <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/imagestyle.css"/> </head> <body> <script>var jQuery; // for commonJS compatability</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> """ pageName = 'albums_for_image' if constants.compressJs: txt += cjsForPage(pageName) else: txt += jsForPage(pageName) txt += """ <script> idv.loggedInUser='******' $(document).ready(page.initialize); </script> """ return htmlResponse(txt)
def emitSnapPage(webin, parsedPath, parsedQuery, forHomePage): #print "PPPP",parsedPath #this is only used for debugging nm =[0:-1] tp = "/snap/" + "/".join(nm) print "TOPIC ", tp sn = snapm.SnapD(tp) otxt = sn.genPage(sendToS3=False, compressJs=False) #print "OTXT",otxt #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return htmlResponse(otxt)
def emitPage(webin): Logr.log("page", "EMITTING GALLERY PAGE") sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user images = {} albums = {} pg0 = gen.pageHeader(webin, "imageDiver") + """ <body> """ pageName = 'gallery' if constants.compressJs: pg0 += commonCjsInclude + cjsForPage("gallery") + toJsInclude( "/pages/gallery_data.js") else: pg0 += commonJsIncludes + toJsIncludes( jsFiles['gallery']) + toJsInclude("/pages/gallery_data.js") """ pg0 += commonJsIncludes + jsForPage(pageName) if constants.compressJs: pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.toJsInclude("/cjs/common.js") + constants.toJsInclude("/cjs/gallery.js") else: pg0 += constants.commonJsIncludes + constants.toJsInclude("/pages/gallery.js") """ pg0 += """ <script> $(document).ready(function () { page.initialize({loggedInUser:'******'}); }); </script> <div class="outerDiv"> <div class="topDiv"> <div class="topDivTop"></div> <div class="titleDiv">the depths of high-resolution images, annotated</div> </div> </div> </body> </html> """ return htmlResponse(pg0)
def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user pg0 = gen.pageHeader(webin, "the depths of high resolution images, annotated", facebook=False) + "<body>" pageName = 'images' if constants.compressJs: pg0 += commonCjsInclude + cjsForPage(pageName) else: pg0 += commonJsIncludes + jsForPage(pageName) """ var loading = $('<div style="margin:40px"><center>LOADING... <img src="/ajax-loader.gif"/></center></dir>'); page.loadingDiv = loading; $('body').append(loading); """ pg1 = """ idv.util.commonInit(); var jsonUrl = "/api/allImages" idv.util.get(jsonUrl,function (rs) { var images = rs.value; $('document').ready( function () { page.initialize(images,loggedInUser,"all"); }); }); </script> </body> </html> """ otxt = pg0 + \ "<script>" + \ "var loggedInUser='******';\n" otxt += constants.emitConstants() otxt += pg1 return htmlResponse(otxt)
def emitPage(webin): sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user txt = """ <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/imagestyle.css"/> </head> <body> <script>var jQuery; // for commonJS compatability</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> """ pageName = 'upload_iframe' if constants.compressJs: txt += cjsForPage(pageName) else: txt += jsForPage(pageName) txt += """ <script> idv.loggedInUser='******' $(document).ready(initialize); </script> <form id="theForm" target="_self" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/api/upload?id=333" method="post"> <p>File: <input id="fileInput" style="color:white" type="file" name="file"/></p> <p id="errorP"></p> <p><input id ="theButton" type="button" value="Upload"></p> </form> </body> </html> """ return htmlResponse(txt)
def emitAlbumPage(webin, parsedPath, parsedQuery, forHomePage): pageStore = {} import model.album album = model.album vprint("parsedQuery " + str(parsedQuery)) vprint("emitAlbumPage") sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user qs = getattr(webin, "queryString", None) published = 0 # is this the published version? """ now, if we're here its unpublished if qs: qsp = urlparse.parse_qs(qs) published = 0 if qsp.get('unpublished',False) else 1 """ name = Logr.log("newdb", str(name)) if len(name) < 3: return gen.emitNotFound(webin) #return gen.genStaticPage(webin,"ImageDiver Message"," <center><b>404</b></center><p><center>No such page</center></p>"); imowner = name[0] imname = name[1] albumname = name[2] albumTopic = "/album/" + imowner + "/" + imname + "/" + albumname imageTopic = "/image/" + imowner + "/" + imname if albumname == "-": albumD = "-" else: albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic, webin.pageStore) if not albumD: #todo add error page here return gen.genStaticPage(webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>No such album</b></center>") im = image.loadImageD(imageTopic, webin.pageStore) imHasAlbums = album.hasAlbums( imageTopic, user) # does this user have albums on this image imDict = models.toDict(im, [ "dimensions", "title", "name", "author", "year", "externalLink", "description", "owner", "topic", "tilingDepthBump", "zoomDepthBump", "source" ]) if albumD == "-": ownerD = models.loadUserD(user, webin.pageStore) ownerName = getattr(ownerD, "name", None) options = { "imageD": imDict, "imageTopic": imageTopic, "loggedInUser": user, "ownerName": ownerName, "albumOwner": user, "published": False } otxt = genAlbumPage(options) return htmlResponse(otxt) #print "IMDICT ",imDict author = getattr(im, "author", None) if author == None: author = "" else: author = ", " + author ttl = getattr(im, "title", "") albowner = albumD.owner vprint("OWNER ", albowner, user) if (not constants.devVersion) and (albowner != user): return gen.genStaticPage( webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>This is an unpublished album</b></center>") beenPublished = getattr(albumD, "published", 0) vprint("beenPublished", beenPublished) ownerD = models.loadUserD(albowner, webin.pageStore) ownerName = getattr(ownerD, "name", None) apub = getattr(albumD, "published", None) if published and (not apub): return gen.genStaticPage( webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>This album has not yet been published</b></center>") #imageTopic = albumD.image #options = {"imageD":imDict,"albumOwner":albumD.owner,"albumOwnerName":ownerName,"loggedInUser":user,"hasAlbums":imHasAlbums, # "albumTopic":albumD.topic,"published":published,"beenPublished":beenPublished,"path":"/"} options = { "imageD": imDict, "albumOwner": albumD.owner, "albumOwnerName": ownerName, "loggedInUser": user, "imTitle": ttl, "imAuthor": author, "albumTopic": albumD.topic, "imageTopic": imageTopic, "published": published, "beenPublished": beenPublished, "path": webin.path } vprint("OPTIONS", options) otxt = genAlbumPage(options) #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return htmlResponse(otxt)
def emitAlbumPage(webin,parsedPath,parsedQuery,forHomePage): a = album.AlbumD() otxt = a.genPage() #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return htmlResponse(otxt)