Esempio n. 1
def create_tables():
    """Creating Std tables"""
    db_obj.execute_query(db_connection, 'Show Tables')
    tables_to_execute = list(
        OrderedSet(['User', 'Admin', 'ProductCategory', 'Product', 'Cart']) -
        set([i[0] for i in db_connection]))
    mapper_ = OrderedDict({
        """Create Table User ( customer_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
            email varchar(255), address varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (customer_id))""",
        """Create Table Admin ( admin_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
            email varchar(255), address varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (admin_id))""",
        """Create Table ProductCategory( category_id int NOT NULL, 
            name varchar(255) NOT NULL,description varchar(255),PRIMARY KEY (category_id))""",
        """Create Table Product ( product_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
            category_id int not null,description varchar(255),PRIMARY KEY (product_id), 
            foreign key(category_id) references ProductCategory(category_id))""",
        """ Create Table Cart ( cart_id int not null, customer_id int,address varchar(255), 
            email varchar(255), product_id int not null, discount_amount int not null, 
            total_amount int not null, PRIMARY KEY (cart_id), foreign key(customer_id) references User(customer_id),
            foreign key(product_id) references Product(product_id))"""
    for query in tables_to_execute:
            db_obj.execute_query(db_connection, mapper_.get(query))
        except Error as e:
            raise e
Esempio n. 2
 def firstUniqChar(self, s: str) -> int:
     from _collections import OrderedDict
     order_dict = OrderedDict()
     for char in s:
         order_dict[char] = order_dict.get(char,0)+1
     for key,val in order_dict.items():
         if val == 1:
             return s.index(key)
     return -1
Esempio n. 3
def build_experience_buffer(grid, Vx_rzns, Vy_rzns, paths, sampling_interval,
                            num_of_paths, num_actions):
    exp_buffer_all_trajs = []
    for k in range(num_of_paths):
        exp_buffer_kth_traj = []
        Vxt = Vx_rzns[k, :, :]
        Vyt = Vy_rzns[k, :, :]
        trajectory = paths[0, k]

        # append starting point to traj
        coord_traj = [(trajectory[0][0], trajectory[0][1])]
        s_i, s_j = compute_cell(grid, trajectory[0])
        state_traj = [(s_i, s_j)]

        # make dictionary states mapping to coords. and choose middle coord to append to traj
        traj_dict = OrderedDict()
        for j in range(0, len(trajectory)):
            s_i, s_j = compute_cell(grid, trajectory[j])
            s = (s_i, s_j)
            c = (trajectory[j][0], trajectory[j][1])
            if not traj_dict.get(s):
                traj_dict[s] = [c]
        keys = list(traj_dict.keys())
        keys.remove(keys[0])  #remove first and last keys (states).
        keys.remove(keys[-1])  #They are appended separately

        for s in keys:
            l = len(traj_dict[s])
            coord_traj.append(traj_dict[s][int(l // 2)])

        coord_traj.append((trajectory[-1][0], trajectory[-1][1]))
        s_i, s_j = compute_cell(grid, trajectory[-1])
        state_traj.append((s_i, s_j))


        #build buffer
        print("check warning: ", k)
        # print("s1, p1, p2, Vxt, Vyt")
        for i in range(len(state_traj) - 1):
            s1 = state_traj[i + 1]
            s2 = state_traj[i]
            # t ,m,n=s1
            m, n = s1
            p1 = coord_traj[i + 1]
            p2 = coord_traj[i]
            # if (s1[1],s1[2])!=(s2[1],s2[2]):
            vx = Vxt[m, n]
            vy = Vyt[m, n]
            # print(s1,p1,p2, vx, vy)
            a1 = Calculate_action(s1, p1, p2, vx, vy, grid)
            r1 = grid.move_exact(a1, vx, vy)
            exp_buffer_kth_traj.append([s1, a1, r1, s2])

        #append kth-traj-list to master list

    return exp_buffer_all_trajs