def trace_unhandled_exceptions(self, frame, event, arg):
     # Note that we ignore the frame as this tracing method should only be put in topmost frames already.
     if event == 'exception' and arg is not None:
         from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_breakpoints import stop_on_unhandled_exception
         py_db, t, additional_info = self._args[0:3]
         if arg is not None:
             exctype, value, tb = arg
             stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, exctype,
                                         value, tb)
     # return SafeCallWrapper(self.trace_unhandled_exceptions)
     # ELSE
     return self.trace_unhandled_exceptions
    def trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions(self, frame, event, arg):
        # print('trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions', event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno)
        if self._frame_trace_dispatch is not None:
            # This deals with raised exceptions
            self._frame_trace_dispatch = self._frame_trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg)

        if event == 'exception':
            self._last_exc_arg = arg
            self._last_raise_line = frame.f_lineno

        elif event == 'return' and self._last_exc_arg is not None:
            # For unhandled exceptions we actually track the return when at the topmost level.
                py_db, t, additional_info = self._args[0:3]
                if not additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled:  # Note: only check it here, don't set.
                    if frame.f_lineno in self._raise_lines:
                        stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)

                        if self._try_except_info is None:
                            self._try_except_info = collect_try_except_info(frame.f_code)
                        if not self._try_except_info:
                            # Consider the last exception as unhandled because there's no try..except in it.
                            stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)
                            # Now, consider only the try..except for the raise
                            valid_try_except_infos = []
                            for try_except_info in self._try_except_info:
                                if try_except_info.is_line_in_try_block(self._last_raise_line):

                            if not valid_try_except_infos:
                                stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)

                                # Note: check all, not only the "valid" ones to cover the case
                                # in "tests_python.test_tracing_on_top_level.raise_unhandled10"
                                # where one try..except is inside the other with only a raise
                                # and it's gotten in the except line.
                                for try_except_info in self._try_except_info:
                                    if try_except_info.is_line_in_except_block(frame.f_lineno):
                                        if (
                                                frame.f_lineno == try_except_info.except_line or
                                                frame.f_lineno in try_except_info.raise_lines_in_except
                                            # In a raise inside a try..except block or some except which doesn't
                                            # match the raised exception.
                                            stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)
                                            break  # exited during the except block (no exception raised)
                # Remove reference to exception after handling it.
                self._last_exc_arg = None

        # IFDEF CYTHON
        # return SafeCallWrapper(self.trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions)
        # ELSE
        return self.trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions
    def trace_unhandled_exceptions(self, frame, event, arg):
        # Note that we ignore the frame as this tracing method should only be put in topmost frames already.
        # print('trace_unhandled_exceptions', event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno)
        if event == 'exception' and arg is not None:
            py_db, t, additional_info = self._args[0:3]
            if arg is not None:
                if not additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled:
                    additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled = True

                    stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, arg)
        # IFDEF CYTHON
        # return SafeCallWrapper(self.trace_unhandled_exceptions)
        # ELSE
        return self.trace_unhandled_exceptions
    def trace_unhandled_exceptions(self, frame, event, arg):
        # Note that we ignore the frame as this tracing method should only be put in topmost frames already.
        # print('trace_unhandled_exceptions', event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno)
        if event == 'exception' and arg is not None:
            py_db, t, additional_info = self._args[0:3]
            if arg is not None:
                if not additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled:
                    additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled = True

                    stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, arg)

        # No need to reset frame.f_trace to keep the same trace function.
        # IFDEF CYTHON
        # return SafeCallWrapper(self.trace_unhandled_exceptions)
        # ELSE
        return self.trace_unhandled_exceptions
    def trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions(self, frame, event, arg):
        # print('trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions', event, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno)
        if self._frame_trace_dispatch is not None:
            self._frame_trace_dispatch = self._frame_trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg)

        if event == 'exception':
            self._last_exc_arg = arg
            self._last_raise_line = frame.f_lineno

        elif event == 'return' and self._last_exc_arg is not None:
            # For unhandled exceptions we actually track the return when at the topmost level.
                py_db, t, additional_info = self._args[0:3]
                if not additional_info.suspended_at_unhandled:  # Note: only check it here, don't set.
                    if frame.f_lineno in self._raise_lines:
                        stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)

                        if self._try_except_info is None:
                            self._try_except_info = collect_try_except_info(frame.f_code)
                        if not self._try_except_info:
                            # Consider the last exception as unhandled because there's no try..except in it.
                            stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)
                            # Now, consider only the try..except for the raise
                            valid_try_except_infos = []
                            for try_except_info in self._try_except_info:
                                if try_except_info.is_line_in_try_block(self._last_raise_line):

                            if not valid_try_except_infos:
                                stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)

                                # Note: check all, not only the "valid" ones to cover the case
                                # in "tests_python.test_tracing_on_top_level.raise_unhandled10"
                                # where one try..except is inside the other with only a raise
                                # and it's gotten in the except line.
                                for try_except_info in self._try_except_info:
                                    if try_except_info.is_line_in_except_block(frame.f_lineno):
                                        if (
                                                frame.f_lineno == try_except_info.except_line or
                                                frame.f_lineno in try_except_info.raise_lines_in_except
                                            # In a raise inside a try..except block or some except which doesn't
                                            # match the raised exception.
                                            stop_on_unhandled_exception(py_db, t, additional_info, self._last_exc_arg)
                                            break  # exited during the except block (no exception raised)
                # Remove reference to exception after handling it.
                self._last_exc_arg = None

        # IFDEF CYTHON
        # ret = SafeCallWrapper(self.trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions)
        # ELSE
        ret = self.trace_dispatch_and_unhandled_exceptions
        # ENDIF
        # Need to reset (the call to _frame_trace_dispatch may have changed it).
        frame.f_trace = ret
        return ret