def insert_user(user): #OK """ Inserts a user in the db. Returns False if there is already a user in the db with that username. """ debug("CREATE USER :"******"\tUser successfully created") return get_user(username) else: debug("\tUser creation failed") return False
def _vote(post_id, voting_user, positive): #OK """ Private method for handling postivite and negative votes. """ post_id = str(post_id) debug("VOTE POSITIVE. user:"******", post:" + post_id) if _is_post_created(post_id) and _is_user_created(voting_user): debug("\t CURRENT VOTES of USER.") debug("\t\t-user: "******"\t\t-voted to: " + str(db.smembers(voting_user + APPEND_KEY_HAS_VOTED))) # Check if the user can vote if db.sismember(voting_user + APPEND_KEY_HAS_VOTED, post_id) == 0: vote_id = db.hget(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_VOTES) debug("\t vote_id: " + str(vote_id)) pipe = db.pipeline() if positive: pipe.incr(vote_id + APPEND_KEY_VOTE) else: pipe.decr(vote_id + APPEND_KEY_VOTE) pipe.sadd(voting_user + APPEND_KEY_HAS_VOTED, post_id) pipe.execute() return True else: return False else: return None
def _insert_post_last_updates(post_id): """ Insert post to the global capped list of last updated posts. """ pipe = db.pipeline() pipe.lpush(GLOBAL_POST_UPDATE_ID, post_id) pipe.ltrim(GLOBAL_POST_UPDATE_ID, 0, API_MAX_UPDATES -1) pipe.execute()