Esempio n. 1
def buildTemplateParam( XMLfile ):
    tree = etree.parse(XMLfile)
    root = tree.getroot() # root == <doxygen>
    classNode = root[0]   # classNode == <compounddef>

    templateParamNode = classNode.xpath('templateparamlist')[0];
    str = ''
    for child in templateParamNode:
        type   = child.xpath('type')[0].text        # == 'class'
        name   = child.xpath('declname')[0].text    # == 'GlobalOrdinal'

        defvalStr = ''
        defvalNode = child.xpath('defval')
        if len(defvalNode) == 1:
            defval = defvalNode[0].text             # == 'LocalOrdinal'
            defvalStr = ' = ' + defval

        str += type + ' ' + name + defvalStr + ', ' # str == 'class GlobalOrdinal = LocalOrdinal, '

    templateParamStr = 'template <' + str.rstrip(', ') + '>' # template <class LocalOrdinal, class GlobalOrdinal = LocalOrdinal, class Node = KokkosClassic::DefaultNode::DefaultNodeType>

    return templateParamStr
Esempio n. 2
def buildClassFunctions( XMLfile, skipFunctionList, buildFuncLine ):
    tree = etree.parse(XMLfile)
    root = tree.getroot() # root == <doxygen>
    classNode = root[0]   # classNode == <compounddef>

    functionStr = ''

    sectiondefNodes = classNode.xpath("//sectiondef[@kind='user-defined']")
    for sectiondefNode in sectiondefNodes:
        header = sectiondefNode.xpath("header//text()")
        if len(header) > 0: header = header[0]
        else: header = ''
        #description = sectiondefNode.xpath("description")[0].xpath("string()")

        ###publicFunctionNodes = classNode.xpath("//memberdef[@kind='function' and @prot='public']")
        publicFunctionNodes = sectiondefNode.xpath("memberdef[@kind='function' and @prot='public']")
        functionSubStr = ''
        for functionNode in publicFunctionNodes:
            # skip some functions
            name = functionNode.xpath('name')[0].text
            if name in skipFunctionList: continue

            # build the line for this function
            functionSubStr += buildFuncLine(functionNode)

        if functionSubStr != '':
            functionStr += "    //! @name " + header + "\n"
            functionStr += "    //@{\n\n"
            functionStr += functionSubStr
            functionStr += "    //@}\n\n"

    functionStr = functionStr.rstrip()

    return functionStr;
Esempio n. 3
def buildClassDefinition( XMLfile, prefix='' ):
    tree = etree.parse(XMLfile)
    root = tree.getroot() # root == <doxygen>
    classNode = root[0]   # classNode == <compounddef>

    className = classNode.xpath('compoundname')[0].text # Tpetra::Map
    className = className.lstrip('Tpetra::')            # Map

    className = prefix + className

    return className
Esempio n. 4
def buildTemplateParam2( XMLfile ):
    tree = etree.parse(XMLfile)
    root = tree.getroot() # root == <doxygen>
    classNode = root[0]   # classNode == <compounddef>

    templateParamNode = classNode.xpath('templateparamlist')[0];
    str = ''
    for child in templateParamNode:
        name   = child.xpath('declname')[0].text    # == 'GlobalOrdinal'
        str += name + ', ' # str == 'GlobalOrdinal, '

    templateParamStr = str.rstrip(', ') # LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node

    return templateParamStr