def test_get_billing_calendar_november_returns_correct_calendar(self): date = '2020-11-30' calendar = bc.get_billing_calendar(date) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 11, 1), calendar.current_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 11, 30), calendar.current_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 10, 1), calendar.previous_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 10, 31), calendar.previous_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(30, calendar.days_in_current_month)
def test_get_billing_calendar_january_returns_correct_calendar(self): date = '2020-01-31' calendar = bc.get_billing_calendar(date) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 1, 1), calendar.current_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 1, 31), calendar.current_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 12, 1), calendar.previous_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 12, 31), calendar.previous_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(31, calendar.days_in_current_month)
def test_get_billing_calendar_leap_year_feb_returns_correct_calendar(self): date = '2020-02-29' calendar = bc.get_billing_calendar(date) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 2, 1), calendar.current_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 2, 29), calendar.current_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 1, 1), calendar.previous_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2020, 1, 31), calendar.previous_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(29, calendar.days_in_current_month)
def test_get_billing_calendar_not_leap_year_march_returns_correct_calendar( self): date = '2019-03-31' calendar = bc.get_billing_calendar(date) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 3, 1), calendar.current_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 3, 31), calendar.current_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 2, 1), calendar.previous_month_first_day) self.assertEqual(dt(2019, 2, 28), calendar.previous_month_last_day) self.assertEqual(31, calendar.days_in_current_month)
def test_video_decompile_nometa(setup_module): # this file has no metadata - we have to take a guess of 9 to 5 with TemporaryDirectory() as tempd: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cl = [ str(TEST_DATA / "2000-01-01-no-meta.mp4"), "--output", tempd, "--start", "04:00", "--interval", "30", "-ll", "DEBUG" ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc: video_decompile_console(cl) assert exc.value.code == 0 tempp = Path(tempd) images = sorted(list((tempp / "2000-01-01").glob("*.jpg"))) assert len(images) == frames(TEST_DATA / "2000-01-01-no-meta.mp4") assert str2dt(Path(images[0]).stem) == dt(2000, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0) assert pytest.approx(str2dt(Path(images[-1]).stem).timestamp(), dt(2000, 1, 1, 19, 0, 0).timestamp(), abs=30)
def test_video_decompile_nometa2(setup_module): # this file has no metadata - and is disjoint # specify start, end and deduce interval with TemporaryDirectory() as tempd: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cl = [ str(TEST_DATA / "2019-11-07-disjoint-no-meta.mp4"), "--output", tempd, "--start", "09:55", "--end", "12:15", "-ll", "DEBUG" ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc: video_decompile_console(cl) assert exc.value.code == 0 tempp = Path(tempd) images = sorted(list((tempp / "2019-11-07").glob("*.jpg"))) assert len(images) == frames(TEST_DATA / "2019-11-07-disjoint-no-meta.mp4") assert str2dt(Path(images[0]).stem) == dt(2019, 11, 7, 9, 55, 0) assert pytest.approx(str2dt(Path(images[-1]).stem).timestamp(), dt(2019, 11, 7, 12, 15, 0).timestamp(), abs=30)
def not_test_video_decompile_ocr(): # this file has no metadata - and is disjoint # use ocr to read timestamp with TemporaryDirectory() as tempd: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cl = [ str(TEST_DATA / "2019-11-07-disjoint-no-meta.mp4"), "--output", tempd, "--start", "09:55", "--interval", "30", "--ocr", "-ll", "DEBUG" ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as exc: video_decompile_console(cl) assert exc.value.code == 0 tempp = Path(tempd) images = sorted(list((tempp / "2019-11-07").glob("*.jpg"))) assert len(images) == frames(TEST_DATA / "2019-11-07-disjoint-no-meta.mp4") assert str2dt(Path(images[0]).stem) == dt(2000, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0) assert pytest.approx(str2dt(Path(images[-1]).stem).timestamp(), dt(2000, 1, 1, 19, 0, 0).timestamp(), abs=30)
def test_video_info(setup_module): v1 = VideoInfo(TEST_DATA / "sample1.mp4") assert v1.frames == 55 assert v1.valid assert v1.fps == 1 v2 = VideoInfo(TEST_DATA / "sample2.mp4") assert v2.frames == 444 assert v2.fps == 20 v3 = VideoInfo(TEST_DATA / "metadata.mp4") print(v3) assert v3.real_duration == timedelta(seconds=259200) assert v3.real_start == dt(2000, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
), dcc.RadioItems( options=[ {'label': 'Python', 'value': 'py'}, {'label': 'SQL', 'value': 'sql'}, {'label': 'JavaScript', 'value': 'js'} ], value = 'js', labelStyle = {'display': 'inline-block'} ), html.Button("Kup teraz!"), html.Button("Kup potem!", disabled=True,), html.Button("Kup wszystko!", type='submit'), dcc.DatePickerSingle( date= dt(2020,8,17), display_format='YYYY-MM-DD' ), dcc.DatePickerRange( start_date=dt(2020,10,10), end_date=dt(2020,11,11), min_date_allowed=dt(2020,10,10), max_date_allowed=dt(2020,11,11) ), dcc.Markdown( ''' 1. Kup już 2. Kup potem 3. Kup wszystko * 1
Write a Python program to calculate number of days between two dates. """ # importing date from datetime module from _datetime import date as dt #asking from user to enter 1st date day1 = int(input("Enter 1st date ")) #asking from user to enter 1st month month1 = int(input("Enter 1st month ")) #asking from user to enter 1st year year1 = int(input("Enter 1st year")) #asking from user to enter 2nd date day2 = int(input("Enter 2nd date ")) #asking from user to enter 2nd month month2 = int(input("Enter 2nd month ")) #asking from user to enter 2nd year year2 = int(input("Enter 2nd year")) #converting input into date object date1 =dt(year1,month1,day1) #converting input into date object date2 =dt(year2,month2,day2) #getting the difference between date 1 and date2 val =date2-date1 #printing the difference print(val)
def is_admin(): try: return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAmin() except: return False if is_admin(): # hosts_temp = r"hosts" # hosts_path = r"C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" hosts_path = r"hosts" redirect_IP = "" websites_to_block = ["", "", "", ""] while True: if dt(,,, 8) < < dt(,,, 23): print("Working hours...") with open(hosts_path, "r+") as file: content = for website in websites_to_block: if website in content: pass else: file.write(redirect_IP + " " + website + "\n") else: with open(hosts_path, "r+") as file: content = file.readlines() for line in content: if not any(website in line for website in websites_to_block): file.write(line)