Esempio n. 1
def reweight_direct(nodes, options):
	print "Direct free energy reweighting: see Klimm, Bujotzek, Weber 2011"

	custom_energy_terms = None
	if(options.e_nonbonded in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
		custom_energy_terms = [entry.strip() for entry in open(options.custom_energy).readlines() if entry != "\n"]
	beta = nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta
	for n in nodes:
		# get potential V and substract penalty potential
		energies = load_energy(n, options.e_bonded, options.e_nonbonded, custom_energy_terms)

		frame_weights = n.frameweights
		phi_weighted_energies = energies + get_phi_potential(n.trajectory, n)

		# define evaluation region where sampling is rather dense, e. g. around mean potential energy with standard deviation of potential energy
		n.obs.mean_V = np.average(phi_weighted_energies, weights=frame_weights)
		n.obs.std_V = np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V), weights=frame_weights))
		n.tmp['weight'] = 0.0
	# new part
	mean_mean_V = np.mean([n.obs.mean_V for n in nodes])
	std_mean_V = np.sqrt(np.mean([np.square(n.obs.mean_V - mean_mean_V) for n in nodes]))

	print "### original std_mean_V: %f"%std_mean_V
	print "### mean over obs.std_V: %f"%np.mean([n.obs.std_V for n in nodes]) #TODO decide upon one way to calculate std_mean_V

	energy_region = std_mean_V
	for n in nodes:
		refpoints = np.where(np.abs(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V) < energy_region)[0]
		n.tmp['n_refpoints'] = len(refpoints)
		log = open(n.reweighting_log_fn, "a") # using separate log-file
		def output(message):

		output("======= Starting node reweighting %s"

		output("  unweighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" % np.mean(energies))
		output("  phi-weighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" % np.mean(phi_weighted_energies))
		output("  weighted mean V: %f [kJ/mol]" % n.obs.mean_V)
		output("  energy region (=tenth of weighted V standard deviaton): %f [kJ/mol]" % energy_region)
		output("  number of refpoints: %d" % n.tmp['n_refpoints'])

		# calculate weights with direct ansatz
		for ref in refpoints:
			n.tmp['weight'] += np.exp(beta*phi_weighted_energies[ref])
		n.tmp['weight'] = float(n.trajectory.n_frames) / float(n.tmp['weight'])
		n.obs.S = 0.0
		n.obs.A = 0.0
			n.obs.refpoints = refpoints
Esempio n. 2
def reweight_presampling(nodes, presamp_temp, moi_energies, sol_energy):
	print "Presampling analysis reweighting: see formula 18 in Fackeldey, Durmaz, Weber 2011"
	# presampling data
	presampling_internals = nodes[0].pool.root.trajectory # alternatively pool[0].trajectory
	# presampling and sampling beta
	beta_samp = nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta
	beta_presamp = 1/(presamp_temp*BOLTZMANN*AVOGADRO)
	# calculate free energy per node 
	for n in nodes:
		log = open(n.reweighting_log_fn, "a") # using separate log-file
		def output(message):
		output("======= Starting node reweighting %s"
		# get potential V and substract penalty potential
		energies = load_energies(n, with_penalty=False, with_sol=sol_energy, with_moi_energies=moi_energies)

		frame_weights = n.frameweights
		phi_values = n.phi_values
		phi_weighted_energies = energies + get_phi_potential(n.trajectory, n)

		# calculate mean V and standard deviation
		n.obs.mean_V = np.average(phi_weighted_energies, weights=frame_weights)
		n.tmp['weight'] = 1.0
		n.obs.std_V = np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V), weights=frame_weights))
		# number of presampling points in node i => free energy at high temperature
		n.tmp['presamp_weight'] = np.sum(get_phi(presampling_internals, n))
		n.tmp['presamp_A']= -1/beta_presamp * np.log(n.tmp['presamp_weight'])
		# estimate global optimum potential energy
		factor= 1.0
		n.tmp['opt_pot_energy']= n.obs.mean_V - 3.0 * factor * n.obs.std_V
		# compute free energy and entropy at sampling temperature
		n.obs.S = 0.0 #TODO can we get separate entropy from the term below?
		n.obs.A = (beta_samp - beta_presamp) / beta_samp * n.tmp['opt_pot_energy'] + np.log(beta_samp / beta_presamp) * factor * n.obs.std_V + (beta_presamp / beta_samp) * n.tmp['presamp_A']
		if('refpoints' in n.obs):
			del n.obs['refpoints']


	nodes.sort(key = lambda n: n.obs.A) # sort in ascending order by free energy values
	for (n1, n2) in zip(nodes[1:], nodes[:-1]): # calculate and normalize weights
		n1.tmp['weight'] = np.exp(-nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta*( n1.obs.A - n2.obs.A )) * n2.tmp['weight']
Esempio n. 3
def min_per_node(mins_dir,
    """ Calculates the minium energy of the presampling frames belonging to the according node. A frame belongs to the node to which it has the strongest membership.
	@param mins_dir: directory in which the minimizations required for the presampling reweighting are performed
	@param partition: 1D array, at index i is the index of the node corresponding to presampling frame i"""

    mins = [[]] * len(nodes)
    presamp_int = nodes[0].pool.root.trajectory

    for i in xrange(partition.size):
        edr_fn = mins_dir + "/ener" + str(i) + ".edr"

        e_terms = []
        if (e_bonded_type != "none"):
            # get bonded energy

            if (e_bonded_type
                    in ("run_standard_potential", "rerun_standard_potential")):
                e_terms += ["Potential"]

            elif (e_bonded_type in ("run_standard_bondedterms",
                e_terms += [
                    "Bond", "Angle", "Proper-Dih.", "Ryckaert-Bell.",
                raise (Exception("Method unkown: " + e_bonded_type))

        if (e_nonbonded_type != "none"):
            # get non-bonded energy
            if (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_standard_nonbondedterms",
                e_terms += [
                    "LJ-14", "Coulomb-14", "LJ-(SR)", "LJ-(LR)",
                    "Disper.-corr.", "Coulomb-(SR)", "Coul.-recip."

            elif (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi", "rerun_moi")):
                e_terms += [
                    "Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI",
                    "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI"

            elif (e_nonbonded_type
                  in ("run_moi_sol_interact", "rerun_moi_sol_interact")):
                e_terms += ["Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL"]

            elif (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_interact_withLR",
                #e_nonbonded_terms = ["Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-LR:MOI-SOL"]
                e_terms += [
                    "Coul-SR:SOL-UNK", "LJ-SR:SOL-UNK", "LJ-LR:SOL-UNK"

            elif (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_sr", "rerun_moi_sol_sr")):
                e_terms += [
                    "Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI",
                    "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI", "Coul-SR:MOI-SOL",

            elif (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_lr", "rerun_moi_sol_lr")):
                e_terms += [
                    "Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI",
                    "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI", "Coul-SR:MOI-SOL",
                    "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-LR:MOI-SOL"

            elif (e_nonbonded_type in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
                assert (custom_e_terms)
                e_terms += custom_e_terms

                raise (Exception("Method unkown: " + e_bonded_type))

        if (len(e_terms) >= 0):

            xvg_fn = mktemp(suffix=".xvg", dir=mins_dir)
            cmd = ["g_energy", "-dp", "-f", edr_fn, "-o", xvg_fn, "-sum"]

            print("Calling: " + (" ".join(cmd)))
            p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE)
            p.communicate(input=("\n".join(e_terms) + "\n"))
            assert (p.wait() == 0)

            # skipping over "#"-comments at the beginning of xvg-file
            e = np.loadtxt(xvg_fn, comments="@", usecols=(1, ),
            e = 0

        mins[partition[i]].append(e + get_phi_potential(
            presamp_int.getframes([i]), nodes[partition[i]])[0])

    for i in xrange(len(nodes)):
        nodes[i].tmp["opt_pot_e"] = min(mins[i])
Esempio n. 4
def reweight_entropy(nodes, options):
    print "Entropy reweighting: see Klimm, Bujotzek, Weber 2011"

    custom_energy_terms = None
    if (options.e_nonbonded in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
        assert (path.exists(options.custom_energy))
        custom_energy_terms = [
            entry.strip() for entry in open(options.custom_energy).readlines()
            if entry != "\n"

    # calculate variance of internal coordinates
    conjugate_var = np.mean([
        n.trajectory.merged_var_weighted() for n in nodes
    ])  # this be our evaluation region

    # find refpoints and calculate nearpoints
    for n in nodes:
        log = open(n.reweighting_log_fn, "a")  # using separate log-file

        def output(message):
            log.write(message + "\n")

        output("======= Starting node reweighting %s" %

        # get potential V and substract penalty potential
        energies = load_energy(n, options.e_bonded, options.e_nonbonded,

        frame_weights = n.frameweights
        phi_weighted_energies = energies + get_phi_potential(n.trajectory, n)

        # calculate mean V
        n.obs.mean_V = np.average(phi_weighted_energies, weights=frame_weights)
        n.tmp['weight'] = 1.0
        n.obs.std_V = np.sqrt(
            np.average(np.square(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V),

        # every frame within this region is considered refpoint
        energy_region = n.obs.std_V
        refpoints = np.where(
            np.abs(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V) < energy_region)[0]

        output("  unweighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" %
            "  phi-weighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" %
        output("  weighted mean V: %f [kJ/mol]" % n.obs.mean_V)
            "  energy region (=weighted V standard deviation): %f [kJ/mol]" %
        output("  evaluation region (=conjugate variance): %f" % conjugate_var)
        output("  number of refpoints: %d" % len(refpoints))

        if (len(refpoints) == 0):
            raise (Exception("Zero refpoints for " + + " [" + n.trr_fn +

        norm_inv_nearpoints = []
        for ref in refpoints:  # for each refpoint count nearpoints
            diffs = (n.trajectory - n.trajectory.getframe(ref)).norm2(
            )  #TODO -> needs Marcus-check -> Do we have to consider Frame-weights here?
            nearpoints = np.sum(diffs < conjugate_var)
            #output("    refpoint %d with energy %f has %d nearpoints" % (ref, phi_weighted_energies[ref], nearpoints))
            if (nearpoints == 1):
                output("WARNING: No nearpoints found for refpoint %d! (%s)" %
                float(n.trajectory.n_frames) / float(nearpoints)
            )  # new calculation formula (see wiki), +1 is implicit as refpoint counts as nearpoint

        n.tmp['medi_inv_nearpoints'] = np.median(norm_inv_nearpoints)
        n.obs.S = AVOGADRO * BOLTZMANN * np.log(
            n.tmp['medi_inv_nearpoints'])  # [kJ/mol*K]
        n.obs.A = n.obs.mean_V - nodes[0].pool.temperature * n.obs.S  # [kJ/mol]
        if (options.save_refpoints):
            n.obs.refpoints = refpoints


        key=lambda n: n.obs.A)  # sort in ascending order by free energy values
    for (n1, n2) in zip(nodes[1:],
                        nodes[:-1]):  # calculate and normalize weights
        n1.tmp['weight'] = np.exp(-nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta *
                                  (n1.obs.A - n2.obs.A)) * n2.tmp['weight']
Esempio n. 5
def reweight_direct(nodes, options):
    print "Direct free energy reweighting: see Klimm, Bujotzek, Weber 2011"

    custom_energy_terms = None
    if (options.e_nonbonded in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
        assert (path.exists(options.custom_energy))
        custom_energy_terms = [
            entry.strip() for entry in open(options.custom_energy).readlines()
            if entry != "\n"

    beta = nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta

    for n in nodes:
        # get potential V and substract penalty potential
        energies = load_energy(n, options.e_bonded, options.e_nonbonded,

        frame_weights = n.frameweights
        phi_weighted_energies = energies + get_phi_potential(n.trajectory, n)

        # define evaluation region where sampling is rather dense, e. g. around mean potential energy with standard deviation of potential energy
        n.obs.mean_V = np.average(phi_weighted_energies, weights=frame_weights)
        n.obs.std_V = np.sqrt(
            np.average(np.square(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V),
        n.tmp['weight'] = 0.0

    # new part
    mean_mean_V = np.mean([n.obs.mean_V for n in nodes])
    std_mean_V = np.sqrt(
        np.mean([np.square(n.obs.mean_V - mean_mean_V) for n in nodes]))

    print "### original std_mean_V: %f" % std_mean_V
    print "### mean over obs.std_V: %f" % np.mean(
         for n in nodes])  #TODO decide upon one way to calculate std_mean_V

    energy_region = std_mean_V

    for n in nodes:
        refpoints = np.where(
            np.abs(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V) < energy_region)[0]
        n.tmp['n_refpoints'] = len(refpoints)

        log = open(n.reweighting_log_fn, "a")  # using separate log-file

        def output(message):
            log.write(message + "\n")

        output("======= Starting node reweighting %s" %

        output("  unweighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" %
            "  phi-weighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" %
        output("  weighted mean V: %f [kJ/mol]" % n.obs.mean_V)
            "  energy region (=tenth of weighted V standard deviaton): %f [kJ/mol]"
            % energy_region)
        output("  number of refpoints: %d" % n.tmp['n_refpoints'])

        # calculate weights with direct ansatz
        for ref in refpoints:
            n.tmp['weight'] += np.exp(beta * phi_weighted_energies[ref])

        n.tmp['weight'] = float(n.trajectory.n_frames) / float(n.tmp['weight'])
        n.obs.S = 0.0
        n.obs.A = 0.0
        if (options.save_refpoints):
            n.obs.refpoints = refpoints

Esempio n. 6
def min_per_node(mins_dir, partition, nodes, e_bonded_type, e_nonbonded_type, custom_e_terms=None):
	""" Calculates the minium energy of the presampling frames belonging to the according node. A frame belongs to the node to which it has the strongest membership.
	@param mins_dir: directory in which the minimizations required for the presampling reweighting are performed
	@param partition: 1D array, at index i is the index of the node corresponding to presampling frame i"""
	mins = [[]] * len(nodes)
	presamp_int = nodes[0].pool.root.trajectory
	for i in xrange(partition.size):
		edr_fn = mins_dir + "/ener" + str(i) + ".edr"
		e_terms = []
		if(e_bonded_type != "none"):
			# get bonded energy
			if(e_bonded_type in ("run_standard_potential", "rerun_standard_potential")):
				e_terms += ["Potential"]

			elif(e_bonded_type in ("run_standard_bondedterms", "rerun_standard_bondedterms")):
				e_terms += ["Bond", "Angle", "Proper-Dih.", "Ryckaert-Bell.", "Improper-Dih."]
				raise(Exception("Method unkown: "+e_bonded_type))
		if(e_nonbonded_type != "none"):
			# get non-bonded energy
			if(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_standard_nonbondedterms", "rerun_standard_nonbondedterms")):
				e_terms += ["LJ-14", "Coulomb-14", "LJ-(SR)", "LJ-(LR)", "Disper.-corr.", "Coulomb-(SR)", "Coul.-recip."]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi", "rerun_moi")):
				e_terms += ["Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI", "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI"]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_interact", "rerun_moi_sol_interact")):
				e_terms += ["Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL"]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_interact_withLR", "rerun_moi_sol_interact_withLR")):
				#e_nonbonded_terms = ["Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-LR:MOI-SOL"]
				e_terms += ["Coul-SR:SOL-UNK", "LJ-SR:SOL-UNK", "LJ-LR:SOL-UNK"]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_sr", "rerun_moi_sol_sr")):
				e_terms += ["Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI", "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI", "Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL"]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_moi_sol_lr", "rerun_moi_sol_lr")):
				e_terms += ["Coul-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-SR:MOI-MOI", "LJ-LR:MOI-MOI", "Coul-14:MOI-MOI", "LJ-14:MOI-MOI", "Coul-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-SR:MOI-SOL", "LJ-LR:MOI-SOL"]
			elif(e_nonbonded_type in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
				e_terms += custom_e_terms
				raise(Exception("Method unkown: "+e_bonded_type))	
		if (len(e_terms) >= 0):
			xvg_fn = mktemp(suffix=".xvg", dir=mins_dir)
			cmd = ["g_energy", "-dp", "-f", edr_fn, "-o", xvg_fn, "-sum"]
			print("Calling: "+(" ".join(cmd)))
			p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE)
			assert(p.wait() == 0)
			# skipping over "#"-comments at the beginning of xvg-file 
			e = np.loadtxt(xvg_fn, comments="@", usecols=(1,), skiprows=10) [-1]
			e = 0

		mins[partition[i]].append(e + get_phi_potential(presamp_int.getframes([i]), nodes[partition[i]])[0])
	for i in xrange(len(nodes)):
		nodes[i].tmp["opt_pot_e"] = min(mins[i])
Esempio n. 7
def reweight_entropy(nodes, options):
	print "Entropy reweighting: see Klimm, Bujotzek, Weber 2011"

	custom_energy_terms = None
	if(options.e_nonbonded in ("run_custom", "rerun_custom")):
		custom_energy_terms = [entry.strip() for entry in open(options.custom_energy).readlines() if entry != "\n"]

	# calculate variance of internal coordinates
	conjugate_var = np.mean([n.trajectory.merged_var_weighted() for n in nodes]) # this be our evaluation region

	# find refpoints and calculate nearpoints
	for n in nodes:
		log = open(n.reweighting_log_fn, "a") # using separate log-file
		def output(message):
		output("======= Starting node reweighting %s"
		# get potential V and substract penalty potential
		energies = load_energy(n, options.e_bonded, options.e_nonbonded, custom_energy_terms)

		frame_weights = n.frameweights
		phi_weighted_energies = energies + get_phi_potential(n.trajectory, n)
		# calculate mean V
		n.obs.mean_V = np.average(phi_weighted_energies, weights=frame_weights)
		n.tmp['weight'] = 1.0
		n.obs.std_V = np.sqrt(np.average(np.square(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V), weights=frame_weights))
		# every frame within this region is considered refpoint
		energy_region = n.obs.std_V
		refpoints = np.where(np.abs(phi_weighted_energies - n.obs.mean_V) < energy_region)[0]
		output("  unweighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" % np.mean(energies))
		output("  phi-weighted mean V: %s [kJ/mol], without penalty potential" % np.mean(phi_weighted_energies))
		output("  weighted mean V: %f [kJ/mol]" % n.obs.mean_V)
		output("  energy region (=weighted V standard deviation): %f [kJ/mol]" % energy_region)
		output("  evaluation region (=conjugate variance): %f" % conjugate_var)
		output("  number of refpoints: %d" % len(refpoints))

		if( len(refpoints) == 0 ):
			raise(Exception("Zero refpoints for "" ["+n.trr_fn+"]."))
		norm_inv_nearpoints = []
		for ref in refpoints: # for each refpoint count nearpoints
			diffs = (n.trajectory - n.trajectory.getframe(ref)).norm2() #TODO -> needs Marcus-check -> Do we have to consider Frame-weights here?
			nearpoints = np.sum(diffs < conjugate_var)
			#output("    refpoint %d with energy %f has %d nearpoints" % (ref, phi_weighted_energies[ref], nearpoints))
			if(nearpoints == 1):
				output("WARNING: No nearpoints found for refpoint %d! (%s)" % (ref,
			norm_inv_nearpoints.append( float(n.trajectory.n_frames)/float(nearpoints) ) # new calculation formula (see wiki), +1 is implicit as refpoint counts as nearpoint
		n.tmp['medi_inv_nearpoints'] = np.median(norm_inv_nearpoints)
		n.obs.S = AVOGADRO*BOLTZMANN*np.log(n.tmp['medi_inv_nearpoints']) # [kJ/mol*K]
		n.obs.A = n.obs.mean_V - nodes[0].pool.temperature*n.obs.S # [kJ/mol]
			n.obs.refpoints = refpoints


	nodes.sort(key = lambda n: n.obs.A) # sort in ascending order by free energy values		
	for (n1, n2) in zip(nodes[1:], nodes[:-1]): # calculate and normalize weights
		n1.tmp['weight'] = np.exp(-nodes[0].pool.thermo_beta*( n1.obs.A - n2.obs.A )) * n2.tmp['weight']