Esempio n. 1
def getQuote(path):
        Get a quote to display for the refresh page.
        Uses fortune to generate a quote.

            path:   The path to the fortune script (str)
            quote:   The quote to display (str)
    fortune = os.popen(path)
    quote =
    quote = string.replace(quote, "\n", "<BR>")
    quote = string.replace(quote, "\t", "&nbsp;"*5)
    quote = "%s<P>" % quote
    return quote
Esempio n. 2
def splitInput(filename):
        Split the parallel input file into multiple async file names

            filename:  The path to the original parallel input
                       file (string)
    nproc = 0
    file = open(filename)
    text = ""
    while 1:
        line = file.readline()
        if line == "": break
        text += line
        line = string.strip(line)
        if line.startswith("pdime"): # Get # Procs
            words = string.split(line)
            nproc = int(words[1]) * int(words[2]) * int(words[3])

    if nproc == 0:
        sys.stderr.write("%s is not a valid APBS parallel input file!\n" % filename)
        sys.stderr.write("The inputgen script was unable to asynchronize this file!\n")

    period = string.find(filename,".")
    for i in range(nproc):
        outname = filename[0:period] + "" % i
        outtext = string.replace(text, "mg-para\n","mg-para\n    async %i\n" % i)
        outfile = open(outname, "w")
Esempio n. 3
 def parseLines(self, lines):
     """ Parse the lines """
     for line in lines:
         if string.find(line, "ATOM") == 0:
             subline = string.replace(line[30:], "-", " -")
             words = string.split(subline)
             if len(words) < 4:
                 #sys.stderr.write("Can't parse following line:\n")
                 #sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % line)
             self.gotatom = self.gotatom + 1
             self.q = self.q + float(words[3])
             rad = float(words[4])
             center = []
             for word in words[0:3]:
             for i in range(3):
                 self.minlen[i] = min(center[i] - rad, self.minlen[i])
                 self.maxlen[i] = max(center[i] + rad, self.maxlen[i])
         elif string.find(line, "HETATM") == 0:
             self.gothet = self.gothet + 1
Esempio n. 4
    def getCharmmParams(self, residue, name):
            Get the forcefield definitions from the Charmm database

                residue:  The residue (residue)
                name:     The atom name (string)
                resname:  The name of the Charmm residue
                atomname: The name of the Charmm atom
        resname = residue.get("name")
        atomname = name

        #  Nucleic Acid Substitutions

        if residue.get("type") == 4:
            resname = resname[0]
            if resname == "A": resname = "ADE"
            elif resname == "C": resname = "CYT"
            elif resname == "G": resname = "GUA"
            elif resname == "T":
                resname = "THY"
                if atomname == "C7": atomname = "C5M"
                elif atomname == "H71": atomname = "H51"
                elif atomname == "H72": atomname = "H52"
                elif atomname == "H73": atomname = "H53"
            elif resname == "U": resname = "URA"

            if atomname == "H5'1": atomname = "H5'"
            elif atomname == "H5'2": atomname = "H5''"
            elif atomname == "H2'1": atomname = "H2'"
            elif atomname in ["H2'2", "HO'2"]: atomname = "H2''"

            if residue.getAtom("O2'") == None:
                if atomname in ["C2'", "H2'", "H2''"]: resname = "DEO1"

            if residue.getAtom("H5T") != None:
                if atomname in ["H5T", "O5'", "C5'"]: resname = "5TER"
            if residue.getAtom("H3T") != None:
                if atomname in ["H3T", "O3'", "C3'"]: resname = "3TER"

        # Terminal/Water Substitutions

        if residue.get("isNterm"):
            if resname == "GLY" and atomname in [
                    "N", "H", "H2", "H3", "CA", "HA2", "HA3"
                resname = "GLYP"
                if atomname == "H": atomname = "HT1"
                elif atomname == "H2": atomname = "HT2"
                elif atomname == "H3": atomname = "HT3"
            elif resname == "PRO" and atomname in [
                    "N", "HN1", "HN2", "CD", "CA", "HD1", "HD2", "HA", "H2",
                resname = "PROP"
                if atomname == "H2": atomname = "HN1"
                elif atomname == "H3": atomname = "HN2"
            elif resname == "ACE":
                if atomname == "CH3": atomname = "CAY"
                elif atomname == "HH31": atomname = "HY1"
                elif atomname == "HH32": atomname = "HY2"
                elif atomname == "HH33": atomname = "HY3"
                elif atomname == "C": atomname = "CY"
                elif atomname == "O": atomname = "OY"
                if atomname in ["N", "H", "H2", "H3", "CA", "HA"]:
                    resname = "NTER"
                    if atomname == "H": atomname = "HT1"
                    elif atomname == "H2": atomname = "HT2"
                    elif atomname == "H3": atomname = "HT3"
        elif residue.get("isCterm"):
            if atomname in ["O", "OXT", "C"]:
                resname = "CTER"
                if atomname == "O":
                    atomname = "OT1"
                elif atomname == "OXT":
                    atomname = "OT2"
        elif residue.get("type") == 3:
            resname = "TP3M"
            if atomname == "O": atomname = "OH2"

        # Residue substitutions

        if resname == "ILE":
            if atomname == "CD1": atomname = "CD"
            elif atomname == "HD11": atomname = "HD1"
            elif atomname == "HD12": atomname = "HD2"
            elif atomname == "HD13": atomname = "HD3"
            elif atomname == "HG12": atomname = "HG11"
            elif atomname == "HG13": atomname = "HG12"
        elif resname == "CYS" and "HG" not in residue.get("map"):
            if atomname == "CB":
                resname = "DISU"
                atomname = "1CB"
            elif atomname == "SG":
                resname = "DISU"
                atomname = "1SG"
        elif resname == "HIS":
            if "HD1" in residue.get("map") and "HE2" in residue.get("map"):
                resname = "HSP"
            elif "HD1" in residue.get("map"):
                resname = "HSD"
            elif "HE2" in residue.get("map"):
                resname = "HSE"
        elif resname == "GLU" or resname == "GLH":
            if "HE1" in residue.get("map"):
                if atomname == "HE1": atomname = "HE2"
                elif atomname == "OE1": atomname = "OE2"
                elif atomname == "OE2": atomname = "OE1"
                if atomname in [
                        "CG", "HG3", "HG1", "HG2", "CD", "OE1", "OE2", "HE2"
                    resname = "GLUP"
                    resname == "GLU"
            elif "HE2" in residue.get("map"):
                if atomname in [
                        "CG", "HG3", "HG1", "HG2", "CD", "OE1", "OE2", "HE2"
                    resname = "GLUP"
                    resname == "GLU"
        elif resname == "ASP" or resname == "ASH":
            if "HD1" in residue.get("map"):
                if atomname == "HD1": atomname = "HD2"
                elif atomname == "OD1": atomname = "OD2"
                elif atomname == "OD2": atomname = "OD1"
                if atomname in [
                        "CB", "HB3", "HB1", "HB2", "CG", "OD1", "OD2", "HD2"
                    resname = "ASPP"
                    resname == "ASP"
            elif "HD2" in residue.get("map"):
                if atomname in [
                        "CB", "HB3", "HB1", "HB2", "CG", "OD1", "OD2", "HD2"
                    resname = "ASPP"
                    resname == "ASP"

        # HETATM Substitutions

        if resname == "ACE":
            if atomname == "CH3": atomname = "CAY"
            elif atomname == "HH31": atomname = "HY1"
            elif atomname == "HH32": atomname = "HY2"
            elif atomname == "HH33": atomname = "HY3"
            elif atomname == "C": atomname = "CY"
            elif atomname == "O": atomname = "OY"
        elif resname == "ADP":
            atomname = string.replace(atomname, "*", "\'")

        # Hydrogen Substitutions

        if atomname == "H": atomname = "HN"
        elif atomname == "HA2": atomname = "HA1"
        elif atomname == "HA3": atomname = "HA2"
        elif atomname == "HB2" and resname not in ["ALA"]: atomname = "HB1"
        elif atomname == "HB3" and resname not in ["ALA"]: atomname = "HB2"
        elif atomname == "HD2" and resname not in [
                "HSP", "HSE", "HSD", "ASPP"
            atomname = "HD1"
        elif atomname == "HD3" and resname not in ["HIS", "HSE", "HSD"]:
            atomname = "HD2"
        elif atomname == "HE2" and resname not in [
                "TRP", "HSP", "HSE", "HSD", "GLUP"
            atomname = "HE1"
        elif atomname == "HE3" and resname not in ["TRP", "HSP", "HSE", "HSD"]:
            atomname = "HE2"
        elif atomname == "HG2":
            atomname = "HG1"
        elif atomname == "HG3":
            atomname = "HG2"
        elif atomname == "HG" and resname in ["SER", "CYS"]:
            atomname = "HG1"

        return resname, atomname
Esempio n. 5
def createResults(header, input, name, time, missedligands=[]):
        Create the results web page for CGI-based runs

            header: The header of the PQR file (string)
            input:   A flag whether an input file has been created (int)
            tmpdir:  The resulting file directory (string)
            name:    The result file root name, based on local time (string)
            time:    The time taken to run the script (float)
            missedligands: A list of ligand names whose parameters could
                     not be assigned. Optional. (list)
    newheader = string.replace(header, "\n", "<BR>")
    newheader = string.replace(newheader," ","&nbsp;")

    filename = "%s%s%s.html" % (LOCALPATH, TMPDIR, name)
    file = open(filename, "w")

    file.write("<title>PDB2PQR Results</title>\n")
    file.write("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">\n" % STYLESHEET)

    file.write("<h2>PDB2PQR Results</h2>\n")
    file.write("Here are the results from PDB2PQR.  The files will be available on the ")
    file.write("server for a short period of time if you need to re-access the results.<P>\n")

    file.write("<a href=\"%s%s%s.pqr\">%s.pqr</a><BR>\n" % (WEBSITE, TMPDIR, name, name))
    if input:
        file.write("<a href=\"\"></a><BR>\n" % (WEBSITE, TMPDIR, name, name))
    pkaname = "%s%s%s.propka" % (LOCALPATH, TMPDIR, name)
    if os.path.isfile(pkaname):
        file.write("<a href=\"%s%s%s.propka\">%s.propka</a><BR>\n" % (WEBSITE, TMPDIR, name, name))
    typename = "%s%s%s-typemap.html" % (LOCALPATH, TMPDIR, name)
    if os.path.isfile(typename):
        file.write("<a href=\"%s%s%s-typemap.html\">%s-typemap.html</a><BR>\n" % (WEBSITE, TMPDIR, name, name))
    file.write("<P>The header for your PQR file, including any warnings generated, is:<P>\n")
    file.write("%s<P>\n" % newheader)
    if missedligands != []:
        file.write("The forcefield that you have selected does not have ")
        file.write("parameters for the following ligands in your PDB file.  Please visit ")
        file.write("<a href=\"\">PRODRG</a> ")
        file.write("to convert these ligands into MOL2 format.  This ligand can the be ")
        file.write("parameterized in your PDB2PQR calculation using the PEOE_PB methodology via ")
        file.write("the 'Assign charges to the ligand specified in a MOL2 file' checkbox:<P>\n")
        for item in missedligands:
            file.write("%s<BR>\n" % item)
    file.write("If you would like to run PDB2PQR again, please click <a href=\"%s%s\">\n" % (WEBSITE, WEBNAME))
    file.write("<P>Thank you for using the PDB2PQR server!<P>\n")
    file.write("<font size=\"-1\"><P>Total time on server: %.2f seconds</font><P>\n" % time)
    file.write("<font size=\"-1\"><CENTER><I>Last Updated %s</I></CENTER></font>\n" % __date__)
Esempio n. 6
    def read4(self, filename):
        """Read from and set the current state according to the AutoGrid4 file.
        self.gpf_filename = filename
        gpf_ptr = open(filename)
        lines = gpf_ptr.readlines()

        keys = list(self.keys())
        self.file_params = []
        for line in lines:
            #print "reading ", line
            words = string.split(string.replace(line, '\t', ' '))
            #print "words=", words
            if words != [] and words[0][0] != '#':
                p = words[0]
                if p not in keys:
                    print("WARNING: unrecognized parameter in ", filename,
                          ":\n", p)
                #print "p=", p
                # maintain a list of the parameters read from the file
                if self.file_params == [] or p != self.file_params[-1]:

                # parse the line
                l = len(words)
                for i in range(l):
                    if words[i][0] == '#':
                        l = i
                values = words[1:l]
                if p == 'parameter_file':
                    self['custom_parameter_file']['value'] = 1
                    self['parameter_file']['value'] = values[0]
                elif ((len(values) == 1)
                      and (type(self[p]['default']) != list)):
                    self[p]['value'] = self._get_val(values[0])
                    #print "    value=", self[p]['value']
                    #if words[0]=='types':
                    #    #in this case have to set flags for possible new type
                    #    extraLigandTypes = self.checkLigTypes(values[0])
                #setting dielectric from a gpf is no longer supported
                #instead must be set in a parameter library file
                #elif p=='dielectric':
                #    self['dielectric4']['value'] = self._get_val(values[0])
                elif p == 'ligand_types':
                    self['ligand_types']['value'] = string.join(words[1:l])
                elif p == 'receptor_types':
                    self['receptor_types']['value'] = string.join(words[1:l])
                elif words[0] == 'covalentmap':
                    #in this case set:
                    #covalent_ coords,constant,energy_barrier,half_width
                    self['covalentmap']['value'] = 1
                    self['covalent_half_width']['value'] = float(values[1])
                    self['covalent_energy_barrier']['value'] = float(values[2])
                    self['covalent_coords']['value'] = [float(values[3]),\
                        float(values[4]), float(values[5])]
                    self[p]['value'] = []
                elif words[0] == 'gridcenter' and l > 1:
                    #need to convert to float
                    newvalue = [
                    self['gridcenterAuto']['value'] = 0
                    self[p]['value'] = newvalue
                    #print "in else for ", p
                    self[p]['value'] = []
                    for v in values:
Esempio n. 7
    def read(self, filename):
        """Read from and set the current state according to the file.
        self.gpf_filename = filename
        gpf_ptr = open(filename)
        lines = gpf_ptr.readlines()

        self.file_params = []
        checkedTypes = []
        extraLigandTypes = []
        keys = list(self.keys())
        for line in lines:
            words = string.split(string.replace(line, '\t', ' '))
            if words != [] and words[0][0] != '#':
                p = words[0]
                if p not in keys:
                    print("WARNING: unrecognized parameter in ", filename,
                          ":\n", p)
                # maintain a list of the parameters read from the file
                if self.file_params == [] or p != self.file_params[-1]:

                # parse the line
                l = len(words)
                for i in range(l):
                    if words[i][0] == '#':
                        l = i
                values = words[1:l]
                if ((len(values) == 1) and (type(self[p]['default']) != list)):
                    self[p]['value'] = self._get_val(values[0])
                    if words[0] == 'types':
                        #in this case have to set flags for possible new type
                        extraLigandTypes = self.checkLigTypes(values[0])
                elif words[0] == 'ligand_types':
                    self[p]['value'] = string.join(words[1:l])
                elif words[0] == 'receptor_types':
                    self[p]['value'] = string.join(words[1:l])
                elif words[0] == 'covalentmap':
                    #in this case set:
                    #covalent_ coords,constant,energy_barrier,half_width
                    self['covalentmap']['value'] = 1
                    self['covalent_half_width']['value'] = float(values[0])
                    self['covalent_energy_barrier']['value'] = float(values[1])
                    self['covalent_coords']['value'] = [float(values[2]),\
                        float(values[3]), float(values[4])]
                    self[p]['value'] = []
                elif words[0] == 'nbp_r_eps':
                    #in this case have to check for nhb,ohb,shb +mset
                    #in this case have to check for new type constants
                    ptype = words[-1]
                    if len(words[l]) == 1: keyWord = words[l + 1]
                        keyWord = words[l][1:]
                    mtype = string.split(keyWord, '-')[0]
                    ntype = string.split(keyWord, '-')[1]
                    if mtype in checkedTypes:
                    if mtype in ['N', 'O', 'S'] and ntype == 'H':
                        #check for 12 6 vs 12 10 here
                        ind = mtype + 'HB'
                        if values[3] == '10':
                            self[ind]['value'] = 1
                            self[ind]['value'] = 0
                    if mtype in extraLigandTypes:
                        i = ptype + mtype + ntype
                        Rij[i] = float(words[1])
                        epsij[i] = float(words[2])
                elif words[0] == 'sol_par':
                    if len(words[l]) == 1: mtype = words[l + 1]
                    else: mtype = words[l][1]
                    if mtype in extraLigandTypes:
                        SolVol[mtype] = float(values[0])
                        SolPar[mtype] = float(values[1])
                elif words[0] == 'constant':
                    if len(words[l]) == 1: mtype = words[l + 1]
                    else: mtype = words[l][1]
                    SolCon[mtype] = float(values[0])
                elif words[0] == 'gridcenter' and l > 1:
                    #need to convert to float
                    newvalue = [
                    self['gridcenterAuto']['value'] = 0
                    self[p]['value'] = newvalue
                    self[p]['value'] = []
                    for v in values: