Esempio n. 1
def load_imsto(section='imsto'):
    config = Config()
    engine = config.get('engine', section)
    print 'loading {} engine: {}'.format(section, engine)
    if engine == 'mongodb':
        return StoreEngineGridFs(section)
    if engine == 's3':
        return StoreEngineS3(section)
    if engine == 'weedfs':
        return StoreEngineWeedFs(section)
    raise ValueError('bad engine_code')
Esempio n. 2
def load_imsto(section='imsto'):
	config = Config()
	engine = config.get('engine', section)
	print 'loading {} engine: {}'.format(section, engine)
	if engine == 'mongodb':
		return StoreEngineGridFs(section)
	if engine == 's3':
		return StoreEngineS3(section)
	if engine == 'weedfs':
		return StoreEngineWeedFs(section)
	raise ValueError('bad engine_code')
Esempio n. 3
class StoreBase:
    engine = None
    _db = None
    _fs = None
    _coll = None

    def __init__(self, section='imsto'):
        """engine: mongodb(default), s3"""
        self.section = section
        self._config = Config()

        self.engine = self.get_config('engine')
        self.fs_prefix = self.get_config('fs_prefix')
        print 'init section: {self.section}, engine: {self.engine}, fs_prefix: {self.fs_prefix}'.format(

    def get_config(self, key):
        return self._config.get(key, self.section)

    def browse(self, limit=20, start=0, sort=None, only_items=False):
        """retrieve files from mongodb for gallery"""
        #return fs().list()
        if sort is None or not isinstance(sort, list):
            sort = [('uploadDate', DESCENDING)]

        cursor = self.collection.find(limit=limit, skip=start, sort=sort)
        items = [StoreItem(self, item) for item in cursor]
        if only_items:
            return items
        url_prefix = urljoin(self.get_config('url_prefix'),
        return {
            'items': items,
            'total': cursor.count(),
            'url_prefix': url_prefix + '/'

    def count(self):
        return self.collection.count()

    # def __iter__(self):
    # 	self.__cursor = self.collection.find(limit=0,skip=0,sort=[('uploadDate',DESCENDING)])
    # 	return self
    # def next(self):
    # 	if self.__cursor:
    # 		return StoreItem(self,
    # 	raise StopIteration

    def store(self, file=None, content=None, ctype=None, **kwd):
        """save a file-like item"""
        if content is None and not hasattr(file, 'read'):
            raise TypeError('invalid file-like object')

        data = content if content is not None else
        size = len(data)
        ext = guessImageType(data[:32])
        if ext is None:
            raise ValueError('invalid image file')

        hashes = [md5(data).hexdigest()]
        _exists_id = self.exists(hashed=hashes[0])
        if _exists_id:
            id = _exists_id
            filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
            print('id {} or hash {} exists!!'.format(id, hashes[0]))
            #raise DuplicateError('already exists')
            return [True, id, filename]
        ids = [_make_id(hashes[0])]
        if 'id' in kwd and kwd['id'] and kwd['id'] not in ids:
            ids += [kwd['id']]

        from image import SimpImage, MIN_QUALITY

        max_file_size = int(self.get_config('max_file_size'))
        max_jpeg_quality = int(self.get_config('max_jpeg_quality'))
        max_width = int(self.get_config('max_width'))
        max_height = int(self.get_config('max_height'))

        if size > max_file_size: max_jpeg_quality -= 1
        if max_jpeg_quality < MIN_QUALITY: max_jpeg_quality = MIN_QUALITY

        im = SimpImage(blob=data)
        meta = im.meta
        if meta['width'] > max_width or meta['height'] > max_height:
            if self.get_config('auto_scale') and im.thumbnail(
                    max_width, max_height):
                if im.format == 'JPEG' and im.quality > max_jpeg_quality:
                    im.quality = max_jpeg_quality
                data = im.get_blob()
                size = len(data)
                print im.meta
                print 'new scaled size {}'.format(size)
                hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
                raise ValueError(
                    'file: {} dimension {}x{} is too big, max is {}x{}'.format(
                        kwd['name'] if 'name' in kwd else '', meta['width'],
                        meta['height'], max_width, max_height))

        if im.format == 'JPEG':
            if im.quality > max_jpeg_quality:
                print 'quality {} is too high, hash {}'.format(
                    im.quality, hashes[0])
                from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
                _tmp = NamedTemporaryFile('w+b',
                save_file(, blob=data)
                if jpegoptim(
                    fp = open(
                    data =
                    size = len(data)

                    # print 'new optimized size {}'.format(size)
                    del im
                    im = SimpImage(blob=data)
                    meta = im.meta
                    hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
                    raise EnvironmentError(
                        'jpeg qualty is too high, or need jpegoptim')
        elif im.format == 'PNG' and self.get_config('force_jpeg'):
            im.format = 'JPEG'
            im.quality = max_jpeg_quality
            data = im.get_blob()
            size = len(data)
            hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
            ext = 'jpg'
            meta = im.meta
        del im

        if (size > max_file_size):
            raise ValueError('file: {} size {} is too big, max is {}'.format(
                kwd['name'] if 'name' in kwd else '', size, max_file_size))

        hashed = hashes[len(hashes) - 1]  #md5(data).hexdigest()
        # print ('md5 hash: {}'.format(hashed))

        # TODO: add for support (md5 + size) id
        id = _make_id(hashed)

        # print ('new filename: %r' % filename)

        # TODO: fix for support s3 front browse
        _exists_id = self.exists(id) or self.exists(hashed=hashed)
        if _exists_id:
            id = _exists_id
            filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
            print('id {} or hash {} exists!!'.format(id, hashed))
            #raise DuplicateError('already exists')
            return [True, id, filename]
        filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
        # print ('id: {}'.format(id))

        # if ctype is None or ctype == '':
        from _util import guess_mimetype
        ctype = guess_mimetype(filename)

        # save to mongodb
        spec = {
            '_id': id,
            'filename': filename,
            'hash': hashes,
            'mime': ctype,
            'size': size,
            'meta': meta,
            'ids': ids

        if 'name' in kwd and isinstance(kwd['name'], (str, unicode)):
            spec['name'] = kwd['name']

        for k in ['created', 'app_id']:
            if k in kwd and kwd[k]:
                spec[k] = kwd[k]

        if self._store_exists(id, filename=filename):
            self._save_meta(id, spec)
            return [True, id, filename]

        rr = self._put(data, **spec)
        if rr:
            return [True, rr, filename]

    def get_meta(self, id=None, filename=None, ids=None):
        spec = None
        if id:
            spec = id
        elif filename:
            spec = {'filename': filename}
        elif ids and isinstance(ids, type([])):
            spec = {'ids': {'$in': ids}}

        if spec:
            print 'spec %s' % spec
            item = self.collection.find_one(spec)
            if item:
                return StoreItem(self, item)

    def _save_meta(self, id, spec):
        '''mongo special meta data'''
        #if not hasattr(spec, '_id'):
        #	spec['_id'] = id
        if 'created' not in spec:
            spec['created'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        if 'filename' not in spec:
            print spec
            raise ValueError('need filename')

        return self.collection.update({'_id': id}, spec, upsert=True)

    def delete(self, id):
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _get(self, id):
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _put(self, data, **spec):
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _store_exists(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplemented()

    def exists(self, id=None, hashed=None, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """check special hash value TODO: more args"""
        #print args
        #print kwargs
        if id and self.collection.find_one({"_id": id}):
            return id
        if hashed:
            doc = self.collection.find_one({'md5': hashed})
            if doc:
                return doc['_id']
            doc = self.collection.find_one({'hash': {'$in': [hashed]}})
            if doc:
                return doc['_id']

        if filename:
            doc = self.collection.find_one(filename=filename)
            if doc:
                return doc['_id']

        if self._store_exists(id,
            return id

    def db(self):
        if self._db is None:
            self._db = get_mongo_db(self.get_config('servers'),
        return self._db

    def collection(self):
        if self._coll is None:
            cn = '{0}.files'.format(self.fs_prefix)
            self._coll = self.db[cn]
        return self._coll

    def close(self):
        """ close db connection"""
        if self.db is not None:

    def load(self, path):
        """ load from url path """
        #print 'path: %s (%s)' % (path, type(path))
        image_url_regex = r'(?P<size>[scwh]\d{2,4}(?P<x>x\d{2,4})?|orig)(?P<mop>[a-z])?/(?P<t1>[a-z0-9]{2})/(?P<t2>[a-z0-9]{2})/(?P<t3>[a-z0-9]{19,36})\.(?P<ext>gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$'
        match =, path)
        #print(image_url_regex, path, match)
        if match is None:
            raise UrlError('invalid path')

        ids = match.groupdict()

        id = '{t1}{t2}{t3}'.format(**ids)

        THUMB_ROOT = self.get_config('thumb_root').rstrip('/')
        SUPPORTED_SIZE = self.get_config('support_size').split(',')

        org_path = '{t1}/{t2}/{t3}.{ext}'.format(**ids)
        org_file = '{0}/orig/{1}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, org_path)

        if not os.path.exists(org_file):

            # check old id for redirect
            doc = self.get_meta(ids=[id])
            if doc and doc['id'] != id and 'filename' in doc:
                print 'found %s' % doc['filename']
                thumb_path = self.get_config('thumb_path')
                new_path = '{}/{}/{}'.format(thumb_path, ids['size'],
                raise HttpFound('found', path=new_path)

            print('fetching file: {}'.format(org_path))
            file = self.fetch(id, path=org_path)
            if file is None:
                print('fetch failed')
                raise UrlError('id {} not found'.format(id))
            save_file(org_file, file)

        if not os.path.exists(org_file):
            raise UrlError('file not found')

        # start thumbnail image

        if ids['size'] == 'orig':
            dst_path = 'orig/{}'.format(org_path)
            dst_file = org_file
            dst_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(ids['size'], org_path)
            dst_file = '{0}/{1}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, dst_path)

            mode = ids['size'][0]
            dimension = ids['size'][1:]
            if dimension not in SUPPORTED_SIZE:
                #print('unsupported size: {} {}'.format(mode, dimension))
                raise UrlError('unsupported size')
            if ids['x'] is None:
                size = int(dimension)
                width, height = size, size
                width, height = map(int, dimension.split('x'))

            if not os.path.exists(dst_file):
                print('start thumbnail image {} {} => {}x{}'.format(
                    mode, dimension, width, height))
                thumb_image(org_file, width, height, dst_file, mode)

            if ids['mop'] == 'w' and width < 100:
                raise UrlError('bad size')

        if ids['mop'] is not None:
            if ids['mop'] == 'w':  # watermark modifier
                org_file = '{}/{}/{}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, ids['size'], org_path)
                dst_file = '{}/{}{}/{}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, ids['size'],
                                               ids['mop'], org_path)

                if watermark_image(org_file, dst_file):
                    dst_path = '{}{}/{}'.format(ids['size'], ids['mop'],

                raise UrlError('bad modifier')

        #print('dst_path: {}'.format(dst_path))
        #print('dst_file: {}'.format(dst_file))

        return (dst_file, dst_path)

    def fetch(self, id, path):
        key = path if self.engine == 's3' else id

        return self._get(key)
        # try:
        # 	return self._get(key)
        # except Exception, e:
        # 	print('prepare: {} not found'.format(key))
        # 	print e
        # 	raise e

    def url(self, path, size='orig'):
        url_prefix = self.get_config('url_prefix')
        thumb_path = self.get_config('thumb_path')
        return '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(url_prefix.rstrip('/'),
                                    thumb_path.strip('/'), size, path)
Esempio n. 4
class StoreBase:
	engine = None
	_db = None
	_fs = None
	_coll = None

	def __init__(self, section='imsto'):
		"""engine: mongodb(default), s3"""
		self.section = section
		self._config = Config()

		self.engine = self.get_config('engine')
		self.fs_prefix = self.get_config('fs_prefix')
		print 'init section: {self.section}, engine: {self.engine}, fs_prefix: {self.fs_prefix}'.format(self=self)

	def get_config(self, key):
		return self._config.get(key, self.section)
	def browse(self, limit=20, start=0, sort=None, only_items = False):
		"""retrieve files from mongodb for gallery"""
		#return fs().list()
		if sort is None or not isinstance(sort, list):
			sort = [('uploadDate',DESCENDING)]

		cursor = self.collection.find(limit=limit,skip=start,sort=sort)
		items = [StoreItem(self, item) for item in cursor]
		if only_items:
			return items
		url_prefix = urljoin(self.get_config('url_prefix'), self.get_config('thumb_path'))
		return {'items':items,'total':cursor.count(),'url_prefix': url_prefix + '/'}

	def count(self):
		return self.collection.count();

	# def __iter__(self):
	# 	self.__cursor = self.collection.find(limit=0,skip=0,sort=[('uploadDate',DESCENDING)])
	# 	return self
	# def next(self):
	# 	if self.__cursor:
	# 		return StoreItem(self,
	# 	raise StopIteration

	def store(self, file=None, content=None, ctype=None, **kwd):
		"""save a file-like item"""
		if content is None and not hasattr(file, 'read'):
			raise TypeError('invalid file-like object')

		data = content if content is not None else
		size = len(data)
		ext = guessImageType(data[:32])
		if ext is None:
			raise ValueError('invalid image file')

		hashes = [md5(data).hexdigest()]
		_exists_id = self.exists(hashed=hashes[0])
		if _exists_id:
			id = _exists_id
			filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
			print ('id {} or hash {} exists!!'.format(id, hashes[0]))
			#raise DuplicateError('already exists')
			return [True, id, filename]
		ids = [_make_id(hashes[0])]
		if 'id' in kwd and kwd['id'] and kwd['id'] not in ids:
			ids += [kwd['id']]

		from image import SimpImage, MIN_QUALITY

		max_file_size = int(self.get_config('max_file_size'))
		max_jpeg_quality = int(self.get_config('max_jpeg_quality'))
		max_width = int(self.get_config('max_width'))
		max_height = int(self.get_config('max_height'))

		if size > max_file_size: max_jpeg_quality -= 1
		if max_jpeg_quality < MIN_QUALITY: max_jpeg_quality = MIN_QUALITY

		im = SimpImage(blob=data)
		meta = im.meta
		if meta['width'] > max_width or meta['height'] > max_height:
			if self.get_config('auto_scale') and im.thumbnail(max_width, max_height):
				if im.format == 'JPEG' and im.quality > max_jpeg_quality:
					im.quality = max_jpeg_quality
				data = im.get_blob()
				size = len(data)
				print im.meta
				print 'new scaled size {}'.format(size)
				hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
				raise ValueError('file: {} dimension {}x{} is too big, max is {}x{}'.format(kwd['name'] if 'name' in kwd else '', meta['width'], meta['height'], max_width, max_height))

		if im.format == 'JPEG':
			if im.quality > max_jpeg_quality:
				print 'quality {} is too high, hash {}'.format(im.quality, hashes[0])
				from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
				_tmp = NamedTemporaryFile('w+b',dir=self.get_config('temp_root'),delete=False)
				save_file(, blob=data)
				if jpegoptim(
					fp = open(
					data =
					size = len(data)

					# print 'new optimized size {}'.format(size)
					del im
					im = SimpImage(blob=data)
					meta = im.meta
					hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
					raise EnvironmentError('jpeg qualty is too high, or need jpegoptim')
		elif im.format == 'PNG' and self.get_config('force_jpeg'):
			im.format = 'JPEG'
			im.quality = max_jpeg_quality
			data = im.get_blob()
			size = len(data)
			hashes += [md5(data).hexdigest()]
			ext = 'jpg'
			meta = im.meta
		del im

		if (size > max_file_size):
			raise ValueError('file: {} size {} is too big, max is {}'.format(kwd['name'] if 'name' in kwd else '', size, max_file_size))

		hashed = hashes[len(hashes)-1] #md5(data).hexdigest()
		# print ('md5 hash: {}'.format(hashed))

		# TODO: add for support (md5 + size) id
		id = _make_id(hashed)

		# print ('new filename: %r' % filename)

		# TODO: fix for support s3 front browse
		_exists_id = self.exists(id) or self.exists(hashed=hashed)
		if _exists_id:
			id = _exists_id
			filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
			print ('id {} or hash {} exists!!'.format(id, hashed))
			#raise DuplicateError('already exists')
			return [True, id, filename]
		filename = _make_filename(id, ext)
		# print ('id: {}'.format(id))

		# if ctype is None or ctype == '':
		from _util import guess_mimetype
		ctype = guess_mimetype(filename)

		# save to mongodb
		spec = {'_id': id,'filename': filename, 'hash': hashes, 'mime': ctype, 'size': size, 'meta': meta, 'ids': ids}

		if 'name' in kwd and isinstance(kwd['name'], (str, unicode)):
			spec['name'] = kwd['name']

		for k in ['created', 'app_id']:
			if k in kwd and kwd[k]:
				spec[k] = kwd[k]

		if self._store_exists(id, filename=filename):
			self._save_meta(id, spec)
			return [True, id, filename]

		rr = self._put(data, **spec)
		if rr:
			return [True, rr, filename]
	def get_meta(self, id=None, filename=None, ids=None):
		spec = None
		if id:
			spec = id
		elif filename:
			spec = {'filename': filename}
		elif ids and isinstance(ids, type([])):
			spec = {'ids': {'$in': ids}}

		if spec:
			print 'spec %s' % spec
			item = self.collection.find_one(spec)
			if item:
			 	return StoreItem(self, item)

	def _save_meta(self, id, spec):
		'''mongo special meta data'''
		#if not hasattr(spec, '_id'):
		#	spec['_id'] = id
		if 'created' not in spec:
			spec['created'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

		if 'filename' not in spec:
			print spec
			raise ValueError('need filename')

		return self.collection.update({'_id': id}, spec, upsert=True)

	def delete(self, id):
		raise NotImplemented()

	def _get(self, id):
		raise NotImplemented()

	def _put(self, data, **spec):
		raise NotImplemented()

	def _store_exists(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
		raise NotImplemented()

	def exists(self, id=None, hashed=None, filename=None, *args, **kwargs):
		"""check special hash value TODO: more args"""
		#print args
		#print kwargs
		if id and self.collection.find_one({"_id": id}):
			return id
		if hashed:
			doc = self.collection.find_one({'md5': hashed})
			if doc:
				return doc['_id']
			doc = self.collection.find_one({'hash': {'$in': [hashed]}})
			if doc:
				return doc['_id']

		if filename:
			doc = self.collection.find_one(filename=filename)
			if doc:
				return doc['_id']

		if self._store_exists(id, hashed=hashed, filename=filename, *args, **kwargs):
			return id

	def db(self):
		if self._db is None:
			self._db = get_mongo_db(self.get_config('servers'), self.get_config('db_name'), self.get_config('replica_set'))
		return self._db

	def collection(self):
		if self._coll is None:
			cn = '{0}.files'.format(self.fs_prefix)
			self._coll = self.db[cn]
		return self._coll

	def close(self):
		""" close db connection"""
		if self.db is not None:

	def load(self, path):
		""" load from url path """
		#print 'path: %s (%s)' % (path, type(path))
		image_url_regex = r'(?P<size>[scwh]\d{2,4}(?P<x>x\d{2,4})?|orig)(?P<mop>[a-z])?/(?P<t1>[a-z0-9]{2})/(?P<t2>[a-z0-9]{2})/(?P<t3>[a-z0-9]{19,36})\.(?P<ext>gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$'
		match =, path)
		#print(image_url_regex, path, match)
		if match is None:
			raise UrlError('invalid path')

		ids = match.groupdict()

		id = '{t1}{t2}{t3}'.format(**ids)

		THUMB_ROOT = self.get_config('thumb_root').rstrip('/')
		SUPPORTED_SIZE = self.get_config('support_size').split(',')

		org_path = '{t1}/{t2}/{t3}.{ext}'.format(**ids)
		org_file = '{0}/orig/{1}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, org_path)

		if not os.path.exists(org_file):

			# check old id for redirect
			doc = self.get_meta(ids=[id])
			if doc and doc['id'] != id and 'filename' in doc:
				print 'found %s' % doc['filename']
				thumb_path = self.get_config('thumb_path')
				new_path = '{}/{}/{}'.format(thumb_path, ids['size'], doc['filename'])
				raise HttpFound('found', path=new_path)

			print('fetching file: {}'.format(org_path))
			file = self.fetch(id, path=org_path)
			if file is None:
				print('fetch failed')
				raise UrlError('id {} not found'.format(id))
			save_file(org_file, file)

		if not os.path.exists(org_file):
			raise UrlError('file not found')

		# start thumbnail image

		if ids['size'] == 'orig':
			dst_path = 'orig/{}'.format(org_path)
			dst_file = org_file
			dst_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(ids['size'], org_path)
			dst_file = '{0}/{1}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, dst_path)

			mode = ids['size'][0]
			dimension = ids['size'][1:]
			if dimension not in SUPPORTED_SIZE:
				#print('unsupported size: {} {}'.format(mode, dimension))
				raise UrlError('unsupported size')
			if ids['x'] is None:
				size = int(dimension)
				width, height = size, size
				width, height = map(int, dimension.split('x'))

			if not os.path.exists(dst_file):
				print('start thumbnail image {} {} => {}x{}'.format(mode, dimension, width, height))
				thumb_image(org_file, width, height, dst_file, mode)

			if ids['mop'] == 'w' and width < 100:
				raise UrlError('bad size')

		if ids['mop'] is not None:
			if ids['mop'] == 'w': # watermark modifier
				org_file = '{}/{}/{}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, ids['size'], org_path)
				dst_file = '{}/{}{}/{}'.format(THUMB_ROOT, ids['size'], ids['mop'], org_path)

				if watermark_image(org_file, dst_file):
					dst_path = '{}{}/{}'.format(ids['size'], ids['mop'], org_path)

				raise UrlError('bad modifier')

		#print('dst_path: {}'.format(dst_path))
		#print('dst_file: {}'.format(dst_file))

		return (dst_file, dst_path)

	def fetch(self, id, path):
		key = path if self.engine == 's3' else id

		return self._get(key)
		# try:
		# 	return self._get(key)
		# except Exception, e:
		# 	print('prepare: {} not found'.format(key))
		# 	print e
		# 	raise e

	def url(self, path, size='orig'):
		url_prefix = self.get_config('url_prefix')
		thumb_path = self.get_config('thumb_path')
		return '{}/{}/{}/{}'.format(url_prefix.rstrip('/'), thumb_path.strip('/'), size, path)