Esempio n. 1
 def _render_node_labels (self, node, grp) :
     P      = self.Parameters
     box    =
     tp     = box.ref_point + D2.Point (P.font_size // 2, 0)
     width  = int ((box.size.x - P.font_size) / P.font_char_width)
     height = box.size.y / P.line_height - 1
     def _label_parts (parts, width, height) :
         i = 0
         l = len (parts)
         x = ""
         while i < l and height > 0:
             p  = x + parts [i]
             i += 1
             while i < l and len (p) < width :
                 if len (p) + len (parts [i]) < width :
                     p += parts [i]
                     i += 1
                 else :
             yield p
             height -= 1
     txt = SVG.Text \
         ( x           = tp.x
         , y           = tp.y
         , fill        = P.color.text
         , font_family = P.font_family
         , font_size   = P.font_size
     dx = 0
     for lp in _label_parts (node.entity.label_parts, width, height) :
         txt.add (SVG.Tspan (lp, x = tp.x, dx = dx, dy = P.line_height))
         dx = P.font_size // 2
     grp.add (txt)
Esempio n. 2
 def Canvas (self, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) :
     P      = self.Parameters
     graph  = self.graph
     w, h   = (max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
     result = SVG.Root \
         ( klass                 = "MOM-Graph"
         , preserve_aspect_ratio = "xMinYMin"
         , view_box              = "%d %d %d %d" % (min_x, min_y, w, h)
         , width                 = "100%"
     if self.want_document :
         result = SVG.Document \
             ( result
             , encoding    = self.encoding
             , standalone  = False
         if graph.title :
             result.add (SVG.Title (graph.title))
     elif graph.desc :
         result.add (SVG.Title (graph.desc))
     defs = SVG.Defs \
         ( SVG.Marker.Arrow_Head_Bar
             ( elid           = "MOM:AM"
             , ref_x          = P.attr_marker_ref_x
             , marker_width   = P.attr_marker_size
             , marker_height  = P.attr_marker_size
             , stroke         = P.color.attr_link.no_alpha
             , stroke_opacity = P.color.attr_link.alpha
             , fill           = P.color.link_bg.no_alpha
             , fill_opacity   = P.color.link_bg.alpha
         , SVG.Marker.Arrow_Head
             ( elid           = "MOM:IM"
             , ref_x          = P.is_a_marker_ref_x
             , marker_width   = P.is_a_marker_size
             , marker_height  = P.is_a_marker_size
             , stroke         = P.color.is_a_link.no_alpha
             , stroke_opacity = P.color.is_a_link.alpha
         , SVG.Marker.Plug
             ( elid           = "MOM:RM"
             , stroke         = P.color.role_link.no_alpha
             , stroke_opacity = P.color.role_link.alpha
     result.add (defs)
     return result
Esempio n. 3
 def render_node (self, node, canvas) :
     P   = self.Parameters
     box =
     grp = SVG.Group \
         ( elid         = node.entity.type_name
         , fill         = P.color.node_bg
         , klass        = "E_Type"
         , opacity      = P.partial_node_opacity
             if node.entity.is_partial else P.node_opacity
     grp.add \
         ( SVG.Title ("%s: %s" % (node.entity.title, node.entity.desc))
         , SVG.Rect
             ( x            = box.ref_point.x
             , y            = box.ref_point.y
             , width        = box.size.x
             , height       = box.size.y
             , stroke       = P.color.node_border
             , stroke_width = P.node_border_width
     self._render_node_labels (node, grp)
     canvas.add (grp)
Esempio n. 4
 def polygon (self, points, ** kwds) :
     """Add a polygon through `points` to the plot."""
     self._convert_kwds (kwds)
     result = SVG.Polygon (points = self._converted_points (points), ** kwds)
     return result
Esempio n. 5
 def path (self, points, ** kwds) :
     """Add a SVG path element through `points` to the plot."""
     self._convert_kwds (kwds)
     result = SVG.Path  (d = self._converted_points (points), ** kwds)
     return result
Esempio n. 6
 def render_link (self, link, canvas) :
     P    = self.Parameters
     rel  = link.relation
     grp  = SVG.Group \
         ( elid         = rel.rid
         , opacity      = P.link_opacity
     lkind = link.relation.kind.lower ()
     kw   = dict \
         (   ("marker_%s" % (k, ), "url(#%s)" % (v, ))
         for k, v in pyk.iteritems (self.link_markers.get (lkind, {}))
     colr = getattr (P.color, "%s_link" % lkind)
     paid = "%s::path" % (rel.rid, )
     p, q = link.points [:2]
     p_q  = p - q
     anchor, off = "start", 10
     if max (abs (p_q)) < 5 * P.font_char_width and len (link.points) > 2 :
         p, q = link.points [1:3]
         p_q  = p - q
         off  = 2
     if p_q.x > 0 :
         p, q = q, p
         anchor, off = "end", 90
     offset = "%d%%" % off
     path   = SVG.Path \
         ( d            = (p, q)
         , elid         = paid
         , fill         = "none"
         , stroke       = "none"
     grp.add \
         ( SVG.Title ("%s: %s" % (rel.title, rel.desc))
         , SVG.Polyline
             ( fill           = "none"
             , points         = link.points
             , stroke         = colr.no_alpha
             , stroke_width   = P.link_stroke_width
             , stroke_opacity = colr.alpha
             , ** kw
         , path
         , SVG.Text
             ( SVG.Text_Path
                 ( SVG.Tspan
                     (rel.label, dy = - P.font_char_width * 3 // 4)
                 , start_offset       = offset
                 , text_anchor        = anchor
                 , xlink_href         = "#%s" % paid
             , fill         = colr.no_alpha
             , fill_opacity = colr.alpha
             , font_family  = P.font_family
             , font_size    = P.font_size
     if :
         grp.add  \
             ( SVG.Text
                 ( SVG.Text_Path
                     ( SVG.Tspan
                         (, dy = P.font_size)
                     , start_offset       = offset
                     , text_anchor        = anchor
                     , xlink_href         = "#%s" % paid
                 , fill         = colr.no_alpha
                 , fill_opacity = colr.alpha
                 , font_family  = P.font_family
                 , font_size    = P.font_size
     canvas.add (grp)