Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, db_ref, host, port, dbname, user, password, keep_connection=True, autocommit=True):
     Constructor for class Database.
         host: PostgreSQL database host
         port: PostgreSQL database port
         dbname: PostgreSQL database database name
         user: PostgreSQL database user
         password: PostgreSQL database password for user
     self._db_ref = db_ref
     self._host = host
     self._port = port
     self._dbname = dbname
     self._user = user
     self._password = password
     self._keep_connection = keep_connection
     self._autocommit = autocommit
     self._default_connection = None
     self._default_cursor = None
     log_multiline(logger.debug, self.__dict__, 'Database.__dict__', '\t')
Esempio n. 2
        def set_dimension(dimension, dimension_config, index, dimension_index_vector=None):
                dimension: Dimension tag (e.g. X, Y, T, etc.)
                dimension_config: Nested dict containing storage configuration from GDF.storage_config['<storage_type>']
                index: index for storage unit
                dimension_index_vector: Numpy array of index values for irregular dimension (e.g. time) or None for unlimited irregular dimension

            logger.debug("dimension = %s", dimension)
            logger.debug("dimension_config = %s", dimension_config)
            logger.debug("index = %s", index)
            logger.debug("dimension_index_vector = %s", dimension_index_vector)

            if dimension_config["indexing_type"] == "regular" and not dimension_index_vector:
                element_size = dimension_config["dimension_element_size"]
                dimension_min = (
                    index * dimension_config["dimension_extent"]
                    + dimension_config["dimension_origin"]
                    + element_size / 2.0
                )  # Half pixel to account for netCDF centre of pixel reference
                dimension_max = dimension_min + dimension_config["dimension_extent"]

                dimension_index_vector = np.around(
                    np.arange(dimension_min, dimension_max, element_size), self.decimal_places

                # Cater for reversed index (e.g. positive Y index tends Southwards when image origin is in UL/NW corner)
                if dimension_config["reverse_index"]:
                    dimension_index_vector = dimension_index_vector[::-1]

            # TODO: Implement fixed indexing type

            log_multiline(logger.debug, dimension_index_vector, "dimension_index_vector for %s" % dimension, "\t")

            if dimension_index_vector is not None:
                dimension_index_shape = dimension_index_vector.shape
                assert len(dimension_index_shape) == 1, "Invalid dimension_index_vector shape. Must be 1D"
                assert dimension_index_shape[0] <= dimension_config["dimension_elements"], (
                    "dimension_index_vector must have %d elements or fewer" % dimension_config["dimension_elements"]
                dimension_size = len(dimension_index_vector)
                # TODO: Do range checks to ensure indices are within storage unit boundaries
                dimension_size = 0  # Unlimited dimension

            dimension_name = dimension_config["dimension_name"]

            # Dimensions can be renamed with the 'renameDimension' method of the file
            self.netcdf_object.createDimension(dimension_name, dimension_size)

            variable = self.netcdf_object.createVariable(dimension_name, "f8", (dimension_name,))
            for property_name, property_value in dimension_config["properties"].items():
                logger.debug("property_name = %s, property_value = %s", property_name, property_value)
                variable.__setattr__(property_name, property_value)

            variable[:] = dimension_index_vector
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, path):
     '''Constructor for class ConfigFile
         path: Path to valid config file (required)
     log_multiline(logger.debug, path, 'path', '\t')
     self._path = os.path.abspath(path)
     assert os.path.exists(self._path), "%s does not exist" % self._path
     self._configuration = self._parse_config_file() 
     log_multiline(logger.debug, self.__dict__, 'ConfigFile.__dict__', '\t')
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, path):
        '''Constructor for class ConfigFile
            path: Path to valid config file (required)
        log_multiline(logger.debug, path, 'path', '\t')

        self._path = os.path.abspath(path)
        assert os.path.exists(self._path), "%s does not exist" % self._path

        self._configuration = self._parse_config_file()

        log_multiline(logger.debug, self.__dict__, 'ConfigFile.__dict__', '\t')
Esempio n. 5
        def set_dimension(dimension, dimension_config, index, dimension_index_vector=None):
                dimension: Dimension tag (e.g. X, Y, T, etc.)
                dimension_config: Nested dict containing storage configuration from GDF.storage_config['<storage_type>']
                index: index for storage unit
                dimension_index_vector: Numpy array of index values for irregular dimension (e.g. time) or None for unlimited irregular dimension

            logger.debug('dimension = %s', dimension)
            logger.debug('dimension_config = %s', dimension_config)
            logger.debug('index = %s', index)
            logger.debug('dimension_index_vector = %s', dimension_index_vector)

            if dimension_config['indexing_type'] == 'regular' and not dimension_index_vector:
                element_size = dimension_config['dimension_element_size']
                dimension_min = index * dimension_config['dimension_extent'] + dimension_config['dimension_origin'] + element_size / 2.0 # Half pixel to account for netCDF centre of pixel reference
                dimension_max = dimension_min + dimension_config['dimension_extent']
                dimension_index_vector = np.around(np.arange(dimension_min, dimension_max, element_size), GDFNetCDF.DECIMAL_PLACES)
                # Cater for reversed index (e.g. positive Y index tends Southwards when image origin is in UL/NW corner)
                if dimension_config['reverse_index']:
                    dimension_index_vector = dimension_index_vector[::-1]
            #TODO: Implement fixed indexing type
            log_multiline(logger.debug, dimension_index_vector, 'dimension_index_vector for %s' % dimension, '\t')
            if dimension_index_vector is not None:
                dimension_index_shape = dimension_index_vector.shape
                assert len(dimension_index_shape) == 1, 'Invalid dimension_index_vector shape. Must be 1D'
                assert dimension_index_shape[0] <= dimension_config['dimension_elements'], 'dimension_index_vector must have %d elements or fewer' % dimension_config['dimension_elements']
                dimension_size = len(dimension_index_vector)
                #TODO: Do range checks to ensure indices are within storage unit boundaries
                dimension_size = 0 # Unlimited dimension
            dimension_name = dimension_config['dimension_name']
            # Dimensions can be renamed with the 'renameDimension' method of the file
            self.netcdf_object.createDimension(dimension_name, dimension_size)
            variable = self.netcdf_object.createVariable(dimension_name,'f8',(dimension_name,))
            for property_name, property_value in dimension_config['properties'].items():
                logger.debug('property_name = %s, property_value = %s', property_name, property_value)
                variable.__setattr__(property_name, property_value)
            variable[:] = dimension_index_vector    
Esempio n. 6
 def execSQL(self, SQL, params=None, cursor=None):
     Function to return cursor with query results for specified SQL and parameters
         SQL: Query text
         params: Dict containing query parameters (optional)
         cursor: cursor to return results. Defaults to self._default_cursor
     cursor = cursor or self._default_cursor or self.create_connection().cursor()
     log_multiline(logger.debug, cursor.mogrify(SQL, params), 'SQL', '\t')
     cursor.execute(SQL, params)
     return cursor
Esempio n. 7
 def submit_query(self, SQL, params=None, connection=None):
     Function to return CachedResultSet object to manage an in-memory cache of query results for specified SQL and parameters
         SQL: Query text
         params: Dict containing query parameters (optional)
         connection: DB connection to query. Defaults to self._default_connection
     connection = connection or self._default_connection or self.create_connection()
     log_multiline(logger.debug, SQL, 'SQL', '\t')
     log_multiline(logger.debug, params, 'params', '\t')
     # Use local cursor to return results
     return CachedResultSet(self.execSQL(SQL, params, cursor=connection.cursor()))
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, arg_descriptors={}):
        '''Constructor for class CommandLineArgs
            arg_descriptors: dict keyed by dest variable name containing sub-dicts as follows:
                'short_flag': '-d', 
                'long_flag': '--debug', 
                'default': <Boolean>, 
                'action': 'store_const', 
                'const': <Boolean>,
                'help': <help string>
        log_multiline(logger.debug, arg_descriptors, 'arg_descriptors', '\t')
#        # Replace defaults with supplied dict
#        arg_descriptors = arg_descriptors or CommandLineArgs.DEFAULT_ARG_DESCRIPTORS     
        # Merge defaults with supplied dict (overwriting defaults) 
        temp_arg_descriptors = CommandLineArgs.DEFAULT_ARG_DESCRIPTORS.copy()
        arg_descriptors = temp_arg_descriptors
        log_multiline(logger.debug, arg_descriptors, 'arg_descriptors', '\t')
        self._arguments = self._parse_args(arg_descriptors)
        log_multiline(logger.debug, self.__dict__, 'CommandLineArgs.__dict__', '\t')
Esempio n. 9
 def _parse_config_file(self):
     Function to return a nested dict of config file entries
         dict {<section_name>: {<key>: <value>,... },... }
     logger.debug('Opening config file %s', self._path)
     config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
     config_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # Need to preserve order of sections
     for section_name in config_parser.sections():
         section_dict = {}
         config_dict[section_name.lower()] = section_dict
         for attribute_name in config_parser.options(section_name):
             attribute_value = config_parser.get(section_name, attribute_name)
             section_dict[attribute_name.lower()] = attribute_value
     log_multiline(logger.debug, config_dict, 'config_dict', '\t')
     return config_dict
Esempio n. 10
    def _parse_config_file(self):
        Function to return a nested dict of config file entries
            dict {<section_name>: {<key>: <value>,... },... }
        logger.debug('Opening config file %s', self._path)

        config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)

        config_dict = collections.OrderedDict(
        )  # Need to preserve order of sections
        for section_name in config_parser.sections():
            section_dict = {}
            config_dict[section_name.lower()] = section_dict

            for attribute_name in config_parser.options(section_name):
                attribute_value = config_parser.get(section_name,
                section_dict[attribute_name.lower()] = attribute_value

        log_multiline(logger.debug, config_dict, 'config_dict', '\t')
        return config_dict
Esempio n. 11
    def _parse_args(self, arg_descriptors):
        """Virtual function to parse command line arguments.
            arg_descriptors: dict keyed by dest variable name containing sub-dicts as follows:
                'short_flag': '-d', 
                'long_flag': '--debug', 
                'default': <Boolean>, 
                'action': 'store_const', 
                'const': <Boolean>,
                'help': <help string>
            argparse namespace object
        logger.debug('Calling _parse_args()')
        log_multiline(logger.debug, arg_descriptors, 'arg_descriptors', '\t')
        _arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
        for arg_dest in sorted(arg_descriptors.keys()):
            arg_descriptor = arg_descriptors[arg_dest]
            log_multiline(logger.debug, arg_descriptor, 'arg_descriptor for %s' % arg_dest, '\t')

        args, _unknown_args = _arg_parser.parse_known_args()
        return args.__dict__
Esempio n. 12
        def set_dimension(dimension,
                dimension: Dimension tag (e.g. X, Y, T, etc.)
                dimension_config: Nested dict containing storage configuration from GDF.storage_config['<storage_type>']
                index: index for storage unit
                dimension_index_vector: Numpy array of index values for irregular dimension (e.g. time) or None for unlimited irregular dimension

            logger.debug('dimension = %s', dimension)
            logger.debug('dimension_config = %s', dimension_config)
            logger.debug('index = %s', index)
            logger.debug('dimension_index_vector = %s', dimension_index_vector)

            if dimension_config[
                    'indexing_type'] == 'regular' and not dimension_index_vector:
                element_size = dimension_config['dimension_element_size']
                dimension_min = index * dimension_config[
                    'dimension_extent'] + dimension_config[
                        'dimension_origin'] + element_size / 2.0  # Half pixel to account for netCDF centre of pixel reference
                dimension_max = dimension_min + dimension_config[

                dimension_index_vector = np.around(
                    np.arange(dimension_min, dimension_max, element_size),

                # Cater for reversed index (e.g. positive Y index tends Southwards when image origin is in UL/NW corner)
                if dimension_config['reverse_index']:
                    dimension_index_vector = dimension_index_vector[::-1]

            #TODO: Implement fixed indexing type

            log_multiline(logger.debug, dimension_index_vector,
                          'dimension_index_vector for %s' % dimension, '\t')

            if dimension_index_vector is not None:
                dimension_index_shape = dimension_index_vector.shape
                assert len(
                ) == 1, 'Invalid dimension_index_vector shape. Must be 1D'
                assert dimension_index_shape[0] <= dimension_config[
                    'dimension_elements'], 'dimension_index_vector must have %d elements or fewer' % dimension_config[
                dimension_size = len(dimension_index_vector)
                #TODO: Do range checks to ensure indices are within storage unit boundaries
                dimension_size = 0  # Unlimited dimension

            dimension_name = dimension_config['dimension_name']

            # Dimensions can be renamed with the 'renameDimension' method of the file
            self.netcdf_object.createDimension(dimension_name, dimension_size)

            variable = self.netcdf_object.createVariable(
                dimension_name, 'f8', (dimension_name, ))
            for property_name, property_value in dimension_config[
                logger.debug('property_name = %s, property_value = %s',
                             property_name, property_value)
                variable.__setattr__(property_name, property_value)

            variable[:] = dimension_index_vector