def create_account(u: Union[str, int], p: Union[str, int], e: Union[str, int], f: str, l: str) -> None: cursor = conn.cursor() e = 'NULL' if e in (None, '') else e try: ''' Creates a new entry in the db. Required two cases as the email field is optional ''' if e != 'NULL': cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO users (username,passwd,email_id,first_name,last_name) VALUES ('{u}','{p}','{e}','{f}','{l}'); """) else: cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO users (username,passwd,email_id,first_name,last_name) VALUES ('{u}','{p}',{e},'{f}','{l}'); """) conn.commit() except ConnectionError: Popup("Error Connecting to Database.", "Please try again or restart the program") cursor.close()
def Add_Trans(self, particulars: str, _type: str, amount: float, date: str): cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(f""" INSERT INTO transactions ( user_id, username, particulars, exp_type, amount, exp_date ) VALUES ( {self.user.user_id}, '{self.user.uname}', '{particulars}', '{_type}', {amount}, "{date}" ); """) conn.commit() Popup("Transaction successfully added.") except SQLErrors.ProgrammingError: PopupError("ERROR: Invalid details.\nRectify and try again.") cursor.close()
def get_transactions(user: Union[str, int], n: int = 10000, start_date: str = f"{year}-{month}-1", end_date: str = f"{year}-{month}-{day}", asc_or_desc: str = "ASC", orderer: str = "particulars") -> List[Tuple]: headings = [ "Particulars", "Type", "Amount", "Date" ] cursor = conn.cursor() where_clause_part_1 = f"username = '******'" if type( user) is str else f"user_id = {user}" where_clause = where_clause_part_1 + f""" AND exp_date BETWEEN '{start_date}' AND '{end_date}' ORDER BY {orderer} {asc_or_desc} """ # <------------ Counts number of transactions falling into the requirements and returns them to the slider ----------------> # query = f""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions WHERE {where_clause}; """ cursor.execute(query) number_of_records = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.reset() query = f""" SELECT particulars,exp_type,amount,exp_date FROM transactions WHERE {where_clause} """ if number_of_records < n: limit = f" LIMIT {number_of_records};" else: limit = f" LIMIT {n};" cursor.execute(query+limit) transactions: List[Tuple] = cursor.fetchall() print(transactions) trans_table = Table(transactions, headings, key="table", right_click_menu=["Options", [ "Edit", "Delete"]], enable_events=True) if number_of_records != 0 else Table(["No records to display"], headings=[" "*50], key="table") return transactions, trans_table, number_of_records
def username_used(user: str) -> bool: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(f""" SELECT COUNT(username) FROM users WHERE username = '******'; """) user_count = cursor.fetchone()[0] print(f"No. of users with username {user} = {user_count}") if user_count != 0: return True else: return False
def get_user_details(user: str) -> List[str]: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(f""" SELECT user_id,username,passwd,email_id,first_name,last_name FROM users WHERE username = '******'; """) user_details = cursor.fetchall()[0] cursor.close() return user_details
def get_income_and_expense(user: str) -> Tuple[float, float]: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(f""" SELECT SUM(amount) FROM transactions WHERE exp_date BETWEEN '{year}-{month}-01' AND '{year}-{month}-{days_in_month}' AND exp_type = 'CR' AND username = '******';""") try: income = cursor.fetchone()[0] if income == None: income = 0 except TypeError: print("No records found. Setting income to None") income = None cursor.execute(f""" SELECT SUM(amount) FROM transactions WHERE exp_date BETWEEN '{year}-{month}-01' AND '{year}-{month}-{days_in_month}' AND exp_type = 'DR' AND username = '******';""") try: expense = cursor.fetchone()[0] if expense == None: expense = 0 except TypeError: print("No records found. Setting expense to None") expense = None cursor.close() return (income, expense)
def check_login_info(User: str, Pass: str) -> bool: cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(f""" SELECT username, passwd FROM users WHERE username = '******' AND passwd = '{Pass}'; """) result = cursor.fetchone() if result not in [[], None, [()]]: return True else: return False except ConnectionError: Popup("Error Connecting to Database.", "Please try again or restart the program") except SQLErrors.ProgrammingError: PopupError("ERROR: Invalid credentials.", "Try again") cursor.close()
[ sg.Button('Cancel'), sg.Text(space1), sg.Button('Create account', button_color=('white', '#008000')) ]] signup = sg.Window('Signup').Layout(signup_layout) if not dash_active and event == 'Login': # dash_active = True print(event, values) u_name = values['_name_'] pwd = values['_password_'] login_cursor = conn.cursor() login_cursor.execute(f"select username,passwd from users;") if (u_name, pwd) in login_cursor.fetchall(): login_window.Hide() dash_active = True # __From here begins the dashboard page__ details = conn.cursor() details.execute(f"select * from users where username = '******'") current_user_details = cud = details.fetchall() ''' TODO:Change the layout such that it shows the users transaction history on login, and having the other functions in or tabs to the side. Yes, it'll be a pain in the arse, but the current layout looks hideously preposterous, you can't deny that. I'll keep this as a todo till I first figure out the functions themselve and create at least a working model of the app. (25/06/2019 15:04) ''' dashboard_butt_col_layout = [ [
def get_graph_values(start_date: str = f"{year}-{month}-1", end_date: str = f"{year}-{month}-{day}", exp_type: str = "All" ): global graph_active cursor = conn.cursor() q_cr = f""" SELECT particulars,amount,DAY(exp_date) FROM transactions WHERE exp_date BETWEEN "{start_date}" AND "{end_date}" AND exp_type = "CR" ORDER BY exp_date; """ q_dr = f""" SELECT particulars,amount,DAY(exp_date) FROM transactions WHERE exp_date BETWEEN "{start_date}" AND "{end_date}" AND exp_type = "DR" ORDER BY exp_date; """ def plot_graphs(): if exp_type == 'Credit': q = q_cr elif exp_type == 'Debit': q = q_dr elif exp_type == 'All': q1 = q_cr q2 = q_dr x = np.arange(1, days_in_month) plt.xticks(np.arange(1,days_in_month+1),range(1,days_in_month+1)) if exp_type in ("Credit", "Debit"): cursor.execute(q) points = cursor.fetchall() x = np.array([point[2] for point in points]) y = np.array([point[1] for point in points]) plt.plot(x, y, marker = "o",label=exp_type) plt.grid(True) else: # <------- Credit -------> # cursor.execute(q1) points_1 = cursor.fetchall() x1 = np.array([point[2] for point in points_1]) # Dates y1 = np.array([point[1] for point in points_1]) # Amount cursor.reset() # <------- Debit -------> # cursor.execute(q2) points_2 = cursor.fetchall() x2 = np.array([point[2] for point in points_2]) y2 = np.array([point[1] for point in points_2]) plt.plot(x1, y1, marker="o", label="Credit") plt.plot(x2, y2, marker="x", label="Debit") plt.grid(True) plt.title(f"Report for the month of {month_name}-{year}") plt.legend() fig = plt.gcf() # gcf -> get current figure # fig_x, fig_y, fig_w, fig_h = fig.bbox.bounds return fig, fig_w, fig_h # q_all = f""" # SELECT particulars,amount,DAY(exp_date) # FROM transactions # WHERE # exp_date BETWEEN "{start_date}" AND "{end_date}" # ORDER BY exp_date; # """ if not graph_active: return plot_graphs() else: # plt.clf() return plot_graphs() # graph_active = True cursor.close()