Esempio n. 1
def createLinkedList(n):
	g = WeightedGraph()
	for i in range(1, n+1):
	nodes = g.getAllNodes()
	for i in range(len(nodes)-1):
		nodes[i].neighbors[nodes[i+1]] = 1
	return g
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        NineTailModel.__init__(self) # Invoke superclass constructor
        # Create a graph
        vertices = [x for x in range(NUMBER_OF_NODES)]
        graph = WeightedGraph(vertices, getWeightedEdges()); 

        # Obtain a BSF tree rooted at the target node
        self.tree = graph.getShortestPath(511)
Esempio n. 3
def createLinkedList(n: int) -> WeightedGraph:
    graph = WeightedGraph()

    prevNode = None
    for i in range(0, n):
        newNode = graph.addNode(i)

        if prevNode is not None:
            graph.addWeightedEdge(prevNode, newNode, 1)

        prevNode = newNode

    return graph
Esempio n. 4
 def createLinkedList(n):
     graph = WeightedGraph()
     for newNode in range(0, n)
     nodelist = graph.getAllNodes()
     nodelistlength = len(nodelist)
     for num in range(nodelistlength-1):
         graph.addWeightedEdge(nodelist[num], nodelist[num+1], 1)
     return graph
Esempio n. 5
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n: int) -> WeightedGraph:
    graph = WeightedGraph()

    for i in range(0, n):

    for node in graph.getAllNodes():
        for neighbor in graph.getAllNodes():
            if node is not neighbor:
                weight = random.randint(0, n)
                graph.addWeightedEdge(node, neighbor, weight)

    return graph
Esempio n. 6
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n):
    g = WeightedGraph()
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
    nodes = g.getAllNodes()
    for i in nodes:
        x = nodes.index(i)
        suggested = nodes[:x] + nodes[x + 1:]
        for j in suggested:
            randomWeight = randint(1, 15)
            g.addDirectedEdge(i, j, randomWeight)
    return g
Esempio n. 7
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n):
	g = WeightedGraph()
	for i in range(1,n+1):
	nodes = g.getAllNodes()
	for i in nodes:
		x = nodes.index(i)
		# Make a list including all values but the current
		suggestedList = nodes[:x]+nodes[x+1:]
		for j in suggestedList:
			randomWeight = randint(1, 15)
			g.addDirectedEdge(i, j, randomWeight)
	return g
Esempio n. 8
def createLinkedList(n):
    """Makes a weighted graph with n nodes, each having a single edge to the next node of uniform weight."""
    graph = WeightedGraph() 

    for i in range(n):
        if i == 0:
        graph.addWeightedEdge(i-1, i, 1)

    return graph
Esempio n. 9
def createLinkedList(n):
    linkedgraph = WeightedGraph()
    i = 0
    while (i < n):
        i += 1
    j = 1
    while (j < (n)):
        linkedgraph.addWeightedEdge(linkedgraph.nodesList[j - 1],
                                    linkedgraph.nodesList[j], 1)
        j += 1
    return linkedgraph
Esempio n. 10
 def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n):
     graph = WeightedGraph()
     lst = []
     for num in range(n):
         randomNum = random.randint(0, n);
         if randomNum not in lst:
     nodelist = graph.getAllNodes()
     for node in nodelist:
         for node2 in range(n):
             if node != node2:
                 randomWeight = random.randint(1, (n*n))
                 graph.addWeightedEdge(node, node2, randomWeight)
     return graph
Esempio n. 11
def createLinkedList(n : int, g : Graph) -> Graph:
  isWG = isinstance(g, WeightedGraph)
  if len(g) != 0: # Create new graph if input is not empty
    g = WeightedGraph() if isWG else Graph()

  for i in range(n):

  nodes = sorted(g.getAllNodes())
  prev = nodes.pop(0)
  while len(nodes) != 0:
    curr = nodes.pop()
    if isWG:
      g.addWeightedEdge(prev, curr, 1)
      g.addUndirectedEdge(prev, curr)
    prev = curr
  return g
Esempio n. 12
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n):
    """Makes a complete weighted graph where every node has an edge to every other node with randomly assigned weights."""
    graph = WeightedGraph()

    for i in range(n):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i == j:
            graph.addWeightedEdge(i, j, random.choice(range(1, n)))

    return graph
Esempio n. 13
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n):
    randgraph = WeightedGraph()
    i = 0
    while (i < n):
        i += 1
    i = 0
    while (i < n):
        j = 0
        while (j < n):
            if i != j:
                x = randgraph.nodesList[i]
                y = randgraph.nodesList[j]
                z = random.randint(1, max(10, n / 2))
                randgraph.addWeightedEdge(x, y, z)
            j += 1
        i += 1
    return randgraph
Esempio n. 14
def MSTPrim(graph: WeightedGraph, root: Any) -> WeightedGraph:
    Prim's algorithm to creating an MST from a weighted graph - a greedy algorithm taking all accessible edges from
    the currently considered vertices into account
    :param graph: a weighted graph of which we extract an MST from
    :param root: the first node to consider
    :return: an MST of the graph
    vertices = graph.adjacency_list.keys()
    mst = WeightedGraph()
    priority = {}
    parent = {}
    for vertex in vertices:
        priority[vertex] = max(graph.weights.values())  # Acts as infinity
        parent[vertex] = None
    priority[root] = 0

    q = MinPriorityQueue()
    for vertex in vertices:
        q.insert(vertex, priority[vertex])

    while not q.is_empty():
        node = q.extract_min()
        u = node.value
        u_weight = node.priority
        if parent[u] is not None:
            mst.add_weighted_edge(u, parent[u], u_weight)

        for v in graph.adjacency_list[u]:
            if v in q and graph.weights[(u, v)] < priority[v]:
                priority[v] = graph.weights[(
                    u, v)]  # update to the correct weight
                                  priority[v])  # update to the correct weight
                parent[v] = u
    return mst
        res = []
        if pre[self._t] == -1:
            return res

        cur = self._t
        while cur != self._s:
            cur = pre[cur]
        return res[::-1]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = '../network.txt'
    network = WeightedGraph(filename, directed=True)

    maxflow = MaxFlow(network, 0, 3)


    for v in range(network.V):
        for w in network.adj(v):
            print('{}-{} : 流量:{} / 容量:{}'.format(v, w, maxflow.flow(v, w),
                                                 network.get_weight(v, w)))

    print('=' * 30)
    filename = '../network2.txt'
    network = WeightedGraph(filename, directed=True)

    maxflow = MaxFlow(network, 0, 5)
        cc = CC(G)
        if (cc.ccount > 1):
        edges = []
        for v in range(G.V):
            for w in G.adj(v):
                if v < w:
                    edges.append(WeightedEdge(v, w, G.get_weight(v, w)))

        edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda key: key.weight)
        uf = UF(self._G.V)
        for edge in edges:
            v = edge.v
            w = edge.w
            if uf.isConnected(v, w):
                uf.union(v, w)

    def result(self):
        return self._mst

if __name__ == '__main__':
    filename = '../g.txt'
    g = WeightedGraph(filename)
    kruskal = Kruskal(g)
        [3, 5, 1003],
      [4, 2, 1663], [4, 3, 599], [4, 5, 533], [4, 7, 1260],
        [4, 8, 864], [4, 10, 496],
      [5, 0, 2097], [5, 3, 1003], [5, 4, 533], 
        [5, 6, 983], [5, 7, 787],
      [6, 5, 983], [6, 7, 214],
      [7, 4, 1260], [7, 5, 787], [7, 6, 214], [7, 8, 888],
      [8, 4, 864], [8, 7, 888], [8, 9, 661], 
        [8, 10, 781], [8, 11, 810],
      [9, 8, 661], [9, 11, 1187],
      [10, 2, 1435], [10, 4, 496], [10, 8, 781], [10, 11, 239],
      [11, 8, 810], [11, 9, 1187], [11, 10, 239]

# Create a graph
graph1 = WeightedGraph(vertices, edges)

# Obtain a minimum spanning tree
tree1 = graph1.getMinimumSpanningTree()
print("Total weight is " + str(tree1.getTotalWeight()))

# Create vertices and edges
vertices = [x for x in range(5)]
edges = [
      [0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 8], 
      [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 7], [1, 3, 3],
      [2, 1, 7], [2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5],
      [3, 0, 8], [3, 1, 3], [3, 2, 4], [3, 4, 6],
      [4, 2, 5], [4, 3, 6]
Esempio n. 18
        [3, 5, 1003],
      [4, 2, 1663], [4, 3, 599], [4, 5, 533], [4, 7, 1260],
        [4, 8, 864], [4, 10, 496],
      [5, 0, 2097], [5, 3, 1003], [5, 4, 533], 
        [5, 6, 983], [5, 7, 787],
      [6, 5, 983], [6, 7, 214],
      [7, 4, 1260], [7, 5, 787], [7, 6, 214], [7, 8, 888],
      [8, 4, 864], [8, 7, 888], [8, 9, 661], 
        [8, 10, 781], [8, 11, 810],
      [9, 8, 661], [9, 11, 1187],
      [10, 2, 1435], [10, 4, 496], [10, 8, 781], [10, 11, 239],
      [11, 8, 810], [11, 9, 1187], [11, 10, 239]

# Create a graph
graph1 = WeightedGraph(vertices, edges)
print("The number of vertices in graph1: " + str(graph1.getSize()))
print("The vertex with index 1 is " + graph1.getVertex(1))
print("The index for Miami is " + str(graph1.getIndex("Miami")))
print("The edges for graph1: ")

# Create vertices and edges
vertices = [x for x in range(5)]
edges = [
      [0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 8], 
      [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 7], [1, 3, 3],
      [2, 1, 7], [2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5],
      [3, 0, 8], [3, 1, 3], [3, 2, 4], [3, 4, 6],
      [4, 2, 5], [4, 3, 6]
Esempio n. 19

# Create edges
edges = [[0, 1, 807], [0, 3, 1331], [0, 5, 2097], [1, 0, 807], [1, 2, 381],
         [1, 3, 1267], [2, 1, 381], [2, 3, 1015], [2, 4, 1663], [2, 10, 1435],
         [3, 0, 1331], [3, 1, 1267], [3, 2, 1015], [3, 4, 599], [3, 5, 1003],
         [4, 2, 1663], [4, 3, 599], [4, 5, 533], [4, 7, 1260], [4, 8, 864],
         [4, 10, 496], [5, 0, 2097], [5, 3, 1003], [5, 4, 533], [5, 6, 983],
         [5, 7, 787], [6, 5, 983], [6, 7, 214], [7, 4, 1260], [7, 5, 787],
         [7, 6, 214], [7, 8, 888], [8, 4, 864], [8, 7, 888], [8, 9, 661],
         [8, 10, 781], [8, 11, 810], [9, 8, 661], [9, 11, 1187], [10, 2, 1435],
         [10, 4, 496], [10, 8, 781], [10, 11, 239], [11, 8, 810],
         [11, 9, 1187], [11, 10, 239]]

# Create a graph
graph1 = WeightedGraph(vertices, edges)

# Obtain a shortest path
tree1 = graph1.getShortestPath(5)

# Display shortest paths from Houston to Chicago
print("Shortest path from Houston to Chicago: ")
path = tree1.getPath(11)

# Create vertices and edges
vertices = [x for x in range(5)]
edges = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 8], [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 7], [1, 3, 3], [2, 1, 7],
         [2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5], [3, 0, 8], [3, 1, 3], [3, 2, 4], [3, 4, 6],
         [4, 2, 5], [4, 3, 6]]
Esempio n. 20

# Create edges
edges = [[0, 1, 807], [0, 3, 1331], [0, 5, 2097], [1, 0, 807], [1, 2, 381],
         [1, 3, 1267], [2, 1, 381], [2, 3, 1015], [2, 4, 1663], [2, 10, 1435],
         [3, 0, 1331], [3, 1, 1267], [3, 2, 1015], [3, 4, 599], [3, 5, 1003],
         [4, 2, 1663], [4, 3, 599], [4, 5, 533], [4, 7, 1260], [4, 8, 864],
         [4, 10, 496], [5, 0, 2097], [5, 3, 1003], [5, 4, 533], [5, 6, 983],
         [5, 7, 787], [6, 5, 983], [6, 7, 214], [7, 4, 1260], [7, 5, 787],
         [7, 6, 214], [7, 8, 888], [8, 4, 864], [8, 7, 888], [8, 9, 661],
         [8, 10, 781], [8, 11, 810], [9, 8, 661], [9, 11, 1187], [10, 2, 1435],
         [10, 4, 496], [10, 8, 781], [10, 11, 239], [11, 8, 810],
         [11, 9, 1187], [11, 10, 239]]

# Create a graph
graph1 = WeightedGraph(vertices, edges)

# Obtain a minimum spanning tree
tree1 = graph1.getMinimumSpanningTree()
print("Total weight is " + str(tree1.getTotalWeight()))

# Create vertices and edges
vertices = [x for x in range(5)]
edges = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 8], [1, 0, 2], [1, 2, 7], [1, 3, 3], [2, 1, 7],
         [2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5], [3, 0, 8], [3, 1, 3], [3, 2, 4], [3, 4, 6],
         [4, 2, 5], [4, 3, 6]]

# Create a graph
graph2 = WeightedGraph(vertices, edges)
Esempio n. 21
def createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(n : int) -> Graph:
  return populateGraph(WeightedGraph(), n)
Esempio n. 22
  if argv[1] == "graph":
    l_10000 = createLinkedList(large, Graph())
    l_100 = createLinkedList(small, Graph())

    print(BFTRecLinkedList(l_10000), end = "\n\n")
    print(BFTRecLinkedList(l_100), end = "\n\n")
  elif argv[1] == "directed":
    g = createRandomDAGIter(medium)
    if visualize:
    for func in [TopSort.Kahns, TopSort.mDFS]:
      arr = func(g)
      print(" Node Count: {} | {}".format(len(arr), arr))
  elif argv[1] == "weighted":
    for g in [createLinkedList(small, WeightedGraph()), createRandomCompleteWeightedGraph(small)]:
      if visualize:
      n = g.getNode(str(randint(0, small-1)))
      print("Dijkstras Map for Node {}: {}".format(n, dijkstras(n)))
  elif argv[1] == "grid":
    dim = tiny
    g = createRandomGridGraph(dim)
    if visualize:
    sourceNode = g.graphToArr()[0][0]
    destNode = g.graphToArr()[dim-1][dim-1]
    print(astar(sourceNode, destNode))
    print("Invalid argument")
Esempio n. 23
        x2 = x2.split(", ")
        for a in range(len(x2)):
            x2[a] = eval(x2[a])
        edges[len(edges) - 1].append(x1)
        edges[len(edges) - 1].append(x2)
        x = x.split(", ")
        for a in range(len(x)):
            x[a] = eval(x[a])
        edges[len(edges) - 1].append(x)

g = WeightedGraph(nodes, edges)

mst = g.getMinimumSpanningTree()

wht = mst.getTotalWeight()

for i in range(num):
    print("Vertex "+str(i)+":", end = " ")
    for j in range(len(edges)):
        if edges[j][0] == i:
            print(edges[j], end = " ")

Esempio n. 24
from WeightedGraph import WeightedGraph
from Chapter11ShortestaPath.python.Floyd import Floyd

if __name__ == '__main__':
    filename = '../wg.txt'
    g = WeightedGraph(filename, directed=True)
    floyd = Floyd(g)

    if not floyd.has_neg_cycle():
        for v in range(g.V):
            strings = []
            for w in range(g.V):
                strings.append(str(floyd.dist_to(v, w)))
            print(' '.join(strings))
        print('exist negative cycle')

    filename = '../wg2.txt'
    g = WeightedGraph(filename, directed=True)
    floyd = Floyd(g)

    if not floyd.has_neg_cycle():
        for v in range(g.V):
            strings = []
            for w in range(g.V):
                strings.append(str(floyd.dist_to(v, w)))
            print(' '.join(strings))
        print('exist negative cycle')
Esempio n. 25
    for vertex in vertices:
        q.insert(vertex, priority[vertex])

    while not q.is_empty():
        node = q.extract_min()
        u = node.value
        u_weight = node.priority
        if parent[u] is not None:
            mst.add_weighted_edge(u, parent[u], u_weight)

        for v in graph.adjacency_list[u]:
            if v in q and graph.weights[(u, v)] < priority[v]:
                priority[v] = graph.weights[(
                    u, v)]  # update to the correct weight
                                  priority[v])  # update to the correct weight
                parent[v] = u
    return mst

if __name__ == "__main__":
    graph = WeightedGraph()
    graph.add_vertices(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"])
    graph.add_weighted_edges([("A", "B", 4), ("A", "D", 3), ("A", "E", 3),
                              ("B", "C", 10), ("B", "D", 1), ("B", "E", 2),
                              ("C", "E", 8), ("C", "F", 8), ("D", "E", 1),
                              ("E", "F", 9)])
    print(MSTPrim(graph, "c"))